Stars, Crossed, part 1
22nd February
09:59 GMT -5
"That's… Quite a lot of people."
"Sure is." Ted reaches up slightly to put his left arm around my shoulders. "They told me they were coming, but usually about half of them drop out." He turns his head to look at me, a small smile on his lips. "Can't imagine why that didn't happen this time."
"It's just been a while since I did anything in front of an audience of strangers."
"When was the last time?"
"Primary School production of Peter Pan."
He looks speculatively at me. "Oh? What role did you have?"
"Nana." He squints. "The Dog."
His grip loosens slightly as he gives me a look of stunned disbelief, gradually morphing into-.
"Bwah-ha-ha-ha!" He bends over, clutching his stomach.
Fine, then. "I was a great Nana." I stride out of the wings and onto the stage, giving a wave to the journalists who've gathered to hear our announcement. A handful I recognise -ooh, that's Ms Lane- but most of them I've never seen before. That's fine, we wanted a more serious crowd for this than the usual superperson reportage. I stop just past the middle point and generate a construct podium. I won't need it for most of the lecture but when I was practising I found that it helped to have somewhere to put my arms when I didn't have anything to point at. I rest them there and lean forwards slightly. "Good morning, everyone. I'd like to thank you all for coming. Ted will be on-" I look off-stage… Oh for goodness sake, he's fallen onto his knees. It's not that funny. "-a bit later to demonstrate some of KordTech's latest developments, but first you're going to have to sit through a short lecture on comparative xenosociology from me."
No one looks particularly upset at the prospect. Re-sult. "It occurred to me some time ago that the Green Lantern Corps must have built up a colossal database of information on.. just about every different type of civilisation across this galaxy. I'm -obviously- not a Green Lantern, but since that information isn't considered to be secure they were willing to share it with me. Millions of years of data is far too much for most people to examine in any detail… I mean, who hasn't gone on Encarta Populi to look something up only to emerge hours later-" A polite laugh from the audience. "-with no idea where all the time went. I had the ring-" I raise my left hand slightly. "-go through it all for points of interest. What I was really looking for is… Some way.. to evaluate how well we're doing. As a species. Just how good is our technology compared to what other species have? I mean, most people have seen pictures of Superman's Fortress-" My eyes alight on Ms Lane for a moment. "-which employs Kryptonian technology, but pretty much by definition any species that's managed to come here is going to be more advanced than us. Because otherwise we'd have gone there."
"First thing I discovered? A lot of species don't get past late medieval, and even fewer get past early industrial." I pause there for a moment and make eye contact with a random selection of journalists. "It makes sense, when you think about it. Industrial society requires fuel; you can get by on charcoal for a while but what you really need is coal. If the species evolves before coal happens in sufficient quantity and accessibility, they can't use it. In some places they don't even get that far; if the planet doesn't have tree analogues for easy growing fuel and building material they can end up getting stuck earlier."
"Of course, that's just technology, in terms of social organisation all sorts of things can happen. I actually came across one species where they have a planetary government despite not being able to use technology more complicated than a windmill. They travel long distances on the backs of animals and build their multilane roads with stone blocks." I trigger the stage's holo display, showing a part of the road network as seen from low orbit. It visibly covers a continent the size of Africa.
"So, ignoring them, how are we doing? In absolute terms, not all that well. Any species that continues to develop will get past the point we currently occupy. A better question then is: how fast are we developing, compared to how fast other species did when they were our age? And that's where this graph-" I change the image to a slightly wiggly line, starting bottom left and moving to the top right. "-comes in. Along the bottom-" I dismiss the lectern and walk over to point at the image. "-rank order, one to… Well, it's a big number. Up the side, 'development points'. I awarded points for how quickly the species reached a particular developmental milestone; first tool use, first copper smelting, first iron smelting, first mechanical engine, first powered flight, things like that. I also gave points for how widespread those things became; no points for developing it in a workshop somewhere and never using it like the ancient Greeks did with steam power."
"What I got was a very subjective line, but it should be enough to give us a rough idea. The result?" I create a construct baton and point. "We're just under two thirds of the way up the development speeds table." Another look around the room. "That's not bad. I mean, we're no Colu-" I point to a spot near the 'fast developing' end of the line. "-and we're certainly not Maltus-" I point to the very end of the line. "-where they went from discovering iron to 'you still use metal, how quaint' in the space of a day, but we're doing better than a lot of species did."
I turn away from the display and spread my arms out. "Pat yourselves on the back, Humans. Well done." A bit of laughter and people are generally looking happier. I'll soon fix that. "But there's always room for improvement. For example, I was awarding points for implementation. There are still large areas of the Earth out there that don't have running water, sanitation… You've heard that argument before, I'm sure. And to be honest, even if I restrict my analysis to the advanced parts of the world it doesn't change our rank that much. You can get a plane in most places, you can certainly buy iron in most places… What really brings us down is our failure to implement the most advanced stuff which we have anywhere at all."
The image changes again. "This is a picture of Earth's first interplanetary teleporter. Show of hands, who thinks it's been developed since two thousand?" I wait patiently while they look around and a few hands start to creep up. "Come on, don't be shy. Okay, keep them up aaand raise yours if you think it was developed since nineteen ninety?" More hands. Most are now up. "Good, thanks for playing along. Nineteen eighty?" A few more. "Okay, thank you, you can put them down. That, is Professor Erdel's original zeta tube generator. It was built in the nineteen fifties. When it was first activated-" I set the display to do a slideshow of pictures taken from newspapers of the time. "-it caused brownouts and blackouts across three states and transported Mister J'onn J'onzz -the Martian Manhunter- to Earth from Mars. Take a moment to think about that. Earth has had interplanetary teleportation technology for sixty years."
"President Nixon approved the development of the space shuttle in nineteen sixty nine. It costs four hundred and fifty million dollars to launch a space shuttle today. Once you factor in all of the other costs of the program it works out costing over a billion dollars per launch. All that time, Doctor Erdel's company was being denied funding by the Federal Government. Despite having a product that was -by galactic standards-" I switch the slide back to the graph. "-something we might have expected to develop about two hundred years later. They limped by for decades on university funding, only able to make small scale models and tests. A ride to the moon via a current generation zeta tube would cost you about forty dollars a time once the system was set up. And today, the only people who use zeta tubes on Earth are the Justice League."
Another round of eye contact. "And if that fact makes you angry? Then you're in good company, because it makes me bloody angry. Human technological development is being retarded by stupid people. And I'm not having it any more."
22nd February
10:04 GMT -5
"Doctor Morrow was building AIs in the nineteen thirties and today they're just about the only ones that exist." The hologram shows a family photo of him with his three creations. "Why? Clifford DeVoe built a cybernetic implant that made him telepathic and telekinetic in the forties, a device that let a pudgy man in his fifties take on the Justice Society." The display shifts to show a newspaper picture from the time. "Not 'a member of the Justice Society'. All of them. At once. In a straight fight." I take a metal helmet out of subspace. "This is as accurate a recreation as I can make. This thing uses transistors, for goodness sake." I spread my arms wide. "So where's my gods damned telepathy machine?" I take the new and improved model out of subspace. It takes the form of a skullcap. "This is what it looks like if you make one using modern technology instead. We're still working on how to safely and removably attach it to someone's brain." I send them both back into subspace.
"But the thing that really got to me, the thing that reduced me to hissing, eye watering apoplexy? Doctor Thaddeus Sivana." A picture of the man in his younger days. "You all know him as a supervillain who occasionally goes on the rampage in Fawcett City before Captain Marvel stops him. But he was actually a legitimate scientist for far longer than he's been a supervillain. Know what pushed him over the edge?" I pause. "No, me neither. Pretty much the first thing he did as a supervillain was try and take revenge on those who rejected his ideas and destroy all publically accessible records of his work. But I've read the reports from the survivors. Smart viruses that could target and replace damaged DNA segments, economic hydrogen fuel cells… If he'd been a better businessman…" I sigh. "I had a conversation with Lex Luthor last September.. at the Rhelasian peace summit last year. He hadn't heard that before James Dyson went into business for himself he'd tried to sell his bagless vacuum design to Hoover. They turned him down. Later on, after it became a massive success they told him that if they'd known in advance they'd have bought the design and sat on it simply because they liked the market as it was. But for a quirk of fate British superheroes might have ended up fighting Vacuum Man." The hologram shows a mock up of James Dyson as a supervillain, but this time there's no laughter.
I hold out my left arm. **Now, please.** A moment later a G-Sprite flies in from off stage and lands on my arm. "Those of you who attended Dubbilex's public.. unveiling may remember these." I have the holo display play footage of our press conference. "This, is a G-Sprite. Cadmus Labs created them as… Just about the only commercially applicable result of their study into Kryptonian physiology. I should point out here that Cadmus is not in any way a wholly owned subsidiary of LexCorp." Ms Lane manages a wry half-smile at that claim. "All the stuff Kryptonians can do is… Well, it's basically impossible to replicate with Human technology. But that doesn't mean that it's no use at all. These little guys-" I run my right forefinger along its glowing abdomen. "-generate electricity. Inside here is a suspension of cloned Kryptonian cells. When they're exposed to sunlight… Or the right frequencies of artificial light, organelles inside Kryptonian cells undergo some rather interesting exotic energy processes. This gel converts it to electricity which G-Sprites are designed to be able to discharge safely." I take a metal cable out of subspace and earth the far end. **If you please?**
The G-Sprite flaps its wings and rises off my arm, extends its forelegs and flashes of electricity start leaping from their tips into the cable. "G-Sprites aren't intelligent. Even if the Sophont Recognition Act.. or whatever they end up calling it, passes, they wouldn't be covered. I've got a G-Gnome backstage relaying my instructions to it. Unfortunately, they really aren't practical for anywhere that isn't a bleeding edge biotechnology laboratory to use, and as such Cadmus has no plans to expand production." **Thank you, that will be all.** The G-Sprite stops shocking the cable and flies back off stage.
I return the cable to subspace and change the display back to the graph. "So let's go back to the graph. If we were actually using the technology that we have, how would we be doing? I'll show you." I recreate the construct baton. "We're currently here and we could be here." I point to a spot just inside the top quarter. "Quite a big jump. This is where we could be, and if you don't really care about advancing faster than alien species… Then think about how much easier your life could be."
I eliminate the baton, but leave the two points on the graph visible. "Superheroes usually limit themselves to law enforcement and helping during natural disasters. I don't want to live a life where all I do is stop things getting worse. That's why I've been working with KordTech to see what other underutilised ideas and technologies there are floating around and helping their development. For the next part of my act I'm going to need a volunteer from the audience and- " I generate a construct arrow over the head of an overweight neckbeard in the sixth row. "-since you, sir, were the only one to say the correct date for Doctor Erdel's experiment the moment I put the picture on the screen-" He looks shocked, points to one of his chins and mouths 'me?' at me. "-I'm going to give you first refusal. Well done, by the way. I respect people who know their stuff."
He stares for a moment then stands and begins making his way out of the row of seats. "Okay, if we could lift up the curtain, please?" It rises, revealing a pair of Dolmen Gates. "These are Dolmen Gates. Arcane technology. The Fae have used the same sort of system for thousands of years but this is the first time they've become commercially available to the rest of us. For those of you with your ears most closely to the ground, you may have heard that their designer and I did a demonstration for the London City Council a while ago. Before long, these will be installed in a specially designed building in London for people to get used to."
"What do they do? Simply put, anything that goes through one comes out of the other, including-" I rise off the floor and float towards the one on the stage's left, facing the ring. "-light." I can clearly see the audience out of the other ring and I give them a wave before turning back around and dropping to the floor. "Their range isn't unlimited, but we tested them with one on the Moon and the other in our laboratory and there was no problem there. Price per journey? Zero. No money. Let that sink in for a moment."
Neckbeard has climbed up onto the stage, hardly wheezing at all. I walk over to him and hold out my right hand. "Welcome aboard. What's your name?"
He shakes it. "David Roscoe. I'm from Seed magazine."
"Glad to meet you, David. What I need you to do is very simple: walk through one of the rings. Don't worry, they were checked over just before everyone came in, they're in perfect condition."
"Okay!" He grins, nods, looks at the one on the right and heads towards it.
I walk off to the side so that the audience can get a unobstructed view of each Gate. "Set up costs are 'we don't know yet'. They're made in Atlantis and there's no established exchange rate. Estimates are 'less than a billion dollars a time'."
Mister Roscoe slows down slightly as he gets to the right hand Gate. Doesn't stop though. He carries on straight through and reappears through the left hand one. "That it?"
"That's it. How did it feel?"
"Iiiit… Didn't really feel like anything. Just walking through air."
"That's how it's supposed to feel. Thank you for your help, please return to your seat. David Roscoe, ladies and gentlemen." There's a smattering of applause as he shambles back towards his seat.
"One last thing before I hand over to Ted. People have asked some of… Those of us who have access to alien technology: 'why aren't you sharing'? And a perfectly reasonable answer is: 'because we don't want to make you dependent on us for stuff'. All the stuff I've shown you, all the things Ted will be showing you in a minute are the products of Human ingenuity. Except this last thing. I had to think long and hard about this, because a lot of the arguments I'm using to justify doing this could justify a lot of things. I had to.. find a sector of the economy that was completely moribund, uncreative and generally not serving the interest of the population as a whole. A market failure, a monopoly… Something where the negative consequences were spilling over into other sectors and distorting not just world economics but politics as well."
"Simply put, the area I chose was electrical power generation. Coal pollutes. Gas pollutes. Green fuels aren't reliable and nuclear builds up waste we can't deal with other than by burying it. Perhaps more importantly, according to the graph? A species in our position really should have moved on to hydrogen or exotics by now. So that's what we're doing. The city of-." A stage hand wheels a trolley on from the wings. "Thank you. The city of New York has kindly agreed to be our field testing ground for a Bleed Torsion Generator. Things like this-" I indicate the device. "-are used for civilian power generation and non-critical military power generation by dozens of spacefaring species. This device alone can meet about a New York City and a half's peak power demand. We can't get that much to people's homes due to loss in transmission, but fixing that problem is something Ted wants to talk to you about now."
I pause for breath. Yes. This is… This is good. This is exactly what a superhero should be doing with his life. "I'm Orange Lantern two eight one four and thank you very much for listening."
The applause is thunderous as I exit the stage.
22nd February
09:17 GMT -6
I've got a buzz going. This is exactly the sort of thing a superhero should be doing: identifying a threat no one else can deal with and permanently removing it.
The people of Central City aren't quite as blasé about huge grey people walking down their streets as the people of Metropolis or New York are, but after a quick stare and a slight shrink back most of them clock that I'm not really doing anything particularly fearsome and settle for just keeping an eye on me. If my armour had pockets I'd put my hands in them to further defuse my potential for causing alarm. Since it doesn't, I settle for doing a sort of tuneless near-whistling. Before I came to this place I couldn't whistle beyond the occasional single note. Going venom buster took away what little ability I had. Now… A few notes.
Yeeeess, I missed my target date for killing Klarion buuut I didn't have a deadline, so killing him today isn't significantly worse than killing him when I originally planned to. Jade was surprisingly okay about me missing Valentine's Day, and the substitute date I set up in the habitat I've been building on Ceres for Ra's' resurrected animal species appears to have smoothed over any lingering irritation. Constructing the place took some doing, but the artificial systems for atmosphere regulation, gravity and keeping the whole thing from melting the planet around it are all set up. Really, I've done as much as I can until he lets me know what biosphere he wants me to start with.
I think.. Jade likes the fact that I'm making an effort at making allies with another member of the Light. Building bridges to further my career. I felt good about it… Until about half way through the conversation when I became painfully aware that I haven't done anything equivalent for a member of the Justice League. My team mates, sure, I've done things for them, but… I don't know, maybe a bit of effort earlier on…
I suppose that given how they're going to react to this, it's just as well I didn't waste the time. Ah, here we go; Global Broadcasting News' Central City office. I've left the Sphere and Mister Tawny behind for this one. I want to be clear that it's a solo effort. Just me, Father Box and hopefully Catherine Grant and her camera and sound men. Or women, whichever. I have backup journalists in mind if she turns me down, but this is her beat. Now, where is she? The car park? No no, we can't have that. Father Box, connect to the Hush Tube and get me down there.
Thank you. I step through into the grey concrete car park and let it close behind me. It's fascinating, my own development as a minor divine. I can now perceive the aperture of a hush tube unaided as a sort of white purple tunnel, though I can't quite work out how to fully describe how it moves in the English language.
"…setting up as soon as possible. I doubt anything's happening quite yet, but I want to get a good set-up location."
A couple of people in GBS jackets are loading things into a news van. Miss Grant herself is talking to her camerawoman next to the passenger side door. With hush tubes being.. hushed, they haven't heard me.
Hmm. I start walking slowly in their direction and pointedly clear my throat. Not enough noise to demand their attention but enough that they become aware that someone is sharing the space with them. The people loading equipment don't bother looking around. Miss Grant glances my way for a fraction of a second, returns her attention to her co-worker without really registering what it is she's seen, then turns back towards me with the 'Do I need to run?' look on her face.
"Miss Grant, good morning. How does the day find you?"
The camerawoman looks around and I can just about hear the "Oh shit." she mutters under her breath.
Miss Grant blinks and mentally steadies herself. "Um… Well, thank you." She gives me a slightly closer look. "You're Grayven, aren't you?"
"That's me."
"I saw the footage from Fawcett City."
"We met before that, actually." She looks a little blank. "Taipei? Rhelasian peace conference? I was a little larger?" I hold my right hand out to indicate my former height and receive a cautious nod. "You ended up cutting me from just about every rebroadcast?"
"It's fine. Big grey man fighting other big grey men. Confusing visual, and it ends up being hard to know who to root for if you're channel hopping." I come to a halt about five metres from her. Far enough away not to loom, I hope. "Listen, have you got… Half an hour? It'll be worth your while."
"Well I…" She looks around to the rest of her crew, then back at me. "What did you have in mind?"
"I intend to lure the primary actor behind the Roanoke Island incident into an ambush, then kill him. Then hand myself over to the Central City Police." Not what she was expecting. "While we're waiting for him to turn up I can also give you more information on that whole period. I was.. in at the death, so I can tell you things which the Justice League never released to the public."
"You're.. going to kill him?"
"Yes, yes I am. I have no way to imprison him or depower him and the alternative is leaving him out in the wild to attack again, which I consider to be unconscionable." I smile at her. "I would appreciate a quick decision."
She looks at her co-workers again. They're all looking at her. "Ahh… Legally.. I don't think-."
"There's no way you can stop me or warn anyone who could. The most you can do is make sure that there is a good recording of it."
She's still a little stunned, but it looks like she's considering it. "Would we be safe?"
"No complete guarantee. I've set up a warded and force field protected viewing area and I've got a dead man's switch that will alert the Justice League if I die." The Sword of Second and Third is strapped to a scabbard on my left leg, and I run my left index finger over the pommel. "Knock down drag out fights with things like Klarion are a terrible idea so I don't intend to take long about it. If he's still alive after about ten seconds then I'm probably going to lose."
"That's his name. Klarion the Witch Boy. He's a Chaos Lord, which essentially means…" Hold on. "I should probably explain that on camera, don't you think?"
"I don't know…"
"Oh, come on. Your network got hours out of the execution of his co-offenders and you had to pay the Chinese for the privilege of using the footage! I hardly think you're in a position to be precious about this. You'll also note how I'm not in prison after I killed Sabbac Two on live television a couple of weeks ago."
Miss Grant opens her mouth slightly, then glances at the camerawoman who seems quite happy to let her make the decision. She looks down for a moment, then nods to me. "Okay. Do you want to.. do it here?"
"In the middle of a city? You crazy? No, I'm not fighting him here."
"Okay. Where-?"
"Father Box, boom tube."
There's the signature bang and rush of displaced air as the tube opens in the air next to us.
"A field outside Central City, presently left fallow." I trigger my aero discs, rising off the ground and drifting forwards. "I've spent some time preparing the ground to give me every advantage." As well as picking a time Mister Barry Allen would be occupied with laboratory work and surrounded by colleagues in such a way that he couldn't easily sneak out.
Miss Grant looks out over the grassland for a moment and then grimaces. "Knew I shoulda worn flats."
"Allow me." A burst of orange from my eyes dumps her actually quite expensive but ridiculously impractical high heeled shoes into subspace and replaces them with comfortable walking boots. "Better? I'm.. storing the shoes, you can have them back afterwards."
"Thank you." She turns back to her crew. "Guys, finish packing up then come on through." There are a few nods and the camerawoman hurries around the van to get into the driving seat. "So." She turns towards me and starts walking towards the tube. "Mister Grayven, what made you want to become a vigilante serial killer?"
I make a show of giving the question careful consideration. "I think it was mostly Father's influence…"
22nd February
09:29 GMT -6
"I'm here about…" She checks the distant mass of Central City behind her. "Twenty miles west of Central City with Grayven of Apokolips. Viewers may remember Grayven from his brutal slaying of Sabbac in Fawcett City two weeks ago." I nod at the camera. "Grayven, why don't you tell our viewers what you've got planned for today?"
"Thank you Catherine. Today I'm going to kill someone called 'Klarion the Witch Boy'. Klarion was the primary instigator of the Roanoke Island Incident which -as I'm sure your viewers will remember- involved adults and children being shifted onto two separate parallel Earths and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, mostly of young children."
Not sure how well grey skin shows up on camera. The makeup artist just sort of looked at me and sagged. Ah, I'm sure they can sort something out in post production.
"I had been under the impression that the Chinese government executed the criminals responsible for that."
"The Chinese executed William Zard… 'Wizard', Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust and Wotan. They were the ones who handled the 'Adult Side' of the split. Klarion was in operational command and personally handled the child side. He was able to escape via a portal to the Plane of Chaos and chose not to share his escape route with his comrades. Aside from one attack on the Justice League he's been keeping his head down ever since."
"If he was on the child side, does that mean that he's a child himself?"
"As a Lord of Chaos, Klarion is effectively ageless. It seems likely that he was able to ascend while he was indeed a child, but any attempt to work out how old he is now is futile at best. My concern is safeguarding the world from his deciding to repeat Roanoke Island tomorrow, something he's perfectly capable of doing."
"If he's so dangerous, why haven't the Justice League dealt with him?"
"While I wouldn't presume to speak for the Justice League, I would imagine that there are three main reasons. Firstly, finding a Lord of Chaos who doesn't want to be found is very difficult. Klarion can block scrying attempts… Attempts to locate him with magic, and as a result is very difficult to find. And if they were able to corner him he can shift to the Plane of Chaos again and none of them can follow him there." Miss Grant nods. "Secondly, the Justice League is primarily a reactive organisation. A supervillain commits a major crime and they move in to stop them. With Klarion voluntarily inactive he's rather slipped down their priority list. I mean-" I smile for the camera. "-it's not as if they're likely to run short of more urgent threats any time soon. As we speak fully half the League are in combat with ne'er-do-wells of various stripes. And most of them do have secret identities to maintain."
"That sounds reasonable, but the Justice League is a UN organisation-."
I raise my right hand. "Sorry, but that's not exactly true. The Justice League has a UN mandate, but they existed before receiving it and they run their own affairs. If it were withdrawn tomorrow I doubt very much that the group would split up."
"My point is, couldn't they have police in every UN member country on the look out for Clarion?"
"Well, that leads on to their third problem. If they found him, and he didn't flee, what exactly could they do with him? I've spoken to Giovanni Zatara, the League's magic specialist. He told me that he knows of no way to imprison Klarion, either through mundane means or arcane means."
"What about control collars, like the ones used in Belle Reve?"
"Like this?" I extract a control collar my size out of subspace. "Observe." I clamp it shut around my neck and activate it. "The collar is now trying to identify the mechanism by which my metahuman abilities work so that it can block them." The light flashes. "It now thinks it's finished, but as you can see-" I generate a simple construct sword. "-it can't stop the advanced technology of this power ring. It also-" I reach up with my right hand, grip it and rip it off, the collar shattering around my neck. "-does nothing to magic or aliens. If someone put one around Klarion's neck the only way it would stop him is if it made him laugh too much to keep fighting."
"You believe that killing him is the only way."
I nod solemnly. "I'm afraid so."
"The Justice League's mandate doesn't permit them to carry out 'field executions'. A number of analysts -mostly on the political right- have suggested in the past that this is a major flaw in their organisation. Do you agree with them?"
I sigh. "I'm.. not sure. The League are very idealistic people. It's a little like… I don't know if you are aware, but in Britain there is a great deal of public support for euthanasia, at least in the case of people who are terminally ill, in agony and capable of giving consent. But doctors won't hear of it, because they don't want that to be the sort of thing doctors do. They're there to make people better. The League view themselves as being there to assist police, doing things they can't. They don't want to start handing out summary sentences themselves because.. they don't want to be those people, even if an objective analysis suggests that it would be helpful in some circumstances. They also don't want to step on government toes. Taking authority to hand out sentences -especially death sentences- would be a major shift in power in the relationship between the League and nation states, and a lot of countries wouldn't countenance it."
"Why not?"
"The Chinese super functionary Socialist Red Guardsman has killed hundreds -perhaps thousands- of innocent.. or at least debatably guilty people in his career. He works for the Chinese government. Do you really think they would accept the Justice League -an organisation largely comprised of Americans- passing sentence on him? Heck, I doubt that most American congressional representatives would accept the idea. But even if some countries were, it simply isn't practical for the League to accept the level of oversight they'd need in order to maintain the appearance of due process."
"Do you think that the Justice League should be prepared to kill people like Clarion, even if they didn't have legal authority to do so?"
"You know? I actually don't. I'll be honest with you, I don't want them to be that sort of organisation, either. I'd really be more comfortable for nation states to agree on a mechanism whereby an international court could try people like Klarion in absentia and pass death sentences if needed."
"But no such court exists. Without it being there, do you think it would be better for the Justice League to kill people like Clarion to prevent them from committing more acts of terror, especially when so many lives are at stake?"
"That's assuming that the League could win that fight. Last time I saw him actually stick around Klarion was perfectly happy to fight against a whole team of superheroes and -despite their best efforts- he didn't look particularly hard pressed."
"But you believe you can kill him. What do you have that they don't?"
"I have the sword which killed Satan. I have a prepared field and absolutely no problem with killing an opponent when needs be. I won't hesitate, I won't listen to dishonest pleading, I'll just kill him."
"The… The sword which killed Satan? As in..?"
"Technically, the First of the Fallen wasn't Satan-Satan, but he ruled Hell and was in general completely horrible, so it's splitting hairs to argue the point. Oh, sorry, that wasn't me, that was a female Demon named Chantinelle, -good work there Elle- but we're getting off the topic there."
"… Right, yes." She goldfishes for a moment, then pulls herself together admirably. "And you're sure that this sword can kill Clarion."
"I've practised with it a little, and it appears to work as advertised. I can't be completely certain until I've actually used it on Klarion, because the only way to be that sure would have been to draw the attention of another Lord of Chaos and, well, that would have been a very bad idea."
"If Clarion tends to avoid direct confrontation, how do you intend to draw him here?"
"Your older viewers may remember Doctor Fate. He was a member of the Justice Society in the forties and fifties. He was a Lord of Order, and he was able to describe to me the process of becoming a Lord of Order. Now, I'm far too independently minded to undergo that process myself, but I have set up a ritual that will look like someone is attempting to undergo an Order-based ascension. The early stages of it at least. I also have the remains of Klarion's original familiar, which will allow me to make absolutely sure that he can hear what is going on. Someone attempting to become a Lord of Order on his patch is the one thing that is bound to demand Klarion's immediate attention."
"And what if he doesn't?"
"Then the fact that the man who killed his cat is here certainly will."
22nd February
09:38 GMT -6
"…getting Teekl's remains from the top of the Tower of Fate. Honestly, after it happened I just left them there."
I think that Ms Grant has gone pale, but under all that makeup it's a little hard to tell. "And what about the powder?"
"The ground up bones of Nabu's previous hosts. Oh, don't worry, not the most recent one. The owners of these bones have been dead for millennia. And they'd almost certainly approve of the use to which I'm putting them." I take a moment to look at the shape I'm making and compare it to my notes. Had to create a construct-windbreak, but… Yep, that's about right. God-vision shows a definite etheric energy flow so I'll assume that part is working…
"Could you describe the significance of the shape?"
"Certainly." I'm wearing a personal microphone while Ms Grant and her crew are within a force field protected viewing area. "Certain shapes channel magic energy, even in the absence of a controlling mind or spirit. Better still, they can magnify a magic user's facility for a particular form. Atlantean mages tattoo glyphs onto themselves and Lanterns like me wear rings with our own-" I create an orange sigil construct to illustrate my point. "-sigils on them. This is the design that would be used by a Human trying to turn themselves into a Lord of Order."
"What exactly would that involve?"
"I've never seen it happen, but… A Human soul is naturally connected to the arcane energies around it, in the world. Magic users learn to manipulate and enhance that connection. The ascension ritual severs that connection, replacing it with one to the Plane of Order." Hmm. "That's… A rather large oversimplification, but essentially accurate. One who went through the ritual would either be killed… Or rather erased from existence as 'impure'.. or granted a number of benefits, including massively increased arcane power."
Just the outer circle to go and I'm painfully aware that Klarion could turn up at any time. I don't have any idea how alert he is to things like this and I can't ask the members of the Light to tip me off. My drones are in position, stealthed and ready with purple death rays and blasters. No idea how useful those will be against Klarion but I really only need a fraction of a second's distraction.
Klarion shouldn't be able to observe the ritual site directly but Nabu started getting.. incoherent, when I asked for a detailed explanation. Honestly, I'm feeling a little bad about what I've done to him. What was it the former head of the Society of Leopold said in Vampire: the Masquerade? Killing an evil being is justified. Torturing them is not, because it harms the spirit of the one doing it. It's getting to the point where I think I should look for a way to put him out of his misery.
Okay, that's done. I take my x-ionised sword out of its sheath and hold it in my left hand. Another minor distraction which I hope will encourage Klarion to scoff at my attack. The Sword of Second and Third I transfer to a sheath on my left forearm. I still haven't got over quite how small it is compared with me. Certainly it doesn't look like a threat. Alright, ring, Father Box, create construct armour, boost Apokoliptian armour and monitor our environment for any sign of Klarion.
By your command.
"How long do you think it will be until he gets here?"
"No idea at all." Hmm. Teekl's remains should cause him to receive a 'ping' almost immediately. A simple scrying ritual for her would fail, but he'd be alert and looking. If he read the flows of power in the general area he'd felt her in then that would give him an idea of what was going on. At that point, would he come immediately or is he so cowed that he'd contact the rest of the Light and ask for help? No. If they weren't immediately on hand… That merging with the Djinn thing he does isn't immediate. Against an ascendant Lord of Order he'd make sure that he was prepared. Do that first.
I rise slightly into the air, unable to prevent myself from looking around and trying to anticipate where the attack will come from. Unless he's busy trying to reconnect with his chaos-magic better half. Would he make it a race? Or if he's succeeded… There really isn't any way for me to tell precisely-.
-Boy detected.
He's standing just outside the circle of bone, his eyes glowing purple, his mouth twisted in an inhuman grin and his right hand raised and crackling with purple lightning. I surge towards him as the drones open fire. Purple beams of nega-life and orange bolts of divine destruction fly at him only to be negligently batted aside. Ms Grant's mouth is sluggishly forming itself into an 'O' shape as I pull the x-ionised sword back across my body, using my left arm's bulk to conceal me taking the Sword from its scabbard.
I think Klarion's laughing.
I think I am as well.
I pass through the outer edge of the bone circle and his lightning leaps forth to greet me. It passes through my construct armour like it's not even there and -agh- I feel the pressure as it assails my divine armour and strikes at my spirit directly. I bring the x-ionised sword down with a battle cry too swift for any around me to hear and with Klarion's attention fully directed at it I drive the Sword of Second and Third hard into his gut.
Everything around me speeds up as the Garrick Formula wears off. The drones mostly cease fire, unable to get a shot off without striking me. The purple lightning Klarion had been directing at me crackles and fades as he folds slightly around the blade in his abdomen.
"Die, wretch." I yank the Sword out of his body, pull my right arm back and then slice it sideways through his neck, letting his head fall to the ground. The Sword's magic should be enough to kill him… But just in case I stamp my right foot down onto his decapitated body and drive the Sword through his heart. Purple light seeps from his wounds and a dull moaning sound… Did I get that Bedlam creature too? Oh, lucky for me. Movements in the patterns of etheric energy… Nullification of all power. Not sure that it's hitting his 'soul self' as well, but that shouldn't matter too much without a directing mind.
I wait a moment longer as the purple light fades to nothing. The holes in his body don't bleed. In fact, taking a look at the cut surface of his neck it doesn't look like he has any actual blood at all. I can see bone and what could be muscle…
"My God. Tell me you got that."
I flick my eyes in the direction of the film crew. "Don't worry if you didn't. I had an ultra fast camera running on a drone."
"Is… Is he dead?"
"As far as I can tell, yes. If you wait here, I suspect that Giovanni Zatara will be along presently to confirm it." I bend down and pick up Klarion's head. The mouth is still distorted but the eyes look surprisingly Human. Hm. That went well. Next part. Ring, Father Box, interrupt GBS broadcast and transmit Ms Grant's recording in full. Add in my recording of the fight at your discretion.
By your command.
"But if you will excuse me, I have an appointment with the Central City Police Department. Father Box, hush tube." A hole in space opens in front of me and I sheathe my weapons before I step into the reception area of the New Brighton Police Station.
The police officer on the desk looks up, then sags slightly. "The Flash ain't available right now. Can't you freaks take a number or something?"
"I'm not actually looking for the Flash." I walk slowly towards the desk. "I just.. killed a man, and I want to confess and.. hand myself in."
"Ah, jeez, why'd I have to get…" The man rubs his forehead before glaring at me. "Can't you go bother-?" I set Klarion's head down on the desk in front of him. "Holyfuckingshit!" He leaps back and scrabbles for his gun. "Get on the ground! Get on the fucking ground!"
"I'm not doing that. I think I'm being quite reasonable about-." Twelve bullets in quick succession hit me in the centre of my chest. I ignore them. "Quite reasonable about this given that you've got no way to hurt me at all. Histrionics are not required. I am handing myself in voluntarily. Now, which way do I go for mug shots?"
22nd February
10:02 GMT -6
"So…" I look down the line of holding cells at my fellow detainees. "What are you guys in here for?"
A man in a mildly dishevelled suit on the opposite side of the corridor looks up. "I got pulled-."
The tattooed youth in the cell one to the right of mine stands up. "Hey! You ain't supposed to ask that."
The man rolls his eyes. "I got pulled over last night for driving while intoxicated. I'd have been out first thing this morning if my lawyer hadn't decided to take the weekend off. Should be out in a few hours anyway."
"You know… I'm sorry if I'm intruding here, but I've got this counsellor? Who's.. been helping me with my anger management issues? If you like I can give you his num-."
"No, no." He shakes his head. "I haven't been drunk in charge of a vehicle since college. Thought I was okay…"
"What you in here for? You some kinda supervillain?"
I tilt my head slightly to the right. "How broadly are we defining 'some kind'-?"
He gets a better look at me. "You still got alla your fucking weapons!"
"This sword-" I point to my x-ionised sword. "-is the product of a classified US military project. No one in this police station is cleared to know about it. This sword-" I point to the Sword of Second and Third. "-is an arcane artefact and no one here has passed the certification to handle it. These-" I point to the ring and to Father Box. "-are sophisticated xenotechnological artefacts and again, no one has passed the certification. I quite literally can't hand them over without breaking the law further, and quite possibly getting the police in trouble. If they really wanted to confiscate them then they should have sent someone on the required courses."
The man opposite chuckles. "So you could just walk out at any time?"
"Yes, but if I wanted to do that I wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of walking in, would I?"
"You…" He blinks, too hung over for my shenanigans. "What?"
"What'd you do anyway?"
"You see-." I hear the door at the far end of the corridor open and turn my head to see who-. "Diana! Good of you to come."
The man opposite gets to his feet and starts straightening his suit while the youth blatantly checks her out. She gives me a look of despair tinged disappointment. "Grayven, what have you done?"
"I.. broadcast it on worldwide television, I don't think there can really be any doubt." I lean forwards slightly and make eye contact with the police officer escorting her. "Ah, I'd quite like my phone call now, if that's at all possible?"
Diana glances at the officer. He raises his hands and shakes his head. "He was waiting for you." He looks at me. "Do you want to come to the phone or-."
"No, it's fine, I'll just use the ring. I just wanted to make sure that I was allowed to."
The officer looks at Diana. "He's all yours."
"Could we please have a private-?"
"No, I refuse to have any special privilege. I committed a crime. This is where I belong." I look from her to him. "Isn't it?"
"Above my pay grade, pal." He sighs. "Anything else, ma'am?"
"No. Thank you." She comes to stand in front of my cell. "Why did you do it?"
"Yeaaaah, was a bit melodramatic, wasn't it? Didn't mean to get all Tom Paris on you. Still, I wanted to make my point as strongly as possible."
"You showed you knew exactly the reasons why we don't do things like that and then you did it anyway. What you've done will work towards alienating everyone from superheroes and from the Justice League."
"Really? Let's take a straw poll, shall we?" I point to my right. "You asked what I did. I killed a man. It was premeditated and deliberate. I am a murderer."
The man opposite pales and retreats slightly in his cell. "Oh God."
"Hardcore. Who was it?"
"Klarion the Witch Boy. The mastermind behind Roanoke Island."
No response. Huh? I glance to my right and his face is… Blank. He can't have missed that, can he?
"You fucking with me? Because you better not be fucking with me."
"I stabbed him in the stomach, cut off his head and ran him through the heart. Using a magic sword so he couldn't weasel out of it." Back to Diana. "Has Mister Zatara checked yet?"
"He has. As far as he and Nabu can tell, Klarion is indeed dead."
"My little… My kid sister died during that." He switches his attention to Diana. "He really get the guy?"
She sets her jaw. "It certainly appears so."
"Fuck. Man, you're my fucking hero."
"You're welcome. Ring, phone." The construct appears and I hold it to my ear. Contact President Horne's personal secretary.
By your command.
"And you, sir." I nod at the man on the opposite side of the corridor. "Does the fact that I killed a mass murderer put you off the idea of superheroics in general?"
"Well I… I don't… Couldn't you have arrested him or something?"
"No, that was impossible, no prison could hold-." The phone is picked up. "Excuse me. Grayven here, could you please put me through?"
"Yes, of course sir. He's expecting you. I'll put you through at once."
"Thank you."
"This is hardly a representative sample, and it doesn't change how-"
The phone is picked up.
"-the governments we rely on for cooperation will react to-"
"Grayven, I've seen the news."
"-one of us taking this sort of action."
External speaker.
"Good work, son. We'll get to work on the paperwork for your pardon right away."
Diana's eyes widen and I smile. "Thank you, Mister President."
"A lot of people will be able to sleep safer in their beds tonight because of what you did. Not just in America but all over the world. Now, you sit tight. It'll take a day or two to get it all sorted out. Whereabouts are you?"
"Central City, New Brighton Police Station. In a cell."
"What the heck are you doing there, son?"
"I wasn't sure if it was possible to be pardoned for something you haven't been convicted of. And I didn't want to get physically attacked by my own colleagues or anything like that. Thought it best to put myself in custody."
"Okay, ahh… I'll get someone to speak to the Chief of Police and the Mayor, let them know what's going on."
"Thank you, Mister President. I'm extremely grateful to you."
"Okay, I'd like to talk with you some more but I've got a thing…"
"I understand completely, sir. You're a busy man. Thank you for your time." End call. "Sounds like the government's cool with it too."
"You told him in advance."
"Told the President of America that I was going to murder a man?"
"And now you can join the Light." I nod to the side. "Give me your weapons."
"Certainly." I pull the ring from my left forefinger and hold it out. "Don't touch the inside, that triggers the mental influence effect." She takes it. "Aaand the sword." I detach the scabbard containing the x-ionised blade. "And the other sword."
She takes them. "So it isn't suicidal anymore?"
"Giving it up permanently would be. You're just holding it on behalf of the police. Once the pardon goes through you have to give it back. Heh, or it's theft."
She takes a breath to calm herself. "Anything else?"
"You can have my armour if you want, but I'm not wearing anything underneath."
"Father Box."
"Father Box is a sentient organism and my accomplice. He also doesn't have any weaponry." A little misleading, but essentially true, and her built in lie detector will confirm that.
She nods, then sighs. "I hope you're pleased with yourself."
"Thank you." I nod, slowly and deliberately. "I am."
"Get up."
Huh? Wha? I open my eyes. This room isn't-. Police station, right.
"Grayven, get up."
Batman? Ring, what-? Oh. Yes. Father Box, what time is it?
22nd February
21:49 GMT -6
Thank you.
I push myself up into a sitting position and look at him. "I don't think I'm supposed to have visitors at this time of night."
"I told you to get up."
I peer at him. His voice sounds… Different. Gruffer. Gravellier. Has he taken up smoking or is he just that angry with me? His costume looks a little different as well; the bat 'ears' are sticking out slightly to the side rather than pointing straight up. It's also darker than I'm used to, less armoured and the green highlights…
I blink and look to the wall to my left. The wall is nearly completely obscured by a matte black rectangle which crackles with dull green lightning. The very centre is a shimmering point of white light which pulses and releases waves that expand outwards toward the edges then disappear.
Huh. I don't recognise the technology. Father Box?
Looks like someone's been holding out on us, then. Keeping my eyes on Batman I rise to a crouch. "What can I do for you, sir?"
"Come with me." He turns and steps towards the portal.
"Sir, I'm… Something of an amateur at being under arrest, but I don't think that's how it's supposed to work."
He turns his head just before reaching the aperture. "I gave you an order, Grayven. Get moving." He steps into it, his body shimmering for a moment and then vanishing.
Hmm. Well, that was an order. Can't really.. disobey. He went through the portal himself so I can't use the 'suicidal' get out. Darn. I really hope this doesn't mess up my pardon. I mean, it shouldn't, urgent Justice League need and all that… I dust myself off and step up to the portal. No smell, no vibrations in the air… Nothing on god-vision.
I step forwards into the portal. There's a moment of.. nothing, really, then I'm through. I'm standing on a metal platform. On this side there's a large metal rectangle surrounding the area of the portal; the projection mechanism, presumably. Four wide metal steps lead down to the floor level of what appears to be a laboratory cum workshop. The portal generator is the focus of the room, and there's an armoured control booth in the corner of the room.
Batman nods to the man on duty behind the armoured glass. "Shut it down." He gets a nod in return and the portal ceases to be. "Did anything happen while I was gone?"
The man steps out from the booth. "You weren't even gone for five minutes. Nothing's changed, perimeter defences are still holding." He glances at me. "This him?"
"I'm.. sorry sir, where are we? And who-." Wait a second. Shave his head, add a goatee and about ten years… "Lantern Stewart?" His jaw tightens and he looks away.
"We're on the Watchtower." Batman heads towards the blast doors at the far end of the room.
"The Watchtower doesn't have a room like.. this…" Wait a moment. Beard of evil? I activate my aero discs, rising into the air. "I am now sufficiently uncertain that you are Batman that I am prepared to risk ignoring your instructions. What the hell is going on?"
"You've been brought to an alternate dimension. We need your help."
"I.. don't think that's the right use of the word 'dimension'…"
"Did you design and build a portal capable of travelling between them?"
Um? "No?"
"Then we'll use my terminology." Batman stops by the door and holds his right hand up to the keypad. "Coming?"
I glance at Lantern Stewart. He's picked up some sort of beam rifle and is heading to the door as well. His body armour looks more impressive than I remember. It's decorated in black and green but there's no Lantern sigil and I can't see the glow of an environmental shield. What the heck is going on? Do I go with him? Does inter-planar travel trigger the 'voluntarily leave the system' part of my oath? Would refusing his orders? I mean, he is a Batman. I don't.. recognise the technology any more than I do the portal, and without a power ring Father Box's ability to override their systems is a good deal more limited.
May as well. I accelerate through the air after the two of them. "I'm still waiting for a full explanation."
The door opens with a hiss and Batman leads the way through, Stewart hesitating for a moment to glance back at me before following him.
"A full explanation would take more time than we have. In summary, the Justice… League, does not exist here. The Earth has been invaded and occupied and we have -perhaps- two days until its occupiers destroy it."
"I'm counting two Justice Leaguers here…"
Another glance from Stewart. "There's three, but none of us are capable of fighting them off."
"Why not?" Stewart looks away again. What the heck is going on?
"We aren't the Justice League. In this dimension the organisation we founded was called the Justice Lords."
Holy flashback, Batman! The Justice Lords, like in Justice League Animated?! But their chins look so normal! And… And their shoulders aren't as wide as they are tall! Okay, keep it together Grayven. "Different in name only, or was there an organisational difference?"
"To begin with, name only. John was our founding Lantern rather than 'Harold Jordan' and Aquaman's place as a founder was taken by Hawkgirl. The precise nature of the threats we faced has been somewhat different, but you'd recognise most of the criminals we've fought."
"Alright, so you've got three. What happened to the other four?"
"About eight months ago we used the portal to travel to another dimension in order to assist our counterparts there." Pff, y-eah! "The precise details are irrelevant, but the result was that those of us with superpowers had them removed. Currently, Superman is in the Fortress of Solitude, Wonder Woman is on Themyscira and the Martian Manhunter has returned to Mars."
"And the Flash?"
Stewart bows his head slightly. "Dead."
"And… What happened to your ring?"
"It got shut down by the power suppressing weapon."
He looks at me. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me: bullshit. Okay, I can accept that with no ring charge you might not be able to access your personal lantern, but eight months? Even the Green Lantern Corps aren't that lackadaisical. If you didn't check in for eight months they'd send someone to find out what had happened to you, even if it was only to confirm your death. If they did that, whoever they sent could either let you recharge from their lantern or take you back to Oa to get a replacement ring." He grimaces. "Do you expect me to believe that Salaak just forgot about you?"
"I was…" It looks like it physically hurts him to finish the sentence. "Discharged.. from the Corps. They.. disagreed with some of the things I'd done on Earth."
"Yah-huh. So Batman! Who's the lucky invader?"
He walks up to a console and presses a series of buttons. A holographic screen comes to life, covering the wall and showing me the enemy ships.
"A Thanagarian Command Carrier. Earth's been invaded by Thanagar?" I make an effort to recall everything Father Box told me about Thanagarian technology from my par-. My most recent parallel. Thanagar is located in Sector 2682 and is just about the only interstellar power anywhere near Earth. They.. could make such an attack but it would be a long way out of their way and.. frankly it doesn't fit their usual mode of operations. Alien worlds that find themselves within the borders of their empire usually get left to their own devices. Technologically… As long as it stays out of the atmosphere that Command Carrier can probably laugh off anything the Earth can throw at it, save for a nuclear missile strike that somehow bypassed its point defenses. Or maybe some sort of exotic weapon? That or super.. heroes…
And there aren't any Justice Lords to take the job on.
Batman nods. "They arrived last week. Initially, they claimed to want to help Earth defend itself against a species called the Gordanians. With no real way to defend against an alien attack, the governments of the world gladly accepted. The Thanagarians are building this in the Libyan Desert. They claim that it's a force field generator-."
That I recognise. "That isn't a force field generator. That's a quick and extremely dirty displacement generator."
Batman glances back at me before returning his attention to the image. "As I found out when I infiltrated a tour group and heard their commander discussing it with his government. I exfiltrated and attempted to share this information with the United Nations Security Council. Unfortunately, residual hostility towards the Justice Lords resulted in them ignoring it and proceeding with the construction."
Stewart nods. "And even if they did take notice, I don't think they've got anything that could get past the Thanagarian defenses."
I nod. "And where exactly do I come in?"
"Your boom tubes will let you bypass the Command Carrier's defence systems, while your New God physiology and your power ring-" Ah. "-should enable you to fight your way through their marines and disable critical systems, rendering them unable to complete their missions." He presses a button on the console and shuts down the image before turning back to me. "We've observed several dimensions we could have asked for help. I chose you because you have the combination of altruism and ruthlessness which the mission requires."
Stewart doesn't look entirely convinced. "That and the fact that we can't shield emissions from the portal for long enough to find anyone else."
"Thanagarian. So -just to make sure that they use the same equipment as the Thanagarians I'm used to- they'll have space age exotic energy ranged weapons and Nth metal melee weapons."
"That is correct."
"Might have a slight problem then."
"What is it?"
I clench my hands into fists and hold them out to him. "Notice anything?"
A slight narrowing of his eyes, then they widen. "What happened to it?"
"I killed a mass murdering magic user. Since it was murder I handed myself over to the police and.. gave up my weapons."
Stewart glares at Batman. "You didn't check?"
He looks down. "There wasn't time." He remains still for a moment and then looks up at me. "Are you able to undertake the mission anyway?"
"Do you have the layout of the ship?"
"Partial only."
"Then, no. I mean, I might be able to do it, but if this is pretty much do or die I wouldn't want to bet on it." I look at Stewart. "You don't have a spare ring lying around, do you?"
"I don't, and that Rayner kid isn't even on Earth right now."
Oh dear. Drones, maybe? "Alright then… What sort of manufacturing facilities does this place-."
"That isn't entirely true." Batman looks thoughtful. "There is a power ring on Earth that isn't claimed by any Lantern. Getting to it might be difficult-."
Stewart's eyes widen. "You can't be serious! That thing isn't-!"
"I'm always serious." He turns back to the control panel.
"Excuse me? Still here."
Batman sighs. "A little over a year ago, after hearing about the measures the Justice Lords had taken to preserve the Earth, Sinestro paid Green Lantern a visit. It ended.. acrimoniously."
Stewart sneers. "I'll say."
"Sinestro was killed in the fight. We never recovered his personal lantern but we were able to recover his ring. It's currently being held at the Stryker's Island Exotic Materials Containment Center."
Stewart nods. "Yeah, along with just about every other mad invention the Lords ever confiscated. It's guarded by an entire company of US marines, to say nothing of whoever SHADE's got on standby in case anyone tries anything."
Stewart nods. "The Super-Human Advanced Defense Executive. They're the federal agency which got responsibility for organising superheroes after the Justice Lords got shut down."
"I rather got the impression that American superheroes treasured their independence?"
"They.. did, but after what we did no one wanted-."
"We have up-to-date plans of the facility." Batman calls up a cut away image of the place. "They've upgraded the defenses but the maximum security section should still be in the same place."
Ring, take… Ah.
Sorry. Father Box, take a copy. "Is this place secure?"
"The Watchtower has stealth capabilities. If that fails we have force fields, as well as substantial armor and armaments. We should be able to survive an attack from their fighter craft and the Command Carrier is obliged to remain on station above the 'displacement generator'. Still, I would rather avoid any unnecessary risk. Why do you ask?"
"While I could survive stepping out of the air lock and falling to Earth, I would much rather use a boom tube. Could they detect that?"
Batman hesitates for a moment. "I don't think so. Still, you should avoid travelling-."
"Directly, yes, I know. Father Box, open a boom tube to the roof of STAR Labs Metropolis branch."
There's a bang, and… Huh, the edge of the aperture looks a little different to usual. "See you shortly." I fold my arms behind my back and stroll through the tube, letting the sounds and the smell of the Metropolitan area fill my senses. Looks like… Early morning, just before dawn. I suppose there's no reason to assume that the date matches both here and at home. Father Box, close it.
There's another bang as it shuts down. Thank you. Now, no major hurry. Okay, the planet being torn apart is a deadline but from the look of it I've got at least a day or two and the Thanagarians are going to want to pull their own people out before they turn it on.
I need to know whether or not these 'Justice Lords' are the same as the ones I remember from the Justice League animated series. Using the aero discs to keep my weight off the roof I float over towards a roof aerial. Time to gather some data.
7th January 2004
07:29 GMT -5
That was enlightening. It's like… Quarian faces: a big secret to the gamer but common knowledge in the setting. Likewise, the Justice League animated series skipped over exactly what President Luthor did which led to the Justice Lords assaulting the White House and killing him. Here, everyone knows, and even now you'll struggle to find anyone who disagrees with them. There are a few on the American right who wish that his plot had worked and remained undetected, but they also don't like people of Hebraic extraction very much so they don't really count.
As for Justice Lord rule itself, Plato would have been proud. They were at once selfless and ruthless. Didn't go quite as far with schizo tech integration as I'd have liked, but Batman was the only one with any significant knowledge of industry and he was more focused on law enforcement reorganisation. Destroying things when you're a ridiculously powerful superhuman or superalien is easy. Actually getting people to do what you tell them, actually running a society, that isn't something that can be achieved by power alone. The way they cut through democratic and legalistic bloat to get things done was awe inspiring.
A lot of Luthor's people got purged, but given the stuff they'd been doing there isn't a lot of sympathy for them either. The Lords only ever had direct control of the United States, though other countries were prepared to follow their lead on certain matters because they were the superheroes who prevented World War Three. I used to say that was the reason why as far as I was concerned James Blunt can make as much crap music as he wants and I guess it works for world leaders as well.
Couldn't find any good records on how the Lords lost their power. The showdown at Arkham appears to have happened as per Justice League Animated and Superman and Hawkgirl both stopped here for medical tests after they got depowered. Something else Batman and Stewart didn't tell me: she's almost certainly dying of something that looks a lot like an autoimmune disease. Since she'd never been for a medical here before they couldn't tell why it was happening, but with resistance to Lords control growing and Batman unwilling to clamp down they apparently didn't think it was safe to leave her on planet.
Makes me realise how important Batman was to the whole thing; even with the Lords depowered, if Kal-El had persuaded him to mass produce Superman robots they could easily have stayed in control. As it is, mass protests led to Congress formally rejecting Lords authority less than a month after they lost their powers. The people working for them mostly got granted amnesties but the Lords themselves were told that they'd be executed if they ever came back. Installing SHADE to deal with the mess that came with the world's leading superhero team suddenly disappearing was one of the first things the new President did. President Horne here too, I note. His first term.
Ah, enough wool gathering. Father Box, open a boom tube to the Metropolis waterfront.
Thank you. It's curious, being thrown back on my own resources like this after putting so much effort into augmenting my equipment. For the first time in a long time I'm going to more or less be forced to brute force my way through a fight with no clever solutions available at all. I did pay attention to Diana when she taught us to brawl but mass combat of the sort I'm about to engage in hasn't been a focus of our lessons. I'm also starting to wish that I'd made a helmet for this armour. An anti-tank rocket to the face would actually hurt and I can't afford to get blinded. I'd heal it back before too long but it would cost me time. Normally I just use the ring…
Yep, that's Stryker's Island. More built up than back home, and the navy vessels on patrol are something I haven't seen before. No, they'd be Marine Corps vessels, wouldn't they? Of course, back home the interesting part -metahuman containment- is being closed down. Or was, anyway. Given the debacle Belle Reve has become they got funding to upgrade it to current generation standards while it's empty. The regular prison part is still there. Here, they don't really have any need for metahuman containment. Due to every supervillain getting a prefrontal lobotomy, often personally administered by Kal-El. It worked -obviously- but I can't help but think it was a wasted opportunity.
I sigh. Been preying on my mind as I brought myself up to speed. America's a remarkably stable country. A lot of places would have collapsed into anarchy after people like the Lords were removed, but here things kept going. Less efficiently, for the most part… But this Thanagarian thing shows that the Lords did at least one vital job that no one else has picked up. I could just take Sinestro's ring and use it to hack the Watchtower and send myself home. Seems… Petty, though. I could complete the mission I've been set, destroy the ship and the device they were sent here to build…
But what happens next time?
The Lords killed or mentally ruined a lot of supervillains, but if the Lords' Earth is going to have to meet the same challenges as the League's Earth did -and this Thanagarian situation suggests that they will- there are plenty left that are still up and coming. Should I help the depowered Lords get their powers back? I could probably fix Kal-El easily enough. Diana… I don't know, but her powers are similar enough to those of New Gods that we could probably work something out. I could give Sinestro's ring to Stewart once I've got the hang of using it, fix whatever's wrong with Hawkgirl, dump.. Flash's remains in a Lazarus Pit…
None of that really leaps out at me as being a great idea, putting people already widely reviled back in a position of power. Second option, stay myself? Or be ready to come back on demand? This Batman knew what sort of person I am when he came to get me. I think I'd be better appreciated here. I could.. get backing for an actual stellar navy… Have to find out what their version of Father's been up to lately…
Option three, see if SHADE are up to the job. I remember them from several different comics. In Seven Soldiers they did a pretty good job but later on they were shown as sinister or outright evil. I need to look into them more thoroughly, see what they're like here.
Of course, there's a fourth option…
I'll admit, it has a certain appeal. At the moment the local superheroes aren't responding to the Thanagarians because officially there isn't a problem. They're here to help. Is there still enough independence.. enough independents.. to form a new group? I'd need to get a look at exactly what SHADE is before I start trying to pinch their people… A vague.. proto-idea is forming in my mind. Leagues usually form spontaneously in response to some great threat. If I can get the idea that the Thanagarians are the enemy to enough people… Could that work?
Oh, leave it until I get back. Since I can't scan without a ring… Father Box, Boom tube to the top of the outer wall.
I stride through and smile at the stunned patrol. "Gentlemen, hello." Plasma guns snap up to their shoulders. "My name's Grayven-"
"We've got a security breach!"
"-and I'm here to steal all your stuff." They open fire. Centre of mass, I note. Not enough kinetic force to push me back and not enough energy to hurt me through my armour. I lunge forwards, shoving their guns aside as gently as I dare and forcing them to drop them. The one on the right goes for his sidearm while the one on the left turns and sprints towards the nearest alarm. I grab sidearm guard by the shoulder and hurl him after his colleague at maximum low lethality force.
"Dwahh!" / "Ugooff!"
The guard towers have spotted me and are trying to reorientate their heavier weapons. I duck down and pick up the discarded plasma weapon. Seems simple enough. Rip off the trigger guard, hold it up-.
"User not recognised."
Aowfuck that's bright! Okay, okay, hands are still in one piece, eyes -I blink- fineish. Huh. Clever, that. Automatically destabilising the plasma containment unit… I pick up the second, touch the trigger and hurl it at the closest guard tower before opening a new boom tube to the second closest.
Knocking people out without risking long term damage is an art, really.
"Uh-h." / "Rrr-ug."
Father Box, can you match their authentication signal?
Nice work. I step forwards and rip the heavy plasma cannon off its mount. Stun setting, stun setting… Rapid pulse? I raise the weapon to my shoulder and aim it at the guards now charging towards me down the causeway. Father Box, analyse shot.
I lead the shot enough that I shouldn't hit the closest guard and squeeze the trigger, unleashing a short volley. The guards scatter with a shout of alarm, seeking cover just as the main facility alarm starts to sound. Sporadic fire flies in my direction so I turn aside to shield the gun with my body and raise my left arm to shield my face.
Long as I hit somewhere armoured? You sure-?
Sorry, sorry, of course. I target the guards and carefully place shots one after another in their chest plates, where the armour is strongest. That's that dealt with. Over the alarm I can hear… Are those jet packs? Oh, shooting them out of the sky would not be safe. Still, I think I've got their attention now. They'll be directing their attention to the exterior… I consider the schematic Batman showed me. Father Box, Central Monitoring.
7th January 2004
07:34 GMT -5
The man on the closest monitor bank turns his chair around with a frown. "Huh?" His eyes widen. "Aaaagh!"
I jab him in the diaphragm with my right hand and he folds up, gasping for air. The alarms in here aren't on but I can hear the general alert through the walls. The man's colleagues start looking around. "Okay everyone! I don't feel like killing you right now, so if you don't think you can fight me, feel free to flee." I half turn and indicate the room's only exit, only for the alarms in this room to start blaring. I look around and see the woman who pressed it staring defiantly at me. "I'm not even angry. Good show of moxy. But it didn't make you super strong and you still need to run now."
A man with a couple of bars on his shoulders stands up. He gives me a quick once-over then turns back to the room. "O-okay, everyone. We're evacuating now, just like the drills." There's a slight hesitation, then they start rising from their work stations. The first few hesitate as they approach me so I walk around the edge of the room away from the door. That gets them moving, and I'm pleased to see two of them help the man I struck.
The lieutenant is visibly counting them out, but spares a moment to glare at me. "I don't know what you're doing, but you won't get away with it."
"If you don't know what it is, how do you know I haven't done it already?"
He blinks. "Ah-um, what?"
"I mean, I got this far. Presumably I'm not an idiot. It's reasonable to assume that I've got something in mind. Isn't it?"
"You just let a bunch of hostages escape."
"Clogging up the corridors nicely until the armed response detail finishes evacuating them. Anyway, hostages pin you in place. I value my mobility. And I really would rather not seriously hurt any of you." I glance at the door. "Speaking of, you should probably get going yourself. I'm about to trash this place and you're not explosion proof."
A scowl, but a completely impotent one as he quick marches after his subordinates. Right. I raise the plasma cannon and rapidly shoot out the screens. Obviously I realise that doing that doesn't do much to the computers doing the work but I only really want to take away their ability to monitor my progress through the facility. Aaaand, ah! I use the aero discs to brace myself before sticking my right arm through the concrete wall and ripping out the power supply to the alarm. The noise stops. Much better. Now-. The lights go out. Pretty good response time, that. I tear a console from its moorings and shove it in front of the door as a barricade. Nothing really flammable here… I'm certainly not hanging around to pull out the plastic from the wiring. Moving as quick as I can I add three more bulky pieces of equipment to the barrier. Over the alarms I think I can hear running boots… Time to go. Father Box, just outside secure storage, please.
Obviously, secure storage retains a guard complement during an attack. But-
-they don't think with portals. And it turns out-
-their armour's fairly weak around the neck. Note to self, carotid artery pinch works rather well. Normally there'd be a strike team sent immediately, but I just destroyed the room doing the monitoring and in any case the strike teams are on the wrong side of the facility thanks to my initial attack. And it looks like SHADE don't have any teleporters on duty… Hm, going well.
Secure storage has thick concrete and steel walls and a truly colossal vault door… Which.. is.. open..? Huh. I mean, I know how thick it is so it wouldn't really be any effort to boom tube past it… Why is it open? I raise my plasma cannon towards the opening. The lights inside are out. I could just 'spray and pray', this cannon doesn't produce anything like the force needed to destroy a power ring. On the other hand I haven't seen a full manifest. It's possible that some of the things in there going critical could.
Tricksy hobbitses…
Oh, my senses are acute enough that the odds of someone getting the drop on me are rather low. If I keep to the ceiling and move-.
"Guess who, motherfucker."
Huh-? Boagh! Ow, fuck! A brilliant beam of yellow light just… Agh, just blasted out of the darkness and hit me in the face! I blink away the lights as I rise to my feet, the glowing corona of a Yellow Lantern's environmental shield shining out of the dark of the secure storage vault. Lost the plasma cannon-.
"Always thought hiding these away was a mistake."
I raise my right arm to shield my face just before the beam strikes and it gets blocked by my armour. An amateur, then. Good job too. I am not confident of my ability to defeat an experienced Lantern as I am now.
"Lords took this off some alien they killed." The guard floats out of the secure storage area. No.. obvious distinguishing feature. Purple shirt? Rank insignia says 'Corporal'. "Marine Corps' a big fan of tradition. You are an alien, right?"
"I'm a New God, Human. I transcend biological definition."
"Yeah?" He raises his right fist, Sinestro's ring glowing from his middle finger. "Transcend this."
Wait a second… A glowing yellow manacle clamps around my left forearm and pulls it behind my back. I take a moment to assess its strength. Breakable… But I know that voice. It's different, certainly, but…
"Guy Gardner."
He pauses for a second, then grabs my right arm with a second construct and pulls it around to join my left. "Heh, even alien weirdos know my name."
Oh, this is ridiculous. Guy fighting on through his fears, sure. Mastering them? Though… The ring.. might not.. actually work off fear…
"You're a long way from help down here, Gardner." He's keeping his distance, and the ring glows like he's waiting for an excuse to shoot me again.
He glances at his fallen colleagues. "Lotta help they'd be."
"You don't have the courage to master that ring."
"You don't know nothin' about me. And anyway-" His eyes flare yellow. "-looks t'me like you've got plenty of fear yourself. Looks like death and… Gettin' your brain overwritten?" Ah, it does work off fear. "Bein' made someone else? What's that about?"
"A truly horrifying concept. But I don't need a power ring to know your fears, Human. Shall we talk about your violently abusive father? Your callous, disinterested mother? The way you sabotaged your own life in a pathetic attempt to.. what, prove them right?"
"Shaddup." He jabs the ring forwards and a hard Hannibal Lecter style mask-construct covers the lower part of my face. I test the limits of it with my jaw… Weak. I can still speak.
"Or perhaps we could talk about your brother, a man who could do no wrong." I smile at him. "And we both know how that turned out."
"FUCKAH!" He pulls both of his arms back, a glowing baseball bat construct forming in his hands. He lunges at me, swinging it at my head!
I exert myself, shattering the manacle constructs and lunging forwards with my aero disks, my left hand grabbing his left forearm and my right grabbing him around the throat, the baseball bat construct failing as he futilely tries to force me back. "Fear, Human, is something that you.. do not.. inspire.. in me. Picture me with Roland Gardner's face as I beat the stuffing out of you." I release my grip on his throat and slam him hard into the closest wall.
He's in no real danger with an environmental shield, I just need to weaken his mental connection to the ring. Back and into the wall again, but this time he just grits his teeth and takes it. Back and slam him into the ground. I take hold of his head with my right hand. Up down up down up down and apply pressure. "Feeling secure in your power, 'Lantern' Gardner? Or are you prepared to fail in this pursuit as you have in.. every.. other?"
"Ukk ooh!"
I grab his right hand with my left and touch the ring with my thumb and index fingers. "Ring. Recognise me."
"A superior potential bearer has been detected." The ring pulls itself off Gardner's finger and floats next to me for a moment. Sinestro set it to use his own voice! "Identify yourself."
"I am Grayven of Apokolips, son of Darkseid. And I would teach my foes to fear me."
7th January 2004
07:38 GMT -5
"Grayven of Apokolips." A yellow light strobes out and scans my body as I ease up on the whole 'smoosh Gardner's head' thing. "You have the capacity to instil... Adequate fear." Well, fuck you too, Sinestro. "You are hereby granted temporary custody of this ring." I hold out my right hand and the ring floats over to hang just in front of my middle finger. "Do not disappoint me." The ring jerks back, growing larger as it does so to fit over my finger and settling on the middle of my metacarpal.
There's a delightful flare of yellow light as the environmental shield kicks in, recolouring the tron lines on my armour to reflect my new power source. Okay, deactivate aero discs, stand up, chuck Gardner down the hallway -"Owff!"- and consider. No one's going to be afraid of a super powered alien who can't fly. There we are! So much better than aero discs. Now, let's see. Yellow should have fewer psychological effects on me than orange and frankly I didn't see that many problems with orange.
"Ring, you do know that Thaal Sinestro's dead, right?"
"My ring has a record of my death. Full functions will only be unlocked once you prove you are worthy of being my successor."
"And how may I do that?"
"There are three acceptable methods. You could hunt Green Lanterns down and kill them, if you have the strength. You could establish perfect social order through fear if you have the intelligence, or demonstrate a profound mastery of fear if you have the wisdom."
Guy pushes himself upright and stares at me with eyes full of impotent rage. "When you say 'full functions'..?"
"You will be granted access to my ring's personal lantern and database."
Don't really care about either of-. Wait a second. "Ring, state current charge."
"Forty seven percent of optimal charge remains."
Okay, that should be suffic-. The alarm cuts out. Huh. Wonder what that's about?
"All personnel are to evacuate immediately. S.H.A.D.E. operative en route."
Gardner stares upwards at an unseen controller. "No! I almost had the son of a bitch!"
"Hard luck Gardner. Hah, maybe next time."
"All personnel are to evacuate immediately. S.H.A.D.E. operative en route."
Hmm. I could just leave. Open up a boom tube somewhere, walk through. I doubt that they've got any way to track them, or at least track them and get someone there fast enough for it to mean anything. But I would like to get some practice in with this ring before taking on a ship full of Thanagarian marines… Preferably against someone who is an actual threat to me. And I don't.. really care about reputation per se, but I seem to remember-. Why rely on that?
"Ring, what unique functions does the yellow light grant?"
"The more fear you inspire, the stronger your constructs will become."
So building rep a bit does seem to be a good idea. Yes, let's get-.
"Another emotional spectrum component detected. Explain yourself."
Ah. "I usually use an orange ring. I don't have it with me at the moment. Is that a problem?"
"All personnel are to evacuate immediately. S.H.A.D.E. operative en route."
"Fuck it." One last hate-filled glare at me and Gardner runs for the exit.
"How did you come by it?"
"I don't know. It didn't come from the Guardians if that's what's worrying you."
"An adequate answer. Proceed."
I hesitate for a moment, then focus on my fear of going too far, of losing myself and becoming the monster I pretend to be. A scan of the two guards I beat into a stupor shows that they don't have long term injuries. "Father Box, boom tube, five hundred metres directly up."
I can just hear the roar of wind on the far side over the noise generated by the opening of the tube itself. I fly through, close the tube and immediately begin scanning for my-. A huge cloud of dust and rubble erupts from the Stryker's Island facility below me, focusing around… Map? Thank you. Yes, the secure storage vault where I was standing a moment prior. I hope the silly-. No, the guards are still fine, and I see…
Huh. Yes, I suppose it makes sense that she'd be here. A little surprised that there isn't a version of her back block!
Supergirl covers the distance between the ground and me in less than a second as a wall of yellow light materialises in front of me just in time to intercept her right fist. Forgot how fast they could-. The wall shatters and I Garrick don't have any Garrick! Um, fly backwards, suddenly lunge forwards and start synthesising-. She grabs my right arm and starts spinning me around. Stupid, the ring can handle my inner ears just fine. Okay, parallel universe so the Kryptonite samples aren't reliable, but… I don't have them because they're in the other ring.
Damn it!
She lets go and I cover the distance between where we are and the surface of the sea nearly as quickly as she did on the way up. Water explodes upwards from the force of my impact as I experience a moment of relief that she isn't a better fighter than she was in Justice League Unlimited. What was water going to do? That did less harm than throwing me onto Stryker's Island would have done. Or just throwing me upwards and punching me more. I let myself sink as the synthesis of the Garrick Formula progresses. She can still see me just fine but the water should negate her heat vision, freezing breath and even her speed to a degree. If I get time I should try and find out how that breath thing works as the Kryptonians back home certainly can't do it.
What did I notice about this Supergirl? Looked more.. serious than I remember from the series. Plus, she attacked me right away rather than attempting to talk to me. She wore a skirt in the animated series, didn't she? The one who threw me down here had a sort of dull blue jacket and trouser number with a small Kryptonian glyph -not an 'S'- over her left breast. Actually looks dangerously close to being sensible clothing, something a rational person could go out in public wearing. Shorter hair than I remember from the series. I wonder how involved she was in that whole 'Lords' business. Hmm, and as I contemplate her, she's contemplating me. Garrick done? Right, Kryptonite, green and gold. May not have my records at the moment but I can remember the molecular structure just fine. That should help her learn to fear me. Done?
"The fabrication is complete."
Thank you. Subspace it and up we go. I generate a large bubble shield just before I breach the surface and take a moment to watch the water pour off the sides. Hmm, perhaps I should spice things up in future? Large monster constructs rather than simple shapes? Mmm, probably wouldn't do much here. She seems content to watch me rise for the moment. Right, eyes to glow.
"Supergirl, isn't it?"
"Drop the ring, right.. now."
"Is this a holding action? I was rather expecting Superman."
Her eyes glow orange for a second and-. Right, Kryptonians in this parallel have stealth heat vision, none of the red lines in the air I've grown used to with Kon and Match. There's a slight distortion in the air as the beams of energy heat it where they pass, but otherwise I can't see it at all. Fortunately, I know how to use constructs to deflect it. The water off to my right explodes into steam as her beams superheat it for a moment before she gives up on that attack.
"You'll just have to make do with me, whoever you are."
"My name is 'Grayven', Supergirl. I believe you know my father." I fire yellow lines from my eyes, zigzagging them through the air before they home in on her. "Hello from Apokolips."
7th January 2004
07:43 GMT -5
I see her eyes widen for a fraction of a second, then the air itself buckles around her as she turns and heads out to sea at high speed. I have the ring take control of the attack construct while I consider my next course of action. Ring, review local footage of Father. What do his..? Ah. Omega Vision here is orange, but can generate a sort of yellow flame effect around a target tough enough to survive the initial strike. It's credible that I could indeed be using it, and her fear is only going to intensify the force of the attack.
Out across the Atlantic Supergirl heat visions a section of the water, causing a vast plume of steam and vapour to explode upwards behind her. The faux Omega Effect passes through it without difficulty. I remember that in Justice League Unlimited Batman was able to avoid it by ducking behind a Parademon but unless I decided to pull the punch my construct would cut right through anything that squishy. If she ducks behind a ship that could be awkwa-. No, she's gone underwater. Can the Omega Effect go underwater? I don't.. know. She's heading back-. I send the beam into the surface of the water and generate a colossal discharge of force with the strike, sending shockwaves rippling outwards in all directions. Should cause a minor surge in water levels for miles along this coast… Not enough to cause serious damage.
Supergirl's slower coming back but she's making decent headway. Now, if I assume that this Supergirl is basically Kara from Superman Animated… Wish I'd actually watched that, now. Only really remember her from a couple of episodes of Justice League Unlimited and I don't think Braniac nookie is in this iteration's future. Detailed scan… Kryptonian physiology appears to work in basically the same way as back home so the Kryptonite should still be effective. I drop the bubble shield and replace it with ornate armour. Including a helmet, obviously. Heh, there's actually a constant frothing in the water in front of her face where she's got her heat vision on continuously. Probably anger, but it would be amusing if the trigger for it here is sexual arousal as it was in Smallville.
Okay, she's nearly Garrick. She breaks the surface of the water in a two-fisted lunge, crossing the distance between us in what seems like a second even in my accelerated state. Heat vision deflects off my construct armour and I can see her mach cone as I transition to her side and slam my right fist into the middle of her back.
She starts to spin out of control and I take the opportunity to strike her again, a backhand blow with my left hand across her face. I pull my right back to strike at her diaphragm but she's starting to recover and speed up relative to me. She moves around my outstretched fist and uppercuts me in the faceplate with her right fist. Her face twists into a rictus of hate and determination as the construct cracks under the force of her assault. I swing my left elbow around to fend her off, catching her on the right shoulder and knocking her back. A sword construct forms in my right hand, the green Kryptonite I've created decorating the guard. I slash across the space she's occupying and she backs off immediately, taking a deep breath… Scan in detail. Ah, I ssssee. She's instinctively using strong nuclear force manipulation to stop the vibration of the air molecules in her lungs, or at least highly suppress it. I'm not sure why that doesn't ice up her lungs… Or maybe it does and she's just tough enough not to care? She exhales and I evade as air at a temperature well below the freezing point of water blasts past me, causing the water vapour in the air to precipitate out as ice crystals as it goes. She turns her head to keep up with me and her eyes glow again as she aims her heat vision directly for my eyes. As she empties her lungs I generate a tower shield construct and fly at her, bringing my construct sword around at her neck.
She jinks to my right and punches the sword construct in the flat of the blade with her right fist, shattering the construct and causing the Kryptonite shard to tumble free. Huh? She snatches it out of the air with her left gauntlet and crunches it to powdery fragments, a confident smile of challenge on her face. "Everyone tries the Kryptonite. You really think we don't have a defense against that by now?"
"And now I feel like I've been lazy." Ring? "Radiation shield, woven into the structure of your garment. Simple but effective. Though… You should probably avoid breathing in those fragments."
Her eyes narrow slightly and she dusts her hand off. "What do you want?"
"Now that I have this ring? I want to save this world."
She stares at me for a moment, then slowly raises her right eyebrow. "You want to save the world?"
"I can't conquer it if someone else has already destroyed it, now can I?"
"What are you talking about?"
"The Thanagarians-."
"Are building a shield to protect the Earth from people like you."
I smile. "Is that what they told you? Tell me, Supergirl… Did you have anyone who actually knows anything about spatial dynamics verify their claim? Because I recognise the device they're building and I assure you; when they activate it there will be very little of this system left."
Her smile fades and her right hand drifts up towards… Ah, an earpiece. Impressive that it stayed in place. "Why do you want to conquer the Earth?"
"Clearly you people can't be trusted to look after yourselves." I fold my arms behind my back in a classic Darkseid pose. "Though the people of this world are not without their merits, their civilisation lacks.. direction. A direction I am well placed to provide." I frown. "I mean no offence to your combat skills, but I was rather expecting to be confronted by the Justice Lords?"
"The Justice Lords don't exist anymore. We don't like it when people try to take over our planet."
"Ahhh. A pity." I raise my right hand slightly. "Though I suppose I'm not really at my peak… Perhaps it's for the best." She curls slightly as if preparing to charge me again. "Wait a moment… Please?" She relaxes slightly, her suspicion still clear on her face. "Do you have any great love for your current masters? I've seen recordings-" I hold out my right hand and generate a construct of her original Supergirl look, "-of how you used to look. Your smile seems more genuine, there."
She scowls. "And Apokolips is all about smiles."
"No, it really isn't. Apokolips is a horrible place. If I'd wanted to live there I'd simply have stayed. I don't, and didn't. Earth can be so much more than its small minded rulers will allow it to be. I want to see it reach its full potential."
"Are you seriously trying to ask me-?"
I dismiss the Supergirl construct. "Yes. Why wouldn't I? You're magnificent. Powerful, determined and beautiful. With you by my side the conquest would be far easier, both to accomplish and.. on the people. I try, but I was brought up on Apokolips. A member of my inner circle with a better knowledge of the functioning of Human society-."
"I would never work for you."
I nod. "I can respect that. In your position I would hesitate to accept a subordinate position as well. Hmmm." I study her for a moment. "I suppose…" I nod. "Acceptable." I hold out my right hand, palm upwards, and focus my mind on my fear of trusting those whom I can't predict. After a moment two metal bands of gold, platinum and copper appear. "Would you accept doing so as my equal in all matters?"
Her mouth hangs open for a moment. "No I would not-!" She gags. "How could you even-!"
"Oh." I frown slightly. "You are an adult, right? Because if you're not… I don't want to imply that.. I'm into that.. sort of-."
She lunges, striking me with both fists in the chest and pushing us high into the sky. Armour takes the impact, but I think I've achieved all I can here. I grab her wrists with my right hand, pull her across me and release before raising my right knee and slamming both arms down on her back, driving her diaphragm into my knee. The air shoots out of her lungs and she gasps as she tries to get her arms into position to push me away. She's… She's managing it. I'm straining and she's pushing me back. She's stronger than me.
Distracting. Father Box, boom tube to low orbit.
A portal to nowhere in particular opens just behind me and I yank my left arm free of her grip to punch her in the face. Without having her anchored it doesn't do all that much damage but it does weaken her grip slightly. Her neck's too small a target for me to hit it… I aim instead for her chest and strike hard enough to knock her off me before flying backwards through the portal. She lunges forwards and I back up further, letting her pass through before closing the boom tube down.
Her eyes widen as she looks around, realising where she is. Barely any air in her lungs… I get one last glare and then she turns around and flies back towards the Earth at maximum speed.
Mission success. Now to return to the Watchtower with my loot.
7th January 2004
12:49 GMT
Batman doesn't look up as I step through the boom tube from Masirah and into the Watchtower's operations centre. Stewart, on the other hand-.
"Did you really have to pick a fight with Kara?"
"Need? No." The boom tube snaps shut behind me. "But it was productive. There were things I was overlooking. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to tell someone what the Thanagarians are really up to."
Batman presses a button on his console, changing the view to a news report of my attack. Ms Lane looks a lot more.. worn down here. "Did you get what you went for?"
I make a fist with my right hand and hold out the ring. "Yes. The AI regards me as an 'adequate' user."
Stewart looks at the ring, clearly uncomfortable. Then he turns to Batman. "You need me for the next part? I.. wanna get back to medical…"
"No, that should be everything." Stewart nods, about faces and heads for the exit. Batman turns to watch him go, waiting until the door closes behind him before continuing our conversation. "We should get started on planning your attack."
"I had a look at STAR Labs' database. They said that Hawkgirl has an autoimmune disease." Batman hesitates for a moment before giving me a small nod. "They're wrong. Thanagarians don't get autoimmune diseases."
"Our knowledge of Thanagarian medicine is extremely limited. One of my objectives when I infiltrated their ship was to access their medical database. Unfortunately, I was discovered before I could reach it."
"I'll take a look at her before I go. Listen, I've been.. thinking about something." I hesitate.
"Go on."
"What happens next time?"
"Alien invasions are infrequent. The Justice Lords weren't the only superhero team on Earth. I've been arranging funding and training for others. By next time, some of them should be ready to take on the job."
"And if they're not?" He doesn't respond. "I mean, I don't mind coming back, but in future I'll be charging you."
"Did you have something in mind?"
"I told Supergirl what was really happening. With a little luck she'll take the initiative, but she's just one woman. The League are a team."
"You want to inform other people." I nod. "If information on what the Thanagarians are doing becomes public knowledge it could provoke an attack, and the Earth is in no position to fight them."
"I wasn't planning on telling everyone, just.. a few people. People who could take part in the fight themselves. Or… It doesn't have to be the Thanagarians. I 'villained it up' when I was talking to Supergirl. I don't mind playing the Galactic Conqueror myself if that is what we need."
"I chose to come to you because very few superheroes could take on this mission. Supergirl was probably the only local one who would have had a chance."
"What about your Captain Marvel?"
"He refused to work for SHADE and was forced to retire."
I nod. "How old is William Batson now?"
A slight hesitation. "Eight."
"I don't know your version, but our William Batson is almost painfully idealistic. If the fate of the planet was at stake…"
"It's possible."
"I can drop by your versions of my brother and my sister in law. I think I can probably talk them into it."
"Who are you referring to?"
"Mister Miracle and Big Barda."
"The escapologist."
"The New God of Freedom and the former head of Darkseid's bodyguard. They came to Earth to get away from all of that, but if it's followed them here…"
"I don't know enough about them to judge whether or not they would make good additions to a team."
"Do you feel that the Lords overstepped the bounds of what a team of superheroes should do?"
He hesitates for a moment, then nods. "Among other things, yes."
"They won't. They both grew up under Father and have no desire to recreate that civilisation. Their skills in their chosen fields are considerable."
"Very well. Who else did you have in mind?"
Mmm. "What is.. your relationship with Richard like?"
Batman freezes for a second, then turns back to his console and calls up some newspaper clippings. As expected, Richard here is a young adult. In his twenties, I'd say. It seems that he's fairly popular, locally. And.. is that a Robin? "Nightwing operates out of Bludhaven as a SHADE operative. We have very little contact."
"Might be worth cluing him in."
"I've tried. He isn't responding."
"Doesn't mean he isn't listening." I suppose I should ask. "How much.. Bruce Wayning do you do these days?"
"None. As far as Gotham is concerned, Bruce Wayne is a delusional recluse. Is there anything else?"
"No. If you don't hate the idea I'll start working out how to get them on board." He nods. "I'll go and see what I can do for Hawkgirl now."
"I'll continue monitoring the Thanagarians. I'll let you know if the situation changes."
I nod, connect the ring to this Watchtower's systems and open the doors between here and the medical bay before transitioning there. Feels.. different, doing it with a yellow ring. Or maybe that's just a function of being in a parallel universe? Stewart's sitting next to the bed Hawkgirl occupies, her left hand clasped in his. She looks.. withered. Prolonged illness will do that to a person, I suppose. Not enough exercise, body not processing food properly…
"What the hell do you want?"
"One moment, Mister Stewart." He fears her death, but only slightly. At this point he's pretty much made his peace with the idea. What he fears more is her suffering and his inability to do anything about it. Enough for me to use…
Wait, what? Where's the medical-?
"My ring is not a tool of healing. You will have to impress me a great deal more before I unlock the information you need to create medicinal devices."
Stewart frowns. "Now there's a voice I didn't think I'd ever have to listen to again."
"Though, if you kill this former Lantern I will permit it just once."
I think not. "Ring, unlock full functionality. Thaal Sinestro gave me permission himself."
"I find it unlikely that I wouldn't have put that data on this ring. Prove it."
I raise my right fist.
"In blackest day or brightest night,
Beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try and stop what's right,
Burn like his power: Sinestro's might!"
Fingers crossed…
"Close enough. Full access granted, Corpsman. Don't make me regret this."
Yellow light strobes out of the ring to a point about two metres in front of me. A moment later a yellow personal lantern emerges from subspace and a beam of yellow light blasts from its centre to my ring.
"Ring at one hundred percent power."
The lantern disappears immediately. Automated. Clever. Now, let's see what's wrong with Hawkgirl.
7th January 2004
12:55 GMT
"Ah, yes. See here and here?"
Mister Stewart looks at the translucent yellow model of Hawkgirl's body currently lying on the bed next to the original. "What exactly am I looking at?"
"Here." I enlarge a section of her spine near where her wings are attached. "Humanoids can't fly through wing power. We're too dense and not at all aerodynamic. Thanagarians get around all of the obvious problems by having minute amounts of Nth metal throughout their bodies, in their bones and central nervous system. You see? Just here." I point as the display alters to more clearly show separate tissue types.
"I did wonder why she didn't have to flap her wings to stay in one place. So what's the problem?"
"Ms Hol doesn't. Whatever removed her 'powers' appears to have done so by transmuting the Nth metal to lead. Thanagarians are no more designed to be riddled with lead than Humans are."
"Got.. that right."
Stewart whips around. "Shayera!"
"Looks like I'm awake." She struggles to turn her head our way. "Who's the new guy? And… why is this yellow?"
"Construct diagnostic equipment, Ms Hol. Sinestro sends his regards."
A weak smile. "Heh. Funny."
Stewart takes his seat by her side once more. "His name's Grayven. Batman brought him here to.. help with something." Nice dodge.
She smiles at him. "Nice of him to remember I'm here." Her eyes move to me, then to her replica. "So I'm guessing you can't fix it."
"Actually, it should be pretty simple. I mean, I'll pretty much have to tear your body apart to do it, but you'll be unconscious for the whole thing." I shrug. "I just need some Nth metal. If you can tell me where you left your mace, I'll cannibalise-." She squeezes her eyes shut and Stewart sags. "What?"
"It stayed in that other parallel Earth. We don't have any Nth metal."
I nod. "Okay, not a huge problem. If I remember correctly there should be a small amount in Kahndaq-."
Stewart half turns to look at me. "Where?"
"Oh, right… I think you call it Egypt here? Apparently a Thanagarian ship fell to Earth a few thousand years ago, I should be able to recover some." I shut down the construct, then smile at Hawkgirl. "Try not to die in the next ten minutes, alright?"
"I'll give it my best shot."
"Excellent." I take a few steps away from the beds. "Father Box, boom tube to Masirah."
7th January 2004
16:57 GMT +4
I step through the portal and immediately close it down. Yes, that tomb Carter Hall found probably exists here but why would I waste my time looking for it when I already know the location of a perfectly serviceable quantity of Nth metal? But first, tube to Siberia,-
7th January 2004
18:57 GMT +6
"What the hell is that?!"
7th January 2004
12:57 GMT
-and Libya.
7th January 2004
14:57 GMT +2
I squint in the general direction of the construction site as I reactivate my armour construct. In the sky I can just about make out the Thanagarian fighter craft as tiny dots, too far away for a detailed image. Worth stealing one? Probably not. Scan. Hmm. I suppose I could grab a nuclear weapon and destroy the place, but I'm not sure how the Nth metal would react to all that energy and I don't really want to kill the Humans they've got working on the non-critical parts of the construction. Right, that Thanagarian in the white uniform near the top looks isolated enough. How to go about this? Ugh, she looks important and she's trying to destroy the whole planet. How hard do I need to think about this?
Okay, sure, I don't need to kill her, but I killed Klarion after he killed… I don't know what the final figure was but it was less than seven billion! It's not exactly logically consistent for me to get squeamish now.
Fine. Stupid conscience… Father Box, boom tube.
I lunge through the portal as soon as it appears, grab her by both shoulders and slam her against the metal wall behind her. She bangs her head hard and her eyes lose focus. I pull my right hand back and jab at her with my index finger. "I wanted to kill you. Look. Grateful."
"Someone's attacking Lieutenant Dul!"
"It's Praetor Grayven!"
"How did he find us!"
Oh, joy. At least they recognise me. Should make it a little easier. Ring, scan for Nth metal. Ah. I rip off her shoulder armour and the small pouches on her hips. Don't need much… Worth keeping as a hostage? Or better yet, as a source of fear? A Thanagarian soldier lands on my left and swings his axe at my side. I let go of Ms Dull and seize his wrist before he can complete his swing.
I smash him against the wall as well as I start to take fire from his more sensible colleagues. As usual when I get attacked by weapons of actual significance the armour construct starts appreciably weakening almost immediately. What do Thanagarians fear? Obvious enough; these ones fear Gordanians. And.. me, for some reason, but I'm already using that. Three construct Gordanian warriors appear in the air above me and fly at the Thanagarians with a roar!
"What are those?"
That should keep them bus-. The Thanagarian soldier tries to claw at my face with his free hand. Given the shape of their armour it would be easy enough to stab him with a sword construct-
-but he's no real threat so I suppose it isn't warranted. I'll take his axe, though. Hawkgirl's going to need something to fight with. And his shoulder armour and his belt. Right, that should do it. Father Box, boom tube back to previous position.
Huh. You know, it's sort of nice to know that I can still manage to avoid killing people, even in the face of this sort of provoc-.
"Torek! No!"
There's a damp thump as the Thanagarian soldier one of my construct warriors blasted apart smears himself across the side of the structure.
Oh well.
I step through the tube, then two more at random locations on the Earth's surface before opening a tube to just outside the Watchtower's medical bay.
7th January 2004
13:00 GMT
Could get awkward if Hawkgirl starts asking why the ancient armour I've picked up looks so recent. "Stewart? Can I borrow you for a minute?"
He looks up, then hesitates for a moment until Hawkgirl gives him a weak push. With visible reluctance he gets out of his chair and walks out of the medical bay. "What is it? Did you get the Nth metal?"
I gesture to my ill-gotten gains with my right hand. "Yes, but I thought it appropriate to process this stuff first. Before…" I nod through the observation window at Hawkgirl.
He nods. "Right. What do you need me for?"
"My ring needs fear to function, and where Hawkgirl's wellbeing is concerned you are a veritable font of the stuff." The yellow aura around my swag intensifies as I begin removing impurities. "I need you now, and for the same reason I'll need you to watch as I break her apart and put her back together again." His face tightens. "Do you have the stomach for it?"
His head dips and glances back through the observation window. "If it's what Shayera needs? Always."
7th January 2004
13:27 GMT
"Ugggh." I turn around as Hawkgirl's eyes flicker for a second before snapping open.
I smile down at her as Stewart takes hold of her hand once more. Credit to the man, he was a real trooper throughout the whole thing. "Welcome back to the land of the living! How are we feeling this afternoon?"
She hesitates for a moment before answering, tensing and relaxing muscles in sequence. "I feel… Good. How long was I out?"
"About half an hour."
She uses her free hand to push herself up slightly in bed. "That's it? I mean, what sort of recovery-?"
I shake my head. "I felt it best to fix up all of your secondary problems while I had you on the slab." And by 'slab' I mean 'floating in mid air in pieces'. Jolly interesting, actually. Never seen a person disassembled before. "I restored muscle and fat tissue, removed neural scarring… Injected some vitamins to help with the malnutrition. Your reflexes are going to be a bit off for a while.. as you get used to moving around under your own power again, but other than that, you're good to go."
"John, help me up right now."
"Okay." There's a slightly dazed smile on his face as he stands, keeping hold of her left hand so that she's got something to pull on for support.
She pulls back the covers with her right hand, then swings her legs around and gingerly tries putting weight on them. We have an upright Hawkgirl! Stewart moves to her side as she takes her first experimental steps across the medical bay. Tiny, nervous, shuffling things at first, then a more normal stride odd only in the delicacy of her footfall. Then she releases her hold on Stewart and picks up the pace to a normal walk and then to a jog. "My wings." She was clenching them against her back but now she risks unfurling them slightly. "Are my wings fixed as well?"
"There might be tiny changes to the precise distribution of-" She holds them out to the sides and beats them downwards once, rising into the air. "-Nth metal deposits. I wouldn't recommend formation flying-" A slight shift in the angle of attack and she drifts around the medical bay, her eyes wide with joy. "-for a little while." She picks up speed, creating quite a draft. Her hospital gown doesn't quite manage to keep up with her exuberance.
I should probably offer to make her some armour.
A moment later she drops to the ground directly in front of Stewart and grabs him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face into his chest. He puts his arms around her back and pushes his face against the top of her head.
Really, I should give them a little while, but we are on a schedule here.
Maybe a bit longer.
Wonder if Jade's seen my video of Klarion yet?
Hawkgirl pulls away slightly, then turns around to look at me. "Thank you. I don't even know how to express how.. grateful I am."
I wave if off. "Not even a thing, though.. I would appreciate some advice from the two of you."
Stewart tenses slightly. "Do we have to talk about this now?"
"Not that. The other thing."
Hawkgirl frowns. "What thing?"
I grimace. "There's been a bit of an alien invasion and they're going to destroy the Earth -and everything else in this system- in a couple of days at most. That's the main reason Batman brought me here."
"Figures. Just let me get dressed and I'll head out-."
"No no, other thing first. Can I just check that we're on the same page about the whole 'Justice Lords' thing? Good intentions, but probably took it too far?" Nods. "But there does need to be someone not tied to a particular government looking after the world, just so long as they don't do the highly socially invasive stuff you ended up doing."
Hawkgirl considers for a moment. "The sort of thing we did before Luthor. Could that work?"
"I think it could, with the right people. I was trying to draw up a shortlist in my head, but I don't know everyone here. Heck, where I'm from Wallace West is the sixteen year old Kid Flash."
Stewart nods. "Who have you got so far?"
"Supergirl, Captain Marvel, Nightwing-" Stewart winces slightly. "-Big Barda and Mister Miracle. That covers most bases in terms of power and strategy."
"You should probably try and get that Rayner kid." He glances down at Hawkgirl. "Assuming we're not invited."
"Not without major cosmetic surgery. No offence meant, but they're going to have enough trouble getting out from under the Lords' shadows as it is."
He nods. "Yeah, that makes sense."
"Do you have any idea what Lantern Rayner's been doing lately?"
"Last I heard he was on Ungara but I don't know whether he's still there or not."
I hold my right hand out in front of me, ring sigil upwards. "What's the contact protocol? No, hang on, he uses Abin Sur's old ring, doesn't he? It'll be on here already. Ring, contact Kyle Rayner."
"If you insist."
Hawkgirl looks askance at the ring. "Is it going to keep talking like that?"
Kyle's head and shoulders appear above the ring. Looks like he's got a bit more muscle to him than our art student Kyle. "Kyle here. What's up?" He squints. "Wait, who are you?"
"My name is Grayven. I'm speaking to you through the ring of the late Thaal Sinestro from the Justice Lords' Watchtower."
"Well.. that's.. two things you shouldn't be doing. Listen,-."
"Suck it up. Your home planet's got two days until it's going to be destroyed to make way for a hyperspatial bypass and the Sector's Lantern is nowhere to be seen. Unless you want to do a Tomar-Re, get your arse back here. End."
Hawkgirl looks puzzled. "Tomar Re?"
"He was the guy who was supposed to be keeping an eye on Krypton. Whoops, his bad." Wait, in this continuity it was Brainiac, wasn't it? Never mind. "Anyone else?"
She and Stewart share a look. "We didn't… The Lords didn't start out anything like how we ended up. While Wally was alive…"
Stewart nods. "This group's going to need someone like that. Someone who can keep things from getting too… Serious. Someone…"
"Hopeful. Someone who can.. make jokes, defuse the tension. I never met Nightwing, but if he's anything like Batman…"
"And having someone who can run at super speed doesn't exactly hurt."
"I'll see what I can do." Could their Captain Marvel do that? I don't know him well enough to say. Ours is friendly but he doesn't exactly go around cracking jokes.
"I know there aren't all that many people out there with super speed-."
"Oh, that's no problem. I have something called the Garrick Formula, I can just grant Humans super speed."
Stewart pauses. "I don't suppose you've got something like that for me, have you? I can fight without a power ring if I have to, but I'd be a whole lot more effective if I had one."
Hm. "How about the Star Sapphire? Do you still have it, or did I miss my chance to pick it up from Stryker's Island?"
"No, we've still got it. I just couldn't ever make it work."
"We can have a look at that while I try finding a new Flash. I should probably have a word with the other former Lords as well. Oh, and-" I float the axe into the room and hold it out to Hawkgirl. "-I used the spare Nth metal to put this together for you. According to my database it should match the standard modern Thanagarian design."
She takes hold of it and tests the balance. "Feels just right. I'll get dressed then you can tell me who these invaders are."
I nod. "Okay."
She watches me for a moment. "That means you need to leave the room."
I shrug. "I just finished dismantling and reassembling you. With you naked I'm seeing less of you than I've already seen. And anyway, I'm from Apokolips. We don't have a nudity taboo."
She points her axe at me. "Well I'm from Thanagar and we do. Out."
7th January 2004
15:11 GMT
I watch through the stealth drone's camera as the nervous young woman returns to her apartment. Before turning the key in the door she takes a moment to puzzle at the paintwork and the wall next to it, where I spent a few moments earlier today erasing the frankly quite foul graffiti her critics had daubed on it. After opening the door she checks the floor just inside for the envelopes filled with dog excrement which I've already disintegrated. Finding none, she proceeds inside, locks and repeatedly chains the door.
Eliza Harmon is not in a good place right now.
I barely remember her from that missing year thing. It wasn't until I started looking at details of this universe's Flash's life that I came across her. Even though he had nothing to do with the Justice Lords' take over he ended up getting tarred with the same brush as far as most people are concerned. He went from being the Lords' second most popular member with a worldwide fan club numbering in the millions to having his museum firebombed during an anti-Lords riot. Before they got removed from power. I'm really not sure what series of events led Eliza Harmon of Manchester, Alabama to live in Central City and I've got even less idea why she's such a huge Flash fan.
But I can work with it.
It's not quite… I don't feel like I did when I was preparing to kill Klarion. That was good, but there was excitement and fear in the mix as well. This isn't the same, but I'm definitely… I'm feeling good about this. I mean, she might well end up dying very shortly or.. viciously attacking me at superspeed… But I'm feeling good about this.
Ah, she's seen the red box with yellow lightning bolt on her kitchen table. And she's backing up. Well, yes, alright, I suppose that at this stage a bomb was more likely than what it actually is. She picks up a broom and carefully uses it to flip the lid off, then jumps back and drops it as the sides fall away, revealing the hologram projector. Ah, looks.. a bit.. bomb-like, doesn't it? No matter, it should start-.
The full colour projection of the Flash appears in her kitchen, his head turned away from her. "Hey, Bats, is this thing on? Yeah? Okay." The image reorientates itself on Ms Harmon. "Hey Eliza. I'm The Flash… Ah, heh, guess that's kinda obvious. If you're seeing this then, ah… I'm… Not the fastest man alive any more. 'Cause I'm, y'know… Dead."
Shayera walks up behind me, coffee mug in hand. "How's she taking it?"
"Too early to say. Looks promising, though."
"So, um, things are getting.. pretty tense… Green Lantern thought it might be a good idea if we all did one of these things, but I've already talked things over with my folks so I don't really need to send it to them. Bats is sending one to his sons if anything happens to him…" The image jerks. "Yeah, okay. Look, point is, I haven't had time to go to fan conventions or anything lately, but I know you've been putting a lot of work in and I figure if anyone deserves this it should be you." He reaches up and pulls off his mask. "My name's… My name was Wallace West, and I used to work in the Central City crime labs. About six years ago I had a lab accident which gave me super speed and.. given that it basically involved me getting covered in a ton of chemicals and then hit by a lightning bolt, I was pretty lucky. It took me a long time to work out exactly how it happened, but I got there eventually. Inside a compartment in this projector is enough.. Speed Formula, to give one person the same superspeed I've got-. That I had." He frowns. "Y'know, it's really creepy saying it like that."
"I never had a sidekick, 'cause, Child Endangerment, right? I spent hours thinking about who this should go to, couldn't.. think of a way to decide… Then I just went on the Flash fan forums for a while and ended up reading some of your posts." He shrugs. "I suppose that's not exactly a fair way to do it, but it's not any more unfair than any other way, right? So, yeah, one shot of super speed in a syringe. You can use it yourself, or you can find someone else. Or, ah… I guess you could just throw it away but… Please don't do that."
"Oh my God this is actually happening."
"There's also some data sticks, mission reports, Justice Lords' records, stuff like that. Everything a budding superhero needs to get started." He smiles at her. "I guess I should have planned this whole thing out a bit better. Tell you what: when this whole Luthor mess's straightened out I'll just come and see you, that'd be a lot simpler." He looks past her. "Huh? Oh, right. Okay, I need to get going. If anything.. does happen to me…" He leans forwards. "Make sure someone's looking after my friends, okay? They can all get a bit intense, and the pressure's really been getting to everyone since Luthor got into the White House. I'm kinda.. worried about what they'd do if I.. wasn't around. But, yeah, this… We'll be fine." He pulls the hood back over his head. "I'll see you in, like, a couple of days. Wish me luck!" He blurs for a moment and the hologram shuts off.
Ms Harmon stumbles forwards towards her kitchen table and checks over the projector. I built quite a nicely ominous mechanism for protecting and holding the syringe of Garrick Formula. Had to make sure it worked on local animals in the same way as it does back home first of course, but the test results were perfectly in line with what I expected. Batman provided the files and Stewart and Hawkgirl tutored me in mimicking Wallace's diction. I'm still not quite convinced that I got him entirely correct, but I suppose she isn't in any position to check.
"This still feels creepy."
I glance at Shayera. "That's because it is creepy. Armour any good?"
She flexes her wings. "It's more confining than Thanagarian armor. Are you sure you can't change the design?"
"Yeah, I've seen Thanagarian armour. New God armour offers far superior protection." She doesn't look convinced. "It's as light as I can make it without completely compromising its protective qualities. Ah, she's applying the tourniquet to her arm."
"A new Flash." She sighs. "You really think that would have made a difference?"
"No idea. I'm not even completely sure that you did anything wrong… Not until you kidnapped and electrocuted your alter egos anyway."
"What do you think we should have done?"
"You should have done it quietly. Covertly. Targeted assassinations of the worst offenders until there just wasn't a problem any longer while.. they handle the rest. You achieve your beneficial change and they don't have to become…"
"I was going to say 'compromised'."
"Hey, I grew up on Apokolips. You're all soft touches as far as I'm concerned." I turn away from the screen to face her fully. "How are you handling the whole 'Thanagarian' thing?"
Her face falls. "It… I didn't want to believe it, but that's what a hyperspatial bypass of that size should look like. I didn't know the war with the Gordanians was going that badly."
"I was surprised as well. The Gordanians back home are mercenary pests, beholden to the Citadel for their advanced technology. They'd never be able to threaten Thanagar, or anywhere else of any significance."
"And Hro wants to kill everyone on Earth so our fleet can kill everyone on their homeworld."
"Not just Earth. The distance is too great. Father Box thinks they'd need to destroy at least three more systems in succession to make this work. Probably more. And then.. it's a pyrrhic victory at best. The Thanagarian fleet still can't stop the Gordanian fleet attacking Thanagar. In fact it would be even more out of position, and I don't see the Gordanians limiting themselves to occupation if they know that their world was subjected to exterminatus. They'd kill everyone in revenge and spend the rest of their lives hunting down every Thanagarian in existence."
"So the only way I can help my people.. is to help the Gordanians win the war."
I lay my right hand on her left shoulder. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. Maybe you should try thinking of it as saving the lives of everyone on Earth, the Gordanian homeworld, Thanagar and.. probably about two other inhabited systems. Billions of people not dying."
"Just wish it wasn't Hro." She sighs again. "What's your next step?"
"I'm paying Superman a visit. I want to have a backup plan in case the new people need help. Or can't handle it."
"I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Batman and Superman don't exactly see eye to eye anymore. And if you come from Apokolips, I think he may have killed your god."
"My.. god?"
"Five years ago Superman got kidnapped and brainwashed by people working for someone named 'Darkseid'. When he finally came to his senses he went back there and killed him. You'd have to ask him for the details."
Yes. I rather think I will.
7th January 2004
15:29 GMT
"If you're going to break into my home, you could at least offer to lend me a hand."
I take a look around the vast illusory space this version of Kal-El has created for himself. "I spent a summer working on a farm, once. I was rubbish at it. Besides, if you want muscle you've got those robot lookalikes of yours."
He turns his head away from the tractor wheel he's working on. "Too much to expect a little courtesy, I take it?"
I shrug, hands raised palms up. "Very well. What do you want me to do?"
"You mind sticking those bales in the trailer?"
"Think I can manage that." I walk over to the cylinder of straw. "Can't help but notice this is all Earth crops?"
He pushes the wheel back onto the axle and starts tightening the bolts. "If you're here to see the zoo, it's still up there."
I pick up the bale and carefully walk over to the trailer. "No, that's not-."
"I've got a lot of free time these days and I decided I wanted to grow things that reminded me of Kansas. Why are you here?"
"Are you aware of the Thanagarian presence on Earth?"
"It was on the news. I couldn't really miss it."
Trailer sags a bit under the weight but it seems to be basically mechanically sound. Wonder why he's using that rather than a gravity sled? Ah, psychological regression while under attack. Of course. "They're going to destroy the planet. The whole system, probably. It's actually a device that creates a sort of gravity funnel-."
"I could have guessed. What exactly would you like me to do about it?"
"A few Superman robots would be a great help when I attack them."
"Heh." He doesn't sound happy. "A dozen countries keep me under constant watch. The robots would be intercepted by the US Air Force before they got anywhere near Libya."
"Perhaps, but we-."
"Do you know how many of those I've got left?" Ah. No? He looks my way and I shake my head. "Between the insurgents, the Justice League and SHADE's assassination attempts I'm down to my last nine."
"I didn't realise they were sending people after you."
"Hmpf. Where are you from? I know a boom tube when I hear one but I can't think of a reason for anyone from New Genesis to want to see me."
"I'm from Apokolips." His eyes shift sideways to let him watch me as I deposit a second bale. "I am Prince Grayven, and I understand that you killed my father. I'd like to know how it happened."
"What for?"
"To learn how it was achieved. I have no interest in revenge; I know exactly how repugnant Father was and I can hardly fault you for your actions."
"Alright then. I got captured and brainwashed into becoming his loyal son. I led his armies to victory until he decided to send me to Earth. A combination of fighting Kara, a Kryptonite rocket and getting told off by Lois caused the mental conditioning to fail. I made my way to Apokolips, burned my way through his forces to the Tower of Rage and attacked him personally. He was winning, until I put my hands over his eyes when he tried to hit me with his Omega Beams. I grabbed on and it caused some kind of feedback reaction that blew the Tower apart."
That's it? "And that killed him?"
He shakes his head, eyes not quite so focused on me. "It badly wounded him, though. He couldn't keep fighting." He exhales sharply. "I was more idealistic back then. More stupid. I picked him up and threw him to the crowd. I told them to do whatever they wanted with him."
"They killed him?"
"No. They.. picked him up and tried to carry him off to get medical attention. That was when I realised that some things don't fix themselves, that sometimes… You have to take matters into your own hands and force the issue." He wields his spanner against the nut with considerable aggression. "I knocked them aside, picked him up and fired my heat vision into his eyes until his head exploded." His head jerks in my direction, his eyes fierce and staring. "Is that what you wanted to know!?"
I nod. "He picked a fight and for once he lost. I'm not sure Apokolips is better for it, but I doubt it can be significantly worse." He calms slightly. "I understand you.. continued following that philosophy on Earth once you returned."
"Everywhere I looked, I saw problems I could fix. At first I just tried to brush it off. Say it was because of the left over programming or because I'd been through a hard time. I think I could have lived with a lot of things… Even Luthor getting elected. But not when he tried to start a global war and certainly not him murdering my friend!"
"See, I'm with you on that. You unveil the plot, the international community thank you for your good work, stop their armies fighting each other and prepare them for the assault on the United States. You ask for two days to resolve the matter, and…"
"The only person who had to die was Luthor. I'm not sure I was even going to do that. Not until he put his finger over the nuclear launch button and taunted me about my unwillingness to stop him sooner."
"And afterwards?"
"We shipped Luthor's people off to The Hague, which was the absolute minimum the other countries would accept. Since that was a lot of the government and the rest of the world wouldn't trust anyone else we had to take over in the interim. And then… I couldn't think of a single good reason to give it up. Luthor didn't force anyone to vote for him and the world nearly got destroyed because the country made a bad decision. We appointed some caretakers to run Capitol Hill, people we could trust… Then we started fixing things. In less than a year there were no supervillains left and regular crime was a fraction of what it was before. No more government corruption, no more buying your way into power. No more failed compromises. And it worked." He throws the spanner to the ground. "And it took a day for it to fall apart because Batman got cold feet!"
And you've been hiding here ever since, mourning for the good old days. No, I won't be re-empowering you. Ring, scan him. Status of his organelles?
They're healthy, but the exotic energy reactions are being inhibited. By my calculation the inhibition effect will wear off in approximately five years.
Will gold Kryptonite work?
I was an archaeologist and a Lantern, not a physicist.
Father Box?
Right then. "I bumped into Kara earlier today. I understand that she's working for SHADE."
"She's a slave. That's what they've turned 'superheroes' into. They can't take the thought of anyone being independent anymore. They got so scared when they saw what a few good people in the right place could do they're doing everything in their power to make sure it never happens again." He sighs, then releases the jack holding up the tractor. "Can you stop them? The Thanagarians?"
"I'm going to try, certainly."
"And then?"
"I'm leaving. Batman's got my number if he needs me." Powdered gold Kryptonite, if you please.
Powdered gold Kryptonite is available at your request.
"Well." He nods. "Good luck."
Release it as a cloud when we leave. He doesn't need to breathe in much. Now, where next? Might as well get Diana out of the way. Father Box, boom tube to Themyscira.
7th January 2004
18:41 GMT +3
I take a moment to look around the shrine. "I did not expect to find you-" Diana's up and has a sword pointed at me. "-in here."
"Did he send you to be my test?"
It's clearly Diana's voice, but it's younger and more aggressive than I've ever heard her. This Diana didn't leave Themyscira until early two thousand, though I don't know if she's actually younger than my own overseer. Hmm. I watch her as she takes a combat pose in full armour. Full actual armour, not that bodice Hephaestus made for her because he hasn't had any since the invention of the wheel. I've seen Amazons drilling with that posture but it isn't designed to help them combat people my size.
I shift my eyes to the statue of Ares at the focal point of the shrine. The world has been unusually peaceful since World War Three was narrowly averted. Everyone is painfully aware how close they came to utter ruination. I doubt that he likes that very much. "What, Ares? No. I don't take orders from Olympians."
"Perhaps if I slay you for your trespass he'll accept it as an offering anyway."
And Themyscira itself has been at peace for its entire history. "Bored now." I raise my right hand and fire a beam of yellow light at the statue. It shatters, spraying stone shards across the room. "Ares? I'll give you twenty seconds to complain in person about that or I'll assume that you're too much of a coward to confront me."
"How dare y-?!"
"I am Grayven, Apokoliptian God of Conquest. Ares is a pathetic and limited deity and it disturbs me that you would even think of seeking his patronage. And please put that sword down. As you are you are no threat to me at all."
She doesn't lower it. "Apokolips. Superman mentioned it. He defeated your king in single combat."
"An impressive feat to be sure, but I'd already left home by then." I look around the room again. "Time's up, Ares. You officially suck."
"What do you want?"
"Does your mother know that you're here?"
Her eyes narrow slightly. "She chooses not to."
I nod, fold my arms around my back and begin walking around the periphery of the shrine. She turns to keep her shield and sword facing me. "So, story so far: you went out into Man's World to help fight off an alien invasion. You make friends, valiant comrades in arms and.. you decide to stay on. A little over a year later and the world starts going crazy as nation turns against nation at the behest of President Luthor and your friend the Flash is killed. You take part in the attack on the White House and install your 'Justice Lords' as the nation's new rulers after Luthor's death. The nation you create is militant and harsh, but just and even handed. The people who created international chaos are punished… But… Somewhere along the line… You start losing popular support."
"We did what we had to. I know all too well what nuclear weapons are capable of. There wouldn't have been a world left if we hadn't done what we did."
I nod my head to the side. "Perhaps. But… You stabilised the situation. Yet, you were still in control two years later. Did you intend to simply become Queen of America?"
"It wasn't about that. It was about protecting the citizens of America from other evil doers. We never intended to stay in power indefinitely."
"Okay. So, Batman builds a portal to a place that isn't on the verge of nuclear Armageddon. And.. you decide to take out their versions of you.. and take their places. I'm curious as to how you justify that. This America, certainly, you had need-."
"Their nation was in chaos. Violent criminals were free to prey on innocent people-."
"No they weren't. They had police, their army and the Justice League. And other, less well known superheroes. They had order. And the technique you used to lure them into your trap!" A pause in my walk and smile at her. "Asking for help which they freely gave, only to have you betray them? Herakles would be proud."
"HAA!" She charges, her sword levelled at my heart. A Herakles construct appears between us turning her sword aside with his own and punching her shield hard enough that she goes flying backwards.
"Responding to vocal disputation with violence. I see that you've turned from Athena as well as Hestia."
She rises to a crouch, shield interposed and sword at the ready. "They turned from me first."
"Because you met a foe able to remove their gifts? Are you truly that arrogant? Divine gifts are given to the deserving. If you lose them, that's your look out. You can't.. demand a gift." I resume my walk. "Is that really why you're here? To ask Ares to replace them? They empowered you, looked away when you used their gifts contrary to their nature and now… You rage at them for your failings."
She rises again, teeth clenched and eyes blazing.
"But you know this, don't you? Otherwise you could make offerings at their shrines. Or go to a sacred grove and merge with the earth to restore yourself. You're afraid that they will confirm what you already believe. That you aren't worthy and that your actions were hideously misjudged."
I stop by Ares' altar, make a fist with my right hand and bring it down directly in the middle, smashing it in two. "Separates the men from the girls, I suppose. Batman reacted to the realisation that he was in the wrong by trying harder to make up for it, even though his country and his family hate him. John Stewart stayed on to try to find a way to heal Shayera, but they've both come to agree with Batman."
"Batman betrayed us."
"Batman was reminded why you got together in the first place. He acted in accordance with your stated ideals." I nudge one side of the altar with my right foot and it collapses further. "And now Shayera's erstwhile compatriots in the Thanagarian navy are here to destroy the planet. Three Justice Lords are working on the problem while you and Kal-El cower in your holes."
"I couldn't fight an army of Hawkpeople like this."
"You have all the weapons Amazon warriors have ever had. But if you want more, you already know what you must do. Confront your guilt, your fear and your sponsors. Plead your case and pray they are feeling generous. The alternative is more of-" I look around at the shrine. "-this."
I dismiss the Herakles construct and walk away from the shrine. Point made, I think. I doubt that she'll be any use for the fight with the Thanagarians but she might get her act together at some point. Shame Ares didn't show up. I kind of want to try going war god highlander on him and seeing what happens. Father Box, was Diana recovering her abilities as Superman was?
Thought as much. Still, maybe if she gets her head back on straight her sponsors can speed things up a-
-bit. I half turn back as I hear her scream. Oh, she'll either work it out or she won't. I raise my right hand to my ear. Ring, signal the Watchtower.
Channel available, Corpsman.
"Diana won't be helping. I'll speak to J'onn and then my brother."
Huh? "Shayera, where's Batman?"
"Bludhaven. He's meeting Nightwing to talk about the situation."
"I thought they weren't talking?"
"The way Batman looked when he left, I didn't want to ask."
It would be nice to get SHADE on-side. Would make my plans for the future quite a bit simpler, too. "I don't suppose we have a current location for Father Time, do we? It might help if someone who wasn't a Justice Lord spoke to him."
"After what you did on Stryker's Island you won't do any better. And anyway, we don't. Batman's files say he thinks Father Time uses a teleporter to get around."
"Any news on the other potential recruits?"
"The other Green Lantern hasn't shown up yet. Batman said he was going to look for Batson after he finished up in Bludhaven."
"And the Thanagarians?"
"Still working. I'm not seeing any sign that they're close to completing it yet. They seem to be focusing on building up their defenses at the moment."
"Glad to hear it. I'll contact you again when I've finished speaking to Scott."
7th January 2004
15:58 GMT
The local version of J'onn J'onzz watches me as I descend through the sky to the top of what appears to be the only intact building of any size left on the Martian surface. His face… I'm not sure what I was expecting. Given how the other people I've met have the proportions of actual Human beings, I suppose I assumed that his facial characteristics had similarly been exaggerated in the cartoon. If anything they were underplayed; this is very clearly an early attempt to look Human-ish. The jaw is too long and looks like the facial muscles shouldn't be able to support it, the brow ridge would be the envy of the Neanderthal people and his eyes are just orange flashes of colour. Even his musculature looks wrong; like lumps on a plastic toy that are just there for show. He's wearing his black Justice Lords tights with blue cape and red emblem… Or rather, he isn't, is he? That's part of his skin.
Is that a towel?
"Mister J'onzz-." Right. Air's too thin to properly convey speech. I link us by an invisibly thin yellow filament. "Mister J'onzz."
There's a slight reaction to hearing me at normal volume, but he doesn't seem particularly distressed. "Welcome to Ma'aleca'andra. I apologise for not speaking to you sooner, but I'm afraid that I no longer possess my species' usual telepathic abilities."
"Quite alright." I land on the surface of the building. It's weird, seeing structures on the surface of the planet. How long had those white shapeshifting things been infiltrating Earth's space program to cover this up? "My name is Grayven, and while I wouldn't say that Batman sent me, he is aware of my presence."
"Ah." He turns his head a little to the side and reaches up onto his left shoulder to stroke the towel, which.. shakes in response? Ring? Oh, some sort of Martian animal. "I'm afraid that I've been out of touch. How are things on Earth?"
"Superman's moping in the Fortress, Diana's worshipping Ares, Batman's… More. John's much as he was."
"And Hawkgirl? She was quite sick when I left."
"Oh, I fixed her up. She's fine."
"I am pleased to hear that." He gestures towards the door with his right hand. "Would you like to come inside?"
"Thank you." He leads the way inside the door… An airlock, I notice.
He notices me noticing. "When I was hit by Luthor's power nullifier I was locked in a form adapted for Earth's atmospheric pressure. I can survive outside, but it is uncomfortable to do so for an extended period." Ooh. Yikes.
Pressure equalised, the inner door open and he starts down the corridor. "I had been under the impression that those.. things, had destroyed everything your people built."
"They mostly focused on killing my people. The destruction of our buildings was a by-product of that. This building was mostly intact. Repairing it didn't take too long."
"Is that what you've been doing with yourself?"
He.. smiles..? With his jaw structure it looks decidedly odd. And gives the towel-thing another scratch. "I have mostly been attempting to catalogue Ma'aleca'andra's surviving species. The invaders didn't kill everything, and their simple thoughts are the closest I am ever likely to get to contact with another mind. Kh'r is how I knew you were coming, though.. he appears to be having trouble deciding if you are alive or not."
"I had a run-in with a rather unpleasant telepath a few months ago. I sought training in how to resist telepathic probes." I tap my forehead with my right forefinger. "I've become quite good at it."
"Indeed." He glances at me. "Did Batman send you simply to check up on me?"
"No. There's a Thanagarian warship in near Earth orbit. They're building a device that will destroy this system to transfer their fleet to their enemy's homeworld."
"I assume that you intend to stop them."
"Among other things. I'm also trying to assemble a team to.. take over certain functions which the Lords performed."
"I'm afraid that without my shapeshifting or mental abilities I would be of little use to you."
"I may be able to undo the effect of Mister Luthor's device. And, to be frank, I don't think that isolating yourself like this is healthy. Especially for a member of a telepathic species."
"Do you believe that you can handle the Thanagarians?"
"Yes, most likely, but there are degrees of success, and if you-."
"Then I am sorry, but I must remain."
I follow him in silence for a few paces. Fears… Huh. Nothing major that I can see. The shapes… He's weirdly calm. "May I ask… Why?"
"It would be easier to show you." We approach another airlock, this one heavily reinforced. "Ma'aleca'andra's people are dead. But their tissue remains. This was once a medical facility focused on reproductive medicine." The Kh'r-towel makes a chirping noise and the door oozes open.
"You're… Trying to make more Martians?"
"Trying, yes. Most of what I have to work with are simple tissue samples, but the bodies of my species are remarkably protean. In theory, each sample I have collected could be encouraged to grow into a new Martian. They would not have the memories of the original of course, but my presence and their own telepathy should greatly aid in their mental development."
Some sort of sterilisation field passes over us and we enter the laboratory proper. Some of the materials here were clearly brought from Earth, others appear to be local-Martian and part of the far wall is given over to something which appears to match the aesthetic of the now-extinct invaders. Mister J'onzz walks forwards and then stops next to something that looks like a rice cooker.
"With both partners able to carry a child my people never had any reason to develop exo-wombs. The technology I require to resurrect my people does not yet exist." He rests his right hand on it. "By my estimates I have perhaps another forty years of good health ahead of me. I hope that it will be enough." He turns his head to look at me. "But I cannot risk leaving for any length of time."
I nod. "I understand. Are you alright for food? Or is there any other equipment I could bring you?"
"What I have suffices." He looks at the alien device at the end of the room. "When I was a member of the Justice Lords, I was surrounded by Humans who believed passionately in what we were doing. I came to assume that they were representative of all Humanity."
"Bit of a selection bias."
"I understand that now. At the time I honestly believed that we were showing the Human species a better way of life. When we returned to our own dimension I was not unduly worried by our defeat. I assumed that others would simply take over our roles and that the work would continue." His eye orbits relax slightly. "That did not happen."
"SHADE's doing something. Organising superheroes."
"I met with Father Time once, before we removed Luthor from power. If the Justice Lords were bad for the Humans, at least we had the virtue of being open about our intentions. I do not think that he will be good for Earth, but I was wrong too badly in the past to have a great faith in my judgements on the matter."
I lay my right hand on his free shoulder. "I'll let Batman know what you're doing. Maybe he'll have some ideas about how you can speed things up a little."
"Thank you. I wish you luck."
I walk back out of his laboratory. Fascinating. Unfortunate that local Martians are too different to my type of Martians for either their technology or biology to be cross compatible. Having access to Martians could be very useful for either a newly formed League or the reformed Lords. Now, let's see. My brother's doing some filming for a television series in Las Vegas at the moment. Minus eight, so it's early morning there. Father Box, boom tube.
7th January 2004
08:05 GMT -8
I hurry out into their dining area. They'll have heard that so I've only got a few seconds… Take a seat, ring off, lean back, paper-.
Barda charges out first, her weapon of choice in her right hand. Not wearing armour, I note.
I smile at her, a picture of relaxed satisfaction. "Captain. Is that a mega rod or are you just pleased to see me?"
7th January 2004
08:06 GMT -8
"Get out of our home."
I lightly toss the paper down on the table. "Rude." She grits her teeth and raises the rod slightly. "Also, we're in a hotel full of people and we're both strong enough to punch one another through the walls. Do you really want to fight here?"
"Alright." Scott walks past her, keeping his hands visible. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"Oh, ow." I put my right hand over my heart. "Right here, Scott." He squints his left eye slightly and shakes his head. "Really? Barda? I'd have been about yay-" I hold my left hand out flat, about toddler height off the ground. "-tall? Grey skin, orange eyes?" I flick my eyes from one to the other. "No?"
Her eyes narrow for a moment. "Grayven."
I smile. "You see? That wasn't so hard. Good to see you again."
"Okay." Scott raises his hands slightly. "Grayven. I've never heard of you, but that's Apokoliptian armour and a Mother Box-."
"Father Box."
"Rrrright. Why are you here?"
"I'm here to save and conquer this world, and I wanted to offer you the opportunity to join my Elite before I kicked things off."
Barda scowls. "We're not joining-."
Scott lays his right hand on her shoulder. "Wait a sec. Save the world?"
"Yes. Surely.. you've noticed what the Thanagarians are building?"
"They said it was a shield."
"Oh, Scott. How long have you been away from Apokolips? You really think that in the middle of a war they would send a Command Carrier to a system the Gordanians have never heard of and build a planetary defence shield out of the goodness of their hearts?" I lean forwards. "Proper paranoia, Scott."
"So what is it?"
"It's a displacement generator."
His eyes widen. "But that would destroy-."
"The entire system, yes. And that's why we need to stop them."
"Okay, I-."
"And then conquer Earth."
He leans back slightly. "I'm not sure that follows."
"We clearly can't leave them to their own devices. What happens next time? You want to build a quantum imploder? Sure, go right ahead, that sounds fun!" I sigh and shake my head. "And I would so hate for the Earth to be destroyed. They're a remarkable people, aren't they? Powered flight to fission bombs in a mere forty years, as well as the wisdom to hardly use them at all. I don't mind telling you… I feel at home here already."
"And -in the interests of 'proper paranoia'- why are you telling me?"
"Because you have local knowledge that I lack. And you're family."
"I… Am?" He looks at Barda.
"He's one of Darkseid's bastards." I nod. "You're not related."
"Darkseid may have been a terrible Father to us both, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't our father."
"He handed me over to Granny Goodness. I grew up in the X-Pit."
"Sounds terrible to me. So, how about it?"
"Who else have you asked?"
"Only Supergirl. Oh, that's just because she was on hand when I decided to do it, not because I was prioritising her over you. You know I'd have come here first, right?"
"… Yeah, thaaanks. I'll-." Barda scowls at him. "We'll take a look at what the Thanagarians are doing, but we're gunna have to pass on joining your Elite."
"Could you at least join on paper? I'd hate to force my own brother to become a Lowlie."
Barda shakes Scott's hand off and stomps towards me. "Okay, that's it. I can hit you through an external wall."
"Barda. Sister in law. I came here with peaceful intentions."
She presses a button on her bikini bottom, causing her armour to appear around her. Practical, I approve. "As far as I can see you're just another Darkseid: big, grey and in need of a good hard pounding."
I look her over. "I'm not necessarily against the idea, but I rather thought that the two of you had adopted the Human practice of monogamy. And bes-."
Owowow! I barely feel the wall as it disintegrates around my shoulder, freeing me to fly across the Las Vegas skyline. Check the jaow, yes, that's broken. Ow. Good job Barda didn't have her aero discs on her. I twist in the air as I activate mine, slowing my flight to a more controllable rate. Okay, Batman's got Richard and Batson so that's everyone on my list. Father Box, five boom tubes, random pattern, then back to the Watchtower.
May as well get this party started. I see Barda toss a set of aero discs out of the hole and leap onto them as the first boom tube opens behind me. I wave her goodbye as I slide my ring back onto my finger and fly backwards through it-
-dense gas. Where? Jupiter?
Empty space.
Empty space in a different part of the system.
An island somewhere. Oh, that's beautiful. I'll have to bring Jade here at some point.
Arctic wilderness. Aaaand-
7th January 2004
16:11 GMT
-back on the-.
"Look out!" Huh? Hawkgirl's pinned to the wall by violet cryst-oh no. Oh dear. Armour!
"You hurt Shayera and you're going to pay for it."
And shield! The violet energy beam hits it right in the yellow sigil. Nice that John's love is so strong. Shame he's been overwhelmed. Maybe I should have insisted he wait until I could be here to try using it. Oh, that's not a good look for him. Star Sapphire's glowing up a storm in a sort of headdress thing. Good job for me going crazy isn't making him a more creative ring user. Shayera's fear is keeping my construct-shield together but-. Transition, grab John around the neck with my left arm, grab the headdress with my right hand and rip.
I release John and gently set him down on the floor- This- -as his Star Sapphire uniform flakes away in motes of violet light, being replaced by his armour. -isn't- I dismiss the construct around Shayera. While I understand the need to protect those you love there aren't any threats here. -me!
Gah! I hurl the headdress down onto the floor as far away from anyone as I can!
And that's an Nth metal axe. I hold out my right hand to ward Shayera off as she stands over me. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Underestimated how overwhelming the Star Sapphire would be. I'm sorry." Jaw's healed up then. Good show. "John alright?"
The axe is slowly withdrawn. "He's unconscious. Vitals are stable but I want to get him to medical to be sure."
"Can you manage him?"
She attaches her axe to her belt and heaves him off the ground without difficulty. "Please."
I create a poopa scoupa construct powered by my fear of being controlled and use it to pick up the star sapphire. "I'll put this back in secure storage. We'll have to come up with something else for John."
7th January 2004
16:16 GMT
"Oooh." John's eyes blink open. "What happened?"
Shayera smiles at him as he sits up, then realises where he is. "We found out violet isn't your color."
I adjust my recreated goggles as I continue to study his soul. "I've put it back in secure storage."
"What did I do?"
"Stuck me in a pink crystal and pinned me to a wall."
"And wore some rather revealing clothing." Interesting. Anyone wilful enough to be capable of using a green ring is going to have a lot of green in there, but this is… It looks like a source, a wellspring… Wait a second. "John, have you ever encountered the Manhunters?"
"Yeah, a couple of years ago. They made it look like I destroyed a planet to try to lure the Guardians away from Oa so they could capture the Central Power Battery."
Shayera nods. "Simpler times. Evil robots try and take over the universe, we hit them until they stop moving."
"Yees. Did anything… Unusual happen?"
"The leader of the Manhunters got inside the Central Power Battery and absorbed all of its power. I had to use my ring to pull it back."
"All of it?"
"The Guardians went down and I couldn't make constructs while the Manhunter was doing it. To be honest I.. kind of assumed the Manhunter just cut us off."
"You were channelling… The entire Central Power Battery?"
John gets off the bed and starts strapping his armour back on. "I suppose I did. I hadn't really thought about it. Does it matter?"
"Perhaps. I don't have a spare ring for you-."
"I'll take what I can get. I was in the Marines before I joined the Lantern Corps."
"That's just it. There are several augmentations I could offer you. Since.. super speed… You might find it uncomfortable, I was going to offer you strength and endurance. But… When I was studying you in depth -to check for compatibility- I noticed something… Odd." I take the goggles off and pass them to Shayera. "Take a look."
John looks from me to her and back again. "What is it?"
"I think… You appear to be channelling.. small amounts of green light.. without your ring."
"That's crazy talk. Only the Guardians can do that."
"Yes. And possibly someone who briefly mainlined the Green Central Power Battery."
"So, what? I should just be able to stick out my hand-" He extends his right. "-and fire green energy? Because I can't."
"No. Not yet, at any rate. The amount of green light you're generating is tiny compared to what the Guardians must use. However. With Father Box and my own ring, I believe I can increase it. I'm not sure how much. Probably not enough to make up for you not having a ring, not in the short term at least. But, the degree of connection would continue to increase until it stabilised at a much higher level."
"And if you don't?"
"The connection will most likely remain as it is now for the rest of your life. If you had a ring it would give you an edge. Otherwise, it probably won't do anything."
Shayera takes off the goggles and hands them back to me. "John, I know how much being in the Corps meant to you. Grayven and I can handle the.. ship."
"So I can steal green power, just like the Manhunters did."
"No, no. The green power belongs to everyone, the Guardians.. just found an efficient way of focusing it. If it makes you feel any better… Did they ever tell you why they retired the Manhunters?"
"Yeah, because they couldn't understand degrees of guilt."
I raise my eyebrows. "Is that what they said? Well, if you're ever on Ysmault… Try talking to Atrocitus to get the other side of the story."
"What story's that?"
"They decided that all life was guilty of something and killed every living thing in Sector Six Six Six."
"What?" / "And they kept using them?"
I nod in answer to Shayera's question. "With robots, I tend to blame the programmer. Not that any Guardian was ever punished for it. So? What do you say?"
"I.. wouldn't mind getting my power back. How long will it take?"
"Maybe ten minutes, probably less."
"Batman back yet?" Shayera shakes her head. "Then I may as well go for it. Does it hurt?"
"You're not sufficiently aware of your metaphysique to experience any discomfort." Preparing for a battle like this is always enough to generate some fear, even among combat veterans. "I'll get started on that and on fabricating your new armour. We can begin our assault once Batman returns."
I pull my goggles back over my eyes and focus on my god sense. Presumably I will eventually get to the point where I don't need tools like this any longer, but I am a young god at present and not sophisticated enough to do this sort of work manually. I reach into him, connecting his own green to the green of his connection to the green light, teasing filaments out in order to create a larger.. signal. Yes. But there's more to John Stewart than will, and fortuitously will resists the other colours less than they do each other. Colours, experiences, all the things that make him him, I wire them together-
-with a little help from Father Box, and make them more, using the patterns and resonances already there to amplify the whole network. From a child's join the dots picture to a fractal pattern, colours repeating into infinity.
A god's soul.
I'm better and faster at this than I used to be. It's getting instinctive, seeing the correct ways to proceed. Pattern matching, not calculating. This is just about the most intimate it's possible to be with another being. When I eventually do it to Jade… I wonder if there's a way to let her see my own spiritual structure while I do it? Or at least let her see the process as I carry it out?
Hah! The green light is actually resisting my ability to undertake further changes! Wonderful! Completely unexpected, but I'll take it! I withdraw my awareness and I remove the goggles. "Since you've got an internal power source I was able to go a bit further than I normally do. Feel any different?"
John looks up, his eyes glowing green as they did in the cartoon. "I'll say." He holds out his right hand and green smoke puffs into existence in a way which reminds me of the first X-Com trooper to undergo successful psychic testing. "It doesn't feel like a power ring, but I'll take it."
"There are limitations. You don't have a built in database or translation system any more. No virtual intelligence assistance. You'll have to do everything manually, like my version of Alan Scott has to."
He smiles, watching the dancing green lights. "Pain is weakness leaving the body." He squeezes his right hand into a fist and a construct personal lantern appears next to him and a construct ring appears on his right middle finger. "I can manage just fine."
7th January 2004
16:23 GMT
"You have teleporters?"
Shayera raises her right eyebrow. "You don't?"
"Father Box can make boom tubes. If you give me a decent power source and a couple of days I can build a hush tube generator. We don't have teleporters!"
"How does your Justice League get around?" John's floating just off the ground. I'm not sure if he's trying to get used to it again or if he just enjoys it.
"Zeta tubes. They need a relay at each end and they get blocked by stormy weather."
"At least you don't use Javelins. Those used to take hours to get anywhere. Superman used to say-" There's a flare of blue light as Batman and.. Richard.. appear. "-that it would be faster for him to fly down to Earth."
Batman stays standing on the teleport platform for a moment as he cautiously regards John. "Green Lantern. Are you back to mission fitness?"
John spreads his arms out, a green flame effect similar to Alan's environmental shield flaring around his body. "And then some."
Richard… Nightwing, steps off the platform towards me. "You're the guy who attacked Stryker's Island. And the Thanagarian construction site."
I smile and hold out my right hand. "Pleased to meet you."
He walks past me and takes a look at Shayera and John. "I see Bruce has got the Justice Lords up and running again. Are the other three here as well?"
I look at my right hand for a moment and then turn around. "No, dick, they're not."
"Nightwing, we didn't call you here to start a fight. The Thanagarians-."
"Are building a device to destroy the Earth so their fleet can attack the Gordanian homeworld. Bruce said." He nods. "I had Oracle look at your math and it checks out."
Shayera's starting to get irritated. "So what are you doing here rather than talking to your superiors?"
I hear the teleporter activate again. Batman going to speak to Batson, I assume. I remember something in Batman of the Future about his relationship with Richard falling apart in the normal timeline. I guess he wants to remove himself as a source of tension.
"Where exactly am I supposed to tell them the information came from?! Have you got any idea what they'd do if they found out I was still talking to Bruce? Or that the Justice Lords were functioning again at all?"
"So? Tell them you hacked our communications."
"My beat is Bludhaven. I'm not allowed to go outside my area of responsibility like that. If I did come across anything I should have forwarded it to Nerve Center at once."
I shake my head. "That isn't necessarily a problem. I can arrange for my brother to bring it to you. He's a citizen of the United States with no criminal record-" Of any note. "-so there shouldn't be any added difficulty."
"No. I'm not giving SHADE the run around on this. Kara already reported in, so someone at the top is already looking into it. The only way I can see this working is if we take it to Father Time directly and hope that he's okay with it. God only knows what he's going to do about the Lords working together again, but you can worry about that once the Earth is safe." He turns around. "W-?" He pauses. "He just walked out?"
"Teleported to Fawcett City to talk to Captain Marvel. We're busy, Richard."
"Yeah. Busy." He sighs. "Can the Watchtower's sensors locate Father Time?"
Shayera shakes her head. "Not unless he's got some sort of unique exotic energy output."
"He does. He's a weak source of chronoton radiation."
She nods and walks over to a control panel. "Can you narrow down his location?"
Richard nods. "He's probably either in DC with the President or Manhattan, in the SHADE Nerve Center."
She presses a few more buttons. "I should have him in a few seconds."
"Chronoton radiation? Father Time's a time traveller?"
Richard doesn't look at him. "Could be. No one really knows anything about Father Time."
"Got him. He's in the White House. I can even teleport you into the same room if you want."
"I don't particularly want to get shot dead by the Secret Service. Put us down on a rooftop nearby. I'll contact someone in his escort."
Shayera hesitates. "'Us'?"
Richard walks back up onto the teleporter. "You two have shoot-to-kill orders. I can just arrest Grayven."
"It's fine." I stroll onto the teleport platform. They even have glowing circles set into the floor! "Just make sure you get a roof that can take my weight."
"Coordinates set."
The air shimmers around me, and then…
7th January 2004
11:26 GMT -5
We're in Washington. Huh. That was painless. Have to see if I can persuade Batman to part with the design. Taking it when I've got the sort of rapport going with John and Shayera that I have just feels wrong. Ring? We're on the roof of the Corcoran School of Arts and Design, just behind the ridge of the roof. The South Lawns are in front of us, and Richard goes down on his stomach before crawling up the slope to peer over the top. "It's not a good idea to do this in daylight. But we can't afford to wait."
A city full of nervous people. Adequate power. I take a camera drone out of subspace, stealth it and send it up over the White House grounds. "I'll send a drone to get his precise location." He turns his head to stare at me and I can foresee something along the lines of 'Are you crazy?!' coming from his mouth. "It's invisible to any Earth technology likely to be on the lookout. Here." A second pair of goggles appear from subspace and float their way over to him. "They can give you a feed directly from the camera." He hesitates for a moment and then puts them on, taking a moment to get used to their set up. I put my own back over my eyes and look out through the drone's cameras. Where exactly does the President spend his time? Can't say it's something I've ever really thought.. about…
What the hell?
"Father Time's meeting the President in the Oval Office, along with the heads of the NSA, CIA and the Joint Chiefs. If they're not talking about the Thanagarian situation then I don't-." I take the goggles off my face and clamber up the roof. "What the hell are you doing?!"
I stare out in the direction of the Oval Office. It's on the far side of the West Wing from us, so I can't just look in the window or anything. Father Box, please tell me I'm wrong.
Thought not. "Richard, to the best of your knowledge, is your president Human?"
"What are you talking about? Of course he's Human."
"No, he isn't. That's an Apokoliptian combat infiltrator. Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard, if I remember correctly. You people have managed to put an Apokoliptian war robot into the White House. SHADE got big after the Lords lost power and Horne got elected." I tilt my head downwards, laughing weakly. "Did you people like Luthor so much you had to elect a second supervillain?"
"That's…" He frowns. "No, that's…"
"You know, the original plan was to get you a team of righteous superheroes, help you kick the Thanagarians' arses and set up some sort of new global super team. But if SHADE owns the robopresident… Fuck it. I'm going to actually take over this country after all. And unlike those weak-willed Justice Lords I'm not going to wuss out halfway through. Father Box, boom tube to the Thanagarian bridge!"
7th January 2004
16:28 GMT
I step through the boom tube and for one beautiful moment every Thanagarian on the bridge turns to stare at me in astonishment. Bird helmets all around, officers at their consoles, the marines… Just staring. Oh, I like this.
"Hello, dead people."
Construct armour forms around me as I lunge for the closest marine. He snaps out of it enough to bring his spear to bear even as his partner raises some sort of beam weapon. The Nth metal point comes at me and I stretch my right arm past it to turn aside the shaft before slamming the heel of my left hand into his chin.
"Gordanians! Gordanians on the bridge!"
"Do I look like a Gordanian?"
A tower shield construct comes up to intercept the second marine's shot before I grab the gun out of his hands and punch him hard in the diaphragm, sending him to the deck in a crumpled heap. Every bridge officer who can is getting into cover and aiming their side arms in my direction. This place is more like a Covenant bridge than something from Star Trek or Mass Effect, with different parts on different levels. Even most Apokoliptian vessels aren't this grandiose. Maybe it's the wings..?
Father Box, hack the gun.
I raise it and shoot a power control officer who was too slow in getting behind something. Thank you, Father Box. I crouch slightly behind my shield as weapon fire begins to strike home. The shield appears to be holding out better than I was expecting. They must be really afraid of me, and I'm not sure why.
You're missing something obvious. Pay attention, Corpsman.
Marines launch themselves into the air, the melee equipped ones heading straight for me as fast as the Nth metal in their bodies will allow. If they're afraid… I create a sword construct for myself and generate a small squad of Gordanian warriors to fight off the chaff. Yes, that one looks important. He's standing on the far side, shouting orders into a communications device as the marines slam into my warrior constructs. I shoot two marines out of the air as I march across the deck. Certainly, I could generate explosive force to root out the bridge officers but at this point it's more in my interest to appear as an unstoppable force than it is to kill every last one of them immediately.
A sound judgement. Properly re-educated they may be of use to you.
Nth metal weapons can destroy constructs if wielded properly, but these marines appear to prefer axes and spears to maces or swords and my Gordanian constructs are… Their programming realises that they just need to grab the haft to be more or less safe. Thanagarian marines show an almost superhero-like disregard for sensible body- I turn back and shoot a gun-armed marine who was aiming at my side. -armour. Yes, the Nth metal straps are very nice but they don't protect the rest of your chest. I step over a fallen marine who had that demonstrated to her by a Gordanian shoving a claw into her gut. She's bleeding freely but still tries to grab me around the left leg. I kick her in the wound and she curls up in pain instead. Hmm. Probably survivable if she gets prompt medical attention.
"…we need heavy weapons up here now!" The officer looks up for a moment and we make eye contact. I take the opportunity to refresh my armour, changing from construct demon-samurai to a construct Gordanian. Yes, that's better. Without even looking into them I can feel the current of fear as my armour better corresponds to their expectations. "And if we've got any radion blasters, bring them up as well."
A deck officer charges me and gets shield-slammed in the face for his efforts just as the main doors open and a reinforcement unit of marines charges onto the bridge. Quite sensibly the bridge officers use the opportunity to get away from the combat zone as the marines open fire on the Gordanian constructs who have just about finished clawing their way through their colleagues. One construct fails immediately and two others buckle as they try charging straight into the enemy guns. A mental command from me and they switch to a more evasive flight path. This bridge has taken a pounding. I really hope they've got a backup somewhere or controlling this thing could get a little difficult.
Of course! The reserve marines aren't as afraid of me as the ones who witnessed my appearance! It's going to take a little while for me to get used to that mattering. Another goes down to a shot from my stolen gun but they're forming a sort of tortoise with large shields to the fore. The shields are gold in colour with.. avian shapes stencilled on the front. Bowl them over? Bowl them over. Two shots with the gun to make them keep their heads down and I toss it aside, raising my ring. Fear me, mortals.
The wide yellow beam blasts towards them. Really, I just want to knock them over. It's unrealistic for me to try doing this without killing anyone but I'd like to keep the death toll down at least somewhat-. Eh? That doesn't seemed to have knocked ohfuck! Agh, grahh! Uh.
"Get him!"
Okay, apparently those shields can absorb the output of power rings and reflect it back.. redoubled. I pick myself up and recreate my construct armour. That.. actually bruised me a little. Okay, not firing energy beams at the ones with the shields again. Marines with Nth metal axes and maces are flying at me just behind three equipped with shields. If I was some kind of idiot I could just keep firing straight line attacks at them… But I like to think that I'm not. Spear-tipped ropes of yellow flow outwards from either side of me before launching themselves at my attackers.
"Eyyagh!" / "Gaah!"
They strike at the gaping holes in their armour and pierce the more vulnerable flesh beneath. The ones that get hit drop out of the air but only a couple are properly disabled. It's getting harder to wound them. They're not afraid enough.
Soon fix that. The first shield-armed marine flies as close to me as he dares before veering away to give the axe man behind him an unobstructed swing. I grab him by the wing and yank him into the axe's path. He gasps then shudders as it cleaves into his back. I shove his bleeding and crippled form at his stunned colleague. "Good work, chum." A construct sword severs his left hand at the wrist and then grabs the bloodied axe from his right.
Looks like Thanagarian blood vessels have the same sort of pressure in them as Human ones. A claw construct grabs a second shield bearer by their left leg and pulls them towards me in an uncontrolled tumble. I reverse the axe and slam the butt hard into his helmet, denting it and rendering him unconscious. A filament picks up the shield and delivers it into my left hand. Worth keeping, that. Three marines try to stab at me with Nth metal spears. Two I intercept with the shield but the third gets through, passing through my construct armour only to be blocked by the Apokoliptian armour beneath. I lunge, swinging the axe at full force and slicing through their spear hafts and fingers before turning the blade aside and striking them with my fist.
"Die for Grayven."
Flesh mashes and bones crack as they're knocked aside and I start to feel the fear again. I raise my right hand and pull on the spike-tipped ropes impaling the fallen. Most pull free, worsening their injures. Two though have latched onto ribs and drag their victims across the floor.
"Ahh-ah-ahhh!" / "Nraaagh!"
The airborne marines hesitate and I pick up my catch and hurl it at them. One ditherer is knocked out of the air while my other target evades, allowing my living missile to slam into the far wall with a thump. A new volley of shots come from the marines around the entrance but now I know what these shields do it isn't much of a problem. A new set of rope-spears shoot around the sides of the formation, jabbing into any hole in the shield barrier and pulling back. Mostly they just come back blood-covered, but there's a yelp as one marine is dragged out of formation as one latches onto her ulna, knocking the marines next to her aside. As a reward of sorts I turn the spike into a construct Gordanian and send it flying into the breach, claws reaching out to rend Thanagarian flesh.
At that point the airborne marines decide to stop poncing about and actually charge me. I batter the first out of the air with my shield and swing my axe at the second. He parries with the handle of his mace, only to find out that however much stronger Thanagarians are than Humans I am far stronger still. The shock slams his own weapon into his chest with a crunch before smashing him to the ground.
Oh, this is good.
7th January 2004
16:31 GMT
Five move to surround me in the hope of avoiding my weapon, their belief that I can't see the ones behind me giving them the courage to try this. I don't look around as I block a strike to my rear with the shield then spawn a new Gordanian construct to drag my attacker down. They rise a little into the air, hoping to at least hold my attention. Yellow light flowing strong I deactivate my aero discs and use the ring's flight aura to erupt upwards towards the one whose tassels suggest seniority.
I keep the blade of the axe back so that only my fist strikes the armour in the centre of his chest. Nth metal is a remarkable absorber of force but I struck in the assumption that a display of force, of obviously overcoming their strongest advantage, would serve me better than a clean kill or KO. I turn to the other marines with a grin as the squad leader flies across the room to land hard on the floor of the lowest level. I gesture with my right hand and generate new spiked ropes, letting the hooks on the end mirror the movements of my foes like Cobras following a charmer's pipe. A thought and my construct Gordanians pull back as well, flying around to flank me.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the Thanagarian Empire, I respectfully suggest that this is the time to yield. I have no particular love of unnecessary bloodshed but I am perfectly prepared to kill every last one of you if it proves to be necessary." I change my expression from the grin of a confident pugilist in the midst of a fight to the calm smile of a victor and allow the moans and whimpers of the wounded and dying to filter into their consciousness. "Surrender now and you will live to see Thanagar again."
Professional soldiers don't break and flee but these ones look about ready to fall back in poor order. Why aren't they doing that? I clearly have overwhelming force on my side. I look around the room as the officer who called in reinforcements nervously sticks his head out of cover. "You. What's your name?"
He briefly glances at his remaining forces before returning his attention to me. "I am Lieutenant Kragger of the Thanagarian Navy."
"Those heavy weapons are taking their time, aren't they? Don't think they're going to get here soon enough."
"We will never surrender to the likes-" That's who he is! He's the one Mister J'onzz leaves near-vegetative by forcing his way into his mind! "-of you, Praetor." They keep calling me that. I know it means either commander or magistrate but it's a very particular translation that presumably has some special meaning for them. Ring, I'd like a look at their database. Are these computers power ring proof?
Hardly, Corpsman. Accessing now.
The marines who were close to me have pulled back towards their comrades. Lieutenant Kragger turns to his subordinate. "He's the Praetor! If we kill him, the war is over!"
Don't give orders you know full well won't be obeyed, fool.
Data available, and I would not be so swift to demean his intelligence, Corpsman.
Ooooooooooh. So.. my alter ego unified the Gordanian clans, forged them into an empire and now leads them. And they think I'm him. Easy mistake to make, I suppose. They only identified him a little over a year ago which is why Shayera didn't recognise me when she first saw me. Any chance he could detect my presence here? Probably not. Any point trying to contact him myself? No. A military that could batter the Thanagarians to breaking point isn't something I want anywhere near any version of Earth. Hm. If these Thanagarians think I'm basically super-Hitler there's not much chance of achieving a negotiated solution.
Ah well.
"You couldn't take me when you were fresh. You certainly can't…" What's that noise? Ah. I don't turn to look at the three Thanagarian fighters currently lurking just in front of the bridge's front window, but I do look at Lieutenant Kragger as he manages a vicious smile.
I missed you doing that. Well played.
A storm of ironically yellow bolts blast the window to smithereens as they try and track me. I take three hits which ruin my construct armour and transition down to the lowest level, out of their arc of fire. Shield interposed.
"Evacuate the bridge! Carry the wounded if you can, leave them if you can't!"
One problem resolves itself. You know, if I had my flipping drones… Okay, my ring and armour can throw off most methods they could use to detect me. Construct armour. A ship this size could have hundreds of fighters. Do I try fighting them or move further inside the ship? Father Box?
I did not know that. So, Nth metal throws off boom tube generation and I only got in here because they have a great big window stuck on the front. Don't really think the main hangar would be a better place than here. Top surface of the ship? No, there's nothing up-. Fuck! Guess they've written off the rest of the wounded! I crouch shield over head as another volley of yellow bolts punch clean through the walls of the bridge. They're only approximately aiming at me but they're hitting with agh!
Fine then! I fly up and out of the window at high speed. Three ships close to, another five further back. Guns are on fixed nose mounts. I fly past the first fighter and hammer its left wing with the blade of my axe, cutting through and throwing off the balance of its antigravity propulsion system. Two plumes of smoke erupt from the cut and the fighter lurches to the side as the others in the squadron try and reacquire me. Standing in the air I glare at the closest and open my soul to their fear. They saw their fellow Thanagarians fleeing, didn't they? The yellow light builds in my eyes for a moment and then blasts out, smashing clean through the craft and severing the rear third. As it tumbles in the air the canopy blows and the pilot leaps free. Right, wings. Does he have a grav-chute on that ridiculous armour? Doesn't look like it. He's not going to-? Yes, he drew his sidearm and shot me. Fine then. Flashes of yellow from my eyes annihilate his pistol and pierce his wings in what looks like an extremely painful location, causing him to yelp and drop from the sky. He'll probably manage a survivable landing.
The third fighter manages to bring its guns to bear and open fire. Construct armour fractures when the beams strike home, right shoulder and forearm, before I get the shield in the way. My eyes glow again before the beam flashes out, gouging a furrow along the underside of the craft. I open my eyes wider as the beam reaches the armour protecting the main engine and increase the power. The beam slices into the hull and the fighter jerks as an internal explosion signals the end of its participation in the fight. Okay, so, what next? I sort of.. jumped in without coming up with a concrete-.
Trans-transition! Get me back inside. Aaah. Guh. Agh. I'm… I'm lying on the uppermost walkway. The commander's station. No bodies up here and the fighters didn't manage to hit it. Uhh. Fucking.. anti-boarding external.. defences. I don't think that was just a big electrical discharge but whatever it was it hurt like agh! Aaaah. Right. Okay, map. This isn't fun any more. Ring, connect to the command station.
Impossible, Corpsman. The bridge has been physically disconnected from the rest of the ship's systems precisely to prevent a remote take over.
Okay, so I need to get to the computer core. Or at least somewhere I can make a hard connection. I push myself up onto my feet, taking a moment to steady myself. That.. really hurt. I should heal up before too long but I'd rather-.
The doors below me burst open as the marine heavy weapon teams finally put in an appearance. The first thing they see in the combat zone is the groaning bodies of their own fallen. Good start. Unfortunately for me they fly upwards and spot me almost immediately.
The first two are carrying what look like… Blaster Launchers? Hook coated chains wrap themselves around the bearers and yank them back down towards the middle layer where they land with a pair of yelps. Three shield bearers keep back, covering another marine with a short barrelled weapon of some kind. I create another construct Gordanian just in time for us both to be struck by another fusillade of yellow energy bolts from outside the ship. I create a barrier covering the hole where the window used to be just as the marine with the gun fires. Oh, what's-.
7th January 2004
16:34 GMT
I tap the fore and middle fingers of my right hand against the mush that a good portion of the left side of my abdomen has been reduced to. They come away damp with a strange red-purple liquid that I presume is what my blood looks like these days.
I'm… Hurt.
I'm hurt.
And there's the pain! Ah! Gawhah! U-uh! Arhhuh.
Ring, do somethi-.
I'm trying. Your body is resisting-.
I know the injury is resisting. Do something about the pain!
Similarly impossible.
I drop to my knees, then to all fours.
"He's down! Hit him again!"
"It has to recharge!"
Fuck. Fugker. Aaaahh. Ring. Ahh. Assess damage.
Difficult. Were I to use humanoid physiological norms, I would say that your digestive and waste purification organs have either been destroyed or critically damaged. Your skin and armour are pierced front and back. Furthermore, the shot appeared to contain some form of poison which is now spreading into the surrounding tissues.
"Icthultu take it, I had family on New Andar. I'll take his head-." Armour. "-now!"
I look up as the marine flies at me, shield forwards and knife drawn. I'm finished going easy on you people. Twin beams of yellow light flash from my eyes and strike her neck, forming an agony matrix construct.
She drops to the middle deck, shaking and burbling as the matrix ravages her nervous system with levels of pain that should cause unconsciousness but now cannot. I raise my right hand from the floor and point it at the other two, firing beams of yellow which pierce their spines, paralysing them but leaving them both alive and aware.
Ah-oh-h-h-h-oh. Ah, this hurts. What was..? He said… I take a few breaths and try and get my mind in order. He said 'radon blaster'. I checked. I tried exposing my skin and my blood… Blood. Ugh. To radon at… Under various environmental conditions. Nothing much happened. It's a noble gas!
Left hand shielding my wound, I sta-ah-h. No I don't. I float up off the deck, clearly sagging in the air. The marine with the knife… The agony matrix construct isn't there any more, but she's curled up in shock rather than coming after me again. My eyes drift back to my wound and I move my hand aside slightly to give me a better look as my blood continues to pour out.
Okay. What next? Leaving right now is looking like a-.
Marvellous. Awwwwahh! Damn it! Okay, not only does whatever was in that gun bypass my defences, it also stops boom tubes. Dahh! Two more deep breaths, shuddering. I really haven't felt anything like this before, certainly not since I got to this crazy Earth! I mean..! The last one! I wave my right arm in the direction of the radon blaster and attach a construct rope to pull it to me. Ring, what the fuck is this?
It is a 'rad-i-on blaster', Corpsman. My records indicate that the charge negates New God resistance with a high degree of effectiveness, though I never had a chance to observe it directly.
You survived the initial blast but are bleeding heavily. I don't have enough data to precisely judge how your kind respond to traumatic injury nor how toxic radion is to your kind beyond the resistance bypass effect. If you continue to bleed as you are now you will certainly die.
Patch… Patch the wound?
To start with.
Bandages of yellow light cover the wounds, front and back. Blood stops flowing outwards but the pain is even worse! Aaaaawwwwwoooo! AH! Next, next… No. Ring, subspace the blaster. It disappears, and I take a quick look around the room. Those who are still alive are all watching me. And they're… They're less afraid. As I am now, any one of them could kill me.
I take a couple of breaths. I don't like fighting like this.
Bolts of yellow flash out from my eyes, seeking brains to liquefy. Twelve shots to finish off all of the marines and bridge officers left. What a.. waste. A stupid waste.
Well done, Corpsman. Given how you were fighting earlier I was starting to think you didn't have the stomach for it.
I twist up my face as another wave of pain hits. Next step.
Your organs cannot be repaired by power ring. Your regenerative abilities can deal with it but are being suppressed.
Can you remove the radion?
I work out what Sinestro wants. N-nooo.
The longer you wait, the more likely one of those fighters will come in closer. Or more marines will brave the bridge. You are in no condition to fight them as you are.
He's right. I drop myself back down onto the upper walkway and use a construct blade to cut a long thin section out of the deck before whittling it to a blade and x-ionising it. I don't think I can hyperventilate anymore but I'm trying.
The only way to get rid of the poison is to cut it out.
Subspace my armour.
It vanishes, revealing grey skin, purple blood and a squelching mix of tissues and what I presume to be organs in the wound itself. Ring. Cut away image of affected area. One appears in front of me. Huh. Looks so… Small. I hold out my x-ionised scalpel. No anaesthetic that will work.
I have cut myself before, to see how fast I heal now. I did briefly consider cutting off a finger to see if and/or how fast it grew back.
On the plus side… I doubt very much that anything will ever hurt this much again.
The blade slips through the construct bandage and into my insides. Things have flopped around a bit and ah-ah-ah I have to use staple constructs to pull them around so that I can get at the bits I need to.
A construct reductor extracts the lumps of flesh and drops them onto the deck.
Like… Like meats for a pie.
My breathing is slowed, huffing deep breaths. Construct tourniquets appear inside me to prevent the internal bleeding worsening.
Can't… Can't feel faint. Can't afford to feel faint.
7th January 2004
16:40 GMT
Lights... Dance before my eyes.
Good work, Corpsman. Your approach to the task showed considerable resolve, marred by only a single instance of pleading. An entirely satisfactory performance.
I slump back on the floor, the sharpened chunk of deck plate falling from my hand. U-huh-hurr. At least one of us is happy. I take a moment to look down at the glowing hole in my abdomen. Ring. Did I get it all?
The constructs currently holding your insides together are detecting attempts at regeneration throughout the site of the injury. Further analysis will have to wait. Your next step-.
Form construct-replicas of my organs, link them to my organic components and keep the Thanagarians from hitting it again.
Your nervous system is resisting any attempt at interfacing and your guts don't generate enough fear to overcome it. Furthermore, I feel that the pain you are currently experiencing will prove to be an excellent aid to memory.
What? No, never mind. Scan immediate environment. Anyone coming?
I get a quick mental picture of another marine group heading... I turn my head to look at the door to the captain's promenade. Right. This is going to hurt more. I grit my teeth and lean forwards, putting my right foot flat on the floor. Akh! I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment and take a couple of deep breaths. Up! Get UP! Armour, put my armour back on. And the construct armour in case they have a radion blaster. Now up!
I lean forwards and plant my- Owowow -right hand on the deck. I push up into a crouch- Raaaagh -then take a few breaths. Don't have long. I lean right a little and push- Rrrrrehhhh. –up, getting upright and gently putting my left foot on the ground. Not putting.. any weight on it. But I need to look like I'm unhurt. It's a little hard to tell given how different people here look compared to how they looked in the cartoon, but-.
The door slides open and another set of Thanagarian marines fly through, guns in hand. Yellow light flares from my eyes, jinking around the front rank's shields and stabbing into the flesh beyond.
“Ahh!” / “YAAAAGH!”
Yeah, we're past the point of talking. Huh, not seeing-. One gets a shot off with a rifle-sized energy weapon of some kind and it hits home-. The site of my injury is glowing brighter than the rest. It's drawing their attention! Okay, okay, it won't actually hurt as long as the construct armour stays up.
The next marine out of the door flies straight at me with some kind of lance. I knock the point aside with the back of my right gauntlet, letting my Apokoliptian armour absorb the weak energy discharge before grabbing its wielder around the throat with my left hand and squeezing until I hear a crack. A filament grabs the x-ionised scalpel from the floor before flicking it at the next shield-bearing marine. It embeds in the shield and then explodes in a blast of brilliant white energy as the x-ionisation effect reacts vigorously with the energy reflection technology. Have to remember that some metamaterials don't play nicely together.
Yes, I've seen them. I couldn't hope to keep the barrier I had over the front of the bridge up while I was cutting into myself and the Thanagarians are only too happy to use it as an entry point. I form a minigun turret behind me and spray enough fire in their direction to force them to keep back as I charge forwards. A half-blinded but still oncoming marine has no time to react and I grab her around the head with my right hand and mash her face into the wall. Ring, chlorine gas.
Transmutation underway.
Thin wisps of yellow-green vapour start to appear around me. Power output is based on fear. I'm not going to get all that much until people without breathing equipment start trying to fly after me and realise what I'm doing. Hopefully as the acid melts their lungs. Honestly, when I owowow. Right. Little more care. I get inside the doorway as the next marine appears, his eyes widening as he spots the gas. When I get control of a space faring military, everyone will wear fully protective gear while in a combat zone. He tries aiming his rifle with his right hand while shielding his mouth and nose with his left. I jab him through the gut with a construct-blade.
That's more like it. I grab his gun as he collapses and my follow up eyebeams disintegrate his throat. I increase my pace to the fastest walk I can without causing flashing lights to impair my vision. That appears to be.. all of the squad they had assigned to this corridor. I feel a tiny tremor of feedback as one of the marines in the bridge destroys my minigun turret. Fine. Ring, suggestions?
Thanagarians typically operate with short chains of command, and senior officers like to be nearer the action than is entirely sensible. Personally confronting and slaying Commander Talak would most likely cause their military response to fall into disarray. Alternately, destroying the primary generator-.
I take a moment to calculate the likely effect of a highly energetic blast surrounded by Nth metal occurring inside a planet's atmosphere. No.
The ship's primary weapon battery can be used to destroy the hyperspatial bypass structure. The weapons can be accessed directly or via the primary computer core.
I hear a yelp from behind me as the marines try flying through the chlorine, and a corresponding increase in the production of the gas around me. Ring, locate Talak. If he's outside the ship...
Commander Talak appears to be directing the assault from a command station a short distance from here.
A picture forms in my head of him, Kragger and a small squad of marines... Ah, there's the gas masks. Okay, map? Okay, this shouldn't...
Wait a second. Am I..? Ring, if all of the officers are dead, exactly who was going to give the evacuation order?
What purpose would an evacuation serve? Corpsman, you may be wounded but you are not crippled. It is not beyond your abilities to kill everyone in the Thanagarian flotilla. Then you can proceed with your plan to inspire the creation of a force to protect the Earth by posing as a threat yourself.
Ring, I don't want to kill all those people. Not if there's a halfway sensible alternative.
A sub-par choice under the circumstances.
I'm wearing a recording of your brain on my finger. I think I'll make the strategic decisions. What sort of access to their computer systems can I get from-
Incoming message from Lantern Stewart.
Basic, to say the least. Warships are not designed to be ‘hack friendly’, Corpsman.
Internal communications?
Put John on.
"Grayven, what the hell are you doing? Nightwing just-."
“Your president is an Apokoliptian robot. Given how fast the pro-SHADE agenda has advanced since the Lords lost power I suspect that the original was killed and replaced by SHADE. A detailed analysis of his body language could probably tell you exactly when it happened. If you've got the time you should probably check up on his family.”
"My God. Okay, Shayera's on it. Where are you now?"
“Thanagarian Command Carrier. Listen, does the Watchtower have the ability to broadcast to the whole of the Earth?”
"We can override channels but SHADE will probably block us if we do it for too long."
“Okay, I can work with that. Stand by to transmit.”
7th January 2004
16:42 GMT
"Hello, Commander Talak."
He barely reacts, scowl deepening slightly. "He's off the bridge." He turns to Lieutenant Kragger. "Anti-boarding protocol sixteen."
Kragger bows his head in acknowledgement. "I'll get right on it, Commander."
Thanagarian armour plating means that if I want to forcibly connect myself to the system by power ring I would usually have to maintain either a filament or construct link, but a few seconds' fabrication work bypasses that requirement nicely. I put the plate back after I implanted my bug so unless their internal sensors are a lot better than I think they are they'd have to pull apart the entire ship to work out how I'm doing it. Of course, if I actually get into the primary computer core their arses are mine anyway.
I stop for a moment, wincing as a new wave of pain spreads through my abdomen. It… I think that the pain is decreasing, but it could just be that I'm getting used to it. "Commander, is there any chance I can talk you out of this? I saw what you are building in Libya. You have to realise that the attack is never going to work if we've seen it coming."
"I have nothing to say to you, monster."
"I'm a monster? I saw your plan of attack, Commander. How many are going to die even if it works perfectly?" Come on, say something incriminating.
"The Gordanian homeworld will be razed to the ground and the war will be over."
Two marines jog into view at the intersection just ahead of me. I'm getting the impression that they're a little short staffed. They get half a second to stare at me in shock before my eyebeams pierce their spines. Protocol sixteen means they're using health monitors to guide others to my location, but they only trigger if the wearer dies. Paralysis won't set them off. This is what they get for not using proper power armour.
"Don't be absurd. The original Gordanian homeworld is a slave-operated agricultural planet in the Vega Systems called Karna, and it's controlled by the Citadel Empire. You're threatening my Throne World of New Gordane."
"Whatever it is called, soon it will be ash."
"And then what? You know full well the fleet has already left and is heading to Thanagar. You've got… Days at most. Even if you carry out your objective you won't be able to stop it." This is the problem with soldiers; if someone with the fancy hat tells them that a plan will work they just put their heads down and push on. He doesn't have the authority to call the whole thing off so he probably won't even consider what I'm saying. Fortunately for me, the bridge computers had access to records on the state of the war. My alter ego hasn't exactly been Geneva Convention compliant but then neither have the Thanagarians. I can't say exactly what his motives were… "At each step of the campaign I have offered your people honourable terms. I would do so aga-."
"Terms you knew we would not accept."
"Terms you could have accepted with a minimal loss of face. I want to conquer your people and integrate them into my Empire, not eradicate them entirely."
"We remember what your people did on New Andar."
"A perfectly predictable result if you site your ground based defence systems in the middle of inhabited areas. And have a population almost entirely under arms."
"The Gordanians are slavers and raiders. Your promises mean nothing."
"I haven't broken my word at any point during this conflict. No, this is about-."
He bares his teeth as he turns to his subordinate. "Can we not get him out of the system?"
Kragger cringes slightly. "We're.. trying, sir."
"-your rulers' pride." No, this isn't working. Not too far from my objective, now. Another approach. "I was talking to Shayera about it earlier-" He goes rigid. "-and-."
"Sir,-" Kragger sidles up to him. "-he probably just got her name from our database."
"Why would her name be in your database? She's not part of your crew. No, I had a chat with her on the Watchtower… Her intelligence reports mentioned that, didn't they? We went over the plan, and she agreed that not only was it unworkable, but would almost certainly doom your species. I mean, my control over the Gordanians only goes so far. If you do this, they will hunt down every last Thanagarian in the Universe. You've seen the statistics. You know the strength of our fleet, or you would not be attempting this act of desperation. Commander, this will not result in your victory."
Ring, play recording.
"It… I didn't want to believe it, but that's what a hyperspatial bypass of that size should look like. I didn't know the war with the Gordanians was going that badly."
"Sir, that could easily be falsified."
"…the only way I can help my people.. is to help the Gordanians win the war."
"Aaaaaah!" He grabs Kragger around the upper arms. "Find him!"
Can't use rage. "She and her lover, the former Green Lantern John Stewart, are friends of mine." There's something in his response, a slight change in posture. That hurt. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. Five years apart and you show up trying to kill… How many people? All her new friends... How many are you willing to kill rather than capitulate? How many must die before Thanagar has its fill of blood?"
"Six and a half billion on Earth. Two billion on Gratan. One billion on Sesyus. AND FOUR BILLION GORDANIANS! FOR THANAGAR I WILL DESTROY EVERY ONE OF YOU!"
Thank you. "Stewart, did you get that?"
"I got it alright. Relaying now."
"Let me know when it kicks off."
Talak snaps out of it. "What? Who was that?"
"Another man. A better man than you. And you should include in your count the five billion Thanagarians on Thanagar. And the three billion Lizarkons. Not that I imagine you care about them. Hmm, or maybe they'll take my offer? Maybe they're a little less mental than you bird types."
Ah, there we are: the communications room. Better guarded than when Batman snuck in. No way I can take all that without letting someone know what I'm up to.
"All will burn. All will die. Not for the glory of Thanagar. Not even for its survival. For your pride, Commander."
I hang up. I don't know exactly what the nations of the world will do when they hear him openly saying he intends to destroy the Earth, but I do know that this ship is perfectly capable of jamming worldwide communications. At present, at least.
I fly at full speed-
"Grayven! He's here!"
-eyes glowing as beams burn through the chests of the first two guards. Immediately the other marines fire back, energy beams slamming into my construct armour. And I can't afford to let the armour go down and it's cracking already. Another two fall as I get inside melee range. The closest drops his gun and charges me barehanded while the others grab their melee weapons. Eyebeams take two more as I punch my attacker in the ribs hard enough to cave them in. No time for flashiness as the rest lunge in from all directions. I grab an arm to turn aside a mace strike and fly sideways to get outside the reach of an axe. Can't concentrate long enough for a construct. Grab, crunch-
-micro transition, shoot, agh! Two marines shot me from the far end of the corridor. I take a second to form a minigun construct, forcing them back into RAAAAAGH! AH! FUCKING FUCK FUCK! An Nth metal spear just, uhh, just hit me in the chestplate. The construct's down. EEEEagh! Trans… Transition into the communications room, eyebeam the technicians and point a fucking minigun at the door.
Ring, take their communications.
Done, Corpsman.
7th January 2004
16:47 GMT
Alright… Ugh. Cover: none. Points of ingress: one, with a construct turret keeping an eye on it. Floors, ceiling and externals are well armoured and I'll get plenty of notice if they try coming through there. The communications centre has its own power plant so they can't cut that off. Right now the world is hearing from Commander Talak's own mouth how he plans to destroy the planet.
They have the technology to well and truly mess up Earth's militaries except that without access to their full communications suite or the bridge they can only shut down things within a few miles of the ship. They can't call home either to get new orders or tell them that I'm here… Assuming they haven't done so already. Their point defences are excellent on the ship, but the hyperspatial bypass itself has only light defences. Earth militaries don't even need to destroy it completely, just smashing the power generator will shut it down. Heck, just damaging its systems a bit would alter the displacement effect too much for it to be safe for the fleet to use it.
On the down side, my wound is oozing. A-and it really hurts. It's not leaking blood as fast as it was so I think the blood vessels must be healing or.. something. Since I've got a little breathing room I should fabricate some sort of… Maybe I can just repair the armour? Actually, how much power-?
A little under nine percent remaining.
Oh. Oh well, looks like having the personal lantern in subspace is going to pay-. The minigun turret blazes away as a foolhardy marine tries sticking his head around the door. Another corpse for the pile. I'm getting plenty of fear from them but they're not sodding getting a clue! And… If I try recharging I'll lose my constructs. The turret and what's left of my construct armour. Fabricating Apokoliptian armour is fairly power intensive… I can't risk it.
My other ring warns me when the power gets low.
Yes, the fall off in functionality. The Qwardian who made this ring considered that to be a 'bug'. The idea of making a weapon that wouldn't kill people despite still having power offended him quite profoundly.
How fast can the recharge be made to happen?
If you speak the oath quickly, about five seconds.
I have to speak the oath every time?
Fricking orange lantern doesn't make me say the oath every time.
Chin up, Corpsman. You will most likely be dead soon and then it will be someone else's problem.
Thank you. This is what I get for rushing off almost entirely uncocked when I spotted Gonzo. How far do I think the two shots of Garrick I've got left will take me? Heck, I'm in communications…
"John, you still there?"
"Still here. The US and Israel are in the process of scrambling their aircraft. About half the Thanagarian fighters have moved out to form a perimeter and most of the rest are on guard duty around the bypass generator. The Command Carrier is moving up out of the atmosphere. You need any help in there?"
"I don't suppose you ever learned to do anything medical with your ring, did you?"
"Sorry. Wasn't part of the Corps' training program. I didn't even know they could do more than splint broken bones 'till I saw you do it. You hurt?"
"If I were Human I'd be dead. As it is I want to lie down and do nothing for a -eureh- week or two."
"I was planning on heading down to the bypass generator, see if I can help out with the fighters. But if you need evac…"
Do I? "Okay, they don't have the resources to build a second bypas-." I take a hurried step to the side as a marine sticks his gun around the doorway and tries firing blind for a few seconds before the turret construct puts a round through his weapon. Sticking the turret outside would be better but they've gotten rather good at smashing constructs. "Uh. If the air forces take care of it, their mission is a failure and the attack doesn't happen."
"And the Earth doesn't get destroyed."
"But Commander Talak is a shockingly callous man. If they have orbital supremacy they might shoot up a few cities just to make a point. Okay. Can you teleport on board the Command Carrier?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Can you teleport near the ship? If you wreck their FTL system-."
"They'd get stranded."
"No, their shuttles are FTL capable. They'll have to abandon all of their other equipment in order to evacuate, but they could do it. Always leave them room to run."
"Then why not just leave them the Command Carrier? If I take out main weapons control-."
"Weapons control isn't centralised. And that wouldn't stop them grabbing a few asteroids and dropping them. No, we need… The soldiers have heard what I've been saying. They're trying to ignore it, but they know that their commander is perfectly happy to kill everyone as long as he destroys New Gordane as well. They're working through it, but they're scared. If the bypass gets destroyed and they've only got one way out, I think they'll take it. Plus, I-" Wait, what's happening? The marines outside communications are pulling back. "-need this ship for phase two."
"Phase two? You forget to mention something?"
"Originally, I wanted a new super team to defeat the Thanagarians. Then I found out about the President. Now, I want to present myself as the 'opposing force'." Once my insides have knitted back together, at least.
"Think you might be skipping a step." There's a pause. "Okay, Batman's back. I'll head down to the teleporter."
"Make sure you hit the ship in the right place. It's right next to the primary generator."
"Could it explode?"
"I don't think so. Thanagarian engineering is pretty solid, but we'd have to make massive repairs if the ship does a forced shutdown."
Three grenades fly towards the doorway and the minigun turret tracks and destroys them before they get any distance into the room. They explode anyway… And the turret construct goes down. Ring what?
The explosive was seeded with trace amounts of Nth metal, Corpsman. They appear to be playing 'area denial'.
Oh dear. I create a new turret construct a little further back, behind a construct barrier. One of the marines sticks the head of his mace out and the turret shoots it, sending it flying out of his hand. Ah hell, I can still see it. I send out a filament and pull it back into the communications room and my right hand. Another volley of grenades come in. The turret automatically shoots the first which detonates as before. I pull the turret construct back before it can be destroyed while I use the barrier to knock the other grenades back through the doorway.
Ring, exactly how power intensive is transmutation?
They're all wearing breathing equipment. Chlorine won't do you much good, Corpsman.
"I was thinking dioxygen difluoride. Just enough to force them back."
Between one and two percent. If you're evacuating soon you can probably risk it.
Right then. "Soldiers of Thanagar. Burn!"
7th January 2004
16:51 GMT
Yellow beams from my eyes pass through the air outside the doorway and a brilliant white explosion radiates outwards!
"Full body armour! Mention it to your superiors if you ever return!"
Five percent remaining, Corpsman.
"In blackest day or brightest night-"
Another grenade flies in, meets a construct bat and flies back for a fraction of a second before detonating anyway! The bat crumbles and evaporates. Damn it! Ring, any idea what happens if I use the Garrick Formula while there's a hole in me?
None at all.
How did you become First Lantern again?
By not doing idiotic things like this. I would have never let the war between Thanagar and the Gordanians get this far. That Rayner boy has much to answer for.
Didn't you try to kill him?
I can admire competence, even amongst my enemies.
I send a filament out through the doorway near the roof. Still more marines… And mobile force field generators. They're not man-portable, but they're creating enough cover that a simple incendiary spray isn't going to kill enough of them. Internal doors are sealed so I can't just transition away… If that was safe for me in my current condition.
One near the back's got a radion blaster. Right. That's not good. The filament should be nearly invisible-.
Or not. I extend it rapidly as a marine lunges towards it with an Nth Metal axe, grab the blaster and yank it back before the blow can sever it. Ludicrously lethal blaster and a mace. I'm rather conforming to Apokoliptian techno-barbarian type here.
"He just… Took it. How are we supposed to fight someone like that?"
"That's enough, soldier." Ah, the Commander himself. Please tell me this isn't going to turn into a duel. I'm not sure I could cope with the stupidity of it. "He's trapped. Our fighters are exterminating their primitive aircraft. We will complete our objective and then-." The ship.. rattles around us. "What now?"
Kragger comes up behind him with some sort of computer pad. "We're under attack from the outside. With the bridge out of commission and communications-."
"Take a fighter squadron-."
"We can't actually do that, sir. All fighters are currently deployed and-" Commander Talak's face is a picture. "-we can't signal them. We would have to send a shuttle down into the atmosphere in order to-" I guess his day has been worse than mine. "-get a message across. Our guns are operational, but the target is too small and emits too little radiation for them to reliably track. As long as it stays outside the range of our hull's defence field-."
"Do we at least know who is doing it?"
"It appears to be a Green Lantern, sir."
I lean forwards slightly. "Don't you Thanagarians have some sort of protocol for removing insane people from important positions? You can't possibly complete the hyperspace bypass under these conditions and they will get something through your defences eventually. Seriously, the mission was poorly conceived to start with and it's a bust now."
"It isn't if we kill you."
"No, still is! Your own intelligence reports say that Councillor Vayneek has enough support to keep the Gordanian Empire together in my absence! But he doesn't have enough.. authority, to keep the fleet in line to the degree that I do. If you want Thanagar to survive this in one piece you will take your shuttles and you will leave, now. My word that you can leave unmolested."
Yellow, yellow everywhere… Even without the ring keeping me informed, there's no mistaking that the remaining marines would much rather be elsewhere right now. Talak's still got enough wherewithal to realise that he can't be sure that his soldiers are still with him. Can I risk a recharge now? What's he going to do?
The ship rattles again.
"Hyperdrive off-line. You need anything else?"
"Let you know in a second." May as well. "In blackest day or brightest night
Beware your fears made-."
"Then I will face him myself!"
Wait, what?
"Sir, I don't think that-."
Commander Talak grabs a shield and launches himself into the air. He detonates a grenade right at the doorway a fraction of a second before passing through it, another already heading in my direction! I frantically transition to the side, trying to draw a bead on him with the radion blaster! I fire and he drops down to the deck in defiance of aerodynamics before accelerating towards me again, axe ready! Fucking Thanagarians! I activate aero discs, launch myself upwards and bend forwards, causing him to pass underneath me as he swings and misses. Blaster… Needs to recharge, right. OWFUCK! Aerobatics are not a good idea right now! I toss the blaster aside as he pulls an impossibly tight turn and comes back around. What to do when one party's a master of aerial combat and the other isn't?
Endeavour to be the master.
Not helping. Ground him! The fears of this entire ship fuel the chain I wrap around his legs to pull him to the ground. Realising that I'm not going to fire direct blasts he drops both his shield and another grenade! The chain evaporates and I'm not quick enough to get out of the blast!
Aaaaaagh! "Erh."
My construct armour starts to fail FUCK IT! I step forwards while he's still off-balance from the chain and swing the mace! It strikes him hard on the right of his chest and I see ribs give way under his skin as he's knocked aside. That's what you get for wearing stupid, minimalist faaagh!
"That hurt!" Yellow beams from my eyes blast through Kragger's hand, disintegrating the energy weapon he just used to shoot me in the head.
"Huyah!" He staggers and falls to the floor.
Ow! I'm just lucky it was a sidearm! I turn back to Talak just in time to get my left bracer up to block his axe agh! He pulls back slightly as I move my mace up to a guard position. Do maces guard? His attack pierced my armour and cut into the flesh, though from the feel of it not deeply. When I get back I'm plugging myself into that mana focus thing I offered Mister Queen. Divinity should not be this hard!
Talak changes his grip, left hand at the bottom of the haft and right just under the blade. There's another grenade on his belt but I can't spare the concentration to remove it. He's trying to shield his shattered ribs with his arm but I can see blood on his lips. I'm oozing again myself. He charges forwards, shoulder down and axe out to the side. I brace -he's nothing like as strong as me- and lean into-.
Die, fucker!
Fucking elbowed me in the wound then tried to axe me. He overestimated how disabled my left arm was and I caught the haft before returning the favour by kneeing him in the ribs.
He's reeling. AAAGH! I don't even use the mace, I just punch him in the jaw, sending him flying backwards. Raaagh! I swing the mace overhead and bring it down. He rolls to the side but I still hit the bone of his left wing, the discharge from the mace ripping it clean off!
The next swing hits him in the abdomen, the one part of his chest that could be called armoured. The discharge is still enough to wind him and smack him against the wall. I lunge forwards again, grabbing his helmet and slamming his head against the wall until he goes limp!
Okay Agh. I'm about… I'm about done.
"In… In blackest day… Or brightest night…"
7th January 2004
16:55 GMT
Don't let them see you bleed.
Yellow construct manacles around his arms, wings and legs hold Kragger in front of me as a Thanagarian shield as I walk slowly and purposefully out of the communications room. With my construct armour at full strength, my injuries are neatly concealed. Plus, it lets me move my body as if I were fully intact inside. Muscles in my arm damaged? No problem, just relax it and move the armour around it. Facial tremors are a bit more of a problem. The open helm construct only partially obscures it, so I'm settling for biting my teeth together and using my ring to actually make sounds when I 'speak'..
Marines ready their weapons, but no one shoots. Kragger's just about conscious but the man dangling by the throat from my left hand isn't. Talak's chest is a sack of crushed ribs and with his helmet off his battered face is a good deal less intimidating. I make a point of making eye contact with each of the marines, making note of which ones flinch.
"Who is in charge now?" A few look at each other, but mostly their attention remains fixed on me. "No one? Well then, let me make this simple. You are leaving. Your vile attempt to destroy an inhabited world not a party to our conflict has failed. You've lost. But since I have no particular hunger for slaughter I will permit you to leave in good order so long as you do so now." I step heavily on the remains of a charred marine who was too close to the FOOF and my construct boot crushes through to the deck. I make my eyes glow as if reconsidering. "Go."
They don't move immediately. There are definitely a few seconds where I'm worried that I'm going to have to start this whole messy business all over again. Then a couple of the marines closest to me -the least yellow ones- lower their guns slightly. I dim my eyes to show willing, then roughly shove Kragger into the arms of the nearest. He checks Kragger over and then girds his mental loins to speak to me. "The… Commander…"
"Will stay with me until I've persuaded your fighter pilots to disengage. Then I will put him on the last shuttle myself." He tries and fails to match my gaze, just nodding and backing away. Despite everything I've done, they're still not fleeing. This is an ordered withdrawal. Is this what having the divine ruler of your wartime enemies turn up in person and beat your strongest fighters does? Was it Talak and I undermining their righteousness? Simple fear generated by my bloodletting while appearing uninjured? I don't shake my head, but I redouble my effort to remain focused. The pain snaps me back every few minutes but I'm definitely getting woozy.
They're pulling back. Okay, with Kragger and Talak down, who is actually in charge? Oh. That Thanagarian in white armour at the construction site was actually someone important. She's probably still down there. Talak still held up in my left hand I fold my right arm behind my back, turn and walk back into the communications room. Every step… Eeerah. Okay. The Nth metal discharge from the grenades is still in the corner I swept it to. I'd collect it up if it weren't such a pain to manipulate with constructs. I generate a construct vault door, scan the room just in case I've missed someone… Then deposit Talak on the ground, generate a construct armchair for myself and collapse into it. A-ahhhhh! Take over the world tomorrow.
"John, good work with the hyperdrive. The Thanagarians are abandoning ship. I'm going to talk the fighter craft into evacuating as well."
"You might want to hurry. Kara, Rayner and Marvel just arrived on site and they're cleaning up."
"Lethally or non-lethally?"
"Rayner and Marvel are pulling their punches, finding out how much force the Thanagarians' shields can take. Kara's just trying to take them down as fast as she can."
"Right. Any chance you could get inside the launch bay and keep an eye on things? I'm a bit of a wreck at the moment."
"Yeah, I can handle that. You sure you don't need anything?"
"Just time. Grayven out." I flop back for a moment. Okay.
Eeeerr. Um. Think I… Think I spaced out a bit there. Ring. Link to the communications computer.
Link established, Corpsman.
I focus on the shape of the chair, turning it into something a little more professional looking. I also remove most of the helmet, making the rest look like an armoured collar. They need to be able to see me, but I'm still shivering inside my armour and can't risk them seeing my jaw shake.
Ring, open communications with all Thanagarian vessels and personal communication units.
They can both hear and see you now, Corpsman.
"Thanagarian vessels and personnel. I am Prince Grayven of Apokolips, and I am speaking to you from the communications suite of your own command carrier. It has fallen to me. Your commander-" I hoist Talak up using chain constructs. "-has been removed from office. Your scheme to bypass my world's defences has failed, and you are now confronted by a force your fighters cannot withstand: your mothership's own weapon systems. If you wish to avoid that fate, return to the construction site, evacuate your remaining personnel and rendezvous with the ship's shuttles at Lagrange Point two for the trip back to Thanagar. There's no deadline, but if I don't see movement in the next two minutes I'm going to start shooting the slowest of you dead." End.
Communications off, Corpsman.
That it? I was waiting for you to give me marks out of ten.
You're not home free just yet, Corpsman. Impressive as it is that you've retained consciousness there's still the little matter of ensuring that the fighters don't just come up here and destroy the ship with you on it.
It would be inconvenient, but by the time it's suffered enough structural damage to be 'destroyed' I could easily have escaped. Once I get back out into space I can just boom tube around a bit, hole up in the Watchtower until my wound knits back together… Three members of my new League just worked together without me having to lock them in a room… Nightwing can clue them in about the President. Shame Eliza didn't turn up, but I suppose it's not a big deal. And the fight took place in the air after all. The Flash can't fly.
And… I'm on the floor. Aaagh. Okay. Quick check, and the Thanagarian fighters appear to be behaving themselves. I take a look at Talak. Yep, that's some nasty internal bleeding. Before I lose consciousness I should probably fix that up a bit. Ring, do the thing.
What for? He tried to kill you and billions of others.
Because his death would hurt Shayera, and I've put too much effort into her to be willing to alienate her. And it's not like the Gordanians and.. me won't kill him anyway. Killing huge numbers of people for a plan that won't work offends me on an intellectual level… But he's no threat like this and he isn't worth killing. Let him know for the brief remainder of his life that he owes it all to me.
Yellow light flickers over his body as blood is drained from internal cavities, holes and leaks are plugged and some ribs are put back into place. I'm not stupid enough to make him fighting fit again.
Ugh. I need to get a watch. I think I lost more time there, but I'm not-.
"Grayven." I blearily look around as Shayera flies in. Her eyes dart to Talak for a second, giving his state of health a quick assessment. "John said you were injured. We should get you to the ship's medical bay."
"The evacuation?"
"They're clearing out. Earth's militaries are letting them go." Her eyes linger on her ex, presumably making sure he's not about to become ex.
"You heard what he said, right?"
"He wasn't always like that. I don't know what changed-."
"You hadn't seen him at his worst. It's easy to be nice when everything's going well." I float to my feet. "I can't afford to let the ship's crew see me weak. Dump Talak on a shuttle, then come back for me. I doubt medicine will do much for me, and I can lie on the floor here as easily as I can in the ship's sick bay."
She nods, and the last thing I see before my eyelids betray me again is her lifting Talak into a fireman's carry.