

Rampage 1



5th November
15:47 GMT +1

"Mister Grayven?" I look up as the Danish civil servant who fielded my request to speak to the Prime Minister as soon as possible appears from a nearby office. "Mister Lykketoft will see you now."

Mother Box.




I stride through the boom tube into Prime Minister Lykketoft's office. "Sorry to barge in like this, Mister Prime Minister, but it's actually extremely urgent."

"Not at all, Mister Grayven." He stands and offers me his right hand, which I shake somewhat urgently. "I'd offer you a chair, but…"

I shake my head, brushing the matter off. "Not a problem, I'm used to it."

He smiles, sitting back down. "Are you here to purge the Danish political establishment? I'm sure there are one or two people we could afford to lose."

"No sir. While I can't speak for the ability of your political establishment, in terms of probity you're doing quite well. I'm here because I've recently discovered that the National Museum of Denmark has in its collection three extremely dangerous magic artefacts, and I would very much appreciate it if you could arrange for them to be moved to somewhere a little more secure." I am completely serious.

"What… Ah… What artefacts are those?"

"A group of three necklaces with red beryl pendants dated as coming from the tenth century. They don't." I am authoritative.

"Are they older?"

"Almost certainly, but that's not the problem. Earlier this year a magic portal from a parallel universe opened briefly in Philadelphia, and a single individual from the other side came through. She's been working for me since, and…" Urgh. "I'm embarrassed about it now, but it only just occurred to us to look for people or artefacts which might have come through the portal previously." This is an immediate concern.

"And that is what we have?"

"So she tells me. All I can feel myself is that they are enchanted in some way, but she spent some time reading up on powerful arcane artefacts before she came through, and they match the description of a group of gems used by a trio of kelpies one of their historical heroes fought and 'banished'."

He nods. "And what do they do?"

"When active, they cause everyone in their immediate vicinity to become both aggressive and unusually receptive to the orders of the ones holding them. The more people they affect, the strong the effect gets, until… Everyone zombifies, in the original Vodun sense of having part of their soul removed. And then giant fish demons appear, and…" I shake my head. "It would be really bad and you've got them in a glass cabinet." Your preparations are inadequate.

He nods, a little stunned. "That sounds like something we should move."

"I'm glad you agree. Now, obviously I wouldn't presume to tell you where to put them. You have facilities?"

"Well… Ah, we have a high security metahuman prison-."

"I'm going to stop you right there. Does putting soul-sucking necklaces next to career criminals sound like a sensible plan to you?"

"I… Suppose not. Would a.. bank vault work?"

"Do you have a bank vault designed to resist magic-based attack? Because any magic user worth their salt will be able to feel these things."

"Is destroying them an option?"

I shake my head. "I asked, and, ah..? Short version? Uncontrolled magic discharges are very bad." Obviously.

He nods. "Do you have a suggestion?"

"Atlantis has facilities for handling artefacts like this. The Justice League could probably find somewhere reasonably secure to keep it contained." I shrug. "Giovanni Zatara lives in a house with all sorts of protective enchantment upon it. Either could work safely."

"And you? This.. expert you have? Does she know how to contain it?"

I nod. "Yes, but according to her, containing them isn't hard. You just.. don't put them on. The challenge is keeping other people away from them. My home is -obviously- highly protected with Apokoliptian technology, Atlantean magic and a species of telepathic warrior drones. And Sunset -that's her name, Sunset Shimmer- thinks that if she can study them in more detail it will become easier for her to trace any other objects that might have come through."

"Other objects?"

"As far as Sunset remembers, the one who created the mirror habitually sent dangerous objects through. We're only just starting to study how the magics of her home parallel interact with Earthly magics… Well, I don't think we have to worry about portals from there becoming a frequent occurrence, but I'd like to be able to tell you that for certain."

5th November
10:23 GMT -6

The boom tube collapses behind me as I drop the three crystals onto Sunset's work bench. She stares at them and then at me in surprise. "They gave them to you that quickly?"

"Emergency powers are for emergencies. The Danish government has authorised us to securely store them pro tem. We don't own them, so don't destroy them."

She walks over to take a closer look. "I wonder what happened to their owners?"

"According to the curator, Prince Haraldson was reputed to have killed a great many monsters before his disappearance. There was no specific mention of any kelpies, but if I had to guess…"

She frowns as she picks one of the amulets up, and I hear a faint… Music..?

"Hm." She puts it down again. "The bound spells are definitely still active. I think I'd better put a ward around them until I'm ready to start experimenting."

"You don't feel like going on a mind controlling rampage?"

"I don't want other people's power. I want to increase my power. I never wanted to hurt anyone."


"No! Really!" She holds my gaze for a moment, then looks away. "Okay, maybe I… Thought about... Bucking Celestia in the face with alicorn-level earth pony strength once or twice, but I don't want to take her power. Someone's got to raise the sun."

"You don't want to do that?" I raise my eyebrows slightly. "I.. couldn't help but notice that your insignia is also a sun."

"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I automatically know how to raise it."

"Don't I.. seem to remember something about it originally being-."

"Moved by a team of unicorns." She rolls her eyes as she starts drawing designs for the containment ward on her workshop's CAD program. "I don't put a lot of faith in Hearth's Warming stories."

"I was thinking that if it used to happen and it doesn't any more, that's a massive failure in contingency planning. One sniper gets a lucky shot at Celestia and the planet no longer has a sun." Sunset looks up, frowning. "Really, they should have a team trained up and practising regularly just in case."

"Huh." Her eyes move away for a moment. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I should be glad that it's not just me Celestia's bad at sharing with."

"So what does your insignia represent?"

Circles appear on her screen. "Right now? Nothing. I'm not a pony. I don't even have a cutie mark any more."


She rolls her eyes. "Learning and using magic. And I guess it's a sun because everypony knows that the greatest and most powerful magic user in the world is Celestia. So after I've become an alicorn I'm going to see if I can trade it in or something, because I don't want a memento of her on my haunches forever."

"Maybe… You should think about it as… You've got one sun per side, right? Maybe it's about finding your own sky to shine in. You know? Two suns would burn the world, but one each-."

"That's not how it works." She looks over at the necklaces, and then back to me. "But… Thanks… For trying. And for… All this."

I beam, then spread my arms wide. "Hu-?"



Rampage 2


5th November
17:22 GMT -6

A rooftop in Central City, out of line of sight of any security cameras and within convenient travelling distance for a man who can run at light speed. He was supposed to be here twenty two minutes ago, but Wallace said that's pretty normal for hi-.

Then he's there, the coffee cup I put out already in his hand and at his lips.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me, Flash."

"Ignoring you didn't seem like a good idea." Mister Allen lowers his cup slightly as he looks at me. "Sorry I'm late." He shrugs. "You know how it goes."

"Only from Kid Flash. Though I imagine that if I had a secret identity to maintain I'd see the other side quickly enough." I gesture to the other chair with my left hand. "Would you like to sit down?"

He nods and takes his seat, putting his cup on the arm rest. "So. Bats has got you visiting everyone in the League."

"Batman suggested that it would help restore working relationships in the long term, yes."

"How far was I down the list?"

"Seventh. Diana, Batman, Mister Zatara, Green Arrow, Superman, Icon, you."

His face mask conceals his brows, but I think he's frowning slightly. "You meet up with the GLs all the time."

"Yes, and we.. talk about lanterning. Or the Russian space program." Having worked in administration, I appear to have the ability to appreciate Lantern Savenlovich's travails better than our other colleagues. "I mean, what do you think the chances of getting a heart to heart with-."

He nods. "Gardner."

"I was going to say 'Jordan', actually. Guy and I might have done, if we weren't mostly concerned with inter-Corps relations."

Another nod. "Alright. What did you want to say?"

I shrug. "What did you want to say? I was putting the whole thing behind me. The only reason I'm bringing this up at all is because Batman made me rejoining the team contingent on me doing so."

"You want to get back.. on the.. team? Aren't you.. eighteen?"

"Nineteen. And M'gann's forty nine and we're not sure how old Canis is. Do you think I've learned everything I-"

He inclines his head slightly. "No, I-."

"-need to?"

"-suppose I don't." He leans back a little. "You're saying this is for my benefit?"

"Flash, we can talk about baseball for half an hour if you want. I'm ticking a box, but I'll answer honestly any questions you have."

"Okay, ah… First off, I always thought Nabu would change his mind after a while."


He watches me for a moment. "You don't.. care..?"

"It's not impossible. I have not at any point claimed that I had access to all pertinent information. I don't understand his thought processes well enough to suggest if or when he might have relented, but it certainly wasn't impossible."

"No, I mean… Do you not care why I wasn't as gung ho about it as you were?"

"I-." I take a moment. "I don't consider eight months' careful investigation to be 'gung ho', Flash. I do consider eight months to have been a reasonable time period for him to have made alternate hosting arrangements on his own. Perhaps he would have after nine months. Or a year. It's an imponderable. I also don't think there's any point in me asking you how long you were going to wait. Though if you did have a figure in mind, feel free to share it?"

He tilts his head slightly to the right for a moment. "No. I can't say I did."

I shrug. "There you go. We can't discuss our different decision making processes because you didn't make a decision."

He leans back. "I suppose you're right as far as that's concerned. If he'd stayed on Kid Flash… I don't think I'd have killed him, but… Maybe."

I nod. "So… How 'bout them Stars?"

"We're not done yet. Kid Flash showed me your holiday report."

I do briefly consider a remark along the lines of 'One of you read my report?!', but I decide against it. "Fortunately, I very much doubt that such methods will be required anywhere near Earth."

"How many people did you kill?"

"I really don't know. Depending on how you assign the team efforts… Maybe a few million? Very few of whom will be missed by anyone. I take it you read the parts where I described Citadelian rules of engagement? And their behaviour in general?"

"Oh-" He nods in a very definite manner. "-yes. When I'm talking to you I want to make sure I know what's going on. And how did.. killing millions of people make you feel?"

"I didn't feel much. When you're not actually seeing the bodies, there's much less trauma, even for normal soldiers. Given how I detested their whole vile state, I didn't even feel bad intellectually."

"Did you feel..?" He looks at me with morbid curiosity. "Good..?"

"Mildly satisfied. One chore down, Vega made a bit less repugnant. I was happy about freeing Captain Comet and freeing their slaves, but… No, it didn't feel especially good."

"And when you killed the ones who helped you?"

"The ones I mind controlled into helping me. They weren't much different to the ones I'd killed. Literally, given that they were clones. Yes, I could have put them in prison, but that's really not how Vega works. No prisons exist for that sort of thing. I could have handed them over to the Tamaranian government, if they had the facilities. They would have killed them out of hand. The Crown Imperium would probably have had a show trial… Then killed them. Marooning was an option, but they didn't have wilderness survival skills and I didn't want to risk them rebuilding."

"Sure, it's all… Very logical. You do know that Robin's fourteen, right?"

"Yes. I'm also aware that he's seen quite a number of murders already."

"I'm not talking about his exposure to death-. Though you better believe I had a talk with Batman about that. I'm talking about their exposure to you."

"Um-." I blink. "Okay?"

"Kid Flash told you I never wanted him involved in this, didn't he?" I nod. "If he'd turned eighteen and he still wanted-." He shakes his head. "Maybe. You know how violent what we do can be. I try keeping him away from the worst of it, let him fight people like Snart who pull their punches. You're a soldier?" He shrugs. "Fine, so's Captain Atom. But I don't want kids learning to be soldiers. They've got to have normal lives outside of this, and.. frankly I hope they give it up. I sure don't want them regarding what you do as 'normal'."


"I… Understand your concern. And while working for the Justice League I will follow Justice League rules of engagement. And I certainly won't glamorise what I do."

He picks up his cup again. "I guess that'll have to do."


Rampage 3


5th November
19:47 GMT -6

Ms Thal drops a would-be mugger to the pavement, frustration visible in her expression. She hasn't even taken her mace out. Not really surprising; she's strong, tough and well-trained enough that a opportunistic assailant would have to be very lucky, even if she didn't just swoop down on him. And while operating in 'policing mode' she doesn't use her mace as it's rather too lethal.

Even for Louisiana.

I descend slowly as she waits for the police. "I appreciate there's-" Now the mace comes out. "-never a good time-"

"What do you want?"

"-for this sort of conversation, but I was wondering if you'd like to talk about Nabu?"

She beats her wings, shooting into the air to gain a slight height advantage. The mugger isn't sufficiently coherent to take advantage, but I take a moment to attach plastic ties to his ankles and wrists.

"You've got some nerve…"

She's staring at my face, her focus total and.. frankly a little disturbing. Ring, blur.


Thank you.

"This isn't a job for people who don't. And I'd lose respect for myself if I was afraid to face…" I shake my head. "What? My acc-."

"One of the people you accused of abandoning an ally to an enemy."

"Well… You… Did that." Her hand tightens around the mace's grip. "And maybe you did it in ignorance, maybe you.. were busy, the situation wasn't given your full attention… But the result was…" I look around. We're a bit low to be openly talking about this, really. "I think I made it clear what I thought of the results when last we spoke."

"And now you… What, you want to be friends?"

"I'm aiming to rejoin the team. Batman wants me to talk out the Nabu situation with each League member first. We don't have to reach an accord… In fact, you can tell me to get lost right now-"

"Get lost."

"-and I'll just have to hear that from your husband as well, and I can go."

She reaches up to activate her helmet's communicator. "Katar, come to my location. The Orange Lantern wants you to tell him to get lost."

"I get the impression that wasn't actually what Batman had in mind, but I'll be fulfilling my end of the bargain. Really, if there's anything you want to get off your chest at all-."

"You directly accused me of cowardice before witnesses. If you were Thanagarian, I would have challenged you to a duel."

"And how would that have changed anything? Realistically, I don't have any chance against you without my ring, and you don't have much chance against me with one. So why don't we just say we had a duel and toss a coin-?"

"Orange Lantern." I float back in the air, bringing Mr Hol into view as he glides past me to float beside his wife. "I may share your opinion that a duel is not appropriate in this situation, but do not trivialise it. Or the offence you have given to both my wife and myself."

"If I thought that was trivial, I'd have told Batman he was being ridiculous about this whole thing and that it would blow over. So?" I sit cross legged in the air. "'Get lost', it's two words."

"Do you understand why what you did was wrong?"

"I've heard several people's opinions on why it was wrong, certainly. That I should have talked to the League, that I should have indulged Nabu more, that I'm-. Actually, Flash made a good point about me being a PEGI category above what the team's supposed to be. And.. it costs me nothing to hear your version. So, go ahead. Tell me."

"You should have asked us to join you."


"Because as you pointed out, Giovanni Zatara was our team mate."

"And not because you had something useful to offer? Do you have some particular anti-magic technique I'm not aware of?" I shake my head. "Even if I thought I could trust you -which I didn't, given that you agreed to let Nabu join in the first place- I wouldn't have involved someone who wouldn't have been able to materially assist."


He takes a deep breath. "Even if you thought that we had nothing to contribute to the planning, unless you believed that we would have sided with Nabu, you should have informed us and asked us to participate. We would both rather have fought Nabu -even if that meant dying- than let him continue to hold our comrade hostage. And we both feel that was regardless of how efficacious involving us would be. For a Thanagarian soldier, there are few things more shameful than leaving an ally in the hands of an enemy."

"Then why did you? How many meetings did you have, Hawkman, where you sat with him and heard his voice speak from a stolen larynx and saw him look at you with stolen eyes? If that was supposed to be the worst thing a Thanagarian can do-."

"I was gathering information. Preparing to act against an individual who would have been an extremely difficult foe."

"And the vote?"

"How would sending him away have helped?"

"I would still trust you if you'd done that."

"Should I value your trust more highly than Zatara's life?"

"Should you have valued the trust of the superhero closest to his daughter, who is unscryable, who started a revolution in arcane technology and has numerous magic contacts? Who literally chained Nabu up at New Year? Yes, probably. How were you planning to do anything against him without me?"

"I had not yet gathered-."

"Yeah, you and Batman both, apparently. So.. I've.. caused you great offence by not including you in my plan even though you weren't including me in yours."

Ms Hol's wings are fluttering, a sign of extreme agitation. Mr Hol merely grits his teeth before continuing. "Not including us in the planning is insulting, but we did the same to you and in any case it isn't a mortal insult. Not attempting to include us in the attack is."

"Right, I'll bear that in mind in future. I'd rather there not be a next time, but…" I shrug. "Anything else?"

"I still want to fight you."

"Fine. The next Lantern training session is on Wednesday. Show up bright and early, but don't expect any satisfaction. Good evening."


Rampage 4


6th November
14:21 GMT

"You, er…" The police officer assigned to keep watch over me leans in a little bit. "You.. like… You know Batman then, do yuh?"

I'm sitting in a small office in Cardiff Central Police Station. With Alan making friends with a cross section of Alliance members and the team somewhere in southern Africa, I've been assigned to check John Fate's background.

"Ah… Yes? I wouldn't say we're social acquaintances at this point, but we've been colleagues for a little over a year now. I've been on a number of missions at his instruction."

"Could you.. like… Get his autograph fer me?"

"I can… I can certainly ask for you, but he.. hands those out only very occasionally. Usually for charity, after Superman has smiled at him for a couple of minutes."

She grins. "Ah, that'd be brilliant!"

"As I said, no promises, but-" A CID officer walks in, and the police officer moves away slightly. "-I'll certainly ask."

"Alright, Constable Williams. I think I can handle this one, thank you."

"Right you are, sir." She heads towards the door. "Shout if you need anything fetching."

"I will." The detective looks me over, apparently not very impressed. "What happened to the fancy armour, then?"

"I didn't think it appropriate to the situation. And it's not exactly chair-friendly." I open my hands, letting her get a good look at my power rings. She's a stout, middle aged woman with short brown hair. "If you want to phone the League and confirm my identity-."

"What do you think I just did?"

"Good, so you know who I am. Would it be possible for me to ask you some questions?"

"Just as soon as I'm shuwer we're not going to have some lunatic start knocking over buildings."

"No, no-. Ah, not as far as I know. I'm just checking the references of someone who might be working with the League at some point."

"Don't have a lot of costumed mental cases around here. I think we'd have spotted them."

"I don't think that the individual in question wore a costume." I take a picture out of subspace, showing John Fate's face attached to an approximately-correct body wearing a suit. "Does this man seem familiar at all?"

She frowns with mild irritation, then her brows unfurrow slightly in recognition. "He does a bit, though I'm jiggered if I know where from."

"He claimed that he offered to assist the Cardiff police during a series of ritualistic killings with a magic motive."

Her eyes widen. "That's never John Constantine. You send him on a body building course, did yuh?"

"You're right, that isn't John Constantine. Not unless something very strange is happening." Moderately strange. John's a common first name and Constantine is three thousand five hundred and sixtieth most common. My own is too rare to feature on any of the lists I saw. It might not even exist here. "But he claims he was around here at the same time."

"Might be." She reaches out for the picture and I hand it to her. "Several of the officers involved in that were moved off front line duties. Mental health." I nod sympathetically. That sort of thing doesn't bother me any longer, but mutilated bodies are a bit of a shock if you're not used to them. "I can show them the picture."

"I'd appreciate that. I just need to confirm that he was here and trying to be helpful."

"Alright. I'll get that done for you. Is there anything else?"

"I would appreciate a copy of the relevant case files. I'm not expecting a copycat or anything like that, I just want to make sure that I'm being thorough."

"The Justice League can request that. I'll have it scanned and sent via the proper channels."

A couple of days' wait, then. And it's mildly painful that it isn't all on computer. "Thank you."

I offer her my right hand, which she takes briefly before indicating the door. "Can you find your way out?"

"Yes, thank you. I'll look forward to hearing from you." I raise my right fore and middle fingers to my forehead in a mock salute,

-then step out and back-

6th November
09:25 GMT -5

into the city of Chicago for my next Justice League member meeting.

"Hey, ah, Nancy? I'll call you back. Looks like my nine thirty just arrived."

Mr O'Brian in civilian mode. He can't really hide what he is, but he makes an effort. His suit and shirt are red, material from that weird.. leotard.. thing he was for whatever reason wearing when he took the chemical bath which turned him into living rubber repurposed into office wear. His hair looks stranger still, a solid unmoving mass stuck on top of his head. He's not wearing his gog-. No, he is, the goggles have just merged with his eyebrows.

"Do you have a moment, Plastic Man?"

"Eh… Sure." He falls backward, morphing into an office chair as he does so. "Sit down, I'll get someone to make you coffee."

"Thank you, but I don't drink coffee. Also, I'm…" I shake my head. "Not sitting on you." I generate a construct chair and sit down opposite him. "I'm sure you know why I'm here."

"Because you need someone to sportscast your match with Hawkwoman?" He shifts back into humanoid form, his right hand now holding a microphone. "In the red corner, all the way from Thanagar, give it up for-!"

"No. Nabu."

The microphone merges with his hand, his whole body sagging. "Yeah, well, see, I didn't actually know-."

"Diana told me. You somehow managed to miss that he was possessed."

He shrugs. "It's not the first thing you think of. I mean, what was his name-?"

"Kent Nelson."

"Right! Kent Nelson was fine wearing the helmet for decades."

"And Nabu wanted to keep Kid Flash as his host-."

"Ah, hey." He holds his hands out in a placatory gesture, expanding them to three of four times normal size. "I wasn't even on the League when that happened. I didn't get access to the reports until New Year."

"And you didn't read through them."

"I read some. The ones about things we were actually doing. There are a lot of reports in there!" He returns his hands to normal size. "I don't even particularly think you were wrong, but… I thought if there was anything going wrong with Zatara then Batman or someone would have said something."

I could bear a grudge about this. Being on the Justice League should mean that you do the blasted reading. But I think this episode has already given him the kick he needed on that score.

"I.. suppose that's.. fair. Anything you want to ask me?" He shakes his head. "Then… Have a nice day."

I raise my fingers to my forehead again.


Rampage 5


9th November
10:09 GMT -6


Ms Thal wheezes, her right hand grasping spasmodically for the Nth metal mace I've sensibly moved out of arm's reach. Since I regard this whole thing as stupid, I haven't been using the sort of high-lethality ordnance which Thanagarian duelling custom would allow me to. I've -I sigh as I think it- been using… Giant… Orange… Boxing gloves. Of course, at this point they're pretty powerful boxing gloves, because… While she isn't the only Justice League member to severely irritate me where Nabu is concerned, at least the others were prepared to discuss the matter without challenging me to a duel.

But… This is a bit much.

I look over towards Mr Hol. "Is that it? Can you call it now?"

He makes eye contact with me, then gives his head a small shake.

"Oh, for goodness-." Ms Thal staggers to her feet, using her wide spread wings to maintain her balance. "You're clearly in no condition to fight and I don't like you well enough to heal you. Why don't you stay down this time?"


She.. either weaves, or narrowly avoids collapsing, then begins a staggering run towards me. I shoot her in the face with a construct bean bag round, forcing her to stop, staggering back to maintain her balance. A construct circular saw cuts through her helmet's strap and a construct hand hurls her battered helmet aside. It appears to have protected her face reasonably well, but the lower part of her face is already swelling from bruises and I can see a dozen cuts from where I slammed her into the desert.

"Please. Give up."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Alan say something to Mr Hol, who waves him off.

Another stagger, then she squares up to me again.

"Okay, can I yield? I literally-" I create a flimsy boxing glove construct, then let it evaporate. "-don't want to hurt you sufficiently strongly to make a construct. You win, well done. Honour is uphel-."

"No." She takes a step closer. "Fight me."

I fall back slightly. "Alright, you've convinced me that you'd have fought against Nabu. I doubt it would have been much more one sided than this."

"NotNot convincing you."

"Look, if you're willing to get your face beaten in pointlessly-" She takes three hurried steps closer and swings her right fist. I turn it aside with my right hand and punch her hard in the face. She takes it.. pretty well. Stupid extra tough skeletal structure. "-I'm sure-" She tries to hit me with her left wing, but I counter with a construct shield. "-that you'd do it where it-" I step right as she pulls her wing back and swing a fist at the unprotected underside. That gets a wince. "-it actually mattered."

"I'm not-" She manages a clumsy hit on my faceplate. "-doing this for you!"

"Fine." I create a construct covering her mouth and nose, then start replacing her air with Thanagarian-safe-ish knock out gas. Another pair of constructs bind her arms and wings. "I hope you've impressed yourself, then."

She struggles, but Thanagar knows its people and this stuff is designed to weaken them fast. As her eyes roll back I remove the construct feeding her the stuff and create a stretcher construct for her. Then I wheel toward Mr Hol. "Is that enough?! Or do I need to hit her a few more times?"

He flaps his wings once to leave the ground and a second time to enter the combat area, gliding towards his wife. I move the stretcher towards him as he lands, his helmet staring at her as he uses the sensors to check her condition. "She is unable to continue. You are victorious."

"Wooowh. Is she going to try this again when she gets up? Am I going to need to give her a power ring just so I don't feel so-?"

Alan follows Mr Hol, and I pass Ms Thal to him. There aren't any medical facilities around here… There isn't anything around here, that's why we started doing this here. The Hawks' ship has basic medical equipment… Ugh.

"Why did you offer to surrender?"

"Because it was pointless! She's going to be recovering for… Two weeks?"

"I doubt that I'll be able to make her stay still for that long."

"Which means that no one gains anything from this. If it meant I didn't have to beat her unconscious, why wouldn't I surrender?"

"Pride in your abilities as a warrior?"

"I'm not doing this to win a flipping contest! I wear this ring to make the universe a better place. That did nothing!" I grimace. "The last Thanagarians I met weren't this mental. At least I don't think they were, maybe they were just hiding it better."

"Some.. parts of the military take.. certain parts of Thanagar's military traditions more seriously than wider society. Were these Thanagarians civilians?"

"No. Mercenaries. Nice bunch. Met them in Vega. Had a few drinks, helped them with a riot and got them a job training the Tamaranian military up while they rebuild."

"I'm not aware of any Thanagarians being in that region of space. What is the company called?"

"The Blades of Alstair." Who-. Oh.

"I see." I can't tell whether Mr Hol's frowning or not, but I suspect that he is. "No. They wouldn't have adopted that tradition unless Hyathis ordered them to. Excuse me." A downbeat of his wings and he's flying back towards his ship.

Yeah, probably shouldn't have mentioned that I was on good terms with them to an agent of the Thanagarian government.

Lantern Jordan drifts down. "Well. That was a… Thing."

"And let's hope that really is it."

He looks mildly curious. "What, you never felt like challenging someone to a fight?"

"Not for honour-related reasons. But while we're all taking five, and you're actually on Earth, do you?"

"With Guy once or twice, sure."

"No, not-. Batman's got me talking to every League member about Nabu."

He shrugs. "Why? You got a way to bring him back you're not sharing?"


"Then what's the point? However I feel about it, you did it, it happened."

"That's what I said. But are you sure? Nothing you want to ask, nothing you want to get off your chest?"

"I still don't think you should have killed him."

"Okay, what should I have done?"

"Kept working at it until you had a way to take him down without killing him."

I shrug. "Diana took the chains off at New Year. Given how powerful and skilled Lords of Order are, I would have to have been very lucky to get another opening like that."

He raises his eyebrows. "You're saying you couldn't do it?"

"I'm saying I don't know how to do it and I don't know if it could be done."

"Because if Zatara was alive after eight months, he wasn't in danger of dying. Look, I wanted to fly for the US Air Force. And if.. things had gone differently, I'd probably have killed plenty of people by now. But I'm not. I'm a space cop with a fancy ring. Superheroes aren't military, they're police. The Justice League isn't a military."

"The Orange Lantern Corps is a military."

"Maybe that's the problem. The US military doesn't do policing outside of disaster zones, because that's not what it's for. The rules of engagement are different, for good reasons. I don't have a problem with you wanting to be a soldier. But if that's what you want?" He drifts back slightly. "Then this is the wrong organisation for you."


Rampage 6


10th November
13:08 GMT -5

"No, I think I understand."

I watch Jade as she takes another bite of her sandwich, shaking my head slightly. "You do?"

She chews for a moment, then swallows. Then she carefully watches my face. "And you actually don't."

I shake my head again. "If I did, I wouldn't ask."

"It's about confidence. She needed to know that if she had to fight someone more powerful than her, she could do it."

"But.. she could. She actually does that several times a year. Everyone knows that."

"Did you?"

"I… Yes, I.. honestly assume that of everyone on the League. I didn't ask her because I didn't think the risk-reward made sense." I watch her take another bite, the news program playing in the background saying something about a series of earthquakes in Argentina. "Is that.. something you… Feel..?"

"Not… Exactly."

I lean forwards slightly. "Please don't ever pick a fight with a ludicrously out of your league superhero."

"If your enemies know that you're willing to fight them, it changes how they evaluate whether to attack you or not. They know beating you would cost them more."

"Oh no." I frown. "Thanagar's doing a John Byng."

"Or training their soldiers to think like Meiji Restoration era samurai. Who was John Byng?"

"A British naval officer executed for not 'doing his utmost against the enemy' in the eighteenth century. Voltaire put a joke about it in Candide, ah… 'In this country, it is good to kill an admiral from time to time, in order to encourage the others'." She.. nods. "The result.. was supposed to be that British officers became more aggressive, always attacking when in doubt."

"And they ended up controlling the largest empire in history."

"There was a bit more to it than that, but… It may have helped." I frown. "So that's what it looks like on the ground."

"What would have happened to her if she didn't challenge you?"

"Noth-." She raises her eyebrows. "Ah… Assuming that she included it in her report… I don't know. The most recent copy of Thanagar's Articles of War I've got predates the Equalisation Plague, two hundred years and a major social upheaval out of date."

"A dishonored samurai who didn't commit suicide after being dishonored would be reviled by other warriors and lords. And so would their family."

"I-." Can I.. say..? "Hawkwoman grew up in a military orphanage, so-."

"So her sense of identity is entirely tied up in being a loyal soldier and her entire 'family' would think the same way she does."

And who does that sound like? "Jade." I reach across the table and put my right hand on her left forearm. "If you want me to beat you unconscious as well-?"

She smiles, a slight hiss of air escaping from her lips. Then she rolls her eyes. "No, I'm-. It's been an adjustment, but the League of Shadows' disciplinary system didn't work like that. Experienced operatives were too valuable. And Ra's didn't want anyone thinking that a code was more important than him."

"So.. you.. don't feel-?"

She raises her eyebrows. "Can't you see?"

"I… Could. I choose not to."

She nods, turning her left arm slightly so her hand rests on my forearm. "I don't feel the need to.. lose a fight to maintain my identity because I've changed my identity. I chose not to be an assassin. She's still a soldier." I nod. "And I'm not really keen on losing fights or picking fights I can't win."

"But Hawkwoman was fine with it because anything else looked dishonourable to her." I shake my head. "I'd like to say it's crazy, but it's.. no."

"No." She pulls back her left arm slightly, so that our hands are clasped. "Challenging you to a fight without some sort of equaliser was crazy. Challenging you at all was just being true to her code."

She takes another bite of her sandwich, her eyes moving briefly to the people staring at us -me, really- from the other parts of the deli. I've got sound suppression on so they can't hear what we're actually saying, but at this point my visits and relationship with Jade are public knowledge.

"Thanagarians don't have equalisers to power rings. That was actually a factor in the formation of their policies towards aliens during their expansions; they knew that they couldn't risk pushing the Corps more than a certain degree."

"How close are they to Earth?"

"Pretty close in interstellar terms, not close at all in terms of absolute distance. They could send a fleet here, but unless we look like we're becoming an imminent threat it seems unlikely that they will." I shrug. "They don't have any rivals in this direction, but integrating other species into their empire… Well, settling their worlds over their objections, takes time and effort."

"Do you think the Hawks are sending information home, so-." I'm already nodding, and she narrows her eyes slightly. "You knew that?"

"It's obvious. But since we're not planning on picking a fight with Thanagar, there's no harm in it." Couldn't even if we wanted to. The one benefit of the Equalisation Plague was that in the aftermath internal disputes became unimportant, whereas Earth doesn't have a unified space program. When we finally get serious about space it probably will end up being a superhero-led effort. "In fact, reassuring them benefits us."

She takes another bite of her sandwich. I deliberately look past the gawkers -and the manageress who is making it clear that the seats are for patrons- and give the television my attention. Depending on the situation on the ground, an earthquake might-. No, it's moved on to covering a flare up of hostility in Kashmir. With that part of the world being a good deal more stable on Earth 16 than Earth Prime, I can probably leave that to local diplomats.

"How are your meetings with the Justice League going?"

"They're manageable. I'm getting a much better idea of where they think I went wrong."

A small smile. "Do you agree with any of them?"

"The Flash had a point, and I think… Green Lantern echoed it."


"He's not happy about children being involved. And he's especially not happy about someone with my body count and modus operandi being involved with children."

"Children who can run at the speed of sound and break someone in half by talking backwards."

"Impressionable children who might decide to use those abilities in non-superheroic ways if I make a good enough case for it. And it is true that I'm a bit of an awkward fit." I shrug. "How are things in the mob? Any interesting assassination attempts?"

"One, by Two Face." She grimaces. "Or it might have been, but I get paid to protect the principal, not fight crazy people. I'm actually… Thinking about quitting. A corporate intelligence firm in San Francisco got in touch. They're interested in employing someone with my background."

"I imagine that's more up your street. And less likely to involve anything illegal. Want me to check them out for you?"

She looks at me sternly. "I'd like you to check them out as well. They look legitimate to me, but I don't have all of your resources."

"Not a problem. What are they called?"


Rampage 7


10th November
16:49 GMT -5

The train of lawyers, politicians and bereaved family members walks past me down the hall, Adom and Mr Tuckman waiting until there's some clear space before following them out of the meeting room. The lawyers are muttering to their clients, none of whom look particularly happy about the outcome. I wait until they're all past me before rising from my chair to approach my colleagues.

"So? Result?"

Mr Tuckman manages a satisfied smile. "There's still room for individual challenges, but I think we've convinced most people that 'Theodore Adam' and 'Teth Adom' are two legally distinct people, and that Teth Adom bears no responsibility for Theodore Adam's actions."

Adom is still looking fairly sombre, though that might just be as a result of Mr Tuckman's strongly phrased advice that he wear a suit. "I have no wish to insult the families of his victims, but I refuse to believe that this is the best way for them to gain redress. There were more jurists present than relatives."

Mr Tuckman looks just a little bit smug at that. "Welcome to America."

"No." Adom shakes his head. "That could have been resolved in mere minutes if a single individual had the authority to make a determination, subject to learned advice. Instead, it has been months. It serves neither me nor them." His eyes narrow slightly. "When I rule Kahndaq once more I will ensure this cannot happen there."

Mr Tuckman raises his right eyebrow slightly. "The Kahndaqi people might have something to say about that."

"My people will see my wisdom. And they will learn not to question me."

Best head this off. "Any problems? Or was it all…"

Adom's jaw tenses for a moment. "They required that I return to my mortal form."

Mr Tuckman nods. "Yeah, that was a little uncomfortable. I didn't realise that he still looked like…"

I frown mildly at Adom. I hadn't either, but then William Batson still looks like William Batson when he turns back. Why should Adom be any different just because he and his host are both adult men?

"A problem I will solve by not turning back at any other time."

Obvious solution, but perhaps here isn't the place to bring it up. "Mr Tuckman, do you need us for anything else?"

He shakes his head. "No, not today." He turns to Adom. "I'll contact you with a copy of the written text for your approval once it's been drafted. Should be within a week."

Adom nods, and offers him his hand. "Thank you."

Mother Box, hush tube.


10th November
15:52 GMT -6

Adom and I walk back into the Mountain, hush tube closing behind us. "You know, I've been meaning to ask: beyond the gods' blessings, have you considered..? Looking for other advantages? Better weaponry, or further augmentations?"

He glances at me suspiciously. "As I have said before, I am content with the power that I have."

"Hey." I shrug noncommittally. "If you say so. But you're the one who wants to fight Shazam. And -correct me if I'm wrong here- last time they weren't enough. Were they?" His jaw clenches. "Adom, I'm your ally. I'm offering you aid to make both our lives easier. You don't have to take it, but it's there."

He considers for a moment, then his face relaxes slightly. "Your pardon. Having been betrayed by the one I once considered my friend and mentor, I find that I am… Reluctant to put my faith in those who make similar offers."

"Think nothing of it."

"I do not believe that there is a power I could gain within a short span of time that would improve my ability to liberate Kahndaq. No, my time is better spent in study. But… In the fullness of time, I may consider such measures before confronting him once again."

I nod slowly. "Perhaps something more trivial, then?" He raises his eyebrows slightly. "William's transformation changes his face. I should have realised that you still look like Theodore Adam under-" I wave my right hand at his face. "-that.. before now, and I apologise for my lapse. If you like, I can change that, make your faces match. Cosmetic work is far less involved than alterations to your arcane architecture."

"I would need to.. change?" I nod, and he grimaces. "I am loath to speak the Wizard's name even once more." He considers for a moment. "But, I appreciate you making the offer. I have no great fondness for looking like a murderer. Perhaps I will-."

He cuts himself off as the door to one of our secure storage repositories opens and Circe walks out. "Oh." She frowns at Adom's choice of attire. "Did someone die?"

I nod. "Theodore Adam. Legally speaking. Not that anyone will miss him all that much."

"Oh, you finally got that sorted out. Well done."

"A minor trial of my patience. It was no great achievement." Adom hesitates for a moment. "How is your school progressing?"

"Plans are being finalised and the demolition is done." She looks at me. "I decided to bind the rat thing in a crystal and put it in storage."

I nod. "Fine, as long as Miss Shimmer checked the seals."

She rolls her eyes. "Yes, even though I've been sealing elementals since before the rise of Rome, I had Sunset check my work."

"I'm sorry if it's inconvenient, but it's a standard process and a second pair of eyes-."

"Yes…" She waves her right hand dismissively. "Yes. I understand. And I do enjoy talking to her. Did you know that her people dealt with a Lord of Chaos?"

I nod. "I think she mentioned it."

She smiles. "I'm constantly surprised by what even I can learn from talking to her. Particularly concerning beings like that."

Adom raises his eyebrows slightly. "You have encountered a Lord of Chaos yourself?"

"I… Misjudged a situation involving a Lord of Chaos named Oggar." She carefully watches his face. "You recognised the name, Teth Adom. Did you know of him?"

He nods. "I did. He was once a mighty ally of the Wizard, but broke with him due to his own egotism. He felt that his power meant that he should have been the leader of their alliance rather than the Wizard's subordinate. After that, he wandered the world, finding his amusements where he could. I encountered him only many years later, when he decided to attack my nation in an attempt to wound the Wizard by proxy."

She looks curious, her eyebrows rising slightly. "You survived his attention, then."

Adom nods. "I had learned to use the Power of Atum to increase my ability to resist baleful magic. But it would not have been enough to stand against a Lord of Chaos. The Wizard lent me a portion of his own might, the Power of Ribalvei, so that I could stand against Oggar's magic."

Circe looks distinctly impressed. "You mean to say that you.. won?"

"Once I closed the distance, I unleashed the full extent of Lord Montu's berserk rage. Oggar's physical form was strong, but not strong enough to withstand my attack."

"And?" She shrugs. "He is a Lord of Chaos. Could he really die from mere physical injury?"

"No." A thin smile. "But he could feel pain."

Circe's smile on the other hand isn't even slightly thin. "You hurt him so much that he fled?"

"In a manner of speaking. I broke his body, and then waited for his magic to repair it. And then I broke it again. And again. And again, until he abandoned this world and returned to the Realm of Chaos."

"How long did that take?"

"Perhaps twenty days of constant activity."

She smiles, this time one of genuine pleasure rather than social lubrication. "Really?" She steps forward, linking arms with him and pulling him in the direction of the nearest living room. "Oh, I am going to want more details than that, pharaoh."


Rampage 8


12th November
17:32 GMT -5

"So… This is it, huh?" Dr Highwater carefully lifts the Medusa Mask from the padded Justice League case Lantern Stewart transported it in.


Lantern Stewart doesn't look entirely happy about this, but KordTech has all of the licences required to analyse supervillain technology and is the only surface world site with enough qualified magic users to produce useful results with arcane equipment. If anyone is going to do something with this, it's KordTech.

Dr Highwater performs a brief visual inspection. "Mask is gold in color, but weighs more than this volume of gold should. Mask…" He prods it. "Is immobile, despite reports that it can form expressions. Mask has no visible way to attach itself to the wearer's face, despite reports that it remains attached during strenuous physical activity."

"Kid Flash was able to pull it off Roger Hayden's face just prior to his arrest."

"But why didn't it fall off?" He holds it up slightly. "I mean: look at it."

He's right. Not only is it taller than a normal man's face, it isn't clear how it was able to stay on Mr Hayden's face at all.

"It's a shame Charles Halstead wasn't able to provide a better explanation before he was committed." Dr Highwater tears his eyes away from the Mask to look at Lantern Stewart. "You're sure Mr Hayden hasn't suffered any of the same side effects?"

Lantern Stewart shakes his head. "Not according to the prison shrink."

Yes, that was something I hadn't known before I started reading up on the case. After getting a whole life sentence and passing his equipment on to Psycho-Pirate 2, Psycho-Pirate 1 gradually lost all ability to feel emotion. There are emotion-affecting magics which could have that effect, but that wouldn't explain why it stopped doing that for the second wearer.

"Mister Hayden claimed to have amalgamated the many masks Mister Halstead used into a single mask."

Dr Highwater nods. "Then I think we're ready for human testing."

I nod, and create a frame construct around the Mask. I remember that the comic version of this mask gave medium awareness but I haven't seen any sign of that in the League's records on either of the local Pirates. Which I suppose might mean that the Earth 2 version got that power not from the Mask but from living through the Crisis.

Lantern Stewart leans slightly to the left. "That seems a bit sudden."

"After.. what happened to Bobo, we decided that testing telepathic equipment on animals wasn't a good idea."

"How's the little scamp doing?"

"He's reached eighth grade now."

Lantern Stewart frowns. "Who's 'Bobo'?"

"He's the chimpanzee KordTech tested the updated Thinking Cap on. We've removed it now, but it appears to have given him human-equivalent intelligence." But not the capacity for speech. His vocal systems just aren't the right shape, so he mostly communicates by writing. "We're not.. really sure how, but we're not going to be testing it on any other chimps."

Lantern Stewart looks decidedly uncertain at that news. "So you're skipping straight to human testing?"

Dr Highwater nods. "Nothing in either Psycho-Pirate's background indicates a particular level of arcane knowledge, and Abraham Carlyle and Wolf Krieger were able to use it without any adverse side affects. This is just a quick trial run so I can get some idea of what it feels like to use, so I can pass that on to the arcanists so they can narrow down the range of things they're investigating. And we're not allowed to do human tests on objects of this class without a member of the Justice League being present."

"So it's my fault." Lantern Stewart nods. "Great."

"I don't think you understand exactly what this can do for the Green Lantern Corps."

"Make us all feel fear so we can train to work through it?"

"Why not just amp up your will?"

He frowns. "Is that possible? I didn't think that 'will power' was really an emotion."

"Should be. And the best thing about it is that it can affect as many people as the wearer can see. Marginally useful for a single Green Lantern, but in any situation where you need a whole task force…"

He nods. "One Lantern can hold back and enhance all of the rest."

"If they're a natural empath, they could use what they're doing to the rest of the force to enhance themselves as well. And they can suppress any conflicting emotions that the rookies are feeling."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Rookies shouldn't be in that sort of situation." He nods slowly. "But I take your point. That could dramatically cut down the casualties during major operations."

I beam. "Thank you for volunteering."

He blinks. "You want me to put that thing on?"

"No, of course not. Doctor Hightower is going to put it on and use it on you. I've already got recordings of how strong you are without it from our training sessions, now we just need to find out how strong a pre-m'eelam na'aquall Sector Lantern gets with it."

"Why don't we use it on you?"

"Do you want another giant cake?" He bows his head slightly, smiling as he does so. "Besides, I need to be available to yank the mask off Doctor Highwater if something goes wrong."

He nods. "Alright, but take things slowly."

Dr Highwater nods. "Of course. We don't even know if I can use it yet." He steps up to where I have the mask suspended in a head height frame. "Here goes."

He presses his face into the inside of the mask for a moment, then pulls it back. There's a slight tug on the frame, but otherwise I don't see anything unusual.

"Feel anything?"

"I felt it stick to my face, but I didn't get any sort of impression of the emotions around me. It might be that it only senses strong emotion, or it might be that the effect is only one way; it can create emotions but not detect them in the people around it."

"It put a small amount of pressure on the frame when you pulled back. It looks like it does stick. Try again?"

He nods, and presses his face back into it. "Okay, I'm-. It's moving, the mask is moving with my mouth as I speak. That.. feels.. weird."

"Yeah." Lantern Stewart walks around to the front. "I can confirm that from the outside. It looks different from how it looked when Krieger was wearing it, but that might be because your face is a different shape from his."

"Okay. If you're ready, I'll-" Lantern Stewart's ring flashes. "-try to-."

"Just a moment." He holds his ring out. "Go ahead."

"Batman to Green Lantern. The team was investigating a LexCorp facility in Argentina. They've just missed one of their scheduled check ins."

"I can head down there and take a look. What were they investigating?"

"A geology research center. I had no specific intelligence that they would meet any significant threats there."

"Understood." He glances at me. "Orange Lantern is here as well. Should I bring him along?"

"As if I'm giving you a choice."


Rampage 9


12th November
19:37 GMT -3

The world flickers around me and what the hell happened here?

This part of the world is a wasteland anyway, but the added lines of molten rock suggest that Kon needed to unleash-.

The air turns white as something very hot armourarmourarmour! Okay, regular heat vision, not Kon's version. Deflect towards the ground! The rock beneath me begins to liquefy as the beam pours heat into the volcanic rock, then cuts out. Appropriate response-

Lantern Stewart generates a construct shield.

-is kryptonite radiation. Since my run-in with an asteroid made of the stuff, I've had the opportunity to get hold of kryptonite samples of a variety of colours. Gold kryptonite is safest-.

A grey shape blurs past me, slamming into Lantern Stewart and sending them both careening out of-. Shit, where's he gone? Ring, accelerated per-.

Perception already accelerated.

There's a small landslide as part of the caldera wall explodes. There, right, moving! Saturate the area with gold kryptonite radiation and show me who we're fighting!


Predictably, Mr Luthor's done something to the area to disrupt ring scans, but optical scans show-

Lantern Stewart goes for height and distance, battering ram construct shattering as his opponent rams through it!

-a large, naked, grey-skinned humanoid with a pearly white horn jutting from his forehead. I'm guessing that's Doomsday 16, but if so then this version has kept his humanoid form better than the comic and animated versions. Though the bony plates covering his back are forcing him to hunch over somewhat and though he's notably over scale when compared to a human his proportions are fairly normal for someone seven feet tall. I think he's even got facial hair.

I don't remember anything about Doomsday being affected by kryptonite, but I don't remember him flying either and I've got the gun ready and he isn't faster than light. The laser strikes home and.. he isn't slowed in the slightest. Fine, green, and fire. This one… There's a slight shimmer before it hits his skin and nothing. He doesn't even look my way as his right fist crunches through Lantern Stewart's construct defences. I can't tell exactly what injuries he just took, but from the slow motion look of shock on his face and the approximate speed… Shattered lower ribs and severe internal bruising at least.

"Stewart, orbit."

And I transition forward, x-ionised broadsword coming out of subspace as I reappear. Construct armour to deflect. Doomsday's head is already turning my way, eyes lighting up as Stewart weakly tries to push away-. Innate interdiction? Darn.

My sword cuts into Doomsday's side as the heat vision is once more reflected away by my construct armour. This time the angle causes it to shoot skywards, then as he tosses Stewart aside and lunges at me the deflected energy spins in an arc across the sky! That could have hit-! He punches my right arm, construct armour cracking at once. I move the sword into a guard posit-. He redirects his heat vision, striking the side of the blade and melting through it. Fine, crumbler gauntlets it is-

There's a flash of green as Stewart disengages.

-then. Light flash, maximum intensity, kryptonite-enhanced smelling salts, ultrasonic pulse and punch the fuckwhereish-!


I can't keep up, blows are slamming into my construct armour too quickly for me to perceive even with my mind accelerated. It's cracking and gone, kinetic barrier blocking the next few hits-. Right bubble.

I get maybe a second to look at him and then his heat vision starts up again, slashing across my armour! Agh, yep, that hit the projectorphase!

There's a sort of grunt from Doomsday as his arms blur and his eyes burn as he tries to strike me. I try flying away as fast as conventional ring flight allows me, but he's keeping up easily. Flying down through the ground around an extinct volcano while a Kryptonian weapon life form is trying to punch me seems like a bad idea… Where's the team?

I step out-

-and I reappear in.. what looks-

"Who the hell are you?"

-like a barracks, someone in full body armour levelling a gun at me.

"He-. Ugh." Kon tries to push himself up off the floor, his face covered in cuts and swelling with bruises. Sunlight shines out from him, but that doesn't actually make him heal much faster. He's not wearing his armour, but rather yellow LexCorp-branded overalls. A scan through it shows that the rest of his body isn't in much better condition than his face; his left arm is broken in three places and he's got fractures across his ribs, skull and spine.

Shit. Okay, that's going to result in a nasty concussion-

I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and shoot him with it.

-but the Danner Formula will knit his internal injuries together faster than those suffered by a normal human. He holds out his right arm and I carefully pass him the ray, being sure to maintain the beam.

Other overalled figures lay on the beds. Some have tourniquets over severed limbs, others have their uniforms torn away so bandages could be applied to lesser injuries. Visible skin appears to have… Grey, discoloured patches. I quickly spot Kaldur and Canis, both unconscious. Kaldur doesn't have any visible injuries while Canis looks like a normal person would if someone took a cricket bat to their face.

One of the injured shakes for a moment, then lies still.

"Superboy, what's going on?"

"You see the big grey guy?"

"Yes. Briefly."

"He happened." The man with the gun semi-slumps back against his own bed. Looks like volcanic gas inhalation. And a few bruises. "Fucker just came right out of the ground and started-." He emits a wheezing cough. "Started burning everything. Some sort of mutant kryptonian."

I take out another ray and shoot him, then pass it to him. "Use this on everyone."

He takes it, then looks at Kon who has just stopped using it on himself and is testing his left arm. "Ah, okay."

"Right. Big grey guy-."

Kon stands. "Do you know where he is now?"

I send my battered armour back into subspace, then shake my head. "No. Green Lantern A had to fall back, and I teleported here."

"Great." Kon nods. "This place is designed to be Kryptonian resistant. Lead lined everything, structural reinforcements and-"


"-w-. Yeah. Radio can't penetrate, which is why we missed our check in. And the reason it's like this is because this is where Luthor gets most of his kryptonite from."

The guard looks around from raying one of his injured colleagues. "Nothing illegal about digging for minerals. Plenty illegal about spying on private property."

"My team's the reason why you're still alive!"

"Digging for kryptonite, fine. And you didn't know there was a kryptonian down there as well."

"Seismic scans and ground penetrating radar showed nothing like… That thing." He exhales sharply. "Not that I think any of us would have recognised it."

"Alright. I wasn't briefed on your mission. Start from the beginning."


Rampage 10


12th November
19:39 GMT -3

Kon's sitting on his bed while the LexCorp loyalist walks around with the healing rays. As expected, no one regrows limbs and the dead don't rise, but cuts close up and broken bones start to knit together. Kaldur remains unconscious, while Canis groggily grunts and unsteadily pushes himself upright.

"Batman told us that LexCorp had started sending extra personnel out here, along with a lot of specialist equipment-."

"And that's no grounds for the Justice League to do anything! We applied for and received all of the appropriate licences from the Argentinean government. LexCorp is a legitimate business and does not have to explain itself-."

"Look. I'm asking so that I can try and learn why there's a crazy mutant kryptonian flying around outside. The more you interrupt, the longer that takes. So please stop talking unless you've got something pertinent to say."

"Fine. I'm sure the League will be hearing from LexCorp's lawy-." I glare, and he stops talking.

Kon smiles in thanks. "We.. took a look around-" Because clearly we're not talking about the bio-ship in front of LexCorp employees, who will no doubt be debriefed in considerable detail once this is over. "-and planted a few bugs. And then we sat back to watch." He shrugs. "We spotted the kryptonite right away, along with the cloning cylinders."

"Human cloning is illegal in Argentina."

Kon glances down the line of injured and diseased LexCorp employees. "I doubt they were planning on cloning humans."

"Okay. And the disease?"

"Canis said some of the workers smelled sick, but someplace like this… If someone caught a bug, everyone would get it."

Hm. While we're on the subject. Ring, what's causing that skin condition?

Novel bacterium, not on file. Symptoms will include increased aggression followed by dizziness, lethargy, comatosation and death.

Explains why he sounds so angry despite the lack of red light. Time frame?

Varies. Approximately one week from first symptoms appearing in an otherwise healthy adult.

Oh dear."

Quick check. Kaldur's infected. Canis isn't, and neither's Kon. Canis said that New Gods of any power shrugged off conventional disease, so that isn't surprising. In Kon's case, alien physiology.. or his personal environmental field might be keeping him safe. Kaldur's infection is in the early stages. If they've been here less than a day that's a blooming fast rate of infection. Ring, transmission vector?

Bacterium is capable of airborne transmission.

Oh dear. I'd cure him, but he'd be reinfected almost immediately. This whole place is going to need to be quarantined very carefully.

"When did the rash start appearing?"

Kon shrugs and looks at the guard. He shrugs too. "I don't know. Three days ago? Why, is it Kryptonian too?"

"It might be. I don't have complete files on Kryptonian diseases. However, given the physiological differences between humans and kryptonians I'm not considering it especially likely."

"Is it.. serious?"

"Yes. Fatal within a week."

"Ah…" He looks down the row again. "Shit."

"I'm assuming that you weren't doing biological weapon testing-."

"No! No.. micro-scale.. stuff. The cloning cylinders were for synthetic life forms."

Kon glowers. "Improved genomorphs in a country that doesn't recognise them as being people."

Oh.. dear. "Can you please confirm for me that the psychotic kryptonian outside isn't one of yours?"

"We aren't fully set up yet. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't. You can see for yourself!"

"That wasn't actually a 'no'."

"I don't-! Okay, look, I can't swear to it or anything. I'm Deputy Head of Security, not the Director! But I've been through the labs plenty of times and none of the equipment was in… Y'know, full use yet."

"And if anyone knows how to keep a kryptonian/rhinoceros contained, it would be LexCorp."


"The horn?" I generate a curved horn construct on my forehead. "You saw the horn?"

Kon shakes his head. "I saw him for about two seconds before he hit me. Once."

I generate a construct image. "This is what he looks like. And he's immune to gold and green kryptonite."

Kon frowns. "Didn't you say kryptonite works on kryptonians by using the same mechanism we use for collecting solar power?"

"Yes, but there're ways to block one without blocking the other. But we're.. skipping. You spotted the cloning cylinders..?"

"We wanted to find out exactly what they were cloning. And why they were doing it here."

"We're not cloning anything yet! I just told you-."

"The first stage of the infection results in unusual irritability. So I'm not getting annoyed. But please try and stop."

"Ah… Anyway, some of us snuck in, some of us held back… Then there was some kind of explosion-."

"From the excavation site." The security deputy nods. "A lot of our injuries happened when it first broke through. When you're that fast and that strong you don't need to be coordinated to kill people."

"Did you break through to where he was, or did he-."

"I don't know! We weren't even digging for more lab space, just for more rock samples."

"Okay, so we don't know why he woke up now. Then what?"

"I was there, in disguise. When he used his heat vision I tried talking to him in Kryptonese. That was when-." He moves his left arm. "He wasn't even looking at me, he just heard it and bang."

"But he didn't kill you."

"I don't think he was specifically trying to kill anyone. Just.. lashing out."

"Did he say anything?"

"No. I think he…" Kon concentrates. "I hit my head pretty hard, but I think he was.. groaning?"

"Yes." Canis nods. "But not one of pain. One of confusion. Bewilderment. As if the universe itself was utterly incomprehensible." It was quite tuneful. Ah, for a violin!

"You and Kaldur?"

"Aqualad was concussed when a flash of heat vision made part of the machinery explode. I was kicked in the face. At least twice."

"Everyone else?"

The security deputy points at the door. "Still here. The martian said she was doing something to its mind to make it forget about us. And Robin is going through our files. Like I said: lawsuit."

"Right. We need to check in with Robin, then I'll use my ring to contact the League. Because a rampaging super-kryptonian is definitely League business."


Rampage 11


12th November
19:41 GMT -3

Wallace looks around as I walk in, then smiles and raises his right hand to wave. "Hey, Oh El. You take care of the crazy kryptonian already?"

I look at him for a moment, then take my armour out of subspace.

He looks at the bent and battered plates and the burned slashes, then nods slowly. "I'm guessing 'not', then."

I return it to subspace. "Immune to kryptonite. Green Lantern A had to pull back. I teleported here."

He grimaces. "Immune to kryptonite? That's cheat-" Kon follows me into the room "-ing. All the different types of kryptonite, or..?"

"I tried gold and green."

"Not blue?"

"Fight lasted less than a minute. I needed to get out before he found a way to bypass my phasing as well as my kinetic barrier." I gesture to the door on the left with my thumb. "Is it safe to go in?"

Kon nods cautiously. "It depends on how fast he's moving. Miss Martian has trouble affecting him when he's moving at full speed. She nearly lost him when he left the facility the first time."

"And the-."

The door opens, and a moderately bandaged Tula walks out. She blinks in surprise as she sees me, then nods. "Batman sent you when we didn't check in?"

"Me and Green A. I'm afraid we lost. You found the wards?"

She nods. "They're not demonic, but I could taste the blood in the air. Ritual sacrifice, maybe something Aztec or Mayan." She sees my expression. "No, the sacrifice wasn't human. One or more large animals, but they were definitely killed to bind the spell."

"Lex found another expert. Someone local. But it's holding?"

"Between the changes we made to the spell and Miss Martian… He hasn't come back."

I nod and walk past her into the room she just left. Garth is studying the symbols etched into the walls to my right while M'gann's sitting cross-legged against the opposite wall, her eyes open but glazed and unseeing. Kryptonians aren't any more resistant to mental influence than humans, Torquasm Vo masters excepted. But when someone moves as fast as a kryptonian can move it can make it hard for the telepath to maintain contact. Wallace discovered that while sparring with M'gann, and Mr King said that he had the same problem with Ms Tyler.

"Miss Martian?"

Garth glances my way. "Did you fly in or teleport?"


"If this-" He returns his attention to the wall. "-isn't blocking your teleport, we should be glad that kryptonians can't see people's souls."


I return my attention to M'gann. "Yes. Are you managing?"


"First place I went, he's all healed up."

She nods weakly. "It's… Hard.. to stop him remembering we're here." She looks up slightly, her eyes still somewhat unfocused. "Can I..? Let go..?"

"I could teleport in but I can't scan out. And I didn't have time to study what he wanted."

"He wants to die. It's the only clear thing I can feel from him. I think he's… Ill, or insane or… I don't know."

I nod. "How are you coping?"

"I can… Keep him from coming back. But-. You remember you said I should… Think about working with the mentally ill?"


"I-. I don't think I could do it. Not.. if this is…"

"On the bright side, if the disease the LexCorp employees have contracted somehow came from him, he might just be like that because he's physically ill."


"Kryptonians can get ill, even when they're powered up." I shrug. "Maybe. I still need to examine where he came from."

M'gann lowers her head again as Garth nods. "Robin's already taking a look around, but he doesn't have a power ring." I nod and turn back towards the door. "Kryptonians can't get immunity to magic, can they?"

"Not by any method I'm aware of them having historically. Having trouble?"

He smiles wryly. "We've modified it so that he should think that he can't sense us." He gestures to some.. vaguely familiar inscriptions. "But if we have made a mistake, then the first we will know about it is when an insane super alien smashes through the wall and kills us."

I smile back. "There's some good news, then."

"Could you..? Could you beat him?"

I tilt my head to the left for a moment. "I don't know. I.. can kill most things, but he's… Very fast, very tough and very strong."

He nods. "We can keep hiding until M'gann gets exhausted. Unless he decides to go somewhere else. How far can kryptonians see?"

"Depends on the atmosphere. On a clear day? Perfect vision to the horizon, which they can magnify so that it's as if it's standing next to them."

"So he can already see all of South America."

"If he's looking, most of it. And he can see radio waves and hear.. just about anything he focuses on. If he wants to find a population centre there's nothing we can do to stop him."

He frowns, and looks around the room. "No, we.. could… With more time, we could modify this to stop him perceiving the rest of the world and stop him noticing that he can't perceive the rest of the world."

"If you can-" My ring blinks. "-manage, that's a good plan." I head back out, raising the ring to my ear. "Orange Lantern."

"Paul? Oh, thank God."

"Hi Alan. Green Lantern A made it back in contact? Is he alright?"

"Physician sung him back into full health. Are the kids okay?"

"Miss Martian's getting a bit worn down, but apart from that, yes."

"That's a relief. Is that really a kryptonian down there?"

"Aside from the kryptonite immunity, he certainly acts like it. There's also been some sort of disease outbreak here that might be linked to him. I'm looking into it now."

"Okay. Batman's getting a strike force put together, but it's not going to be able to reach you for an hour at best. And we're going to need to hear everything that happened first."

"Okay. Let me just find Robin and I'll give you a full run down."


Rampage 12


12th November
19:46 GMT -3

Richard looks around for a half-second as Wallace and I walk into the laboratory. "Hey."

Several of the other scientists give me a considerably more wary look, but swiftly bend their efforts towards their work. A cone-shaped part of the facility has been punched out from the rock below, the sky above obscured… Presumably by the hiding spell. Rubble litters the area where rock and interior walls were thrust outwards rather than up, and while they made an effort to clear away the human remains there's still quite a lot of blood.

"What happened to Rocket?"

He looks out of the hole where the wall used to be at Doomsday's emergence point, eyes alighting on our-. On his team mate where she sits inside a kinetic bubble. "Grey guy punched her so hard it overloaded her kinetic belt. She can't turn it off. Can you get her out?"

I send a filament underground-. No, that would be too easy. I write 'Air okay?' with a construct in front of her. She gives me a depressed nod and a half-hearted thumbs up.

"Not in a way that was reliably safe. Any progress on the disease?"

He looks at me for a moment, then looks at the researchers. "Because you can heal us, but not them." I nod. "Know anything about the disease?"

"Nothing about its origin or how to regularise a cure."

He nods. "If it's an alien disease that can actually infect humans, we're probably not going to have antibodies that can kill it."

"Healing potion?"

Wallace shakes his head. "Already tried it. Helps with the symptoms, but it doesn't do anything about the actual disease." I nod. "Y'know, if anyone's got antibodies, it's gunna be that guy outside."

I nod. Assuming they're human-compatible as well. "No other.. team members?"

I'm assuming that if any of us had died they'd have said something, but no Artemis, Robert or Roy makes me-.

"No." Richard shakes his head. "The Arrow Clan are busy and Cornwall Boy is on some kind of vision quest."

"Alright. Kaldur should be up soon but the League-."

"Ah, Oh El?" Wallace points behind me. "Something-" I turn as two large black creatures-. No, red glowing sigils and curved horns. Genomorphs. Step through a shimmer in the air and take up position around the hole in the ground. "-you forgot to mention?"

"Ah, no? Those-." Horns at the sides of the head and curved downwards, actual rune glyphs, built like oversized gibbons… "Those are G-Oni. I didn't know they had any of those finished."

Wallace takes a half-step back, shifting his weight so he can dash forward at a moment's notice. "And who was it told them using demon magic was a good idea?"

"Technically, as long as you-."

Their horns glow for a moment. Then one drops down into the hole and the second ambles towards us. I suppose that they'd know me best.

"Hello." I stride forward, making myself the obvious target in case anything goes wrong. "The Justice League didn't tell me you were coming. I'm afraid that M'gann-."

"Blood. Speaks."

I nod politely. "I hadn't realised that Dubbilex was going to give your type the ability to speak."

"Not give." It opens its mouth a little more widely and I can see that its teeth are covered in what looks like blood. "Take."

Concern… Increasing. "And what brings you here?"

"Source. Of our blood. Where?"

"Th-?" They're.. made from.. that-? Okay, I suppose-. Some of them do have a certain Doomsdayish look to them. I just don't remember any comic version of Doomsday being telepathic. "Up in the air somewhere above us. He's extremely hostile and possibly not in his right mind."

"Why not. Here?"

"Given the damage he did, we felt that keeping him away would be a better idea. At the moment we're-."

"You. Keep away?"

"Yes, we're keeping him away because-."

For a fraction of a second I see the runes on its skin burn with purple fire-.

Then I'm slammed against the far wall as the torrent roars into the place I was standing.

"Sorry, Oh El, but they don't-"

The G-Oni turns, fire blazing forth once more. I generate a construct shield as Wallace throws himself-. The flames go through the shield and I'm forced to transition a metre right to stay out of the cone of hellfire!

"-seem to be the nice-"

The one in the pit blurs as it claws its way to the surface and lunges at Wallace!

"-kind of-"

He moves sideways, rolling under its claws then coming to his feet with practised ease before throwing a small pellet at its outstretched limb. It hits home, smoke violently hissing from the G-Oni's skin as the essence of vitriol goes to work. It doesn't react in pain, but it does slow as its runes turn a deeper purple and the smouldering decreases.

"-demon monster!"

The flaming one lines up with me again and in the corner of my eye I see a somewhat panicked Raquel gesture frantically at the bubble which means she can't move energy bolt! Two shots of orange light hit the G-Oni in the face and cause chunks of flesh to vaporise. In response its runes flare grey and its form wavers into intangibility.

"Orange Lantern to everyone."

It lunges at me, shadowy claws slashing towards my head! I swing two construct blades through its torso to no effect-.

Minor power drain detected.

No significant effect, before flying upwards to keep Raquel out of its arc of fire.

"We're under attack from magic-using genomorphs."

Wallace gets in behind the G-Oni dashing after him, throwing a vial at its back. This time it isn't just smoke that erupts; white-gold flame envelops its body, and it rolls around on the ground in a frantic attempt to put it out.

Looks like G-Oni kept the weakness to holy water.

The one pursuing me makes several leaps off thin air to try and reach me, then looks over to its burning brother and then leaps away, passing through a nearby wall.

"And we've lost sight of one! Look out!"


Rampage 13


12th November
19:49 GMT -3

I take a set of manacles out of subspace and clamp them to the still-burning g-oni as Wallace dashes off in the approximate direction the other one left in. "Robin, can you-!"

He uses some sort of bolas to attach a small device to its forehead without having to touch it. "Go!"


I start flying in the direction Wallace headed in.

-can you detect it?

Not at present.

Great. Okay, most people are in the barracks but Kon's there. The magic room where the people keeping Doomsday away are located is probably its destination, assuming-.


Garth's voice. I don't transition, because that's a good way to smash into someone. But I do accelerate, corridors blurring gahh!

I tumble to the floor, orange light flaring over my body as I try extinguishing the hellfires enveloping my left side! I don't want to burn! Agh, how are they strong enough to-? I dart back around a corner as the g-oni exhales again, spell eater finally turning hellfire back into normal fire so I can tend to my burns. Did Dubbilex literally feed these things demons?

"Contact, my location."

It comes forward, exhaling again. Fine! Railgun, mageslayer rounds. Not enough room for me to dodge properly, but the same goes for-.

The g-oni has about a half-second to spot my railgun before the flames gutter and it goes shadowy, my round passing harmlessly through its ethereal frame and punching through the wall behind it! Aaah… Magic phasing or altered states of being… If I had any angel feather rounds left I could have used those-.

"Mine too. It's trying to-." A disturbing roar drowns out Wallace's words.

"Superboy and I will protect the sick." Kaldur's up, good. "This facility will not survive if he returns. Describe the attacker's abilities."

"Breathes hellfire, which bypasses-" I just about see the claw coming through the ceiling in time to dodge, the tips of the talons justow! "Ugh, which bypasses armour and force fields. And selective phasing, which lets them do the same with their claws while hiding in the walls."

Just before the claw is fully retracted I see-. Wait, that's my-. Ring, physical status of my tattoos?

Small portion from right abdomen removed.


"Yeah, and they can move pretty fast too!"

Manual restore of the ink… Just have to hope whatever's doing duty as my soul can cope.


The walls shake as I hear M'gann's exclamation of pain.

Right then.

Orange spikes shoot out in all directions, piercing the flimsy walls, floor and ceiling. I feel a tiny drain from seven o'clock high-

"Banishment works, but it hit M'gann. He can think about us again!"

-and brand you ungrateful bastard! I'm the reason you're legally a person!

Branding in progress.

Good. Maybe when it's complete, I'll-.

Connection lost.

Know no more than I do now. Right, ring, monitor for-.

"It's trying to-!"

And now my ring scans are working again. Doomsday's heading this way, though not at anything like his full speed. If this Doomsday is Kryptonian, I'm assuming that he gets an expanded visual range as part of the package. LexCorp means lead lined, but there are probably things he can see anyway. Wall's too thick for body heat-.

"Ward just failed. He's heading this way slowly."

"Maybe he's ugh." Kon doesn't sound hurt, so I'll assume that was an exertion-grunt. "Calmed down? If LexCorp was doing the same thing to… To him they did to me and Match…"

I start flying towards the magic room. "Lost contact with my G-oni."

"The one in the walls here…" I arrive to see Wallace uncomfortably prodding a mound of rubble and shredded genomorph while Tula stands back. "Ah, I think it.. died when Aquagirl did her anti-magic thing, but the other one vanished."

"Our attacker has similarly vanished. Injuries?"

M'gann walks out of the magic room, using telekinesis to dribble healing potion over the burns covering her forearms. **I'll live. Networking everyone now.**

**Bah. I had hoped-** Canis walks out of a connecting corridor. **-for better. When is the insane kryptonian arriving?**

**No injuries here.** I get a brief glimpse of Richard looking around the laboratory again. **And the G-oni Kid Flash set on fire… I think it's dead.**

**Ah… Darn it. I didn't even use that much.**

Tula crouches down, tattoos glowing as she holds her hands out towards the pieces of meat that used to be a g-oni. From her grimace I'm going to assume that she doesn't see anything wrong with killing demonic life forms. **I.. can't feel anything other than demon magic in the remains of this one. If you used something that nullified such magics, it would probably have been made hollow. The shock alone-.**

Alert! In-.

The kryptonian's coming b-!"

I frantically create construct barriers as the ceiling collapses and the walls explode! Tula scrambles back as a concrete pillar falls towards her, narrowly getting her foot out of the way as it smashes down! Plaster, concrete, mangled electronics and office equipment follow it, making a solid feeling dome above us.


Behind me, Garth uses water projections to hold up the wreckage above him and M'gann. Okay, probably easier to crumble this than actually put it back in any sort of order


**Uninjured, but trapped. Th-.**

**He's here.**

Fuck. **Aqualad, we can't get to you.** "Tempest, Aquagirl, M'gann, can you hold the ceiling up without me?"

Tula nods as she and Garth send more water out of their armour, running it over every visible surface.

Wallace watches them work. **Really wishing I could move through solid objects. Aqualad, what's he doing?**

**He is simply watching Superboy. He is ignoring both myself and the diseased LexCorp employees.**

Sounds positive. Because the only thing in there I'd rely on being able to hurt him would be Kon's heat vision. Kryptonians aren't magically immune to suns simply because those are the most common source of the wavelengths which empower them, but neither is anyone else in that room.

**Okay.** Garth nods at me. **That should hold.**

I nod, don my still-battered armour and phase out.


Rampage 14


12th November
19:53 GMT -3

I can see Kon's desires clearly. Kaldur's are somewhat dimmer, possibly due to him wearing magic armour.


I hadn't ever given much thought to what Doomsday wanted. In the comics I'm not sure that he ever really had a motive. I did see a comic where he started getting intelligent and ended up trying to fix Superman being killed by Gog, and his Earth 12 alter ego either wanted power and control or was just following his programming to kill Superman. Oh, and he got possessed by Brainiac that one time. But Doomsday himself never really had a motivation beyond 'smash things'.

This one?

Frankly, I can't tell. There are patches that are dull, dull as Mr Wilson under the influence of the Anti-Life. There are flashes of light of all colours, appearing and disappearing at random as far as I can tell. That suggests either that he's insane or that someone has messed with his mind. Of course, if we're dealing with the undirected living weapon version from the comics… That might well just be what he looks like.

On the other hand…

Comic characters are family resemblance characters. There are certain characteristics to 'Superman' that make him Superman, but not every version of Superman is the same. The difference between 'I don't like that version of Superman' and 'that's not Superman' is more or less in the eye of the beholder. Klarion 16 looks right, but he's far more powerful than any version of Klarion I recognise from the comics. On the other hand he does look right, whereas this Doomsday doesn't look like 'Doomsday'. No bone spurs, the shell and the single horn… To say nothing of the fact that Doomsday can't fly or use heat vision, obviously.

So… What if it's someone else?

I break through the rubble wall and see Maybe-Doomsday floating just above Kon, looking down at him.

"Who. Who are… You?"

The voice is slurred, as if the speaker hasn't got full control of his own mouth. And there's a wheezing tone, as if he's inhaled a lungful of dust and hasn't got it out yet. If my x-ionised sword actually did anything during our brief fight, the wound has completely healed over.

Kon folds his arms across his chest. "I'm Kon-El. Who are you?"

Kaldur's visible straining to hold the rubble thrown aside by the grey kryptonian's entrance. I don't want to set him off, but… Have to risk it. I start grabbing bits of rubble from Kaldur's watery grip and piling them in the clear areas of the room.

"Ron. Dor."

"You're kryptonian, aren't you?" This.. Ron-Dor trembles slightly, but I can't see any corresponding emotional resonance. I don't know what's going on with him, but it must be extremely confusing for your emotions to bear no link to what's happening to you. "How did you get here?"

"Iiiii… I don't…" Hm. Kryptonians do have an equivalent condition to senile dementia, and confusion and fear are certainly symptoms. "Sickness…"

Okay, we can.. stick him alongside Match. If we can keep him this calm, anyway. Lashing out in a panic is a lot easier to explain than-.

"I. Made myself. Sick."

O.. kay… Not sure what that means. Kon glances my way, but this armour doesn't really allow me to convey body language and I don't want to risk breaking Ron-Dor's focus. Actually, with the Faraday cage.. firmly broken along with everything else… Ring, location of Kara Zor-El?

Kara Zor-El is presently located in the Kent residence in Smallville.

Phone them.


"If you're sick, we'll.. try and help. We just need you to calm down, okay?"

Kaldur breathes a sigh of relief as the last of the rubble is made safe, his tattoos dimming. Okay, if we can turn whatever's left of the ward into an anti-magic field to keep the g-oni away, we might-.

A grey blur as a g-oni leaps from the wall.

Kon seeing it and rising into the air to push Ron-Dor away.

Ron-Dor's eyes starting to light up-.

I'm forming a reflective shield and fuckfuckfuck! Two burning beams scythe through the barracks, slicing through three people-


-before I can interpose my shield and it's not reflective enough! Most of the energy is now burning through what little of the facility is left intact above us, but my construct is still receiving enough that it starts to fail almost immediately!

Kon's efforts to move Ron-Dor aside come to nothing as the man flails, sending Kon spinning into the far wall just in time for the g-oni to stab into the grey kryptonian with demonically augmented claws! It envelops his right side, talons sinking into his back and chest while its teeth bite into his shoulder! He spins and flails some more in response, smashing through an occupied-!

I frantically stick deployable kinetic shields around them, two immediately getting overstressed by the force of the impacts. Kaldur tries to hold him in place with his water bearers but Ron-Dor doesn't even seem to notice that he's being bound. I just about catch another blast of heat vision with a new construct deflector before Ron-Dor gets a decent grip on his attacker and squeezes. The g-oni's runes flare hot pink for a moment, then its body comes apart in his hands!

Okay, that's-.

The pink glow stays as the surprisingly small wounds the g-oni inflicted heal over.

Ron-Dor blinks, then-. I brace at the blast of air as he takes to the sky again.


Hello? Who is it?

What-? Oh. "Hi, Missus Kent. I'm a friend of Kara's. Would you mind putting her on?"

Al-right, just a minute. Kara!

"Orange Lantern, are you able to track him?"

Ring, show me-. "Heading south west toward San Miguel de Tucumán-. No, he's already there."

He looks around to assess the state of the room and the injured.

Who is this?

Hi, Kara. Sorry to bother you, but it's a bit urgent. Have you ever heard of a 'Ron-Dor'?"

Hu-? Ah, yes. Rondors are an extinct Kryptonian species, kind of like a cross between giant armadillos and unicorns. Why do you need to know?

Grey, with a single horn. Starting to work out the sort of thing that's going on.

"And can you think of any reason why a kryptonian would be big, grey, have a horn and be insane?"

Nam-Ek? I didn't think he actually existed, but he's supposed to be the one who made them extinct searching for a way to make himself immortal.

Thanks, brilliant, call you back."

I hang up as Kaldur reaches a decision. "Follow him. Protect the people around him if he continues to be violent, and if possible protect him from the g-oni. I will direct reinforcements to you-" Kon picks himself up out of the rubble. "-as soon as they become available."

I nod, then I'm gone.


Rampage 15


12th November
19:56 GMT -3

San Miguel de Tucumán is a city of about a million people in northern Argentina. I've never been before, but from this height it reminds me of the better planned American cities; the roads all laid out in grids rather than the higgledy-piggledy European design. The area surrounding it looks like farmland and-.

Dust and chunks of road fly into the air as probably-Nam-Ek slams into a road and bounces into a building and I really hope there wasn't anyone in the way.

Kryptonian-tier brawls in cities are very bad. The sort of devastation I flat out can't cause, two Kryptonians can do in seconds without really trying.

I transition down as the screaming starts. Some places have drills for this sort of thing. Others are unlucky enough that this is a regular enough occurrence that everyone's learned how to respond. Here, people who have reached what they think is a 'safe' distance have already stopped running and turned back to look at the rubble Nam-Ek is pulling himself out of. Several have taken out cameras-.

"Run, you idiots! Run!"

Construct armour, start making repairs to my armour… The problem with integrating so many advanced systems is that that process takes longer than it otherwise would. Kinetic barrier gets prioritised, because I once calculated what would happen when a properly motivated Kryptonian hit someone like they meant it and the target basically gets vaporised. Not sure what went wrong with Raquel's system that it generated a persistent bubble, but I'll just be using the personal defence type so it shouldn't matter too mu-.

The building Nam-Ek's pulling himself out of visibly shakes and fuck he took out a load bearing column! I send filaments into the building behind him and create a girder construct to prop up the upper two floors. People are… Some of them are fleeing, but all too many are seeking cover inside which is a bad idea in super fights of this level.

Nam-Ek staggers into the road, drunkenly turning his head around as he peers at the city surrounding us. "Nam-Ek. Please! Calm down!"

He doesn't react to his name being spoken, so… Still wrong name?

My ring blinks for attention.

How would I fight him?

Filaments begin reaching around for materials to replace the column as I consider it. He's not showing any injuries from his landing or even from the g-oni's claws. Repeatedly shooting him isn't likely to work. Decapitation with an x-ionised blade or the Sword might work. Branding, perhaps, but it wouldn't be easy given that I can't see him wanting anything in particular.


Orange Lantern, report.

Lantern Stewart certainly sounds better. "The kryptonian is in San Miguel de Tucumán and I'm not confident of my ability to contain him."

If you've got any kryptonite-.

Didn't work." I do have the radiation signatures for other colours of kryptonite now, but that sounds like a good way to make the situation worse.

Flash and Superman are heading your way from the nearest zeta tube.

Good. Orders?"

Damage mitigation. Superman knows how to fight these people. Just try and stop him killing anyone.

Got it."

If they start punching each other… No, no, that could work. The surrounding landscape is relatively empty. If Kal-El gets him out of the city-.

Two g-oni shimmer into being behind Nam-Ek. Both blur towards him, grabbing him before he has a chance to fly away and digging into him with teeth and claws! Right, mageslay-.

Nam-Ek's eyes light up and nononoshield!

Two beams of red light burn through the neck of one of the g-oni and lash across the road, melting the tarmac, turning the paving stones red, turning a car to burning scrap and scorching the frontage of one of the buildings before I can get my shield in the way! Nam-Ek doesn't turn it off, he just turns himself to try and line up his shot better!

Ring, predictive-!

Another shot, this time lined up with the centre of a building where people are watching-. Why aren't you running away yet?! I send construct signs with 'EVACUEN AHORA' written on them down… Balcarce street, apparently. Better shield and moveitmoveitmoveit!

His eyes flare again, and this time I'm only just able to send the energy skywards as the g-oni claw around him to escape the burning heat! A second later my shield fails and a lance of heat pierces the building! The people inside have fled the site of the strike, brick and glass melting and the soft furnishings within catching fire from the intensity of the radiated heat alone.

The column in the initial building is repaired, so I abandon that and focus on-. Nam-Ek's gotten a grip on one of the g-oni, but this time it isn't ripping quite so easil-.

Another explosion of air and he's gone, passengers with him. Street reasonably intact, fire-. I dismiss the evacuation sign and generate cold guns, giving it a short burst of the physics-breaking beams. Out, good.

Now, where's he gone?

North east, towards Paraguay. He's tearing at them as-

A red blur precipitates out of the air next to me.

-he ploughs into and through the ground in an attempt to force them to release him.

"Where'd he go?"

"East-north-east, sir. I'll create a marker when I arrive."

I transition, firing up a broad beam of orange light as I appear and fuck! National Route 24 is only two lanes here, but the force of Nam-Ek's passage has torn the land apart and the cars are going too fast to stop! I take hold of them with construct crane grabs, lifting them over the new cleft in the landscape and-

Mister Allen is already past me, looking for an angle of attack. He's not like Wallace, where I can sort of keep up with what he's doing if I accelerate my perception of events hard enough. I couldn't even say where he is.

-setting them down on the road beyond. Ah! Inefficient! A bridge would-.

Another flash of heat vision, this time intersecting with a car before I can get a shield in position. The tires are on fire and metal frame molten as the car skids to a halt. The people inside-. Flash fried. Nothing I can do for them.

I generate a construct bridge over the torn area, put a 'SIGUE MANEJANDO' sign over it and move the wreck off the road into an adjacent field. Given the speed-. He's already out of effective range. My effective range, anyway. Okay, can't stay here, people are using the bridge… I start shoving earth back into place. I don't have time to properly restore the road. Shove, shove… Get enough gravel, fuse it into a.. temporary surface. Cool.

Right, good enough. I lower the angle of the bridge until it evaporates into the new road surface. Ring, where's Nam-Ek gotten to?

I watch in drop-jawed horror as he ploughs through the lower floors of a block of flats in Asuncion, the building fracturing and tilting in his wake.


Rampage 16


12th November
19:58 GMT -3


Ring, show me the structure.

I can't try supporting with some sort of giant scaffolding construct. The shockwaves and demonic fire have done too much damage to the skeleton frame for the building to be able to support its own weight. I'm going to have to try to grab the whole thing -from the inside- and replace those parts.

This is going to be heavy.

I don't bother with filaments this time. The air between myself and the building turns orange, constructs burrowing in through the walls and merging with the still-whole parts of the skeleton. Large construct girders smash their way through the lower floors to attach themselves to the foundations as I frantically try to hold the whole thing together without crushing any of the people dashing about in a panic inside. Or worse, crouching and praying in terror in really inconvenient places!

The building's still tilting, but at least the rate at which the tilting is increasing has decreas-.

A chunk of fascia falls off from the foremost side, near the top. Everyone in the street below has had the sense to run, but the problem isn't just the failing skeleton any longer. The whole of the interior and exterior is starting to fail. I construct a construct mesh over the front… And, that floor and that floor and-. And-. And a bunch of arrows pointing to the exits because if I didn't have to worry about you stupid people I could just-! Throw this stupid thing into space with less effort!

Now.. get.. upright… Yes, good, keep going… I mean, yes, at this point the whole thing is more construct than building, but my effort will not be wasted! No, stop falling apart! I'm in charge here, you stupid building! See these rings?! Right, thank you!

Okay, that's… Upright, Now, to just… Fuse that, replace the missing parts of the skeleton with… Materials from the surrounding environment… Ugh, they're going to have to tear it down anyway unless I-. No, no, I've got an ongoing job to do. Put some cables between the parts of the skeleton to hold the floors up and make sure that the stairs are safe…

That'll have to do.

I remove my construct and turn away, trying not to look at the remaining chunks of the fascia as they part company with the building's exterior.

At least nothing else has collapsed while I've been busy. Ring, location.

Location available.

Why is he flying through central Brazil? What's he.. heading for? Is he just flailing around until he hits something which he can't punch through? Should I try talking to Dubbilex-? No. Someone will be doing that already. My job is to stop him hitting anything e-

Another blur, this time a blue one, shoots overhead.

-lse. Transition.

Far above Nam-Ek, I can see Flash's activity as he acts to remove people from their path. Not individual actions, but their results: people appearing in groups outside of their houses, vehicles and previous route of travel with confused looks on their faces and with slightly windswept appearances. Having Mr Allen convey you isn't anything like as traumatic as moving at near-light speed should be, but it still feels a little like standing in a wind tunnel.

If he's limiting himself to that, then he's out of offensive options. Against a flying opponent, that means that arm-generated tornado blasts didn't do anything very much. Did he get Mr Mercury to show him how to bestow and steal speed? I never thought to ask. An object thrown by someone at super speed doesn't automatically act like an object moving at the speed it appears to be actually would. At full speed, they usually go a couple of metres and then explode due to the air resistance.

Okay, if Nam-Ek started rampaging due to coming under attack by g-oni -either due to an entirely understandable reaction to things trying to eat you or something to do with their magic- then it seems reasonably logical that blasting them off would help him calm down. How to-?

Below me, he throws one off only for it to shimmer out of reality and then reappear ahead of him, leaping into his flight path while he was looking away. They're definitely getting stronger and tougher.

How to hurt them? If he can heal from attacks then I don't have to worry too much about harming him. I don't want to get within arm's reach for a crumbler gauntlet attack-

Armour systems fully repaired.

-and a railgun shot wouldn't… Firing down is inaccurate at these speeds and firing along risks a miss flying into something at supersonic speeds, which would be rather terminal unless Mr Allen caught it. Radiological weapons in a rainforest would be bad. And probably wouldn't even work. Gravity based weapons strong enough to actually hurt them, similar problem. Okay, apart from general purpose anti-magic and theurgy, what are demons weak against? Bigger demons?

And doesn't the fact that that was the first thing that occurred to me show that I've spent too much time with John Constantine.

What else..? Iron? Was that just fae, or..? Doesn't matter. A shotgun style blast of supersonic iron filings shouldn't cause much environmental damage, will pack a punch and doesn't have to be completely accurate. And if it has some extra effect on demonoids, then so much the better.

I generate a railgun, a far fatter one than usual, and start charging up the capacitors. While it's not going to cause long term damage to the area, in the medium term it's going to shred the rainforest quite effectively. Have to ask Euanthe to come here and fix it up afterwards.

"Orange Lantern to Flash, permission to engage."


"Supersonic iron filing shotgun."

Another plume of earth erupts as Nam-Ek tries to scrape the g-oni off by burrowing underground.


Scanning, calculating… "Sir, you'll need to be further away than that."

"Fastestmanalive. Givemeasecondnotice."

Okay, wait for them to come up for air. I can already see the Amazon river-. There! I form construct thrusters to go with my construct armour and blast after them.

"Firing in one."

Aim the gun and-.

The rings stop all external sound as the blast of millions of tiny slivers of metal shoving through the air reverberates around me. Trees evaporate, the air turns to dust and the ground beneath jumps at the force of the shot. I use my thrusters to jump away and start scanning for-.

Nam-Ek and company fly freely out of the far side of the new dust cloud.

"Didn't work. Resuming monitor du-"

And then Kal-El slams into the melee, making a dust cloud that makes mine look like a fart by comparison.


I watch as he grabs one g-oni, carefully breaks its arms and legs and then tosses it aside. The second gets what must be the weakest heat vision shot I've seen to its eyes. It recoils for a half-second, then ducks its head behind Nam-Ek's body and-.

Nam-Ek uppercuts, striking Kal-El right on the chin and sending him careering into the sky.

Okay, if he's not helping…

Ring, sonic detonator.



Rampage 17


12th November
20:00 GMT -3

Everyone thinks of kryptonite. Hold up this glowing green rock and see the strongest man on Earth fall before you. The sheer thrill of it might even explain why Mr Luthor keeps a ring with stonesetting made of the stuff in his desk drawer, despite the questions that would be asked if anyone else found out about it.

Everyone knows about kryptonite. What most people don't know is exactly how rare it is. There isn't a market price. It can't be openly traded due to being radioactive, and the people who have it aren't sharing. And similarly, people don't know that even before I made him immune to the stuff he'd gotten used to dealing with it; keeping his distance, wearing lead suits or grabbing lead plates from his environment as a shield, or just taking the person waving it at him down before he was weakened too greatly.

Though there are plenty of things he could do more efficiently, Kal-El is very far from being stupid. I honestly think that the reason why Kal-El never attempted any sort of information control is that kryptonite actually isn't a particularly good weapon to use against him. And as long as people think they need an ultra-rare rock, they fixate on the idea. And they don't try any of the other things he's vulnerable to.

There was an episode of New Adventures of Superman where a couple of 'criminal geniuses' tried to get Superman to use his powers faster than he recharged them, then trapped him in a building shielded from the sun. As far as I can tell, the sheer speed with which he recharges means that that wouldn't actually work, but a shield blocking the radiation wavelength which empowers him should be possible for someone to create with Earth technology. And yet, not even Lex Luthor has ever used that technique.

His enhanced senses are another potential avenue of attack. Intense light, sounds, even smells are decidedly unpleasant when your senses are as acute as his. And while Kal-El's used to it, I know that Kara tends to turn her environmental shield up when she goes into uncontrolled environments. And Nam-Ek should be even less used to it.

The sonic detonator goes off, and things don't get loud. Any human down there would explode, starting with their ear drums and then moving on to their bones. Nam-Ek's force field protected flesh means that those effects aren't a problem, but his force field protected ear drums are going to be reporting to his brain at full volume.

I don't hear him scream, but I do see him scream and clamp his hands to his ears. I do see the g-oni shudder, their grip slipping and-. One gone, the others only remaining on by holding onto each other as Nam-Ek slams into the ground and writhes in agony. I send a filament at one of them, only for it to fail about twenty centimetres from its skin. Ugh, no transitioning to the upper atmosphere, then.

"You can…" Kal-El floats down towards me, his hands over his ears as well. "Turn that off now."

"Certainly, sir."



I will warn you that the g-oni appear to have become considerably stronger."

He nods. "Understood." And he dives again, striking the uppermost g-oni with both fists. Its head jerks back and it loses its grip on Nam-Ek completely.

Another thing worth noting about Kal-El is that he's the League's strongest natural flier. Which means that when he hits someone he doesn't have to worry about the 'opposite' part of the 'equal and opposite reaction'. He can hold himself in the air with sufficient force to bring enough power to bear to beat almost anyone. It's one of the reasons why his actual skill level is fairly low, but in a situation where the enemy wants to grapple a kryptonian it's just the ticket.

The g-oni staggers to its feet just in time to take a super strength hook to the side of its head. It goes head first into the ground, rolling and skidding to a halt. Nam-Ek is groggily attempting to rise-.

The g-oni that fell off changes to their fire breathing colour, only for a red blur to deposit a medium sized stone in its mouth. It starts to choke as the red blur goes to town, punches swinging in from every direction. The attack appears to confuse it more than hurt it, and a moment later it simply crushes the stone in its teeth and then lets the fire flare outwards from its body. Not fast enough to hurt Mr Allen, but area denial is a very good technique to use against speedsters and the g-oni appears to have picked up on that lesson.

Nam-Ek recovers faster than the g-oni still attached to him, grabs its torso and squeezes while simultaneously blazing away with his heat vision. It struggles for a second, then switches to its tenebrous form and drops through his grasping arms. Nam-Ek stares for a second, then rises into the air-.

"Nam-Ek! I am Kal-El, of Krypton! Please, stop running!"

A flash of… Recognition? Is he actually-?

Then Nam-Ek's eyes flare, shooting Kal-El right in the eyes!


Kal-El staggers, turning his face away and putting his right hand over his eyes. Okay, two can play at that game. Ring, photon accelerator.


Like with the sonic detonator, I can't perceive the precise result directly. Most of the energy is at wavelengths that humans eyes can't detect, and the power would be enough to burn through any eye foolish enough to try. But again, his own resilience works against him here.


Stealth systems go, because he can easily see me from there if he decides to look my way. Kal-El recovers, blinking heavily, as Nam-Ek collapses again. Only for the burning g-oni to send a torrent of flame sweeping towards both of them. Mr Allen tries to tornado blast it away, but that doesn't work on hellfire! I'm already loading mage slayer rounds into a railgun construct but I'm not the fastest man alive! Kal-El spots it coming slightly too late, dive-flying aside and getting away with no more than a mild burn on his right arm.

Nam-Ek takes the full brunt of the attack to his back.


He staggers forwards, but I can already see his regenerative abilities kicking in. A slight purple glow-.

Another explosion of air and he's gone again, heading north. Though at least this time he's got the sense to stay far enough above the ground that he's not likely to get grabbed by g-oni.


A g-oni tries to take advantage of Kal-El's distraction and gets an uppercut to the chin. "Can you hold him in place?"

Um. Brute force, no. Kinetic cage won't work because he can heat vision through it. I can't put a construct inside the cage without being in there myself, and any reflective surface… It won't be good enough. He'll burn through it. On the other hand… Ah, given how kryptonian flight works… If I'm just stopping him moving quite so fast… "I can slow him down. I can't promise more than that."

"Do it. Green Lantern's coming this way-" Another g-oni lunges for his back, only for Mr Allen to catch its rear left leg and toss it into a tree at supersonic speed. "-with a phantom zone projector."

"On it, sir."

Ring? Heading into Bogotá? Is he actually aiming at somewhere..? No idea, and beside the point. Transition.

Huh. Apparently that scrappy bit of nothing down there is called 'Siberia'. I wonder why?

The kinetic barrier goes into place first. He's doing a blind rush, but as far as I can see his back has already healed up. He's got kryptonian vision but between his confusion and my anti-eye beam he doesn't appear to be using it. He hits the barrier full on, immediately stopping. Not injured, though.

I send the projector back into sub-. No, I can't, it's locked in place. Fine. Artificial gravity generator. I need to nullify the planet's gravity exactly before he recovers.

He drifts back in the air, looking around for me-

Nullification available.

-and drops like a stone to the ground.


Rampage 18


12th November
20:02 GMT -3

Lanterns fly by running a force field through their bodies and pulling themselves around, relying on that same field to prevent them from pancaking when they take a tight corner.

Martians fly with telekinesis, shoving themselves this way and that with mentally projected force. The technique also neatly bypasses the whole 'equal and opposite reaction' thing, though I don't really understand how.

There isn't a lot of difference, but if you look carefully martians generally struggle to remain completely stationary. M'gann and Mr J'onzz bob up and down slightly while the Lanterns next to them remain fixed in place.

Kryptonians on the other hand fly by futzing about with space-time. Which is not to say that they fall towards a point in front of them, though wouldn't that be fun. No, that would be far too simple. According to Har-Zod, the actual process was never well understood, but they're certainly doing something which allows certain types of artificial gravity generator to interfere.

Nam-Ek glares up at me for a fraction of a second-

Better reflective shielding.


-before opening up with his heat vision, which is reflected nearly harmlessly from me and renders a chunk of Siberia a little more desolate before I correct the angle and send it right back at his face.


He staggers back, trips and falls onto his back, right hand covering his eyes. My little trick still allows him to run and bound at extreme speed, and won't actually stop him flying once he's had a chance to adapt. But every moment for which he doesn't realise that and stays put is another moment Lantern Stewart gets closer with the phantom zone projector.

Of course, if he does try and run…

As he shakily regains his feet I fabricate more kinetic barriers and drop them into place, their projectors protected by heat-nullifying dampening fields. Nothing a kryptonian can't overwhelm in relatively short order, but I'm just buying time here.


He exhales, hurricane force wind blasting from his mouth in my direction and being effortlessly nullified by the kinetic barriers.

Okay, ah… More kinetic barriers? I could make more x-ionised weapons, but I think he'd be too fast and… I doubt that the League would be happy with me killing him. I'm not sure that he's deliberately killed anyone up to this point.

Get to work.

"We've got people fighting the G-oni who were attacking you. We can-."

There's an explosion of gold-white fire to the south of us. I'm guessing that was Angelica dealing with the g-oni. If I understood correctly, Argentina was quite clear that it wasn't ever going to recognise demons as being people under the law and has an automatic death penalty for consorting with demons. Regardless of exactly what she's just done, it won't be considered murder, but if she's killed clearly intelligent people it won't win her points with the League either.

"We can help with whatever problems you're having. We have Kryptonian-"

He throws a clumsy but still kryptonian punch at one of the barriers, which shimmers into existence as Nam-Ek falls onto his back. Yes, he hasn't worked out how to get around the gravity nullification yet, which means if he hits it hard enough to overcome his friction, down he goes.

He struggles to get back up-. "Dnnwraawrah!"

Not a coherent word. Not a coherent thought either, otherwise my ring would have translated it. Heh, despite the insanity plea being a rather stupid comic book trope for people it shouldn't actually cover, I honestly think that this is someone it should. He clearly doesn't know what he's doing.


He -ah, he's floating again- shoots at the kinetic barrier again and strikes with enough force to overload it. And then he doesn't back off, he just keeps pushing… Do those things have a maximum amount of force they can take? I've been assuming not, but I haven't checked with the level of force a demented kryptonian can bring to b-.

Heat vision flashes out, burning through the protections I put in place and rending the issue irrelevant. Ring, adapt the gravity nullifier.

Attempting to comply.

I swing another barrier into his path, being sure to interpose a reflective construct as well. I also form another photon accelerator, which he spots before it's even fully formed and heat visions-. Damn it. Form more than-

Warning: total power reserves-

-one photon accelerator. Is he flat out tanking it, or is he.. hearing where they're appearing?

-at forty percent.

Yes, it turns out that getting beaten up by a kryptonian, accelerating yourself to cope with the situation and repeatedly fabricating complex objects does a number on your power stores. Ring, contact John Stewart and ask him how long he's going to take.


And sonic detonator again.


Nam-Ek collapses to the ground, then rallies slightly and punches the ground beneath him. I watch the earth around him exploding upwards into the air in response. Ah… Okay, this isn't an earthquake zone. A relatively small shake shouldn't do anything too-.

His heat vision flashes out, soil and rock melting as he sugar! I thrust beams of orange light into the ground, trying to reach-. Right, crumble! Grab him and drag him back before he can-.

"No time at all."

Nam-Ek twists, destroying his bonds even as Lantern Stewart activates the phantom zone projector! Hold him hold him hold h-!



There's no sound as the phantom zone projector activates, but Nam-Ek's body begins to shimmer and…

He's gone.

I dismiss my constructs, land, then call out my personal lantern. "That it?"

Lantern Stewart lands as well, checking the projector over as I tap my rings against my lantern to recharge. "We think so. I didn't…"

He falls to his knees, and I abandon my lantern in order to use constructs to hold him up.

"What's wrong?"

He takes a few breaths to steady himself. "Superman didn't have one of these lying around. Had to.. create some of the parts using constructs, with Martian Manhunter showing me what they should look like telepathically. It was… Strange."

He rises to his feet and I remove my supporting constructs.

"I don't suppose we can pin any of this on Luthor?"

"Probably not. Though I expect that he'll try and get as much mileage out of it as he can. You got a moment?"

He takes another deep breath. "Why? You wanna talk about Nabu?"

"Batman was rather insistent."

He shrugs. "You made your reasons clear enough for me. On my end, I was busy, I didn't have anything that I knew could counter a Lord of Order and I thought Batman was dealing with it." He looks at me curiously. "Is Batman making you ask so you can join the Justice League?"

"I just asked to rejoin the team."

He frowns. "I guessed we weren't exactly your favorite people in the world, but what's the point of having you in a recon team?"

"Think you just answered your own question there, Lantern Stewart."


Rampage 19


12th November
22:43 GMT -3

Mr Yao sings, and the grey fades from the skin of the LexCorp employees still in the makeshift medical ward. Mr Allen and Lantern Stewart assembled the plastic containment dome over the site in record time, so if we're really lucky and Nam-Ek wasn't carrying it, all that we need to do is a thorough decontamination of the site and we're good.


"Accomplished Perfect Physician?"

Still singing, he checks the most seriously ill of the patients before closing his mouth. "I can treat the sickness in the bodies, but I can do little against the bacteria in the environment."


"We're-?" One of the patients presses his hands against his face, then rolls up his sleeves to examine his arms. "We're cured?"

"I am sorry, but as the bacterium is airborne all I have really done is reset the symptoms."

"But we can just leave, right?" Mr Yao and I look at each other. "Right?"

"Hopefully, yes. However, there's a chance that the disease has already escaped this facility. In which case, there isn't much point."

"Shiiiit." The man leans back against his headboard. "So… You can fix that. Can't you?"

Mr Yao smiles calmly. "We are studying the problem most judiciously. I am confident that with the resources at-"

"Ugh." The man pulls himself upright, checks his balance and then straightens his overalls.

"-our disposal, we will."

"I'm cured, right?"

Mr Yao nods. "Presently, yes. However, you are not immune to reinfection."

"I'm a microbiologist. If we're still working on the problem, I need to get back to the laboratory." He makes it halfway to the door before stopping. "Ah. Thanks."

Mr Yao inclines his head slightly. "You are welcome."

Several others rise to go after him, Mr Yao getting a nod or a wave. The rest of the staff are either still injured from Nam-Ek's rampage or not part of the medical team. For them, keeping out of the way is probably the most useful thing they can do now.

Mr Yao takes one last look around and then heads through a side door. I follow him, carefully closing it behind me. "So… Prognosis?"

"Until tests are completed upon Nam-Ek's blood samples, it would be premature for me to speculate."

The drawback of not having an actual super-doctor. Batman's a decent microbiologist, but the biological team here are so much better that we're leaving most of the research to them. And actual science is a good deal slower than super science.

"Could you heal an entire city?"

He nods once. "Certainly. But that would not prevent them from becoming infected again. And if the disease spreads outwards from the places Nam-Ek travelled, then the number of infected may well surpass my ability to cure."

I nod. "My best plan is going back to the Rao system and seeing if I can find-." My ring blinks. "Excuse me."

He nods, then lowers himself cross-legged to the floor. Powerful as his sonic abilities are, his reserves of energy with which to power them aren't inexhaustible. And he's not going to have much time for sleep if our worst-case scenario turns out to be true.

I raise my left hand to my ear and create a sound nullification bubble around myself. "Answer."

"Orange Lantern." Mr Luthor sounds reasonably composed for a man who's about to lose his kryptonite supply. "I understand that I have a problem in Argentina."

"Optimistically, yes, you only have a problem in Argentina. In summary, Batman spotted that you were building a cloning facility here and sent in a reconnaissance team. While they were here, apparently by chance, an insane kryptonian we've identified as Nam-Ek flew out of the ground, laid into the place and then went on a rampage. In the aftermath, we discovered that most of the workers here were infected with a lethal bacterium. Standard antibiotics are not having any effect. We're checking the local area to see if the disease has been transmitted to anyone else. Mister Luthor, anything you can tell us at this point would be extremely helpful."

"The Cerro Galán facility is built around the site from which LexCorp recovered the genetic samples used to create the first genomorphs. I suspected that they were alien, but I had no idea that they were from Krypton. I wonder why they lack Superman's abilities."

"Nam-Ek appears to have combined his genes with those of another species. Assuming that the other species was where you got your sample from and assuming that that species split with the humanoid kryptonian evolutionary tree before they gained their photosensitive abilities… It sort of makes sense."

"And if this Nam-Ek designed a technique for combining the biology of different species, that might explain why an alien disease is infectious to humans."

"Mister Luthor, if you were doing any sort of microbiological work here, we need you to release the relevant files and tell everyone here that they're supposed to be helping us."

He chuckles quietly. "While I like to think that my workforce are relatively loyal to LexCorp, I rather imagine that discovering that they're fatally ill would cause them to re-evaluate their priorities. But, certainly. If you put me through, I will be happy to clarify their priorities for them."

"Were you doing that sort of research?"

"The facility was not specifically set up to study novel diseases. It certainly wasn't set up to create new ones. I authorised the expansion of the facility in order to see what else could be learned from the study of the genomorphs' genes, and to see whether or not further samples could be discovered."

"And the kryptonite?"

"Radioactive substances have any number of industrial and medical uses. It would be foolish of me not to exploit one of the few earthly sources of the substance."

"Wasn't that a bit of a clue about where the DNA came from?"

"Biologists in the employ of LexCorp are somewhat familiar with the genetic structure of humanoid kryptonians. While it's certainly a common assumption that all kryptonite comes from Krypton, logically there's no real reason why it couldn't also be created in other places."

True… I mean, I make the stuff myself

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mister Luthor. I'll transfer you now."

"Good luck, Orange Lantern."

I lower my hand and cancel the noise filter. Mr Yao raises his eyebrows. "Did you learn anything?"

"Nothing much." Okay, what else can I do? I certainly don't care enough about the people around here to cure them…

Rondor. Why would Nam-Ek drive them extinct trying to make himself immortal?

"Ring, contact Kara Zor-El."



Rampage 20


13th November
04:11 GMT

The Har-Zod projection looks thoughtful. "I was aware that Nam-Ek was an actual historical figure, but I had no idea that he had made his way to Earth. If he were truly immortal -or at least very long lived- he would have had more than enough time to acquire a spacecraft and make the journey."

"Do you have any more information about him?"

"I'm afraid not. While law enforcement was one of the Military Council's responsibilities, I rose up through the fleet. I was only ever directly involved in an oversight role, and certainly not with cases that went cold centuries ago."

"Kara to Orange Lantern. I think I'm ready here."

Ah… "You think?"

"The worst-case scenario is that we accidentally let everyone out of the phantom zone. You've got a power ring and I'm charged up with solar radiation. They're not, and we're inside a shielded space station."

"Except for Nam-Ek."

"That's why we've got multiple kinetic barriers and a completed phantom zone projector ready."

I nod, and start walking down the corridor towards her temporary workshop. "I'd have thought us getting sent into the phantom zone was a worse outcome."

"Ah..? I suppose it would be, but that's… That's not just unlikely, it's more like impossible. The equations-."

"I'll trust you."

Kara Zor-El's education in higher maths included dimensional physics. That didn't just cover faster than light travel, it also covered the techniques used to send criminals to the phantom zone. Since there's little I can do to help on Earth, I thought coming here with her was the most useful thing I could do.

"It's not that complicated." The crystal door flows away, granting me access. She looks around and favours me with a smile. "It's certainly far less complicated than what you do every time you use your ring."

"Yes, but I offload a lot of that onto the AI." I look at the result of her work: a phantom zone viewer. The actual overlay projector is a small red dish about a metre across on the floor, but it's plugged into the station's computers and a cluster of additional energy capacitors. In theory, this should allow us to communicate safely with people being held within the zone without risking them escaping. Krypton used to use a similar setup for locating inmates who had finished their sentences. "You know, we could use a system like this for returning inmates to the material universe."

"I.. don't think that's a good idea." She holds her hands over the control system, which glows faintly in response. "On Krypton we could parole them. On Earth, they'd be some of the most powerful people on the planet."

"There are other places we could put them."

"Well… Maybe." She shakes her head. "I'm not really sure how much I want Krypton's legacy to be defined by people like Tra-Gob or Ak-Var. Let's just get this done first." Her hands move and the computer chimes. "Okay, I've locked onto the quasi-." She looks at me and then looks away. "The place Green Lantern sent him to. As long as he hasn't moved too much, we should be able to find him without worrying about getting the wrong person."

I don my heavy power armour and generate construct armour. "Go for it."

"Initiating spatial overlay. It should only take a few-" Grey… Light begins pulsing inside the area above the projector. "-seconds. Just a moment while I fine tune it…"

The cone of off-white light flickers and then stabilises.

"Okay, so what do we need to do to get hold of him?"

"We actually can't. If he doesn't want to talk-."

A vague outline appears in the centre of the light cone. "Who's there?"

Kara and I share a smile, then I step forward. "Who am I talking to?"

"Doctor Nam-Ek of Xan. And you?"

"I am the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps. We met earlier today."

"Today..? I don't… What happened? Where am I?"

Kara nods. "He pre-dates phantom zone technology. He won't understand-." She steps forward. "Nam-Ek? My name is Kara Zor-El. You're in a place called the phantom zone. It's a realm outside the material universe. You're insubstantial and-."

"Of course! Wonderful!"

She frowns. "Wonderful? Ah..? I don't understand."

"My mutation. The virus I created to meld the rondor's genes with my own… Something about being here… I'm thinking clearly for the first time in I don't know how long."

"What do you remember since you did that to yourself?"

"Some things? I.. had to stay away from the anti-crime patrols… I think-. Oh lightbringer, the disease!"

"Yes. What is it?"

"Sacred Rao… Ah, it was a suicide attempt. You have to understand, I couldn't stand the isolation any longer! And everything else… Most things couldn't hurt me, and the few that did, I just recovered from."

"What is it?"

"The bacterium houses a programmed virus, based on the one I used to turn myself into… What I am. I thought that whatever it was that lets rondors cure sickness and heal injuries might not notice a disease that incorporated rondor genetic material. Since I'm still alive, I-. It didn't work."

Marvellous. "As far as we can tell, you managed to remain infectious. We've got a transgenic plague that's about to kill… If we're lucky, only a few thousand people. How do we stop it?"

"I never designed a way to stop it. I was trying to die."

Well. That's a problem.

"Nam-Ek, if there's anything you can tell us…"

"I… Think… Yes, I still remember its genetic structure. The bacterium is resilient, but the virus can't survive for more than a few minutes outside a living creature. I.. should be able to design a bacteriophage to target its host. If you deliver it by aerosol over the affected area at regular intervals, that should deal with any remaining cultures in the general environment. Are either of you bio-engineers?"

"No, but now we know that this works I can get hold of some at very short notice."

"Nam-Ek." Kara takes another step closer. "Is there anything we can do for you? You clearly weren't in your right mind, and if the cure works on you as well…"

"For me? Kara Zor-El, I feel better now than at any point since I drank my 'immortality serum'. I don't look like a monster, I don't stink like a midden… And I can dimly perceive that there are other people here as well. Company for the first time in centuries. Thank you for your kindness in offering, but I have everything I want."

"Ring, contact Batman and pass on the good news."



Rampage 21


13th November
13:35 GMT -5

Dr Balewa nods, and the last of the pieces of equipment used to create the g-oni is carefully lowered into a warded case for safe disenchantment. Across the laboratory, g-elves perform cleanup duties, tidying away equipment wrecked in the g-oni's escape.

"Okay. What happened?"

The g-pooka's horns shimmer for a moment as it makes contact with the nearest g-lusca and the pair of g-dwarves overseeing the cleanup. Dubbilex was here to supervise the g-oni's introduction to the world and given how he looked when I stopped in at the hospital on my way here I don't think he'll be answering questions for a while.

"WWe had finished the PPreparations. Our new brothers had RReached physiological maturity and WWere ready to be released. TThey were aware of their surroundings, their MMinds were in constant contact with us. TThen…" The g-pooka's horns are flickering and its body is shaking. "They complied with the physical TTests and their minds were NNormal and then we wanted to check their MMagic and then they started AAttacking everyone."

"Was there anything unusual about how they were thinking before that?"

"They were the FFirst g-oni. We did not know how they would TThink."

"Alright. Were there any signs of hostility before that?"

"They were designed to BBe a combat type. They WWere taught how to be hostile, and they TThought about it while they grew. BBut they were taught control AAnd social skills as well. We HHad no reason to fear them."

"How much demon magic were they supposed to be able to use?"

"A tiny TTiny amount. LLess than most HHumans." The g-pooka twitches more and glances at Dr Balewa. "WWe do not incorporate MMana well."

"Thet was most likely the source of your problem." Dr Balewa walks slowly towards us, patterns of light writhing around his right hand. "A human who encounters demon magic may resist it with the power of their soul. A newly born creature who had such power fed into them from the instant of their conception would have no such resistance." He looks at me solemnly. "You have experienced this yourself."

"Mana overload, sure, but that just intoxicated me."

"We CChecked the data from Atlantis. TTheir data on synthetic piscine CCreatures. It should have been SSafe."

"Atlanteans modify creatures native to the Earth. Their spiritual presence is greater than what genomorphs possess. Any reports which you received from them would make those assumptions for the creature's baseline state." He shakes his head. "Individual genomorphs have barely the tiniest scrap of spirit. The demonic presence would have been overwhelming." He sighs deeply. "I cannot yet tell whether they were truly possessed or turned into some form of incarnate demon like Miss Blaze. Whichever it is, they are a grave and ill-defined threat."

"Why would their minds have felt normal if they were that demonic?"

"They would have known what they were meant to be. The tests which you had planned would have revealed their true nature. I trust that you have no plans to create more."

"NNo no NNo."

Dr Balewa turns away, looking around the facility. "You will not create further genomorph types with innate arcane abilities. For those that you are already growing, you will not release them until I am here to supervise. Am I clear?"

The g-pooka cringes. "Yes. WWe are very sorry. We DDid not mean for this to happen."

He bows his head slightly. "People seldom do. How many of your own died?"

"Two g-trolls, three g-gnomes, eight g-dwarves and one g-elf."

"You have my condolences. But I hope that underlines why caution is required in-."

"I WWas HHere too. WWhen they attacked, I ran away AAnd they did not bother to CChase me." The g-pooka is twitching, and the twitching is spreading to other nearby genomorphs. "And I CCould feel what they were FFeeling. WWe are NNot meant to FFeel like TThat."

Dr Balewa frowns in confusion, while I lean down to hug the g-pooka, removing my mental shields as I and try and project reassurance. G-pooka aren't good telepaths, but this one had an empathic scan of an incarnate demon. A moment passes, and while the g-pooka hasn't stopped shaking the other genomorphs have.

Dr Balewa blinks, his face falling. "How old are you?"

The g-pooka doesn't turn to look at him. "I FFinished growing TThree months ago."

"Children, I am surrounded by-." He takes a deep breath. "Orange Lantern, can you assure me that they will comply with my requirements?"

I look down at the g-pooka for a moment. "Yes. I'll keep an eye on things. And… Despite this g-pooka's state, she was speaking for all of them. They know this was a foul up."

"They built souls from demon magic. Even you were not so foolhardy." He takes a deep breath. "I must also tell-" He looks around at the rest of the genomorphs in the room, who are looking at him with horns glowing. "-you that at least two of the five g-oni which you created were successful in escaping from the Justice League. We do not know how they will behave, and we will expect you to report it if they attempt to contact you."

"WWe will contact the JJustice League." Tremors having died down a little, I release my hold. The g-pooka pulls free, stands a little straighter and looks up at Dr Balewa. "We do NNot want them as part of UUs."

"Very well. Orange Lantern, please come with me."

He turns and walks away. I give the genomorphs another look over, then go after him. As we walk he makes a languid motion with his left hand and the air around us stills.

"Can these genomorphs be trusted?"

"Based on my experience with them and on what my empathic vision showed me, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Did you detect any other demon magic here?"

"Nothing that could not be explained by things being as they claim that they are. But there is more going on than that."

"Because they were decanting the g-oni at the exact moment that we were investigating LexCorp's facility?"

"Yes. There cannot have been more than minutes between them leaving their pods and their arrival in Argentina. Perhaps the martian ship was detected the very moment it approached? The magic of the one who placed the wards would have been capable of that, and I-" His eyes narrow. "-will be speaking with them personally before the end of the day. But, the genomorphs made no reference to doing anything but following their own processes."

"If they were feeding them demon magic, information could have been passed to the g-oni that way. The maturation process for genomorphs is finished when the individuals think it's finished. They could have 'decided' to become more awake at that point."

"Do you understand why they attacked Nam-Ek?"

I shake my head. "No."

"They were feeding upon his strength, using their magic to add it to their own. A new-born magician should not have the knowledge required to do that, nor any of the other magics they performed."

"At the time, I assumed that it was.. 'built in'."

"They may share knowledge readily, but that knowledge must come from somewhere. Giving someone power does not grant them the wisdom to use it well."

"So. Satanus again."

"Not certainly, but it is likely."

I nod. "Then perhaps we ought to take action against him sooner rather than later."
