Judgement Day


Judgement Day 1


Judgement Day

25th December
08:45ish? GMT

"6:3 The whole earth is full of his glory!"

I try tuning out the sycophantic chanting as I look…

Okay, I'm not looking, obviously. That would require eyes. I guess..? I had sort of assumed that ghosts perceived the world around them by having the coherent magic of their forms form loose connections with the innate magics of the world around them. I… I think I'm seeing more or less normally, but that could just be my brain interpreting-.

Well… No, it can't. I no longer have an organic brain. Which does lead to the obvious question as to how I'm thinking. I mean, yes, okay, the soul is a complex system of arcane energy. There's no inherent reason why one wouldn't be able to think… If in an appropriately supportive environment. But brain damage is still a thing. Brain damaged magicians… Ugh, I'm trying to remember if I read anything about that… Atlanteans tend to fix brain damage with biomancy so they haven't ever bothered to study the effects in detail…

Oh, great. No rings means no perfect recall. And without all of the tune-ups I made to my thinking meats, I'm back to… What? Okay, Heaven… I assume. I'm surrounded by clouds as far as the 'eye' can 'see'. I guess the Mind of God doesn't want to see me immediately.

I was hoping for something a bit more creative. Fluffy cloud Heaven? That's something a low-budget televangelist might put out. Okay, try… Turning around.

It all looks the same. Or did I just not turn? There's no point of reference and I.. don't appear to have a physical presence. Which is irritating because I definitely remember there being a garden in the Swamp Thing version of Heaven. Even Anton Arcane got to go there. I am seriously supposed to be-? Alright, I did kill more people… But I did it for reasons of justice and order, not for fun or to assuage personal curiosity.

No, no, I'm not going to try to justify myself to these people. Let's try to do something productive. I picture myself reaching out with both hands.


Oh, oh, that was not… I can't.. feel…

Eh. Alright, no orange light. Wherever I am I'm clearly beyond its reach. So I can't call my rings, reach the Ophidian-.

I can't speak. Which doesn't really make sense. Seeing is dependent on eyes, yet I can still see. Ghosts have been recorded as speaking, I'm clearly capable of forming coherent thought…

Sound? Yes, disembodied chanting. But nothing else, not even the wind which should be blowing if there really are clouds-.

Oh shit. No one can reach me here. No post-mortem communications… Assuming that the angels stop attacking Earth now that I'm here, Jade will get access to my contingencies file. So… Even optimistically, I've got a wait of months before someone can get the parts for a white power ring together. Assuming that those can override the restrictions from whoever runs this place. Because if Satanus could work out how to mess around with a Lazarus Pit, I hope that my friends have the sense not to use one in this situation.


Ugh, stupid idea. They wouldn't have put me here and then forgotten about me. Maybe they're hoping that the chanting will turn my brain to-. My mind to mush? Ghosts tend to fade without a focus. But… This place is so different from Earth that I can't assume that the same conditions apply here.

What am I actually going to do? My rings are in Hell… Unless Mr Excalibris destroyed them. Which… Eh, I was sort of attached to them, but a more modern replacement would actually be superior to both of them. I'm more annoyed about losing my lantern, because that was Alan's. The armour's aohShit. Unless Mr Cassidy or Mr Free are really quick on their feet, I just lost the Hellblazer, the Ace of Winchesters and the Sword of the Fallen. Quite possibly to Mr Excalibris. I mean… It doesn't… Really matter if the Host get them. Does it? The Ace back-hacks theurgy to destroy demons and they don't need that work-around. The Hellblazer… That will enable them to discover that other focuses work and how they work, but it only really disrupts theurgy and the angels are pretty much the only ones who use theurgy.

How did Mr Excalibris counter Harm?

It sounded like he was chanting from Genesis. The very first bit. Where God forms the Earth from the formless void.


So the Great Void isn't so much inherently anti-Creation as it is pre-Creation. And Mr Excalibris can wire it into the rest. If Harm survived that, I'm sure that he'll be disappointed. But he didn't convert the whole of it, just what was immediately around him. A time thing? A power consumption thing? A power flow thing? Don't know.

And someone who isn't me is stuck carting around the Sword of the Fallen. Again, I'm not sure that the Host would benefit from it. If they want to kill a demon they've got theurgy. The only problem might come if they decide to shank other pantheons… But it doesn't add much that they can't do with theurgy. And Zauriel said that they didn't really care about that sort of thing back while he was still playing for the Silver City. The absolute worst thing there would be if someone worked out how to reconstitute the Second and Third of the Fallen. Or… Would it? In Hellblazer, it was strongly implied that they were dispatched to keep the First too occupied, but with them gone he just went back to doing what he was doing when they were still there. And it's not as if they'd be better at cooperation with just two of them than when there were three of them.

I hope Mr Cassidy is alright. I mean, him and everyone else, it's just that he's the one I saw go down while being a demon in close proximity to an angel. Not that I can do anything about it, but I suspect that the only reason he was in Labyrinth rather than anywhere else in Hell was to help me.

And out of nowhere I'm reminded of the scene in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey where they're falling into Hell. They scream for a while, then realise that nothing is going to happen and stop. And then, for want of anything better to do, start again.

Am I still enlightened? My desires… Yep, still all lined up, even if I don't really have any idea how to apply them in my new state. Nice to know that how I was thinking wasn't a product purely of the orange light.

I mentally and entirely metaphorically exhale.

I'm literally stuck here until some angel or other remembers I exist and flies over here, aren't I?

Excuse me, God. It's me, P-.

Clouds… Part. Behind them, some way away, there's a… Light? And just in front of that… Ah, more Bill and Ted. A humanoid shape on the seat, the whole thing so sharply illuminated that I can't make out any details. And we have movement. Without any sense of scale I can't tell how fast I'm going or how big what I'm moving towards is, but at least it's something.

Huh. Alright, this is about to get serious and I literally don't have a brain any longer. I may not get another chance to test this. Can I say my name here? Heh, I'm actually a little nervous about it. It's been a year and a half, after all.

"Penitent soul."

The voice comes from everywhere. Though I can't tell whether that's because I have no ears and am hearing it through some sort of mystical earphones, or because it literally is coming from everywhere. I'm getting closer to the hackneyed throne and… The impression I'm getting is that the figure sitting on it is about five metres tall. Inasmuch as that means anything.

Am I thinking at the Mind of God? Can you hear me?

"You have been brought here-"

Against my will, yes. I should be in Erebos right now.

"-because your particular sins have caused great problems for Creation as a whole."

Can you hear me? I don't seem to be able to ignore you, but you're not going to get much out of this if we can't have a dialogue. And not a 'you're so clever, Socrates' dialogue. I want to know what the heck is going on. And how the heck has anything I've done been problematic for the structure of Creation?

"By removing a fruit from the Garden of Eden, you have risked unbinding the link between the Dream and Earth. And worse, between the Source and the Earth."


"I will explain matters to you so that you can properly repent before being sent to judgement."


Judgement Day 2


A bit later
Assuming that time works here

That's… Interesting. And plausible-sounding enough that I can't dismiss it out of hand. It sounds… No one has successfully investigated the relationship between the Dream and the material universe in any sort of structured way; that was why I went to Venturia. So let's say that the Garden of Eden is humanity's collective dream, both of the Garden as relayed by the holy books of the Abrahamic tradition and of oases. The Source is.. behind the Source Wall, but it's also accessible. Many have tried, but hundreds of civilisations have records of the Great Darkness succeeding. Which makes me bloody glad that Yuga Khan wasn't around to watch it and get any ideas.

But how credible is the idea that Earth is special? I think I've rather gotten over the 'this is a comic written by people on Earth Prime' thing… In fact, I'm not sure I wasn't over it for long enough for it to really have been a thing. On the other hand, if even a fraction of the accounts of miracles -theurgical magic- are true, then compared to verifiable instances on other planets… Yes, actually. Not only does Earth have many more, but it also doesn't result in the miracle casters immediately transcending the material universe. There aren't enough aliens here for me to know whether that's a species thing or a location thing… Maybe when I get back to Earth I can talk to one of the more reasonable Source-worshipping groups about setting up a research project?

Of course, since the Roman Catholic Church didn't really have any way to tell theurgy from other kinds of magic until relatively recently, and since canonisation has long been more a matter of politics and economics than a sign of actual divine approval… It could all be bullshit. Or at least mostly. I suppose that the people to ask would be demons: did it burn when the man touched you?

So, okay. A garden like that might well result in the Earth being far more thaumically active than would otherwise be the case. Assuming that that isn't due to the presence of the life entity as I had been assuming. And I can't test it, because I'm stuck in Heaven and can't take the landlord at his word.

That's frustrating.

But I still don't see how moving a fruit would-.

"The Garden of Eden is the nexus of a set of highly specialised spells I set in place to ensure its permanence. While moving a fruit would not by itself be enough to disrupt that network, you exposed the Garden to kaahuite, and you exposed the fruit to both demon and damaged theurgical magic. The sympathetic linkage involved in doing that has created instabilities which required me to act counter to my long-established policy of limited direct interference in order to prevent the damage spreading."

Hm. Disconcertingly plausible. Though… Combining demonic and theurgical magic shouldn't do much more than make the demonic elements burn away in golden fire-. The Fruit bridged the gap. It's… Literally able to bridge the gaps between conflicting energies. Which would mean that all of those connections could exist together quite happily. And if there was no barrier between arcane energy systems… Yes, that… Could create problems.

Except that it was a single fruit. If the unintended side effects weren't immediately apparent then at least one of the researchers we had there would have detected something.

"While the magics inherent in the fruit itself would not have caused a runaway contagion, the linkage between the area outside of the Garden and the area within it would have caused the gradual breakdown of the separation. The Earth would have become a nightmarish realm where dream and reality overlaid one another, and the effect would not have stopped there."

There's a sinking feeling in the pit of my… In the bit of my mind that used to be connected to my stomach. I don't know whether or not he's telling the truth, but it's all-. I didn't check the arcane networks around the Garden. Long term sympathetic connection… Would Sephtian have thought to check for something like that? Would he have been able to? I mean, I'm not sure that it justifies an angelic invasion of Earth or killing me, but there could be a real problem there.

"Added to the problem created by the fruit is the problem of you. You are not from this universe. The rules by which you innately function are different enough that your very presence has been creating minor breakdowns in Earth's thaumatic networks. Though they are slight at present and being written off as minor and temporary fluctuations, they will redouble in power and continue to spread if left unattended. That is why I commanded the Host to act: only through extraordinary measures can we reverse the damage and restore the world to how it should be."

Which means Mr Cassidy, Angelica, Zauriel and myself should have been.. it. So why the attack on KordTech? And, Sephtian has samples of the fruit. And records-. They'll want to destroy everything, won't they? They won't do anything sensible like let us study the phenomenon so that we can guard against it. Would they go to Venturia as well? I would guess not. I only visited once, and that had nothing to do with the fruit. Since they don't celebrate Christmas they might have started reviewing previous research already, but I doubt it.

I wonder how 'extraordinary' these measures are going to be? They might just be going around and burning points of interest with holy fire, but if they've got access to Earth's source code then any number of things could happen.

"Do you understand, now, why I have acted as I have?"

Yes, because I've suddenly regained the ability to speak. But I suppose that there's no harm in giving it a try.

""I understand the explanation which you've given me and acknowledge its plausibility, but I'm not completely convinced that you're telling the truth.""

What? Okay, try again: killing me was entirely unnecessary when… No, I've been turned off again. Hm. Him asking me implies that he's not omniscient. Or that he's asking for my benefit.

"I am the Mind of God. I am a manifested expression of the thoughts of God Almighty. I speak the truth because I am part of that which defines truth. I speak the truth for I have no reason to lie."

""And the answer to the obvious question about omniscience is?""

"I am not the whole of the Almighty. To be in his presence as you are would scour you from the universe. It is through entities such as myself that the Lord God acts, for the safety of Creation. It is for the safety of Creation that the Source Wall exists. Were such power to be directly applied to the Earth it would be unmade. The Almighty might then recreate it, but it would be created anew and not restored. This option is available if the present cleansing cannot be completed, but it is not favoured due to the redeemable souls which would be lost in the process."

So… Not omnipotent? I assume that his god wouldn't want to destroy souls just by being around them… Or maybe there's something else going on? 'Yes, I could make a universe where that could work, but I put this one together without that functionality'? Some greater goal served by making that a possibility, and the work-around is granting a servitor race access to theurgy? I suppose that this Mind of God thing doesn't need to know everything, just what is needed for it to complete its appointed task.

But that still leaves me. Dead. Floating here. While I accept that I was foolhardy not to make thaumatic readings from around the Garden… That's about as far as I'm willing to go at this stage. I would want independent confirmation of the truth of what he's saying before I'd go any further.

"Do you now understand what you have wrought? The harm which you have caused in your arrogance?"

I feel my… Mouth? Able to work again, but this time I'm going to think about it carefully. Whether he's a genuine representative of 'God' or not, I appear to be completely in his power. And… Trying to put my pride aside for a moment, he could be telling the truth.

""Why was it necessary to kill me?""

"The physical reality of your presence would have been just as disruptive to paradise as it was to Earth. Your soul however is for the most part made of the stuff of Creation. I can withstand it and contain it."

Hm. Again, plausible. And it's not as if I would have simply walked up to Mr Excalibris and let him kill me. And if I'm really an epic-tier thaumohazard that would explain why no one else is around…

""I am still dubious, but if you can answer a simple question I am prepared to provisionally accept what you say as true.""

"Ask it then, that I may bring you closer to God."

""What's my name?""


Judgement Day 3


A bit later still

Because honestly, if God can't say it I may as well start calling myself 'Pavlos Nguyen' now so I can get used to it.

"Explain yourself."

""I am uncertain that you are truly who you claim to be. That you represent who you claim to represent. You have told me that I exist in a purely spiritual state, because my soul is for the most part made of local materials. I know my name, even though concentrating on it tends to have an adverse effect on me. No one else does. You appear to have been responding to the things I have been thinking. In my mortal life I was able to respond in that way by looking at the souls of others. I could not conceal anything from you even if I wanted to. Telepaths who have attempted to look upon my name have been rendered unconscious by it.""

""You claim to be a part of an omnipotent, omniscient being. You were sent here to deal with me. If that's true, you must know my name. Say it.""

"You would put your god to the test!"

""My goddess is Eris. Properly speaking, if I am to be tried, Lord Hades should be the one doing it, with a representative of the Host presenting charges if you felt it necessary. But putting that aside… Surely my name is a small thing? Given all the problems that occurred in the Bible with false idols -and that one prophet who got confused messages about whether he was supposed to eat bread or not- can you really blame me for wanting to be certain?""

"Your name is Paul. Do not test my patience and generosity in this way again!"

And the res… T. Ah, I see. A poor loser. Mother of Mercy took it far better. Which means you're not the Source, probably don't represent it and are generally acting contrary to my interests. Since you're clearly prepared to lie to me about that, I can't trust any evidence you attempt to provide on any other issue. And.. suddenly I'm feeling less bad about not conducting scans of the Garden.

I wonder what you actually are, under that glow? I'm… Struggling to think of anything that could fool angels like this. I remember comics where various beings assaulted the Silver City, nothing about... Maybe this is what I get for not reading Sandman all of the way through? Hang on, Zauriel's stay in Justice League started with him acting in opposition to one of the Four Kings, didn't it? Which one was it?

Oh, right. Obviously, the one who spoke in support of me, because if you want to take control of the Silver City for yourself but only control a quarter of its military you need to get the extra muscle from somewhere. But if in this timeline they aren't at loggerheads and the thing claiming to represent the Source clearly doesn't, they might well end up on the same side. Ass.. uming that he isn't the thing I'm talking to right now. I got the impression that angels aren't particularly mentally flexible. If he learned flexibility from somewhere, he might find outthinking them painfully easy.

"Knowing what you know now, are you prepared to repent, that you may be absolved of your sins and pass peacefully into my kingdom?"

Since there's no point in trying to engage with a creature like this, the most sensible thing I can do is try to restore my connection to the orange light. That and the obvious.

""My name is Paul-.""

I'm.. not sure what happened there. The all-encompassing cloud is gone, replaced with an empty sky the colour of an orange sunset. In front of me there are clouds, arrayed around a now-visible series of cracked stone steps leading up to a golden throne.

And the now-visible figure upon it, whose right hand is pressed into the blank space where his nose would be if he had a nose.

"This is exactly why I prefer to deal with people like you indirectly." He moves his hand away and looks up, a smile fixed on his lips-. His mouth. It's not actually moving. It actually looks like it's… Printed on. And his eyes aren't any better. "But I'm afraid that you seeing my face doesn't change anything. You have sinned against your God and against your fellow man-"

Boss Smiler.

"-and you've heard of me." He sits back, hands reaching up to adjust his jacket. "Or close enough. I'm Boss Smiley. And you haven't ever held political office. So I'm curious where you heard my name."

""Oh, I can talk now, can I?""

"Something I've learned from watching the best and worst of human leaders over the years. It really works better if you know when the jig is up. There's no sense doubling down on a failed strategy." He nonchalantly crosses his legs. "Though I wasn't wrong when I said that it didn't matter. I can keep you too isolated to tell anyone who I am. With the angels' help, I can leave you here for eternity if I have to. And with my soldiers on Earth… All kinds of things could happen."

""I freely admit that you hold all of the cards.""

"Good. You'd be amazed how many people hold entirely unrealistic expectations at this point." He shakes his.. disc-head, steepling his fingers on his lap. "So let's talk about you."

""Was any of what you told me true?""

He shrugs. "What is truth?"

""That which accurately describes events and situations as they occurred.""

"But does my truth have to be the same as your truth?"

""We can each hold differing non-hypocritical beliefs concerning a situation, certainly. But I'm afraid that 'political preferences' are not things that can be 'truths' or 'falsehoods'.""

"But my perspective being different than yours doesn't make me evil."

""I don't believe in evil.""

He moves his forearms out to either side, palms raised. "I don't, either. But I have a particular viewpoint on human affairs that a good many idealistic people find objectionable. It makes my work difficult, and it's a good part of why I usually don't communicate directly with people."

""I can't really comment until I know what that viewpoint is.""

"And I suppose there's no point in asking you to have faith, is there?"

""You can always ask.""

"That's part of my problem with you. Even now, I can't get the same feedback from you that I can from most people."

""What are you? You're clearly not an angel.""

"Actually, I am." He holds out his right hand, golden fire flickering on his palm. He then closes his palm, snuffing the fire out. "Or something like one. But what I want to talk to you about is a… Let's call it, a change in official policy."

""Which policy would that be?""

"I like superheroes. And supervillains. Three colour fun, wham, pow, sock." He raises his fists into mock guard for a moment before dropping them. "I've always been one for encouraging a prevailing narrative of truth and justice. Just so long as nothing fundamental changes."


"Danner wouldn't get with the program. Sidelining his work wasn't all that hard, not with the Second World War making the whole eugenics movement too toxic to touch. But there's more and more like him every year and you even dug him up. It's getting to the point where I'm not going to have a choice but to stop suppressing super-tech and let it enter the mainstream, and if I'm going to do that I'm going to need a new narrative first."


""That's..? You?""


Judgement Day 4


The time is a secondary
concern right now

"Yes, of course it was. You're a bright lad, try to keep up. Now, for the new narrative, I was thinking-."

""Whow whow whow whow whow. Let's just go back to the bit where you were suppressing human technological innovation. How long for?""

"Why does it matter? What does it materially change about the situation?"

""Basically nothing, but that's not the point. I may know your name, but I don't actually know what you are, what you want or what you can do. I want to know what I was trying to work around.""

His shoulders sag slightly in a pantomime of a sigh, though I don't hear him exhale.

"I'm Boss Smiley."

""The boss of what?""

"How about we start with you?"

""You have power over me, that was never in dispute.""

"Then again, I don't see how telling you achieves anything." He waves his right hand to the side. "If I told you that I was the boss of a small construction firm in Central City, what would it change? You'd still be down there and I'd still be up here. What if I told you I was the Prince of the World? A spirit created by the prophet Abraham to keep tabs on the Silver City? A trickster god from a South American tribe the Aztecs killed, who infiltrated the heaven of the White Men to avenge his people? A proto-Slavic moon god who jumped ship as Christianity spread but never quite fit in? A diseased angel, a fallen saint… Any one of a hundred things? For all you can tell I might really be the Mind of God. What does it matter?"

""It would make me feel slightly better.""

He leans forward slightly. "Oh, you want something more meaningful? Fine. I don't exist."


"You don't think you'd have heard of me if I existed?"

""There are probably hundreds of gods I haven't heard of.""

"Gods." That pseudo-plastic face is getting a bit grating. I would be fine if it was just a mask, but there's enough animation in it that it goes straight into the uncanny valley. "Those are useful things. Why does lightning happen? Gods. Why does the weather get hotter and colder? Gods. Why do people get sick, why do crops fail, why is there war, why is there peace..? It's the gods, no further analysis necessary." He fake-sighs again. "Simpler times. Easier times."

""Except for the people getting struck by lightning, frozen to death, killed by curable diseases, starving due to poor agricultural techniques, killed in warfare...""

He makes another dismissive gesture. "But civilisation marches on. Controlled and predictable. Safe."

""I.. don't understand.""

"How hard would it be for someone to wipe out the human race tomorrow?"

""Someone from Earth, or an alien?""

"From Earth."

""A.. few.. types of engineered diseases could probably do it. Nuclear weapons wouldn't, but it would be pretty hard going for the survivors. Certain.. exotic weapons could do it. The Sivanas certainly could, if they actually wanted to. Magic… It would be hard to do with magic, but I suppose that a sufficiently large sacrifice could alter the world in a way that wasn't survivable by humans.""

"And how many of those were available a thousand years ago?"

Is that where he's coming from?

""None. We didn't have the technology to create diseases intentionally, we didn't have fission weapons and it would have been difficult to get enough people in one place for the sort of sacrifice you would need. Are you saying that you believe that improved technology will inevitably result in humanity's destruction?""

"No. Not at all. Technology is developed and spreads because it serves a need, after all. There's no sense in keeping people living in caves if a natural part of the carbon cycle will result in a climatic shift that they can't survive without technology I prevented them from developing. No sense in preventing the spread of medicine when natural mutation can create a disease just as deadly as any laboratory. I'm just a natural conservative. I'm more comfortable when societal change is gradual, and when the levers of total destruction are in the hands of as small a number of people as possible."

""How… Conservative?""

"Did you have a chance to have a good look around the Earth when you were alive?"


"That conservative. Magic was a problem early on, but a few whispers in the right place and hardly anyone uses it. Fission weapons looked like they might be a problem, but after a few polite conversations everyone was too paranoid to risk them. Superpowers, meet balance of power. But then there's you."

""What, you couldn't find me?""

"I couldn't speak to you. And I think you might have powered through anyway. You're invested in novel technology as an end in itself. But if it wasn't you then it would have eventually been someone else. As I said, I'm reaching the limits of what I can do within the current narrative."


"I can send you back to Earth. You'd be.. alive, and I'm sure that a resourceful young man like yourself could get his equipment back before too long. And you'll work for me."

""In what way?""

"'Orange Lantern's technological revolution'. How about that? You can establish research centres…" He moves his right hand so that it's resting against his chin, and his left hand moves to support his right elbow. "Off Earth, under the sea… I suppose that it doesn't really matter exactly where they are. As long as they're out of the way. You can develop whatever you like, recruit whoever you like, do whatever you like. And I'll arrange for someone to set up a review board so they can carefully consider which bits of what you develop can be safely released into wider society."

""I'm not sure that's actually helpful.""

"The bit where you stop being dead is the helpful bit. The bit where I tell the angels that you've repented and that your friends aren't the enemies of Almighty God any longer is the helpful bit. I've got you over a barrel, and I know-" He clicks his right thumb and forefinger together, conjuring an image of my blue alter ego. "-that you can be a rational man when you don't have any say in the matter."

""Why are you so worried about this?""

"Do you know what happens to a civilisation when everyone gets super strength?"

""Mars manages.""

He tilts his disc a little to the left. "Mars. Where their whole species had to be reengineered by the Guardians. And where they've been physically unchanged ever since."


"There are few things that humans can't adapt to, given time. But a change like that would flip the board. The economy, society… Huge amounts of the wonderfully intricate complexity of human civilisation would become irrelevant. Do you know how many wars that could cause? And then you've got every country arming up so that their armies can cope with people who can laugh off anti-tank rounds. A few people that strong? Great, everyone needs heroes. Everyone? No, chaos and misery and a reasonable chance of an extinction event. I won't allow that. So either you become my man on the inside, or I keep on with the extreme measures."

He stands, towering over me.

"Why don't I leave you to think about it for a little while?"


Judgement Day 5


I've got some
thinking to do

I can…


I can move around very slowly. For want of anything better to do I head up toward Boss Smiley's now-abandoned throne and… Hover my point of view where my head would be.

Where I think my head would be. Since I've got no way to tell what the scale of any of this is… No, it's probably not relevant.

So, on the face of it, his offer is… Not good, but certainly liveable. I would still be able to do my technological work… Benefits would be slower in reaching the rest of the population, but progress would still be made. And I doubt that Atlantis's arcanotechnological revolution would just stop. My work with the Orange Lantern Corps would still carry on, and I could superhero as much as I wanted.

I'd be a near-useless Reed Richards.

Except… Near-useless Reed Richards isn't useless-useless. He still saves… Things, sometimes New York, sometimes the Earth, sometimes other worlds… Sometimes his own marriage. Point being, comic stasis might prevent him doing anything revolutionary but he still does a lot of good.

And I've just met the being responsible-. Well, I've met the being who claims to be responsible, and he has no obvious reason to lie about it. The one responsible for Reed Richards and every other poor super genius scientist being 'useless'. The reason why everyone in America didn't have super strength by 1930. The reason why cold guns exist but most people still use freezers with compressors. Probably the reason why AIs only just became people. And this is someone I might have to work with? For?

It would suck, but so does being dead and looking at an eternity of solitary confinement.

""Can I still..? Talk.""

Yes, I can. Somehow.

What.. even is he? I remember him from Sandman, where he was doing something while Prez was President. He probably arranged the death of his wife and… Wanted Prez to work for him in some capacity? I think I remember that the version in the original Prez comic was just a criminal businessman, but I never read that comic.

Are there ways to fake out theurgy? I never put any effort into studying it, so… I'd say 'probably', but I really don't know. This might actually all be a test on the angels' part, to see if I'm willing to sell out my principles. Which is part of the problem: of course I'm willing to sell out my principles. If I can't get everything I want, getting part of what I want may be acceptable. But angels don't seem like the type to respect that. Or understand it. I mean, that sort of thing was why Job was given a pass, even after refusing to deny his faith to save the lives of everyone around him. These people probably think he made the right choice.

Ugh, I'm getting bored already.

See, I sort of get Jews approving of Job, but why the hell do Christians approve of him? People died because of his stubbornness. Literally, a few words is all it would have taken. 'God sucks'. And Satan… Lucifer? Whoever it actually was, assuming that anything remotely like that ever actually happened, would have had a quick laugh at God's expense and gone back to whatever they were doing. But no. Keeping faith with God is more important than any amount of suffering. But if preventing suffering is good and getting into Heaven is good-

I take a moment to look around.

-and that's something I'm pretty sceptical about at the moment, then surely him giving up the opportunity to go to Heaven in order to help people is an act of profoundly selfless generosity? In fact, I can't think of much that would prove that he was more worthy of reward than doing that while fully expecting to be hideously punished for it.

So why aren't I trying to call Boss Smiley back right now?

Because I can't believe a word he said.

He wants me to work for him. But somehow I don't think that he had me killed so that I can sign a contract of employment in his office. Or… At the foot of his throne. I'm fairly confident that there's going to be an ongoing coercive element here, something bound to my soul that I'm going to need to agree to.

Which makes no sense. Why does a being who can control the entire Host without them being any the wiser need my consent to do anything? He certainly didn't need it to send me here in the first place.

What is he?

Aside-. Heh. If he's really the reason why schizo tech hasn't ever spread, then he's far more my nemesis than anyone else on the planet. Mr Truggs or.. maybe Lex could be dark mirrors, but this guy literally stands for everything I hate. The suppression of progress and unimpeachable authority.

Far more my nemesis.

Far more my-. Come on! Why can't I feel angry? Why can't I hate him?

And not just because it irritates me. If I'm sufficiently 'me' to even think about things in this way then I should still have my full range of emotions. Why..? Might I not?

No connection to the red light of rage. Hm. My personal lantern may have gone out but my ring still worked. And I didn't hear any mass pani-. Any mass reaction to everyone's emotions suddenly going dead.

Maybe this is just what being dead is like? Lord Hades -who bloody well better be protesting this- makes an effort to connect everyone in his realm to Erebos now, but back before he had his epiphany the shades used to be a fairly vacant lot. Maybe after a few centuries with no emotions that's just what happens?

But-. No. My soul is mostly made of orange light. If I'm complex enough to think complex thoughts I must have the ability to feel avarice.

""This is my cause, this is my fight,
Shine through the void with orange light,
I've claimed all within my sight,
To keep what is mine, that is my right.""

Oh, that's… I still know what I want, but the raw impetus is… Less. Which should be impossible. Most likely explanation? My thought processes are continuing to be altered in some way. I'm resistant to that sort of thing, not immune to it. So I'm not feeling what I'm actually feeling.


But how to break that? Denied any access to information gathering and so unable to do the sort of patient investigation which I prefer…

""My name is Pau-.""

Ugh. Um… No, no, nothing's changed. I've drifted a little further down the steps, but aside from that everything is as it was. I'm going to guess that whatever is interfering with my mind to prevent me speaking my name only works on other intelligences. I've got no real reason to make a firm conclusion in that direction, but it fits the available data so it will do for now.

All that's left is brute force and mindfulness.

My cause is the betterment of humanity and of the wider universe. It is the creation of polities which enable individuals to realise their non-malevolent desires, and to enable that realisation myself. It is the sharing of knowledge and experience to build. It is to show people a better way to do things, to help people be better.

And it's a fight because the universe is full of fucking idiots. And more than a few malevolent individuals and societies who can't be talked around or down and need to be done away with.

'Shining through the void' I picked more because it sounded good than because of any deep philosophical attachment, but the way superheroes on Earth try to be role models I suppose that it applies in my case more than I originally thought. I'm trying to inspire my fellow Orange Lanterns to be mindful and stable, rather than barely restrained weapons.

Claiming all within my sight? Yep. My desires don't magically terminate at the end of a national boundary, or a certain distance into space. I might limit myself for practical reasons, but ultimately I'm assuming the infamous Maltusian 'unlimited jurisdiction'. Arrogant? Yes. Is my fricking ring orange?

What is mine? What am I keeping? Everything is mine, and I'm keeping the bits I've put effort into because I'm not about to let someone else mess it up.

Like Boss Smiley.

The world around me shatters. Three gold rings encrusted with runes rotate around me, three angels staring up at me in shock.

And the runes on the inner ring are turning orange.


Judgement Day 6


Finally getting

I smile as the closest angel looks at me, then at the spinning rings and the glowing runes. I narrow my eyes as I see one that consists of a smiley face.

"1.1 Please remain calm."

He looks… Thin, shallow. There's no orange in there at all. Or.. much of anything else, aside from a thin gold wire frame I don't want to try touching. But I feel it. I feel my own desires surging, eating through the thaumoconductive… Whatever the heck-. Whatever the Hell this stuff is. Try and stick me in a fake Heaven, will you?

"1.2 We will restore your paradise as quickly as-."

There's a flare of orange light as the entire runic network covering the interior of the rings turns orange, and as I drain power from the system all three collapse to the ground. A moment later I collapse to the-.

And… Apparently I have a snake tail now. And-.

I run my surprisingly dexterous tongue around the inside of my mouth, blink with both sets of eyelids… Yep, my spirit animal is a snake. No hands… Movement appears to be fairly instinctual.


"Who are you?"

Speaking without using my mouth. That's interesting. I suppose that a snake doesn't have the right throat structures for English. And I don't remember the Ophidian ever having to move her mouth to speak.

"1.3 My name is Hamaliel." Behind him, one angel stands rooted to the spot while the other is backing away. "I constructed your virtualisation vessel."

'Virtualisation vessel'. Not a troubling name at all…

"Where am I?"

"1.4 The Silver City." He takes several steps closer before kneeling down to look at the largest of the rings. "And I'm sorry to say that there will be a slight… Delay in restoring your subjective experience."

"I seem to remember dying."

"1.5 Yes, death is usually what happens when you die. I'm afraid that your mortal life is over. But do not worry; by the Grace of God even such oddities as yourself are no longer denied union with the Almighty."

I slither off the.. pedestal the rings and I had been floating over, the other two angels edging nervously around the room in order to maintain their distance from me.

"Do you know who I am?"

"1.6 An intelligent serpent of some kind? I understand that humans have gained an understanding of advanced biological sciences."

He doesn't look up as I move around him. No obvious alarm from him, the other two are more nervous than anything else…

Do they..? Not know..?

"1.7 It seems like such a short time ago they were coming to understand basic horticulture, and now…"

He hums, then frowns as the runic array melts in response. He simply shakes his head.

"1.8 I'm afraid that I'm going to need to go back to the drawing board with this one."

"Do you have any specific instructions regarding me? Is there something I am supposed to be doing?"

"1.9 We were instructed to put you here, rather than with the others. But not beyond that." He turns his head and looks up at me. "I am sorry, but exposure to my more complex songs may prove disruptive to whatever purpose put you here."

"But you don't know what that purpose is?"

"1.9 By the hierarchy, such things are ordained. I have no need to know 'why'."

Hooray for mindless subservience. They might not know who I am, but I don't want to risk cluing them in by asking helpful questions.

"Do you need me to wait here, or is it alright if I go for a bit of a wander?"

"1.10 You are free to wander. No harm may befall you in the Silver City. You will be informed when it is time for you to return. Until then, marvel at the work of Almighty God."

"And… I'm sorry, I don't remember anyone explaining why I was in there?"

"1.11 As I said, neither of us need to know that. This arrangement-" Another hum, and the broken and molten remains of the rings float back into the air. "-is part of a project I'm working on. We're trying to make Hell obsolete."

"Could you..? Define obsolete?"

"1.12 Unfortunately, neither the absence of God on High nor the application of conventional 'pain' are particularly good mechanisms for encouraging repentance. We have thousands of years worth of data to prove that. So we're trying something different. My hope is that if we can demonstrate the glory of God in a way the… Ah, 'otherwise damned' can understand, it will be far more likely that they will come to understand their own vices and truly repent."

I nod. Between that and Satanus nee Mammon's work, eternal torment sounds like it's becoming a thing of the past. Only took them… How long? No, that's not important.

"I'll get out of your way. Good luck with the -" Soul prison machine. "-virtualisation vessel."

"1.13 Glory to God."

In excelsis. I.. slither towards the room's arched doorway. The room and the opening are strangely tall, and the walls are completely smooth. And silver, naturally. It's kind of dull, but I'll take that over getting incinerated again. Can I die twice? Let's avoid finding out.

Outside my containment room is a long corridor, the wall in front of me punctured by ridiculously tall windows showing a view of the exterior. More silver buildings and windows, and I can see more angels doing… Whatever it is angels find to occupy their time. None of them are wearing armour, and I can't see anything in the way of technology. And at the edge of the city… Looks like floating meadows. In other circumstances I might quite like spending time here.

Imma get the fuck out now.

I start slithering down the corridor to the right. Okay, try stuff out. I'm a disembodied soul made mostly of orange light. I don't have a power ring. Can I fly? No. Darn. I'm going to bet that what with the Silver City having been built for angels it almost certainly doesn't have disabled access. Constructs? No, no power ring. Hm. Self-modification?

Draconic wings extend from my back, and the rest of me shrinks to maintain my total volume. Trying to replace it with a jetpack… I get a jetpack outline with no functionality. How did Alan manage like this?

More importantly, was that whole thing with Boss Smiley real? Or just their attempt to show me something to warm me up to the idea of worshipping their god? I mean, Mr Excalibris was getting orders from somewhere. There is something calling itself the Mind of God around here. I've just got to avoid meeting it. Or anyone who can recognise me as a-.

Through the window I see a couple of gold-armoured angels fly over the outskirts of the city. I'm glowing orange and I'm in front of a window move!


Judgement Day 7



Maximum squiggle speed corner too fast roll-ing!

Okay, out of sight of the window. Don't know how much use that actually is, but if the angels I've spoken to so far are any guide they're not a species blessed with great intellectual curiosity. Ugh, my head is too close to the floor. I sort of remember being in serpent form when the Ophidian and I were merged, but we could float. That was far less objectionable than this.

"1.1 Hello? Are you lost?"

Wings spread, an angel lion descends from the upper portion of the room. That's… Odd, though he doesn't seem any more alarmed by my presence than Hamaliel was.

"It would be true to say that I don't know where I am. However, since I don't know where I'm going it doesn't really present much of a problem."

The lion alights a short distance from me and sniffs at me.

"1.2 How did you gain entry to the Silver City?"

Okay, I'm not having this conversation from the floor. Let's try…

I pull the lower part of my body into an approximate circle and begin coiling up onto myself. Feels a bit odd, but at least my head is off the ground without me having to constantly exert myself.

"I died. I've been in Hamaliel's machine since, as far as I can tell."

"1.3 Ah, you're part of a new trial group!" He walks over to a lectern and picks up a book and a quill. "How did you find it?"

"A little confusing. I was a Hellenist in life. I wasn't expecting to come here."

"1.4 I didn't know that we had started trials on non-monotheistic faiths. A.. jarring transition?"

He turns to an empty page and raises his pen. Ah, a feedback form.

"So… From what Hamaliel said, the aim of that was to put me in the ideal frame of mind to repent?"

"1.5 It is not simply a matter of the frame of mind. You must come to understand your vices, and accept that they are vices."

"And… Anyone I encountered. Were they… Real?"

"1.6 I'm afraid that I can't answer that without prejudicing the study. Does that worry you?"

"Existing at the whims of beings I don't understand? Yes."

"1.7 I was referring to the individuals you may have encountered. Though knowing that you are ill at ease with us is worth knowing. It has been quite some time since we had to adjust for polytheists."

What's the plan here? Answer his questions, subtly try and get more information on what's going on.

"I got a bit of an inconsistent message. The individual I spoke to claimed to be one thing, I demonstrated that they weren't that thing and then they became someone else. They started out pushing the paternalistic authority angle fairly hard, and then switched over to a… Sort of a might makes right manipulative approach..? I ended up disliking both, and I'm pretty sure that I'd have responded to a more.. logic and evidence focused approach better."

"1.8 I see." He taps the feathered end of his quill against the book's binding as he thinks. "And what form did these figures take?"

"The Mind of God... At least, it was supposed to be. I've never met the real thing. And someone called Boss Smiley."

"1.9 Curious. Few people on Earth know the precise manner in which God Almighty communicates His intentions to us. Have you studied the Silver City?"

"No. But… Have you heard of Boss Smiley?"

He raises his right hand and a book floats down from a wall-mounted bookshelf. Once it reaches his level it opens itself about two-thirds of the way through.

"1.10 'Heard of', yes. I assume that you're talking about a humanoid figure in a suit with a yellow disc for a head?"


"1.11 Our information suggests that he's some sort of minor demon who preys on the fears and prejudices of political figures. Persuasive, beguiling, and intelligent but with limited physical power. I'm not sure why a virtualisation vessel would show you someone like that. Were you involved in politics a great deal in your mortal life?"

"Not a great deal."

"1.12 I'll mention it to Hamaliel. But the most important question is whether or not they aided you in gaining perspective on your vices."

"The Mind of God representation brought up a few things concerning the possible unintended consequences of my actions which I'd overlooked at the time. I'd say that I'd want to check whether its observations were accurate or not, but.."

"1.13 Yes, quite."

"And I don't think… Whether what it said was right or not was rather beside the point. It could have been right, and I didn't take the time to check when I did it. That was something I… I had control of. I wasn't particularly pressed for time, I just… Decided to go as fast as possible."

"1.14 Pride on your part, do you think?"

Pride? Um. An irrational sense of my own value. I don't.. think so. If I held myself in that high a regard I don't think that I'd have bothered empowering Angelica in the first place. I'd just have offered to sponsor my team myself so that I didn't have to bother kowtowing to Batman.

"No… I know that I have limits. I think it was more… Impetuousness. Most people don't even think about doing the things I do, so I didn't have a model to measure myself against. I wanted the results and I… Just went for it. It wasn't that I thought that I was good enough to wing it if there was a problem, I literally didn't consider the potential for fallout. At least, not the fallout that might have fallen on other people. I mean, there's a limit to how much contingency planning it's practical to do, but… In the example he brought up, I really scrimped."

Yeah, I'm… I think I actually understand where Sephtian was coming from with his complaint about being overworked. At the sort of power.. we can bring to bear… When I get back to Earth, I'm going to.. cut back a little. Take some more time. And actually, getting back on the team should be a pretty good way to keep myself busy without risking flipping the board.

"1.15 That sounds like progress to me. I thought that you said that you found the method in which the argument was delivered to be unhelpful?"

"Yes, but I like to think that I'm not so prideful that I need the most powerful being in the universe to turn up in person to tell me I've done something wrong. If the argument is a rational one, then it shouldn't matter who delivers it."

"1.16 I see. And.. you.. said that you were a Hellenist?" I nod. "What sort of level of involvement are we talking about?"

"I.. met several. Traded favours with my particular patron..."

"1.17 I ask because we're had some traffic here in surprised neo-pagans who didn't... Do you understand how the destination of a soul is normally determined?"

"You associate your soul with the mythos in life."

"1.18 Not quite. Just being around minor divines is seldom enough. A devotee must participate in sacrifices, rituals, celebrations and ceremonies. They must genuinely devote themselves to their preferred patron. Would you say that your relationship with your patron was reverential, or were you simply trading favours?"


"I.. might have been, I suppose. They didn't.. say anything."

"1.19 Were you an atheist before converting to Hellenism?

"Ah..? Yes..?"

The lion angel nods.
"1.20 It's a not-uncommon problem. The thing about worshipping a god is that you have to worship them. Treating them as an equal just doesn't have the same effect, I'm afraid."


"1.21 Now, what did the Boss Smiley representation want with you?"


Judgement Day 8


My first confessional

"He wanted me to work for him. He claimed to have a policy of suppressing certain forms of social development, but that since it was getting to the point where his preferred system wasn't viable any longer he needed to change it. So he wanted me to take the most disruptive elements somewhere else where he wouldn't have to worry about them so much."

"2.1 To lead a great migration, such as Moses led from Kahndaq? Do you see yourself in that role?"

"Did that actually happen?"

"2.2 Not all of the details of the event made it into the most popular accounts, but if you're familiar with the biblical version that was more or less accurate."

A timely reminder that however polite he's being to me, angels are all about obedience to authority. However monstro-.

Boss Smiley couldn't talk Prez into working for him, because Prez had a clear mission and didn't believe that Boss Smiley had anything to offer him. Boss Smiley claimed that Prez had done work for him unintentionally afterwards, but that basic agreement was very important to him.

Willing obedience to authority.

I wish I remembered that graphic novel better. It sounds like Boss Smiley is a perfect fit for Heaven. Angels are good at obeying and bad at questioning. Humans sometimes do inconvenient things like 'the right thing' at the most inopportune times. Angels don't.

Is that his..? Thing..?

"Then… No. I'm rather against gen-ah..."

Except I'm not, am I? I mean, is it still genocide if you didn't exterminate them because of their membership of a particular group? Yes, yes it is.

"Against separating people out like that. My whole objective is to peacefully encourage certain types of societal reform. Just kicking out potential reformers is stifling to the society doing the kicking. Plus I've.. never really been interested in governing."

"2.3 Then what do you think that element was about?"

"My best guess is that either Boss Smiley has somehow infiltrated the system and was making me a genuine offer, or it was an attempt to see whether I would abandon my morals in the face of a threat. A sort of low-stakes version of the torments Job endured, my test of faith."

"2.4 And how did you feel about it?"

"The problem I have with the setup was its dishonesty. The figure I was talking to had already demonstrated a propensity for lying. So even if I was inclined to compromise, I couldn't trust him to keep up his end of the deal. It would have been as if Job renounced-" Wince. "-God but the torments kept on coming."

"2.5 Or if Abraham was permitted to sacrifice a goat in place of his son? Are you familiar with that tale?"

"Yes. I remember an interpretation of that story I read in the novel Hyperion. That version implied that it wasn't a test of Abraham's faith; rather, it was a test to see whether or not God was a deity worth worshipping. If he allowed it to go ahead, he wouldn't be. But the offer had to be genuine or it wouldn't prove anything. God passed the test by sending the goat."

"2.6 I.. don't believe.. that I've heard that interpretation before. But… Going back to your psychodrama, you feel that the setup was undermined by the figure's prior dishonesty?"

"Critically. If it was testing for my capacity to be morally compromised, but puts me in a position where I can't trust the figure making the offer, then the only reason I would accept is if I was stupid. I might be perfectly willing to compromise, but refuse to because I don't think I'll get anything out of it."

"2.7 And if it wasn't about compromise?"

"If it was really Boss Smiley? To be frank, that would be extremely worrying."

"2.8 No, I meant if the system was trying to deliver some other message."

"If it was 'don't put faith in false idols', then they picked some really unwise imagery to use. 'Being takes the role of God, turns out to be a lying shit' probably isn't the best way to convert someone to monotheism."

"2.9 But he wasn't God."

"He occupied the same role, relative to the observer. You might feel an absolute faith in-" Wince. "-God, and the ability to know with absolute certainty whether or not a particular instruction comes from God, but the rest of us don't. If it looks like God and talks like God and has power over you like God, then for everyday purposes it might as well be God."

"2.10 Really?"

"Do you..? Spend a lot of time on Earth?"

"2.11 Not for a while, no."

"It might help you design better systems if you were more familiar with human society and mindset. If you're taking in people who aren't monotheists, you need to remember that they're not going to respond to God in the way that you're used to."

"2.12 That's a fair point." He scribbles down a few notes. "So if it was a polemic against putting faith in false idols, it fell short. What other meanings do you think that it might have had?"

"That's the thing: I genuinely don't know. I suppose that it might even have been trying to persuade me that compromise was right. How many.. other people are in one of these things?"

"2.13 I'm not certain. Thousands at least."

"Have any of them reported these sorts of problem?"

"2.14 No, no, everyone else has remained inside their vessels. That's why I'm so interested in talking to you: you're the only one I've had access to."

"Is there some difference between me and the other candidates? Because if there is, that might be where the trouble is coming from."

"2.15 You are the first openly pagan individual, but given the wide range of forms of belief practised by earthly monotheists that shouldn't be a good predictor of the quality of their experience."

"No, that could be it. Ultimately, they all regard God as the absolute judge of morality, even if they don't always live up to their own standards. I don't. That indicates a completely different instinctual response to deific imagery."

"2.16 I suppose that it's possible. Why.. were you taken out?"

"The structure of my soul is somewhat unusual. The system couldn't handle it. Hamaliel's having to do a bit of a redesign."

This isn't improving my situation fast enough. If I wanted to talk about my shortcomings I could talk to Diana. Or Father Mattias if for some reason I wanted a monotheistic viewpoint. What else could I try? I could just slither out, but I don't have anywhere in particular to go and I'm sure that someone will stop me eventually.

"2.17 Your soul is unusual?"

Do I..?

Yes. I have fangs.

I loosen my coils slightly.

"Weren't you surprised that I was orange?"

"2.18 Snakes aren't my speciality." He takes a few steps closer and peers at me. "What colour should you be?"

I lunge, biting down into his shoulder before he can do more than gasp.



Judgement Day 9


Nothing to
see here

I withdraw my fangs, my coils still wrapped around him. Looking at him, I can see the orange percolate through his psyche. But those are my desires rather than his.

"State your name."


"And who does Rrall work for?"

"Rrall works for the Host, but wants what you want."

I shift my position, moving the forward part of my body away and then bending my neck around to look into his eyes. Good orange glow, without a sigil that would make what I've done super obvious. That, combined with what I see inside him…

I uncoil, moving back to the floor. "Given what I just did, why haven't you fallen yet?"

"Falling is only automated in the case of grotesque violations of the Celestial Order, though it can also happen as a result of a ruling by the Courts. So far I have merely spoken to you and been poisoned."

There's something different about his voice. Not just the orangeness, something of the absoluteness has gone as well. Not quite as much of a change as it was when Zauriel spoke, but it is noticeable. Or at least it is to me.

I reach out through the orange light bond my poison provides. "Is there anything I need to know?"

"This part of the Silver City is not regularly patrolled, but angels more militant than I can reach here very quickly if they notice anything amiss."

And those guys who attacked my fortress were warriors. A single-snake insurgency doesn't sound like a workable idea.

"How did the attack on Hell go?"

"I was not aware that there was one."

"Who rules the Silver City?"

"The Four Kings rule the Silver City in the name of God on High."

"Can you take me to where the other virtualisation vessels are?"

"I can. However, it will swiftly be noticed if we do anything to them."

Probably wouldn't be a lot of use anyway. I mean, I'm curious, but unless the souls there have some facility for theurgy-.

"Do the souls there have a facility for theurgy?"

"I don't know. I think it unlikely, as that would run contrary to the stated objective of the project. If they are already close enough to God to be capable of using His magic, they would not need special redemptive treatment."

"Where is Karrien Excalibris?"

"I don't know. I certainly haven't seen him recently. I'm afraid that he doesn't support our redemptive work. He prefers to brutalise sinners into obedience."

Yes, I know.

"Where is the Mind of God?"

"Everywhere and nowhere. It manifests only briefly to provide instruction to us, and generally does not linger long."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. If I were to guess, I would say that it was due to the risk of damaging either us or the fabric of the universe."

"Did the Mind of God empower Karrien Excalibris, or is he just that powerful normally?"

"I don't know. I'm a scrivener and researcher, not a warrior."

Ugh, the big one. "Can I appeal a decision directly to your god?"


Oh good. "How?"

"God is omniscient. Speak, and He will hear."

This jaw isn't really designed for clenching. "If I wanted to do it in a slightly more direct way..?"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps..? Speak to a human theurgist? They usually come to Heaven only briefly before moving on, but if you were to speak to one they may be able to assist you in a way we angels can not."


"Angels such as myself are granted those forms of theurgy necessary to our positions, and are unable to manifest miracles outside of those bounds. Human theurgists are generally able to manifest a far wider range of miracles."

"Who in the Silver City is capable of restoring me to life?"

"The Four Kings could collectively authorise such a thing, but that is not our purpose. If someone has lived their life, what comes next is judgement and placement."

Ugh, doesn't matter. I can make a body for myself once I get my rings back, and Ambrose or John can bind my soul to it. Oh! Yes.

"Where do the new arrivals appear?"

"The front gates, naturally."

Ted… I think he was a non-practising Christian. Most of the other people at KordTech New York would be as well. I'd like to get him resurrected, but at the very least I should say something to him. Thank him for what he said. Get in touch with Mammon if Ted didn't… Come here. And his.. staff as well. Ah heck, Richard's parents, aunt and cousin are probably around here too, aren't they?

No, worry about that later. But what do I do? As I see it, the other virtualisation vessels are my only real lead on what's going on. Alternatively, I could try getting in touch with one of the Kings… Or biting one. No, they'll probably have far better theurgical protections than Rrall here.

Openly and honestly talk to someone about my problem, or sneak around and make a mischief of myself?

Okay, but this time they're clearly being controlled by someone who wants to do me a mischief. This isn't like not talking to the League, this is like not talking to the Light.


"Rrall, take me to the other virtualisation vessels. Using whatever mode of conveyance will attract least notice."


He raises his hands and there's a flash of golden light-. And we're not in his office any longer. We're in a small silver-walled antechamber to a vast chamber I can see through the doorway. Inside, an angel is examining a virtualisation vessel. He looks around then turns back to his task, apparently unconcerned.

Rrall leads the way into.. the…

The room is big. Looking upwards I can't see the ceiling, the stacks of virtualisation vessels just sort of blur together at the edge of my visual range. Ahead of us I think I can see the far wall, but I can't swear to it. Having no horizon is visually confusing.

Inside each vessel is the translucent outline of a human, apparently in a state of repose. I can't see any faces I recognise, and without a ring I can't just compare them to my database files.

"What did you wish to see?"

"Take me… To the oldest."


Judgement Day 10


Lots of things to
see here

This is so undignified.

I was right, and the Silver City doesn't have disabled access. And by 'no disabled access' I mean 'you really need to be able to fly'. As a result, I'm now hanging off Rrall as his wing-flapping shoots us upward at space-distorting speed. Not a lot of orange coming from the inmates. These are supposed to be people in the process of repenting, aren't they? Surely they'd have a bit more avarice in them than this? Or maybe these are all the older ones and they've already mostly finished, with just a few 'deviant' thought processes between them and true unification with the Source.

I'm really going to need to talk to Mr Free about speaking to Mr Izaya about that.

Rrall ceases his flapping and we glide to a halt in front of a virtualisation vessel containing… A black woman. No idea who she is. No visible sign of distress… Not that I'm sure that there should be any even if she was in distress.

"Rrall, do you know who she is?"

"No, but I can find out if you like."

I look over the runes on the inner and outer surfaces of the three rings. I don't recognise a lot of them, but from the general structure… They're connecting the system to something external. I don't know what or where, but-. Wait a second-.

"Rrall, do you understand these runes?"

"I'm afraid not. It's not my area."

I catch sight of the Smiley rune.

"Okay, but that one there-." Darn, no hands. I point with my tongue and he gamely tries to see what it is that I'm indicating. "You see it?"

"The one which looks like a crude depiction of a smiling face?"

"Yes. I noticed it because-. Because it looks like Boss Smiley's face. And I.. could be wrong, but I think that runic setup is used for arcane power transfers."

"His face is a rune?"

"No, but these setups allow someone with sufficient arcane power to use a form of personal identification rather than a pre-existing rune. Ahri'ahn used a symbol made up of overlapping triangles on most of his really noteworthy artefacts."

Hm. Alright. If he wanted to talk to anyone held within a particular 'paradise' then he'd need to mesh his rune in there somewhere, but why is it in the power flow system?

"This is the oldest. How old?"

"She was born in the eighth century BC."

Around about the time the Jews embraced monotheism. So… What, they've been putting people in these things the whole time? But…

I look around again.

How many monotheists have died in human history? Actually…

"Are there any aliens here?"

"No. We only deal with the dead of Earth."

"What do monotheists on other planets do? Where do they go?"

"I assume that the Creator has made other arrangements for them."

Okay, but… This can't be all of the monotheists who have ever died. Can it? Can't hurt to ask.

"Does everyone get put in one of these?"


"Who does? What's the selection process?"

"I don't know. But I know that some people definitely go somewhere else. There are angels whose role is to ensure that happens."

"So we could ask them what the criteria are?"

"At the risk of being discovered, yes. And we might have to ask every single one of them if they only know who they are supposed to escort."

"Do you know any… Characteristic which definitely results in an escort or which definitely doesn't?"

He smiles. "Naturally, theurgists don't need an escort."

I suppose that if they're in communion with their deity anyway then anything else would be a bit point.. less...

I look at the virtualisation vessel to the left. It takes a few moments, but I'm.. not seeing a Smiley symbol. In fact, the outer ring looks like it's more focused on excluding influences than tying them in.

"Have these devices been modified since they were first made?"

"Not to my knowledge. We've only been using them for a few centuries."

I-. I can't frown. "You said eighth century."

"I said that she was born in the eighth century. She died in the seventeenth century. Such lifespans are unusual, but hardly unique."

"So is she the oldest person here, or has she been here the longest?"

"Oldest person here. Sorry."

I look right. Again, no Smiley. So I'm going to guess that the Smiley symbol only goes on the ones he wants to interact with in some way. If I could actually feel magic I could probably sort through this far faster.

"Can I assume that you can't look for the vessels with Smiley icons without triggering an alert?"

"I could inform the intendants that I was doing so to aid Hamaliel's work. Of course, I would then have to tell Hamaliel."

"Because you're very honest, or because they'd know if you were lying?"

"I-. I suppose that I'm very honest. Also because they'd know, and that would trigger an alert."

"I really shouldn't be surprised that you're a nicer person than me, but earlier today an angel sliced me into pieces and set the pieces on fire. It formed a fairly negative impression."

"That was extremely unlikely to aid in your rehabilitation."

I look around, searching for more Smiley faces. I can't immediately see any, but they're small and there are a lot of vessels around here. Alright, let's eliminate a known possibility. I stare at the occupant in the vessel directly in front of us, and… Yep, gold strands.

Boss Smiley isn't the Source. And if anything he said was true then I doubt that he'd be able to use theurgy himself. But. If he has the souls of a large number of miracle workers tied into a system he can control…

Is that possible? Wouldn't there be some sort of checksum for things like that?

"Take me to…" I turn my head to look at Rrall. "You can't remotely locate theurgists, can you?"

"I can, but why would I need to?"

"I've got a nasty suspicion that-."

There's a small explosion of.. colour, above us and to the right, and a ripple in the air as-.

As Rrall and I are yanked upward, bound in glowing energy chains!


Judgement Day 11



I could try biting through the bindings, but since they don't actually hurt and I imagine that falling from this distance would I elect not to. Besides, if I'm being bound by an angel I don't want to give away the threat that my bite poses. Some sort of.. ripple passes through the surrounding area, and then Mr Miracle carefully descends through the portal I can barely make out on his aero discs.

"One angel and one.. snake." He looks at me carefully. "If you're the Ophidian, that's one heck of a diet plan."

"Mister Free, the Ophidian was the strongest arcane influence on my life when I was alive. We were literally merged when my arcane tattoos were trying to build me a soul from scratch. Why is my soul looking like this a surprise?"

I can't tell what expression he's got behind that face mask, but his head isn't moving. And he appears to be shielded against empathic vision.


"I can't roll my eyes anymore, but imagine I'm rolling my eyes. Did you bring my rings?"

"Why are you in Heaven?"

And as much as I'd like to say 'fuck you, that's why', I now know why.

"Apparently I wasn't sufficiently reverential to the Olympians. I was treating it like a trade rather than a religion. Do you have my rings?"

"No, I gave them to Donna and she was taking them to Erebos. Where you're… Not."

"So it.. hasn't been long then? I don't really have any way to measure time…"

He shakes his head.
"A few hours."

"Okay, resurrecting me can wait. We've got a bigger problem."

He nods.
"Even after all of the angels you and the demons killed, just Karrien alone is powerful enough to be a major threat."

"No. Worse. I think I've found out why they came after me. Take a-." I go to point with my right arm, and fail due to not having one. Instead, I'm forced to settle for pointing my tail in the approximate direction of the virtualisation vessel I was just looking at. "Have a look at that. I think that Heaven has been suborned."

He floats down past us and waves his multi-cube at the device.
"I was trying to trace where Karrien's power was coming from. According to Angelica he's never been capable of feats like the ones he was pulling off in Labyrinth before. If it really is the Source, Highfather might-."


"I see what you mea-


"-n. Energy's definitely being redirected from somewhere."

"Might it not simply be powering the system?"

Scott glances at Rrall.
"Did you.. do something to him?"

"My bites brand people now. My desires are his desires."

"Okay… I.. think we need an expert on theurgical magic to take a look at this, because this is very different than New God technology."

"Are Zauriel or Angelica available?"

"Zauriel? He came back? And didn't try killing you?"

"Yes, Zauriel was cast out. He came to Themyscira to warn me, then came with me to my fortress but I lost track of him in the fighting. Angelica's had access to theurgy for a few months, but if we've lost Zauriel-."

"The League are tracking him now. Wonder Woman said 'hi'."

"I'm glad to hear that she's-."

"And she wants me to tell you that the Orange Lantern Corps is attacking the outside of the flaming cage."

I didn't know Dox cared. Maybe he just doesn't want me to be late returning.

"To be honest, in one-to-one combat and with Karrien excluded, I think Orange Lanterns win. Are they making any progress?"

"Hard to say. I think the barrier's been getting slightly weaker, but it's still blocking all direct communication." He glances along the lines of virtualisation vessels. "What are these things?"

"Hell two point oh. They put redeemable souls in them and feed them illusions until they reform. Except this one-" I clumsily point again. "-was capable of theurgical magic in life. And I suspect that there are others like her."

"They think the Source wants them to use its magic to do things, but only because they're being lied to. No angel would need to use someone else's magic. You got any idea who's behind this?"

"My guess is a… Thing called Boss Smiley."

"Who is he?"

"I don't know."

"What is he?"

"I don't know. I mean, we had a conversation. Probably. But I'm pretty sure that he was lying and I don't have any other sources of information."

"What does he look like?"

"A man in a suit with a smiley for a head."

He sighs.
"I liked being an escapologist. The first time in my life I didn't have to deal with insane or evil gods the whole time."

"Earth really wasn't a good place to go if you wanted that to remain the case. Look, the theory I'm working on-."

"'Boss Smiley' wants you gone, connected to the Source using human miracle workers and used them to power up Karrien, but how did he take over Heaven?"

"I'm… Guessing that he used large amounts of theurgical magic to pretend to be higher up the Source-related divinity hierarchy than the Angel Kings… But I've got no idea how he acquired the magic to do that."

"So we need to disconnect him. Because even if that doesn't make the angels realise they've been obeying the bad guy, then at the very least it turns Karrien into a manageable problem."

"I hope so. Can you track any other theurgically active souls in here?"

"As long as they're powering Karrien, sure."

"Then… We need to work out how to suspend the power flow. And bear in mind that letting loose a lot of angry saints probably isn't very safe unless we can explain really fast."

"And we've got a way to-" He looks down. "-get them down. How about we head back to Earth while Doctor Mist takes a look at these runes?"

"Can I..? Do that?"


Judgement Day 12


25th December
23:43 GMT -5

I stare dejectedly at the rim of the circle chalked on the ground around me, then poke the end of my tail over the line.

It stays coherent for a couple of seconds, then begins to evaporate.

I pull the remains back. Darn it. The angels wrecked the zeta tube system, which means that we don't have any way to bring my rings back here faster. And given that they've still got squads going from place to place having 'words' with people who feel mystically active, no one likes Donna's chances of being able to fly them back.

"So…" Artemis looks me over again. "Are you gunna take her name?"

"Probably." I flick my tail a couple of times until it begins reconstituting itself. "I mean, I can't say mine. But I'm not keen on the spelling."


"Nuh-guy-en. If we can change it to double ewe eye en or double ewe why en en ee I'd be fine with it, but as it stands the lack of any grapheme phoneme correspondence just bugs me too much."

"I… Meant the Ophidian. Because you're a snake." She blinks. "Are you and… Jade getting married?"

"Oh, ah… Yes, but not anytime soon. We're going to wait until the war with the Reach has gotten to a.. stable point. I don't think that the Ophidian has a surname." I coil up into a stack again. "Do you know what sort of snake I am?"

She slowly shakes her head.
"It's hard to tell without knowing what colors your scales are. And what size you're.. supposed to be."

I slump, but it's probably not very noticeable.

"What's.. Heaven like?"

"I only saw the Silver City. It's a city without most of the things that make a city a city. It's silver in colour and so is uninteresting to the eye, designed for giants who could fly and filled with people who barely qualify as sophonts. And it's not where I was supposed to go."

"Ah..? You didn't see anyone you know, or-?"

"Like who? I'm not from this universe originally. My grandparents didn't go there." I-. I can't shrug. "The only person I actually know who's died is Michael Siskin, and… I don't know exactly what Nabu did to him, but I doubt that he'd be in a position to greet me. Even if he wanted to." I tilt my head ninety degrees to the right. "I didn't see anywhere anyone would spend eternity, just a place where angels hang out when they're not chopping people to bits and setting fire to them."

"Uoh. Did you..? Feel..? That?"

"No, I got to experience an entirely pain free death as my blood ran out through multiple sword wounds and my brain was incinerated. Zero out of ten, would not recommend." I take a look around the cave's training room. "Is this really a sensible place for us to be?"

She shrugs.
"Doctor Mist says they only found this place because everyone knows about it. The wards are all still working, so they can't detect exactly what's happening."

Makes sense. That was pretty much what I was thinking when I designed them. Seriously, this is the second place anyone would look for the Justice League, right after the Hall of Justice. Probably before the Themysciran Embassy. 'Not knowing exactly what's happening inside' is the best we were going to get.

I look ar-. I slip off my own coils and try to style it out as I move the front part of my body to the other side of the circle in response to the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor. Zatanna comes first, Staff of Love in hand. I wave my tail at her as she slows from a fast walk to a near stop.

"Hello, Zatanna. Dead and decidedly not loving it."

raises her staff, runes of various shapes appearing around a central Star Sapphire sigil.

Kon, M'gann and Richard follow her in, Kon walking up to the near side of the chalk circle while M'gann and Richard hang back a little.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm unlikely to get worse in the short term. But that's.. worse than dead."

"Plenty of demigods only became gods after they died."

"I can slither. And I have to bite people to brand them. Turns out that turning into a giant snake in itself doesn't help."

"Not all the gods get great portfolios…"

I shake my head-. Which is far more awkward than it used to be. "What's happening outside?"

Richard brings up a file on his arm computer.
"Did you know that the British government has contacts in Hell?"

"Um… Short answer, I'm not surprised, given how thaumically active London is. Why?"

"They knew about what happened in the Labyrinth before the League told them. Or… Sort of what happened."

M'gann frowns. "What did happen?"

"Mister Miracle took me there at my request because it seemed like the best place to fight off a horde of angels. We were doing okay… Until Mister Excalibris started throwing massive columns of fire around."

"The footage they had made it look like it was… Humans, fighting against the angels."

"After our meeting, Mammon agreed to continue Satanus's project of liberating the damned. A.. significant chunk of the defensive force was comprised of his volunteers."

"'Damned', Oh El?"

"It's easier to get damned than you'd think. Basically, be a monotheist and don't make the grade, or be from a monotheistic society and not have any particular faith. Atheists and agnostics get damned, and they certainly don't deserve Hell as it was."

He glances aside.
"That's pretty much what the British government is saying. Russia, China and Britain are pushing for the UN to treat this like an alien invasion."

"Good for-."

"Including allying with Hell."

"Huh. … Who's the lucky demon lord?"

He glares at me.
"They're talking about trying to help demons destroy Heaven. You said the angels were getting mind controlled! You can't hold them responsible for what they've been made to do!"

"Not if they've been mind controlled, no. But if they haven't and they're just dumbly obeying bad orders then yes. I. Can. Hell's reform program is about creating a civilised society in the worst place that can exist through voluntary participation. The nearest the Silver City has to that is sticking people in a simulator until they're appropriately brainwashed."


"They tried it on me."

"Do you really want the Justice League to help demon armies to invade Heaven?"


"Not particularly. So why don't you focus on working out how to undo the mental influence setup Boss Smiley is using so we can stop them before it becomes necessary."


Judgement Day 13


25th December
23:48 GMT -5

Zatanna finally lowers her staff, blinking as she does so. Her eyes-. Glowing violet, though under the circumstances I can't really criticise.

"I think we can put you back in a human body."

"Delighted to hear it. Some variation on the bindings I was using to make my soul in the first place?"

"Exactly. But now that I understand what Missus Sackville did, I think I can do it better. Also, what do I have to do to start worshipping Aphrodite?"

"I'm not sure. The Amazon tradition involves stating a desire and a single act of devotion, but I think that's a cultural thing rather than a requirement of the goddess herself. I haven't met her." Ugh. "And… Much as I hate to say it, you should probably hold off on making that sort of decision until we've sorted out exact-."

"They killed you! I don't care what their reason was!"

The star sapphire is glowing
in a way I find a little concerning… But then I'm literally made of orange light at the moment.

"I appreciate that, but we don't really know the extent to which the angels are acting on their own recognisance. Gods and elementals can be made to act contrary to their normal behaviour, make errors of judgement or.. just do bad things. Aphrodite certainly isn't blameless-."

"And she doesn't claim to be." Zatanna takes a breath, twitching slightly as she notices the intensity of the star sapphire's glow. "Ecuder rewop."

The jewel obediently dims, and her eyes return to their natural colour.


Her eyes drop to the floor, and she gives her head a small shake.

"No." She sags slightly. "Do you remember when you told me that John Constantine cut Gabriel's wings off with a chainsaw? And that he was a mass murdering rapist."

"Yes. Not perfectly any more, but yes."

Her mouth twitches in irritation as she looks up.
"It wasn't like I didn't know that the-. Gods Wonder Woman worships existed. But when dad found out that I had the same magic powers that he did, he made sure I got an in-depth lesson on exactly what things like them were. What they did. I never.. thought about… Angels, and.. God in the same way." She breathes in and out. "And then I couldn't stop thinking about it and I actually read the whole Old Testament like it-. Wasn't God and was someone else."

"He's killed nearly as many people as I have."

"'Firstborn son of every Kahndaqi household'."

"I made a poster about it in Secondary School. Which is pretty messed up by itself."

"Who did he rape?"

"According to a source I haven't been able to confirm, Mary."

She flinches, then shakes her head again.
"I shouldn't be surprised."

"Though I'll say again, Gabriel was the one who did that and the one who did most of the Old Testament murdering. We don't know what sort of orders he was getting, we don't know what he was thinking and the reason Chantinelle was able to seduce him was that he was having doubts about the righteousness of his cause. If the other angels I've spoken to are anything to go by he was doing that despite his brain literally being designed to prevent him doing so. The highest authority any angel I've spoken to has claimed that they're in regular contact with is their own four kings."

"So you don't think God told them to do it?"

"I'm not sure that the Source ever tells anyone to do anything."

She thinks for a moment, and appears to shrug it off.
"Does Aphrodite?"

"If she did, Hippolyta would be m-." Diana walks into the training area, a familiar and heavily warded case held in her right hand. My eyes would widen if they could. "Oh shit, are we actually using that?"

She reaches over the chalk line and puts the case down in front of me.
"If you can open it."

Since I didn't want anyone using it, the case is designed to be about as resilient as it was possible for me to make it. Kal-El might have been able to destroy it, but short of him…

"Mister Free couldn't open it?"

"Mister Miracle is explaining to the United Nations Security Council why allying with Hell is a bad idea. As you know, we didn't explain to the Security Council what it does."

Right. No. Because that would have been asking for trouble. There's no record on League computers, either.

I lay my tail on the orange-light friendly locking mechanism and… Yes, I can feel it.

Open. Yes, really.

Force fields disengage, runic defences are moved apart and rendered inactive by mechanical ratchets, explosives disarm… A bit depressing that this was what I plundered the database I took from Lantern Stewart's ring for, but it was all in a good cause.

I lift my tail off the case and squirm back a little and the lid comes free.

"Probably best I don't touch it, particularly now."

"I agree."

The Spear of Destiny -or whatever its actual name is- sits in its case, looking entirely innocent.

"Dare I ask..?"

"The sorcerers in the Atlantean Embassy have confirmed your conclusion. The runes are most likely being used to give Boss Smiley theurgical abilities. Our plan is to send Mister Miracle back to Heaven with the Spear, and use it to free as many theurgists as possible at once."

It works on the dead. Marvellous. Wonder if it works on me?

"And then?"

"Hopefully, that will be the end of the matter. Otherwise, the Justice League will seek out Boss Smiley and reveal his lies to the entire Host."

"You'd have to find him-. Assuming that he's actually physically there at all. And I get the impression that angels aren't very good at adapting to rapidly changing circumstances."

"I agree. The solution to that is to have someone with an existing connection to him present when we begin our search, along with a theurgist whom we know will work with us."

Hm. Not as if I have a better idea.

Or… Maybe…

"If they haven't missed me yet, I could go back to Hamaliel. Try and lure Boss Smiley into communion with me. Otherwise, I'm happy to hang around with Angelica. Not like I can die twice."

She picks up the case, careful not to risk either touching or tipping out the spear within.

"I will pass that on."

"Do I get to try biting a few more angels? With that silenced boom tube I could probably sneak up on them."

Diana looks at me disappointedly.
"Since we have good evidence that the angels are being misled, I believe that our interests are best served by attempting to reveal Boss Smiley's deception peacefully."

I nod.

"Slither softly and carry big fangs."


Judgement Day 14


25th December
23:57 GMT -5

"Brother, might I have your attention for a moment?"

I watch through the 'hush tube' as the angel Rrall addressed turns away from the virtualisation vessel he was checking and steps towards him.

"1.1 How may I aid you, brother?"

"I have been tasked with assisting Hamaliel in improving the design of the virtualisation vessels. However, upon examining those presently in use I.. noticed several undocumented modifications that I could not explain."

The other angel doesn't seem concerned.
"1.2 What did Hamaliel say about it?"

"I only decided that I needed to raise the issue today, and he is occupied with rebuilding a damaged prototype. I thought that perhaps you could enlighten me?"

The other angel raises his right hand, golden lights flickering around his fingertips for a moment. Checking that his orders are valid. Fortunately, they are.
"1.3 In the name of the Most High, I will aid you to the best of my abilities. What is the nature of this modification?"

"It is a change to the composition of the outer runic ring on a small proportion of the vessels. I am uncertain as to what it does, but it certainly is not part of the original design."

"1.4 There should not have been any such alterations. Take me to one, that I may examine it and determine its function."

"This way."

Mr Free glances at the control system for the device.
"Mother Box."


There's a faint hum as the capacitors work to provide the epic amounts of power the system requires, then the tube closes and reopens next to the saint we examined earlier.

"1.5 …impossible. If you are unwell, then it would behove you to seek a physician."

I tense. Rrall didn't think that what I did to him would be immediately obvious, but if we're rumbled then an awful lot of uncomfortable things are going to have to happen fast.

"I thank you for your concern. I feel fine, but if it will allay your concerns, I will consult a physician once our work here is complete."

"1.6 If you are certain."

Rrall glides aside as the other angel takes a closer look.

"1.7 Nothing seems obviously out of place. What exactly is the cause of your concern?"

"You see the rune here?"
Rrall points at what I presume to be the Smiley rune. "In fact, this whole array. It is.. very different in design to the reflection system that the normal version has."

The other angel takes a closer look.

"1.8 You are correct. That should not be there." He raises his right hand and once more golden lights flicker around his fingers. "And yet, all is as it should be. Perhaps it is simply not for us to know?"

"Perhaps, but the directives I have received compel me to investigate. Unless you have received orders not to, I must continue."

"1.9 Of course you must. Perhaps we could refer this upwards?

"A sound suggestion, were it not for the fact that these are unauthorised."

"1.10 But it is authorised. You saw me perform the test with your own eyes."

Rrall shakes his head.

"I am the assigned notary. I have records of every test; I must. I have no record of this, and hence it cannot be authorised."

The other angel frowns.

"1.11 That is disturbing. Perhaps… The issue is one of two departments not communicating properly? It is unusual, but it has occurred before."

"I acknowledge the possibility, brother. But we only have permission to contain souls within authorised vessels. This is not authorised."

"1.12 You believe that she should be released?"

"Released and contained elsewhere until such time as the truth of the situation has been ascertained. You have tested me and you have tested the device. One of us is reporting in error."

"1.13 But if it is you, then we do not have authorisation to remove her contrary to established precedence."

"We can make a reasonable determination based on the situation, so long as we refer it immediately to the kings. This would require their personal adjudication, as they are the only ones who could have created this situation. In cases where such things have been discovered in the past, those who moved to a neutral state were judged to have acted correctly."

"1.14 We are but servants of the Most High. Still…"

He reaches both hands out towards the vessel.

"1.15 I think it best I probe a little more deeply before taking such action. I am much troubled by-."

He shudders, his eyes glowing white-.

"1.16 Heretic!"

Diana and I lunge through the tube as the angel takes a breath to fire off a song. She pulls ahead, coming up from underneath him and punching him right in the diaphragm. He bends, a shocked expression on his face as I drop down on top of him and bite down on his owfuckingarmour!

"1.17 Brothers, I am-!"

Diana punches him in the forehead, sending us tumbling through the air as-. Yes! Neck, b-ow! We slam into one of the virtualisation vessels and my vision glitches, the angel falling through my coils as if they weren't there. For a moment I see a peaceful pastoral scene, men and women working in a field of… Corn? And then I'm back in the room with Diana and people really need to expect more from Heaven.

Oh right, I can't fly anymore.

I slam into a rack of virtualisation vessels, my bulk uncoiling and causing me to hit parts of a row of them.
Flashes of rehabilitation program flicker through my mind as I smash into several at once before Diana throws the angel at me! I twist in the air, trying to get an angle-.

He hits me about a third of the way down my length, and I try and loop around-. Can't get a grip! The angel recovers enough to push me away, though I manage to hit his left wing hard enough to stop him flying away. He falls with me as I try to get-.

A song of glory and peaceful authority resonates through the chamber. The angel and I are both stunned, falling freely for a moment before Rrall catches me and Angelica…


Angelica hovers in place in front of the angel, singing beautifully as he blinks, his expression of hate replaced by one of beatific wonder. Freedom.

Right. Let's go with the confrontational option.


Judgement Day 15


26th December
Early morning

Fucking angels managed to make me miss Christmas.

I twist my head in the direction of the still-shaking angel who works here. "Feeling any better?"

"2:1 I… I don't understand!"

"What exactly is it about this situation that you don't understand?"

"2:2 How could we have been so deluded? We-. I believed that the power of God would only answer those who acted in accordance with His holy mission. And… Minor contradictions… Yes, we are imperfect agents… Miscommunications happen. But not only did Rrall legitimately query the orders which gave rise to these virtualisation vessels, they contradicted him and ordered me to strike him down as though the Mind of God itself had issued the directive! And then Gabriel -who is now a woman, somehow- contradicted that! I had not even heard that he had been redeemed, let alone that he has such authority."

Pointing out that she was only able to do that by combining Mr Free's freedom-godhood with her stolen theurgy probably won't help him. But again, I'm faced with a religious fanatic who isn't really such a bad sort when he doesn't think that you're evil.

"2:3 And you-. What are you?"

"I'm a-" Somewhat. "-innocent man killed due to the same… Hierarchical confusion."

"2:4 Killed? How?"

Karrien Excalibris, with the burning sword, in Labyrinth.

"The being who has learned to work around the safeguards in the Silver City's magic systems used its knowledge to enter an apparently legitimate order that I be killed. As a result, a rather large force of angels attacked Earth. We are presently working to restore the Silver City to full functionality."

"2:5 God bless you."

The sound of Angelica's singing resonates around the towers of virtualisation vessels as does… Whatever being the God of Freedom means that he needs to do to apply the Spear of Destiny. I wonder if it's going to affect me? I'd like to think not, but then I'm not… Currently imprisoning anyone.

Apart from arguably Rrall.

They'd have considered that, ri-?

I hear the slight change in the background noise as the rings around the virtualisation vessel they're working on slow in their rotation, the outer layer of runes flat out evaporating and leaving smooth metal in their place.

"Okay, that should do it." Mr Free floats backwards away from the vessel, Spear still in hand. "No more connection to the Source for Boss Smiley."

Diana nods. "Now all that we need to do is confront…"

Rrall looks around as if just coming out of a mild daze, and I can see within him that the orange poison I injected him with is entirely gone. He blinks, then flaps his wings and flies towards me.

"Before you say anything, you work for an organisation that had just murdered me. My action was entirely reasonable and proportionate."

"3:1 I was trying to help you, to help all of the souls in our care. We were having a civil conversation until you bit me."

"And we kept having a civil conversation afterwards and uncovered what was really going on."

"3:2 You could have asked. Even if I had decided to say 'no', I-."

"We asked him." I jab the tip of my tail in the direction of… I turn my head towards the other angel. "What's your name?"

"2:6 Sariel."

"We asked Sariel. And what happened? New orders: kill whoever told you to check this. I can barely fight in this form."

"3:3 You had no way to know that I would need to check anything! You simply assaulted me because you believed that it was easier than taking a slight chance-"

"Less of the slight."

"-that I might act against you." His eyes narrow slightly. "You are a most unpleasant snake, and I will pray for your enlightenment."

"Too late on both counts." I slither away from the angels and towards the superheroes. "Are they all out?"

Diana shakes her head.
"We have elected to leave the illusion active and merely break the link between the Source and Boss Smiley. The Host can decide what to do with the souls committed to their care."

"Assuming they actually are committed to their.. care."

Jade, then Hades. Or possibly Jade, Eris, Hades-. No, rings, Jade, Eris, Hades. I doubt very much that Donna is totally immune to the call of the orange light.

Diana smiles kindly at me.
"You have not worshipped the gods of Olympus for long, Paul. And you were born in a Christian country. Building bonds of the spirit takes time." I nod dejectedly, though I doubt that anyone looking at me could tell that. "Mister Miracle, are you experiencing any ill-effects from the Spear?"

"No… Actually, using it feels natural, like some types of Apokoliptian technology. Are you.. sure this came from Earth?"

Angelica glances at it uncomfortably. "It was used to kill Jesus Christ. I doubt that.-"

"2:7 No, it wasn't."

Angelica frowns. "It wasn't?"

Rrall nods in support of his colleague. "3:4 Aside from the obvious fact that his name was 'Joshua' and not 'Jesus', that spear is clearly not in the Roman style. Legionaries were issued with light and heavy javelins for throwing, rather than true thrusting spears like that." He takes a closer look. "But it does feel earthly in origin."

Before we can get too off track… "Where next, sir?"

"6:1 All loyal servants of the Lord God! Harken to my words!"

"Hssssssss-." Why am I hissing?

"6:2 The Silver City is besieged! Stand guard and hold fast against the Enemies of Righteousness!"

Mr Free nods. "If he's not affected by Boss Smiley's magic anymore-."

"6:3 The legions of Hell assail our walls while the vile criminal I slew at the behest of God Almighty runs free in our halls!"

"Oh. Well, forget I said anything."

Angelica frowns. "Demons..?"

"Aren't demons ludicrously vulnerable to theurgy?"

Mr Free shakes his head.
"You saw the same armies I did. They handled everything except Karrien himself. And if that was most of the Host's military force…"

"They might actually win. And-."

There's a flare of light from the entryway as a squad of warrior angels teleports in!


Judgement Day 16


26th December
A little later still

I keep my head low, slithering for cover behind the slumbering saint's virtualisation vessel as the warrior angels get their bearings.

"3:1 Peace, brothers." Sariel walks towards them with his open hands slightly raised. "The Archangel of War is operating in ignorance of the full facts."

A shrill shriek from the lead war angel slams into him, knocking him off his feet and sending him hurtling down the aisle!

"1:1 Be silent, Fallen One! You will be judged for your crimes soon enough!"

Rrall takes a moment to look at their armour and weapons and then literally bows out, stepping aside as they advance and genuflecting from the waist.

Diana steps forwards. Her arms are raised in a position which will allow her to block attacks with her bracers, but she's still not taking overt aggressive action. Oh come on! Angels respawn! And even if they didn't, these ones are clearly arseholes who could stand to have a bit of the arsishness beaten out of them!

"Soldiers of the Silver City, I am Diana, Princess of Themyscira-."

"1:2 We know who you are, Olympian. Your status does not grant you any privileges."

"1:1 I order you to stop."

The advancing angels freeze as Angelica raises her right hand, eyes blazing with golden light. I'm not an expert on the angelic hierarchy, but if she's essentially working off Gabriel's permissions she might well be able to overrule-.

"1:2 Gabriel was cast down, Abomination! He could not give us orders, and you certainly cannot."

I duck as the choir's song harmonises and the air in the aisle vibrates. Mr Free winces and ducks behind Diana, something that must be second nature after working with Barda for so long. Diana raises her arms, bracers crossed and the defensive magics laid therein turned up to the most powerful level. I watch the air ripple around her, the area immediately around her still and calm while outside of that aura is rippling like an ultrasonic scalpel.

The angels stop advancing, wings spreading as they focus on their song. Mr Free is fiddling around with one of his devices, but it shouldn't be possible to interfere with the angels' theurgy. Unlike what Boss Smiley -and hopefully Karrien- are doing, it's a natural ability. You can't just cut it off-.

He throws something, the object passing as close as possible to Diana's bracers before flying out into the vibrating field. It's.. shaking a little, but it's surviving the force remarkably well. Assuming that the attack is purely kinetic energy that's not too surprising. I'm not sure how a Terminan kinetic shield would survive force applied in that way, but-.

The projectile flies toward the lead angel, who pauses his singing just long enough to slash through it with his sword. It breaches the outer case easily-.

Causing the kaahuite inside to explode outward in all directions. The angels stop singing at once and try to spread out, though I notice two quietly coughing. Okay, their formation is broken… I slither another row over and then head towards them along the ground. One lucky bite is all that I-.

Diana's already on them, lunging through the air and punching the lead angel in the side of the head. He hits the ground with enough force to send kaahuite powder blasting away in all directions, and doesn't rise. Diana turns, her left bracer turning aside a flaming sword before cracking the owner's jaw with her counter.

Slither slither slither…

Diana turns, trapping a sword between her bracers and holding it there despite the exertions of its wielder. A spear-wielding angel stabs at her back but misses as she flies up without compromising her hold.

And the spear-wielder wasn't watching me. I coil and spring, my body landing on his wings and shoulders and bearing him to the ground. Spears are generally a better weapon than swords, but when there's a giant snake already inside your reach a short blade is much better. He turns his head to try and sing at me but I dart my head forward and sink my fangs into his head too quickly for him.

"1:1 Graaghuhmerciful Lord."

Urgh, I tasted him. Urr, I've got angel blood in my mouth. Bleu-agh!

I roll aside as one of his more situationally aware colleagues thrusts his spear at me, but since I'm still wrapped around my current victim it's a decidedly clumsy move. Fortunately for me, Angelica has had time to grab my target's spear and a moment later brings the haft down on my attacker's head. The blow merely staggers him, but gives her enough time to drop the weapon, grab his head with both hands and pull him closer. She then sings… Something quiet, I don't catch it, and he slumps to the ground.

I unbind my new recruit and pull myself free and Diana binds the last angel in her lasso. "Should probably keep hold of that spear."

"I…" She overcomes her reluctance with a shake of her head and bends down to pick it up.

Back down the aisle Mr Free helps Sariel to his feet and checks him over for serious injuries. Rrall approaches and starts performing a similar check on the squad which attacked us, sparing only an uncomfortable glance for the one I bit. Ugh, still got silver blood on my lips-. My muzzle?

"Angel blood's not a demon aphrodisiac or anything, is it? Because I've got a meeting with Satanus later…"

Angelica whistles, and I feel it flake away as she turns around to face Diana. Diana in turn is consulting Rrall.

"How soon will they be reinforced?"

"4:1 That… Depends. I do not believe that they specifically called for aid, and if there is another attack occurring then it may be some time. I'm afraid that I am not well versed in the Silver City's defence plans."

"Hamaliel or Karrien, sir?"

She shakes her head.
"If demons are attacking, our first priority should be to stop them. Rrall, can you lead us to the closest observation point?"

"4:2 We would usually simply fly upward, but-. Yes. This way, please."

She glances back at Sariel. "Will you be alright?"

He's upright, but silver blood is leaking through his clothing and he's looking decidedly unsteady. "3:2 I will recover. Please, defend our city and our holy task where I cannot."

"We will do our utmost. Rrall, lead the way."

Rrall flaps his wings, moving at speed towards the entrance. Diana, Mr Free and Angelica foll-.

I look at my tail.

"You, angel, what's your name?"


"Alright Echielias, this is going to be awkward for both of us, but I need you to either carry me or teleport me to Hamaliel's workshop."

He kneels down and scoops up a handful of my body. "With the Silver City under attack the anti-teleportation wards have been activated. I would need higher authorisation than I have to teleport myself. And I think it unlikely that Karrien Excalibris will grant it."


I wrap myself around him as best as I can without constricting his wings. Okay, that… Feels about done. Echielias tests his range of motion for a moment and then leaps, his wings beating and his vocal cords singing as we fly outside.


Judgement Day 17


26th December
Later still

There's something in the air, a shimmering around the buildings which I assume comes from their protective magic. Actually…

"Why aren't the demons just flying over?"

"While it is a slightly crude way to describe it, there essentially isn't an 'over' to the Silver City. The walls block all access points. Anyone who wishes to assail us must either pass through or over them."

I had thought this place was a bit literal. "How about under it?"

He flies us out into the open and then pumps his wings hard. Towers flash past us as we rise… The towers seem to rise higher than…

Ah, no, I misunderstood. The Silver City doesn't have a wall, but it doesn't float over a void. Now that I've got a better angle I see that there are some fairly substantial lands beneath it. And at the edge of those, a vast silver wall.

It must be quite a nice place to visit.

I stare out into the intervening space as Echielias lands us on a balcony. No, can't see the rest of the party. They might have used the boom tube thing… Or an actual boom tube if they're planning on assisting the Host openly. Now that we've cut him off from Boss Smiley, Mr Excalibris must be capable of prioritising, surely?

In either case there's nothing I can really do there. I unwind myself from Echielias and slither along the smooth floor. This.. corridor looks somewhat familiar. I think.

"Which way?"

Echielias strides past me and heads down the corridor. I try to follow, but fall behind as squiggling with part of your body upright is a lot harder than the lamia make it look. I think I'm just going to have to bear the indignity. I drop my head to near-floor level in.. what actually feels like a more natural position, and start squiggling in earnest. Come on, I can't get tired… Can I? No, I've got nothing to have lactic acid in. Okay, wiggling back and forward in a way which I'm confident would make me dizzy if I had an inner ear, but at least I'm making decent forward progress.

Echielias picks up the pace as well, and we-. I glance left as we pass a doorway, and that was Rrall's office. Excellent! And I can hear the sound of what I think is Hamaliel's song-.

One of his assistants steps out through a doorway a short distance ahead of us. He raises his right hand in greeting to Echielias, but freezes slightly when he spots me as well.

"Greetings, Melachus. How goes the day?"

"1:1 The Earth is engulfed in a flaming cage, several virtualisation vessels are reporting error states and an army of demons lay siege to Heaven. There have been better days. But it gladdens me that you have brought our guest back."

He doesn't sound very glad.

"1:2 But I am afraid that repairs to his containment vessel are not yet complete. We overestimated rather severely the effectiveness of our planar shielding. We're having to redesign the entire outer ring-."

"Yes, I need to talk to the three of you about that."

Melachus doesn't back up a pace, but it clearly takes an effort.

"1:3 I thought that you might. Does it absolutely need to be the three of us?"

"I'm afraid so."

"1:4 Well.. then… Come on in?"

"Thank you."

Melachus steps back into the room and we follow, prompting Hamaliel to look up from his engraving bench.

"2:1 I'm afraid that I'm not quite ready yet."

"Hamaliel, I couldn't help but notice a rune on the outer circle of some of these vessels which resembles a smiley face. What does it do?"

"2:2 A smiley face?"

"Yes, you know, as a personal identification rune. It's not yours, is it?"

"2:3 No. No. Just a moment." He walks over to a writing desk and leafs through a thick tome there. "That was added in.. revision..." He frowns, flicking rapidly back and forth through a cluster of pages. "I… I remember including it, but I can't see… I included a communication system so that we could… Could monitor…" His eyes widen. "We were supposed to be monitoring you, I clearly wrote that down. Why didn't I..?"

"If you are ordered to forget something, do you?"

"2:4 I don't… Understand. Ordered? By whom?"

"By someone using redirected theurgical magic to fake having the authority to give you orders."

"2:5 Yes, there are forms of words which could have that effect. I would need to speak to the kings to get permission to recover them. You mean that someone ordered me to grant them access and then to forget about it?"

"There's a certain amount of circumstantial evidence that something like that has happened. Including vessels in the main hall which were being used to house the souls of human theurgists."

"2:6 We don't have the authority to bind theurgists! Such a thing-!"

"You were deceived, it happens. Who has authority to countermand every potentially compromised order?"

"2:7 Just-. Just the kings."

"Then we need to get hold of them. How do we do that?"

"2:8 We are under attack. They will be on the walls at the cardinal points, directing the defence."

And one of them liked the cut of my jib.

"Which one is King Asmodel occupying?"

"2:9 The Gate of Earth. Though given his righteous wrath, it is likely that he has taken to the field in person."

I'm not going to test my luck against a demon army as a spirit snake.

"And the others?"

"2:10 King Aariel of the Lion Host is no less wrathful than King Asmodel of the Bull Host. And properly speaking I should bring the issue to my own king in the first instance. King Raphael will be at the Gate of Water. We should find him as swiftly as possible."

"Lead on. I'll be happy to explain it in full to him. But I'll probably need someone to carry me."


Judgement Day 18


26th December
On the home stretch

A flight of armoured angels gestures at us to land in no uncertain terms on the inner battlement of Heaven's wall. Hamaliel moves his hands over his chariot's controls and we begin our descent. But first

"Echielias, if I removed my venom from you, would you feel obliged to attack me?"

"I do not believe so. You are contained and surrounded by warrior angels, and travelling into the presence of King Raphael. He can judge you better than I."

"Alright then. Bend down, will you?"

He crouches, and I press my mouth to the wound on his face. No idea whether or not I can actually do this, but it can't hurt my standing if I turn up without a mind controlled angel. I focus on the wants and drives I injected into him, carefully identify how they're linked into his existing drives and carefully suck at them.

For a moment not much happens, then I feel them start to weaken and fade. And something is arriving back in my mouth. Tastes like.. angel blood and need. Echielias gasps and pulls himself away, right hand shoving me off while his left clasps his newly reopened stab wound.

"2:1 Off, foul… Creature!"

"I was trying to remove my poison. If you want to keep it, or if you think you can heal yourself from an exotic energy infection which you're the second angel to ever be exposed to, be my guest."

He regards me loathingly for a moment, then reluctantly bends down.

"2:2 Finish your… Work."

I could make a joke about it, but I think it would be in poor taste. One last suck and I've got everything but the dregs. And they're sticking rather better and I'm nothing like good enough at this to remove them safely.

I pull away and turn my attention to the battlement as we land. White.. stone… Somehow, and I can see the runes carved into it. Looking upwards I can see machines similar in style to the angel ships, which I presume serve as the angels' artillery. I'm not hearing anything that suggests shooting.

Hamaliel steps solemnly onto the battlement and another angel steps forward to meet him. Hamaliel starts whispering urgently, and the other angel looks momentarily shocked. Then they do the theurgical test of honesty I've seen before. Hamaliel apparently passes because the other angel then turns his attention to me.

"1:1 You, snake. Come forward."

I… Carefully slither off the chariot, once again accepting the indignity of having my head this close to the ground.

"I am the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, and I was recently condemned to death by the same broken system which caused Hamaliel to make corrupted 'virtualisation vessels'. I-."

"1:2 You? You were the one who lured the army of the Host into the demons' trap?!"

"I didn't make anyone follow me. Any angel who came after me received what they were actively trying to give. And if they weren't acting on proper orders, if they were working for someone who was manipulating the Host, then they weren't in the right."

"1:3 I read your record when you were condemned. You should have been grateful that you were to be granted a chance to redeem you-."

"I DON'T care what you think! You've already demonstrated a lack of basic data security. Every single one of your orders could have come from anywhere! Not just the commandment which condemned me, but every moral precept which your self-righteousness is built on. You have no credibility with me!"

"1:4 Our morals are-."

"1:1 Not 'every', young man."

The angel before me stops speaking at once and steps aside as.. an angel in radiant white robes and silver armour strides forth. The helmet has a distinctly crown-like quality to it. I instinctively bow my head for a moment before I notice who is following on behind him. Karrien Excalibris narrows his eyes at me, but doesn't say anything. He appears to have added the Sword of the Fallen to his own pair.

"King Raphael. Thank you for granting me this audience at what I'm sure must be a trying time."

"1:2 Word of what has occurred has already reached the ears of my brother King Aariel. The daughter of Gaea holds the wall in his stead that he may properly investigate the issue. Have you further news?"

"3:1 My king, there is some evidence that I have been ordered to forget corrupting the project. Notes… Irrational modifications whose purpose I no longer recall. Unless it was by your order, please, I beseech you, restore my memories that I may explain myself."

"1:3 By the power vested in me by God Almighty, I so order."

A faint golden light shines out of Hamaliel's eyes and mouth, and he blinks heavily.

"1:4 Speak, my son. Tell me how this 'Boss Smiley' so deceived-."

"3:2 It wasn't him."


"1:5 Hamaliel, explain yourself."

"3:3 It wasn't him! No demon could give me orders!"

Huh? I mean, I'd just assumed that he'd snuck in and slipped a memo into someone's in tray, but I suppose that would have been a bit too easy.

"1:6 Then who? Who ordered that you-?"

Oh shit, it actually was-.

"3:4 King Asmodel."

King Raphael doesn't shout or flinch, but there is a slight tensing in his wings. "1:7 You are certain?"

"3:5 Yes. Just the initial order. After that… It just felt natural."

King Raphael raises his right hand in benediction, gold light flowing between it and Hamaliel's forehead. Then he lowers his hand and bows his head.

"1:8 Your honesty is confirmed, though perhaps under the circumstances I should not depend on such methods. King Asmodel will have to be… Questioned, once the current crisis is resolved. For now, rest easy knowing that you have acted as properly as you could have."

Hamaliel nods, though he doesn't look much relieved. So that's going to get resolved, but there's still the ongoing incursion on Earth to stop.

"Excuse me? I realise that you're needed here, but could you do something about the giant flaming cage around Earth?"

"1:9 I have not yet found in King Asmodel's disfavour-."

"And you can always put it back later, but it seems to me that at the very least the order to create it was of dubious validity. It's also creating major problems with navigation and I've got a Lantern Corps trying to get in. Quite aside from my own effectiveness in combat being increased by possession of a power ring, my comrades could significantly contribute to the Silver City's defence." Huh. "Also, who owns the army on the far side of the wall?"

"1:10 I am not sure that allowing you access to your allies is wise. I will consider the matter. The demonic army that stands before these walls flies the standard of Lord Satanus."

"I… Might be able to persuade him to negotiate. But you need to get moving on your internal-."

I shudder as a moan of utter desolation echoes around the-. The interior walls. Swinging my head around I scan the perimeter-.

And my eyes alight on the giant hole with the demon horde surging through it.


Judgement Day 19


26th December
Via roadworks

I can barely see from here, but it looks like-.

One of the wall-mounted support weapons turns away from the exterior and fires, scouring a section of the wall clear of defenders.

"Asmodel's gate?"

Hamaliel's clutching his ears.
"4:1 What was that?"

"6:1 A weapon forged in the deepest pits of Hell."
Mr Excalibris looks to his king. "By your leave, sire."

"2:1 Go. Bring this madness to an end."

Mr Excalibris raises his right sword, a gesture mirrored by about… One quarter of the angels I can immediately see. Then he leaps, wings beating as he flies towards the breach with his retinue.

"And we're sure that he's trustworthy, are we?"

"2:2 This is the first time that these walls have ever been breached. Whatever orders he was given, the need to act against demonic intrusions is built into us. He will fight." He looks down at me. "Know you aught of this weapon?"

"Remember that time you cast down Gabriel for unknowingly having sex with a succubus?"

"2:3 There was more to it than that."

"You used a person as a killing machine for thousands of years and you were surprised when he started finally having doubts." Not worth it. "Point is, the demons found a way to hook him up to whatever the heck it is that the Masak Mavdil is built over so that now when he sings theurgical stuff gets unmade."

"2:4 He willingly-?"

"I don't believe that they sought his consent. Look, I can't fight like this. If you-?"


Looks like the League have decided that secrecy is no longer required. William Batson is through first… Yes, burning pentagram banner, those are Neron's troops. The comparative scarcity of ranged weapons amongst their number giving them a decided disadvantage against the arcane lightning blasting from his sword. Their loose formation initially prevents them from defending as effectively as they did against the angels' attack in Hell, but they form up fast and their enchanted shields can soak magic-based attacks reasonably well.

Then Kal-El follows his colleague through and opens up with his entirely physics-based heat vision. And… It looks like he's being intelligent enough to keep back out of melee range of the ground troops. Winged skirmishers dive at him, but are swiftly tutored in the fact that while he doesn't have any specific natural resistance to magic, he does have two perfectly functional fists as well as a perfectly functional brain. He effortlessly outflies them, ducking and diving around their clumsy swings and striking them with his fists while maintaining his glowing red barrage against their ground bound allies.

"If you remove the flaming cage I can call in my Corps. And if you let me communicate with Satanus I can probably negotiate something."

King Raphael throws his head back and shouts a ringing note into the air. A moment later I faintly hear a response from another part of the wall. He nods to me.

"2:5 It is done. Now explain why you wish to communicate with the demon lord."

"We have an understanding. He gains power by improving the lot of the damned, I coordinate certain things with him. I want to find out why there's an army of demons-."

"2:6 It seems simple to me. Undermine the magics which guide us and empower us, corrupt King Asmodel into opening the gate for them and then charge the Silver City and reduce it to ruins."

"Okay, and that might help him get a better class of guest, but it also means having to deal with any human theurgists up close and personal if he occupies the place, and you'll just rebuild if he doesn't. And he's competing with Neron for influence and those are Neron's troops opening the breach." Grh. "Also, I need an outside line to tell my Corps where they need to show u-."


My Agent!

"Or maybe not."


I look down and through my own scales see a glowing heart beating in my chest.


I glow brighter-


-and rise into the air. Growing in size as I do so. Now this is what existing as a soul with the sort of bond to the orange light that I have should feel like!

"Illustres to Clarissi Dox. Please acknowledge."

"Status report."

I suppose that if there's one man I could rely on to keep a level head in a situation like this…

"The semi-divine functionaries of Earth's Source-worshipping religions are fighting amongst themselves. While normally I'd say leave them to it, they appear to have root command access to the fabric of the universe. We need to normalise things."

"The Ophidian reported your death."

"I'm working on fixing that. I just thought that this was more urgent."

"Agreed." He didn't even pause. "I'm sending Lanterns through the boom tube to report to you. Others will remain on Earth to aid local authorities."

"Thank you." Over in the combat zone I spot Mr Fei counter the songs of the traitorous angels while the Flash attempts to assault the wall. "Tell them to look for the giant orange snake."

"2:7 What are you?"

"As I said, I'm the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps. And-."

And while I'm still asking permission to talk to Satanus, I'm only asking for a given value of 'asking'. That's what I was going to say. But I'm going to be called to account for everything that's happened today and yesterday, and that's going to be a good deal easier if I stay polite.

"And since Satanus' force is largely comprised of the damned and you have a new initiative to redeem the damned, that suggests that you consider them worth talking to."

"2:8 There is a great difference between attempting to redeem them and treating with them before they are redeemed."

"You tolerate other afterlives, don't you?"

"2:9 Because they are finite. The laws of entropy will not allow them to be sustained forever. Besides,-" He looks over to the swirling melee near Asmodel's gate. "-now that Karrien has arrived, I am confident that the matter is in hand."

Karrien turns in the air, raises his swords and incinerates his escort.


Judgement Day 20


26th December
And it's been a long day already

I… Actually wasn't expecting that. When he didn't go for me immediately

"3:1 No. Not Karrien as well."

He looks so devastated that I'm tempted to say something to try and cheer him up, but honestly..? At this point I'd rather just nuke the whole miserable lot of them. I'm sure that anyone who wants to can find their way to the Source just fine without them. But why is Karrien going against the express wishes-?

Oh. Of course.

"He still regards the source of his orders as a higher authority than you. So he considers you illegitimate and anyone standing with you the enemies of your god."

"3:2 I believe we have established at this point that those orders did not come-."

"But it told him it was before you told him that it wasn't. This is what happens without free will!"

He grimaces.
"3:3 I will conditionally accept this devil's bargain, on the condition that Satanus will accept being bound to leave once the threat to the Silver City is removed."

"And what does he get?"


I look down to where Ragnar and… Some other Orange Lantern whose name I can't immediately recall, float, waiting for me to deign to address them. New chap is Karaxian, wearing what looks like an armoured leotard. I'm not seeing a spare ring….

"One moment. King Raphael, if I am to negotiate for aid, you will have to offer him something."

"3:4 If you know his mind so well, what does he want?"

"Hell. You agree to recognise his sovereignty, recall Remiel and Duma and under no circumstances send angels there in future."

"3:6 That would cripple our ability to-."


Raphael hesitates, looking over to the swirling melee as a flight of abominations under… Harm, of course, heads for the Silver City itself.

"3:7 I agree."

"Thank you. With me, Lanterns. Try and look like professional, well-disciplined soldiers."

Ragnar grimaces as I slither upwards towards the top of the wall.
"I am well-disciplined."

"Then it should be an easy pretence, Lantern Ragnar. New Lantern, what's your name?"

"Lantern Onik, Great Master."

I could make a 'that's a long name' joke, but it's been a long day. "Any particular reason why Clarissi Dox sent you?"

"I was a novice in a Source-worshipping monastery before my calling, Great Master."

A priestly Lantern. My own mini-me. How thoughtful.

I crest the wall, the angels angeling the battlement backing off in a rare display of good sense.

"Was your monastery home to any species with an innate connection to the Source?"

"No, Great Master."

"Take a look around while you're here, and you'll see why that was a good thing."

And there's Mammon's army. Dispersed formation, already dug in, some sort of energy shields protecting the infantry and artillery pieces and more than a few mechanical… Thingies. Not a lot of fliers that I can see, but then I couldn't see the Scabbies in advance of their deployment.

Now, where is he?

Where is he?

Where is he?

Ah, there.

Flickers of fear shine out as the army comes alert in response to me flowing through the air towards their command post. Someone loses their nerve and a brief smattering of ectoplasma bolts fly at me before evaporating into nothingness about three metres from my body. Huh. I was planning to use a shield construct, but fine, I'll take it.


There's a puff of lilac flame from… Another part of the hellish lines as a body double gets activated, posing as Satanus in full plate. But fine, if the angels get even more stupid having them not know where he is might help a little. I swoop down, stopping with my head about a metre away from him and with my tail undulating in the air behind me like I think I'm a Chinese dragon or something.

"I think you're the oddest looking angel I've ever seen. Including the ones made of wheels, wings and eyes."

"Not an angel. Come on, I'm glowing orange and I died recently."


"I know. Surprised everyone that I came here. What are you doing?"

"Laying siege to the Silver City as retribution for their attack on my domain. We dealt them a solid blow at Masak Mavdil and I intend to capitalise on it." He looks left and then right along his lines. "Forgive me for keeping a portion of my forces back during that battle. I felt that a mobile reserve was more useful than an extra easily-bypassable trench line. I'm not here particularly to break you out, but I don't hate the idea."

"Okay, a lot of stupid things have happened lately and I probably don't have time to go into all of them. Do you still want to rule Hell?"


"Neron has a pact of some kind with Asmodel. His forces have already taken their gate, and the angels are busy killing each other. You can't do better than that as far as attacking goes."

Actual-Satanus would either give it a go or go home at this point. But this is Mammon.

"On the other hand, you can barter. Trade your aid to the angels in return for a non-interference pact."

"Help… The angels."

"Neron's helping angels against other angels, so you don't really lose anything. You get to claim that he did it first, you get to perform a public transition from the old style demon-run torture nightmare Hell to… Just another afterlife which the inhabitants can make of what they will."

I shift forwards a little.

"Hell has a bit of an image problem at present, as I'm sure that you're aware. And on the off-chance that one of your people actually kills Asmodel… You'll have a major claim to fame."

"And Karrien Excalibris?"

"If you kill him, I'll owe you."

"Properly prepared demons can survive disintegration. Damned souls can't. They're unmade. Everyone he burned is gone for good. Fighting beside him-."

"Will be unnecessary as he sided with Asmodel. And I'm sure that if he wins here, Purgatory will be his next stop."

He looks left again, and I'm reminded that virtually all of these people would have at least broadly accepted the monotheistic code of ethics. In whatever form those existed in their society. Whatever they tell themselves in order to get by, the notion that they went to Hell because they were bad, and that the angels are good, is probably stronger than Mammon or I would like to admit.

"Total non-interference?"

"They give up all claims to Hell. Remiel and Duma get recalled from wherever they ended up. You still have to take Hell to make it yours, and you still have to compete for influence on Earth-."


I can hear his eagerness. As a demon lord he knows a person's motives as well as I do, and if he doesn't have to worry about an invasion then his relative weakness in direct combat is no longer a concern.

"Just so."

"Best fly up and have them open the gates, then. I need to greet my new friends."


Judgement Day 21


26th December
And I hope it ends soon

Mammon's army begins to break camp at once, weapons and defence equipment being stowed and loaded in.. to..?

Shimmering portals grant passage to relatively conventional looking armoured trucks, which drive up to infantry positions in what is clearly a preplanned fashion. I can hear the engines growling. No exhausts. Magic powered?

"Where did you get those troop carriers?"

"A little something from Mr Simpson. They draw mana from their environment. It's only really practical in high-energy environments, but in Hell it has the wonderful side effect of purifying the area of the broken down remains of sinners of ages past. It should prevent any more fingerwheat incidents."

We both look around as the great gates guarding the entrance to the lands of Heaven open.


There's a puff of flame as he vanishes, then appears in front of the opening. Right, he's perfectly capable of dealing with King Raphael. I twist in the air and face Ragnar and Onik.

"Gentlemen, I don't specifically know what I'm capable of like this. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, let me know."

Ragnar draws his sword.
"These minor Source-gods. Can they die?"

"Physical destruction doesn't guarantee stopping them, but they can be weakened to the point where they can't restore themselves."

He nods nonchalantly.
"I can work with that."

"They are not gods, but functionaries who serve-" I wheel in the air and head for the top of the wall once more, my Lanterns falling in behind me. "-to tend the souls of those dead humans who put themselves in their care."

"They don't seem to be tending Illustres Paul."

"As an enlightened being I doubt that he requires their care."

"He certainly doesn't."

The fight around the gate is stalling as the demons are rendered unable to advance, instead falling back to the wall's fortifications and hunkering down. Something.. made of.. weird jagged shapes… Thick lines of colour in individually abstract designs come together into the distorted outline of a man as Dr Balewa tries to find something Mr Excalibris can't shut down. John in full Doctor Fate mode is helping, Mr Excalibris's golden fires flickering and guttering as golden shields impose conventional order in place of God's design.

Temporarily, at least.

Kal-El slams into the ground as he takes a song from… I'm assuming that the hulking angel in the silver armour is King Asmodel. Guy appears to be working out his theological uncertainties with a
green hockey stick. Probably an uncomfortably personal story there.

Hm. While not a certain victory, the breakout at least appears to be contained. Harm's party on the other hand are nearly at their destination. No sign of Neron himself, which is a little worrying. This is a PR exercise for him. He's trying to establish himself as the rightful ruler of Hell in the Old School model. A demon king who kicks arses and erases names. Everything I know about demon psychology tells me that he should be somewhere close by. If only to keep an eye on his ally.

Agh, can't worry about that. If Dr Balewa can't deal with him then I certainly can't. Not like this, not unprepared. But Harm

"With me."

I point myself at his destination and fly, my need to resolve this situation in an at least somewhat favourable way causing me to accelerate across the Silver City's hinterlands at a breakneck -yes, I know I don't have a neck, it's just a phrase- speed.


I feel Ragnar and Onik fall behind -the latter more than the former- so I-. Feels like I could feed power into their rings, but let's hold off on doing that. Instead I reach back and drag them with me.


Ragnar grins, orange shields glowing around him as the distance between us and the abominations drops to nothing extremely quickly. Onik holds his arms in.. what I'm assuming is some sort of martial arts pose, shimmering orange spikes extending from both of his hands. I'm not sure what his preferred style is, but his people have spent a very long time idolising the Green Lantern Corps so I'm going to assume that he knows at least roughly what he's doing.

Harm glances back and actually looks.. slightly annoyed.

"What is It?"

"Mister Hayes
I think we're going to have to part ways."

Annoyance turns to curiosity.
"It has ascended." One of the abominations -a sort of winged teddy bear-stick insect thing- grunts something at him, then flinches back as it receives his full attention. "Go!"

His escort continue flying at their best possible speed, while the man himself slows and breathes a vast plume of hellfire directly into our path! I don't want to be hit and the space before me bends, fires flaring out to all sides. Harm abandons that approach at once and blurs towards us. Ragnar gets knocked back, his shields cracking as Harm puts his speed and strength to good use.

Power. Hm. He certainly has desires, messed up as they are. Let's see if I can slow him down a little.

Harm appears, blinking heavily as he wallows in the air. Ragnar immediately goes on the attack, his buzz blade howling as it slices into Harm's left cheek. Harm recovers enough to bat it away, only for Onik to fire… Tendrils of orange light, bound together into beams. I don't know exactly what they're doing but Harm is knocked back, blisters appearing all over his skin. He falls back, shrugs, then-.

A puff of hellfire and he vanishes.

Some sort of recall spell? Fine. I turn away and fly at full speed for the abominations. The rearmost one is a collection of mouths connected to a central blob by strands of flesh far too narrow to serve that purpose on a normal organic being. Half of them rotate my way, beams of black and purple energy flying from some while others spit something gelatinous. I flow around them, reaching out for its
desir-. Okay, no, not going to work. I don't know what they think with, but being outside of creation appears to mean that they're sufficiently outside of the orange light to ensure that I can't use my exotic abilities on them.


Orange bolts fly past as my escorts take their shots.


The.. thing shakes and tries to evade, but I'm not sure how injured it is getting. We're coming up on the Silver City now, and while I don't know what their actual task here is that's reason enough for me to want them stopped. I desire and they slow, an invisible force pulling them back towards me. The more powerful fliers try to fight against it, but to little avail.

Let's see what the chaotic waters of the pre-creation universe taste like.

I twist my head sideways as the mouth swarm thing gets closer and lunge, mouth wide and fangs bared! I envelop it, left fang piercing the central mass of its body while the right goes through one of its mouths.

And then swallow.


Doesn't taste of much, actually. But I think a little pre-creation magic could help if I'm going to be fighting angels.



Judgement Day 22


26th December
I'm sleeping in tomorrow

I feel my skin shift, scales hardening as my construct body adapts to having something outside Creation made a part of it. I wonder if not being from this universe myself helps with that? Or any residual energy I soaked up during my first visit to Masak Mavdil? No idea, and I doubt that it will help with the rest of these things anyway.

I wheel around, head snaking out to chomp on a black crystal gargoyle-looking thing. It fractures as my fangs bite into it, venom precipitating through its flaws for a few seconds before it too heads down my gullet. I should feel weirder about this, but I was planning on killing them anyway and at least this way there's a small chance it will stick.

And if I'm going to have to fight angels without my usual paraphernalia-.

Agh! A multi-headed lamprey thing has latched itself onto my side, chewing at my construct flesh! Onik slashes at it, but while its gel-like flesh parts easily under his assault it swiftly oozes back together. Monk he might be, but he hasn't been tutored in the more esoteric applications of the orange light yet. I bend, momentarily catching sight of Ragnar enthusiastically using his buzz blade on a seahorse/dragon/bat abomination and smacking another which had been coming up behind him towards the ground using my tail. An eye-tendril on the lamprey-leech spots me coming and I feel it shift its grip as it tries to burrow under my 'skin'. Instinctual, then: it should be obvious that I'm not an organic creature to any thinking being. All it's doing is getting closer to the bit of me that can digest it.

And the parts it's already bitten off haven't stopped being a part of me.

I twist back on myself and bite, my mouth filling with black slime. It tries to transform into vapour to escape but I breathe it down, the orange light already inside it answering to my desires and holding it in place.


And digest.

"These things…"

Ragnar has pretty much cut his target in half, but both halves are clearly still active. The upper portion still has its wings and so can fly, while the lower half has… Parasitised on another abomination, granting it extra stabbing limbs at the cost of aerial mobility.


Ragnar goes after the upper portion, slicing off wings and head before the reformed creature can get a grip on what has happened to it. I'm not sure that the abomination is dead, but it isn't moving coherently enough-.


A fat beam of orange light blasts from his eyes, widening to encompass the entire upper portion and reduce it to dust. Which still might not kill the blasted thing, but it will do for now.

A handful of abominations try to make a break for the Silver City, apparently passing over whatever line the wards consider to be an invasion. Being abominations, they pass through unhindered. Golden fire from a dozen towers with good lines of sight rains down the moment they do, to no effect. The sonic attacks which follow a moment later do some damage, helped by the fact that the abominations are far more interested in hiding from me than pursuing whatever their objective was supposed to be.

The rest of the flock are fending off Onik or doing their best to head back the way they came. I… Seem to remember reading that intelligent abominations are even more unusual than biddable ones. If they're fleeing… They can go. Defending the human souls here is far more important than helping the angels.

"Ragnar, hunt down the ones hiding-"

There's a flash as a series of small but intense explosions envelop an abomination made of blue eyes and pink cables. I take a moment to try and spot the origin, and get a friendly wave from Mr Queen.

"-in the City."

He turns away from the city, fires another eye blast at the lower part of his first target, then lifts his sword and charges after a smoky shadow which is burning everything it touches.

Then I pass through the barrier and the angels start singing at me.

The first hit surprises me so much that I don't block it; my construct-flesh ripples and I feel twinges of… Cramp, really. Okay, since they're.. misinformed rather than malevolent I'd.. probably feel a bit bad if I ate them. Instead I exert myself, lances of sonic energy bending away from me and expending themselves against the structure of the City buildings around me. Next I swoop down on an insect monkey that is using some sort of green.. magic discharge to try and eat a hole through a wall. It tracks me with eyes in the back of its head and ducks, arms changing sides as it points the green stuff my way. But instead of an attack, it forms a barrier.

"Are you intelligent?"


I shift my position so that it has a clear run out of the City.

"Flee back to Hell and I will not follow you. You are not worth my time."


It… Chokes..? Uncertainly for a moment, then creeps in that direction as rapidly as it can while still watching me like a hawk. A few paces later an angel takes a shot at it and it abandons caution and flees instead.

Ragnar floats up beside me, eyes glowing.
"Shall I..?"

"No, no, I've paroled him. Are the rest destroyed?"

He nods.
"One is unmade by my hand, Lantern Onik crippled two and a fourth was slain by members of your world's Justice League."


He shrugs.
"Studying fallen-."

"Not during a battle where they could be liberated and healed." I reach out through the orange light for his ring. "Onik, kill them and then report to me."

"Yes-" Fiss "-Great Master."

"Ragnar, any sign of anyone else?"

He clenches his right fist, emphasising his ring.
"My scans aren't-."

He blinks in surprise as someone -ah, Mister Queen- lands on my midsection.

"Hey, Orange. Like the new look. It's very… Snake. In a good way."

"It's better than death." I turn the front portion of my body around so that I'm looking at him. "Something I can do for you, sir?"

"I don't really know demons, but green fire's bad, right?"

"It's Neron's favourite form of mundane attack, w-?"

"'Cause I saw some green fire in that tower over there-" He points. "-a minute ago. I'd go up myself, but I can't get a rope line into these walls and it's a lot of stairs-."


I stick out my tongue, lasso Mr Queen with it and then head for the tower he indicated at speed. Neron being anywhere is incredibly bad news, but I was sort of hoping that the three remaining kings could deal with him. But if he's here while they're out there… It's not as if I know what he's been planning-.

The wall near the opening we're heading for explodes outward, green fire burning through whatever magic usually binds the place together.

And in the middle of the smoke and dust I see-.



Judgement Day 23


26th December
Seriously considering letting him have the place

"1:1 Let there be light."


I back off, wincing at the sudden illumination. Wait, light shouldn't hurt, I'm made of light, what's going on? Is it.. what Mr Excalibris did to-.

"1:2 It may have been wiser for you not to eat those abominations, beast."

Mr Queen looses a short volley, and Asmodel responds by folding his arms across his chest and ignoring the explosions completely. A beam of orange light from Ragnar and a rapid series of energy pulses from Onik are countered by a song that sounds like it would be rattling my-


-bones if I had any, and Mr Queen has dropped his bow onto the balcony beneath us. Since he's clearly in pain where he is I extend my tongue and toss him over to it to get him out of the cone of fire. He lands.. a little awkwardly, but as well as could be expected under the circumstances, and recovers his bow before taking cover.

"Dox, I've located Asmodel. Please relay that to the League."

Oh marvellous.

"1:3 Useless thing. No matter how much you mutilate yourselves, however you ride roughshod over your betters' plan for you, you never measure up to us."

"Is that it? Is that all this has been about?"

"1:4 It's about us no longer being chained to you wretches! It's about order in the universe, a divine order-!"

"Whatever happened to loving your fellow man as you love yourself?"

Mr Queen unwisely draws attention to himself, but I doubt very much that Asmodel has read the Evil Overlord list and he appears to feel chatty…

"1:5 I was always against that. One must be deserving of grace by living in accordance with its dictates. Anything else is undeserved charity."

"Not a fan of turning the other cheek?"

"1:6 Yeshua's nonsense. If you let a foe keep hitting you then the foe will keep hitting you. The correct response for the righteous is to strike down the unrighteous with full force, not let them carry on their evil work! Creating Yeshua was a grave mistake, and his drivel has bound our hands ever since. What does it matter if humans are enough like us to tap into the Source as well? Their connection has always been inferior. What of value could we possibly learn from another nephilim?"

"If you have to ask, it probably didn't work."

"Is that really what this is about? Bringing back the most violent forms of monotheism?"

"1:7 Violence is a tool of rulership. Once a kingdom is properly pacified it is required only against external enemies."

Ah, the dual moral standard. Interesting but.. unsurprising to hear it from an angel.

"And working with Neron? Killing me? What exactly was that about?"

"1:8 Neron is the perfect ruler for Hell. He has no virtues, forces his lessers into absolute obedience and tortures the damned until they decay as was intended. Satanus would make Hell into some parody of Heaven, a paradise for the undeserving."

"And me?"

"1:9 You do not belong in this universe."

"And Boss Smiley?"

He squints.
"1:10 Who in the Celestial Order is-?"

He blinks, appearing to realise that he's been chatting with his enemies.

"1:11 As sole sovereign of the Silver City, I pay evil unto evil."

"I'm sure you do, but what-.

The ground shakes. And the Silver City isn't on the ground. What-?

"Great master?"

I look to where Onik is pointing as…

Ooooooooh dear.

Neron towers over the battlefield, apparently chuckling as League members and angels flail impotently at him. He must be about five hundred metres tall, and the swath of green fire leaping from his hands to incinerate a flight of angels suggests that his raw power has increased as well.

"Are you insane? If you give him more power, he'll-."

"1:12 He cannot maintain the power without me. The moment he has crushed my bleeding-hearted fellow kings, his enhancement will end. And he knows it."

Okay. Can't get in here. If I get back there-

I begin to pull my body around.

-I might-.

"1:13 And there is light."


Another barrier, great. Can't go forwards, can't go back.

"Ragnar, Onik, go and help the League."

They look at me blankly. They can't hear me. Ah… I pointedly jab the tip of my tail at each of them in turn and then again towards Neron. Ragnar beats his left fist against his chest in salute, then they're both flying back towards the fig-.

"1:14 Why are you here?"

I turn down as… Zauriel walks towards King Asmodel. The meat of his wings appears to have healed, though the feathers have only barely started regrowing. No burn scars either. Purple healing ray would be my guess. I try reaching out for his desires -or those of Asmodel- and get nothing at all. I try biting the barowowowow!

"I ask you to turn from this path, repent and seek absolution."

"1:15 I should have persuaded King Seraphiel to let you go and fornicate with your mortal charge. I will commend you for your loyalty to the Divine Plan. I only wish that your understanding of it were not so lamentably convoluted."

"Forgive me for contradicting you, King Asmodel, but my understanding is simplicity itself. We exist to protect, to guide-."

"1:16 I do not explain myself to fallen angels. You may repent those sins you have committed against me, then live out your mortal span on Earth. Refuse, and I will slay you here, and with your banishment still in effect you will burn eternally in hellfire."

"You do not have the authority to judge me."

"1:17 I have the authority of the Divine Plan. You have nothing."

"Much as it saddens me that you refer to the Almighty in that heretical fashion, it saddens me further that I must correct you."

"1:18 Your theurgical abilities left you when you were cast down."

"I have eaten the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And we both know that mortals -such as I am now- are perfectly capable of using theurgy."

Asmodel shrieks in rage, and charges his opponent!


Judgement Day 24


26th December
I owe goldfish an apology

There's a faint shimmer of gold across Zauriel's skin as whatever Asmodel just tried to do to him fails. Asmodel doesn't seem perturbed by that, and it's not too hard to see why. He's about three times Zauriel's size, and most of that extra mass is muscle. Ah, okay, not a lot of detail in diabolic texts on the precise abilities of mortal theurgists, but I'm sure that Zauriel-.

Zauriel sidesteps around Asmodel's first punch, misjudges the distance and gets clipped on the shoulder. Even a hit like that has enough force behind it to send him to the ground. He lands on his side with a thud, and is only just beginning to push himself up as Asmodel's right foot hits him in the ribs with enough force to lift him off the ground and send him into the far wall!

I hear a crunch

"Ah, Zauriel? Much as I admire your…" Let's call it… "Effort, I'd feel marginally bad if you died attempting the impossible. Seeing as you seemed like a good man."

"Then I will die-" He tries pushing himself up, managing it on his second attempt. "-as I lived."

"Mindlessly following orders? Zauriel, this isn't helping-"

"With full faith in the Almighty, craving His forgiveness for my failures and-" He stumbles slightly as Asmodel approaches. "-yearning to serve Him with all that I-."

Asmodel punches him in the head, smacking his head back against the wall behind him. Zauriel's eyes lose focus for a moment as Asmodel grasps his head with both hands and squeezes-.

Zauriel's head deforms with a really quite unpleasant sound, then Asmodel drops his body to the floor.

Then kicks it.

"2:1 My actions are above the reproach of beings such as you."

"Is Zauriel dead?"

I tear my eyes from the remains of the dead idiot and look at Mr Queen. "I'm not an expert on angel physiology, but… Yeah, that looks like a fatal skull frac-. Ah, crushing."

"Okay, plan… Ah, what are we on now? E?" He draws a flare arrow and looses, sending it high into the air in the general direction of the melee. It won't reach from here, but people might be able to see it. You know, if Zauriel had a plan that involved his death then I'll be a little impressed. Most of my death-related plans are contingencies for reversing.. it.

Asmodel gives Zauriel's corpse another kick as I get it. I mean, where's he going to go, Norway? So Zauriel's here… Somewhere. Not… Really clear on how that helps us.

"Is 'Plan E' something Asmodel can stop if he hears us talking about it? Because I'm a bit out of ideas right n-."

"Kinda. You know how you said that Diana isn't human?"


"And how the Spear of Destiny works with magic to send it to every human soul?"

I.. can't blink. "Alright… So..?"

"So what happ-."

He shudders, his grip on his bow loosening. Asmodel looks around in shock, staring through the wall. I feel…

I feel nothing. … Nothing. … Still nothing.

"Did something happen?"

Mr Queen drops to his knees, staring into space.
"Oh God, oh God."

"If he's going to hear you anywhere, this is the place. But you're not telling me an-" The light bubbles holding me in place seem to dull, but they're still there. "-ything."

Okay, so Diana used the Spear on something. Nice to see her looking into her metaphysical development, but I'm not seeing how a big burst of truth… I mean, assuming that she ends up a Truth Goddess here. And… I didn't feel it. Because whatever the Spear is, I'm not what it was created to affect. Spear Neron? No… Neron's not noted as being particularly deceitful. I mean, yes, misleading demon contracts, but it's not really his focus. The.. damned Mammon is leading would have been affected…

Who else-?

Gold light flickers in the room around Asmodel, and Zauriel strides forth. And… Somehow dying got him his wings back. I got turning into a snake, and he gets his wings back. Well… Good for-.

And then that woman from the virtualisation vessels steps out at another point. And then… Some other people I don't recognise but who I guess are misdirected human theurgists.

Oh heck, that's Pope Pius XIII. And he does not look happy. Probably because they made him leave his mace back on Earth.

Asmodel looks around the circle, apparently unconcerned.
"2:2 Do not expect me to be impressed. Each and every one of you is a failure, unable to grasp the full majesty of the Divine for more than a few fleeting moments. I can tear you into mere motes of mana without difficulty."

"No." Zauriel shakes his head sadly. "You cannot."

Hands come together at chests, heads bow, and Asmodel shimmers in golden light. He whistles, then shudders as the golden light intensifies in response.

"King Asmodel. You have violated the responsibilities of your office, abandoned your duties as an angel and wilfully turned your face from Almighty God."

"2:3 You do not have the authority to cast me down!"

"No. I do not." He looks around the circle. "We are but servants of a higher power. And you, sadly, have forgotten that."

"Your words mean noth-." Asmodel's eyes widen as the bubble surrounding me finally fails. "No no!"

"King Asmodel has fallen."


A circle of golden light forms around him and… He's gone.

Right, not needed here! I shoot up into the sky and then head full speed.. for…

An army is firing on Neron. He's glowing with green fire and I genuinely can't tell how much of it is being generated by him and how much is from the ectoplasma. Golden fire from the loyalist angels takes him in the back of the head as he begins to shrink without Asmodel's aid.

Where's Mr Excalibr-.

Diana has him pinned to the field with the Spear of Destiny through his chest. Maybe… All of his theurgical permissions..? Don't know.


Neron screams as his flesh burns off, and for a moment we see a face more monstrous than the perfect human face he normally affects. Then that burns off too, mana and meat flash-frying as the combined assault overpowers his resistances.

I pull up short as he finally collapses to the ground, and Mammon strides past his bodyguard to ram a spear through his head.

Uh oh.

A blood-splattered King Raphael flies down as Mammon poses.

"A good job well done, I think."

"4:1 Who in God's name are you?"


Judgement Day 25


26th December
I'd like to go home now, please

As Mammon talks jovially to the three kings-. Well, two kings. King Aariel of the Lion Host was too badly injured to contribute much, and his retinue are still singing him back into reasonable health. Thanks to Diana his forces were in place to stop the break out overrunning the entirety of the Silver City's hinterlands, but he got rather a lot of green fire thrown at him when Neron stopped pretending to be Asmodel.

Someone else who's going to think twice before trying to talk his opponents down in future.

Diana and Dr Balewa are standing over Mr Excalibris's corpse. Diana looks…
Sober. I'm not exactly feeling triumphant myself, but she could stand to look a little less unhappy about the death of the man who killed me.

"Is it safe to take it out?"

Dr Balewa closes his eyes for a moment. "I believe so. With the theurgists gone and Asmodel dead, his theurgical powers would return to their normal levels." He looks towards the kings, his eyes briefly alighting on me along the way. "Whether he returns to this place or goes to Hell, that is not for me to decide."

Diana takes hold of the Spear and pulls it free of his chest. His silver blood has dried, the cloth of his robes sticking to the haft for a moment before losing its grip. She takes a moment to examine the Spear. It appears undamaged, and the dried blood is flaking off on its own.

"So… We done?"

Dr Balewa regards me impassively for a moment, then turns his head to take in the battlefield. Damned souls traverse the area, occasionally signalling a medic or a sorcerer. Apparently they've got ideas on reconstituting 'dead' damned, as long as they're mostly intact. On other occasions there's an awkward moment as they find an injured angel and have to signal an extremely unsettled angel to tend them.

"The invasion has either failed, or succeeded beyond Mammon's wildest hopes."

"I'd laugh, but I don't think I can do that any more."

"Oh? Does he not benefit most from this outcome?"

I-. I can't narrow my eyes. "And what if he does?"

"It would not be beyond the abilities of a demon lord of his age and power to manipulate events in order to secure this outcome."

"And it could have been a sentient sock. I don't want to get obsessive about puppet mastering, particularly when I don't have a particular problem with the outcome."

"I have known Mammon a little longer than you have."

"Then feel free to keep an eye on him. It's not as if we're friends; he was just the least bad candidate available."

Diana's looking past me-.

"A ringing endorsement if ever I heard one!"

Mammon's smiling as he pats me on the midsection, and I undulate out of the way in order to keep him in full view.

"Yes, despite me not being exactly what they thought I was, the Kings of Heaven have -in their wisdom- decided to follow through on their pact with me. I will be returning to Hell shortly to… Cement my control."

Diana nods. "I hope that you use the opportunity to tend to those souls in your care more kindly than your predecessors did."

He leans towards her, his belly-. Ugh. "Let me tell you a little secret, in light of your recent personal revelation." He mugs magnificently as he looks left and right, pretending to check for anyone who might overhear. "Demons? Don't actually like other demons very much. My power rests upon the backs of the damned-." He straightens up, looking thoughtful. "Perhaps we should use a new word for them?" He shakes his head, wattle wobbling grotesquely. "Regardless, my power relies on them, their strength and loyalty. I'm no nicer now than I was a millennium ago. It's… The situation that's changed." He looks up at me. "Now, about your obligation to me-."

"What obligation to you? Zauriel killed Asmodel. Your deal for fighting Neron was that the angels recognise you as king. That's happened."

"5:1 Mammon, your actions have earned you a degree of forbearance." Raphael doesn't exactly look at ease with the situation, but perhaps he's at least happy that the demons and damned will soon be leaving. "But do not test us."

Mammon smiles innocently. "Heaven forbid."

"5:2 Orange Lantern. Asmodel's deceit and Karrien's wrath have caused both you and the Earth a great harm. As we continue our Holy work, these harms are things for which we must make amends. We would appreciate your input on what form our restitution should take."

I bite down my initial impulse to tell them to keep their grubby hands off Earth forever, without needing the low-key glare Diana sends my way.

"What happened to my weapons after I died?"

"I think Karrien and the God of Escapology looted your corpse." Mammon shrugs, and I think he's noticed just how repulsive I find his body. "With the pressing need to advance on Heaven, I haven't checked your mortal remains."

"Karrien was carrying the Sword of the Fallen." Blank looks. "The short sword Chantinelle used to kill the First? The blade is split in two?"

King Seraphiel nods.
"1:1 A foul thing. I destroyed it when Karrien assaulted me."

Darn. No offence to Seraphiel… Not that I wanted him incarnated as a mortal-.

No, no, I did.

"Right. Can you resurrect the people who were killed?"

"5:3 Your nature makes it a little problematic, but I believe that we will-."

"Not just me. Mister Excalibris had a lot more people than just me killed."

He nods solemnly.
"5:4 We will offer resurrection to all of those killed before their time who have entered our care."

"No. Everyone. Wherever they went. If you want to make up for that, you go to wherever they are-"

Mammon raises his right hand.
"Except Hell."

"-or act through proxies or do whatever you need to do, and you fix this. And I want you to pay attention, because while you might not have thought killing them was necessary yourselves, you are part of the control mechanism for the system that allowed this to happen. Actually… That 'Mind of God' thing… Was that Asmodel?"

Raphael bows his head slightly.
"5:5 We believe so."

"Not a giant man with a smiley for a head?"

"5:6 It… Why would you think that?"

Never mind, then. Boss Smiley seems a bit of an abstract thing for Asmodel to have invented, but..? Don't know. Could have pulled it from.. my mind… Fine.

"What are you going to do to prevent anyone else doing what Asmodel did?"

"1:2 We will of course improve our security-."

"No, that just makes them work harder. Angels need the capacity to disobey evil orders. Zauriel knew his instructions were nonsense all along. Heck, even Gabriel was getting there. You-."

The kings look at each other, and I faintly hear a complex series of rapid musical exchanges. Raphael nods.

"5:7 We have a solution."


"5:8 We believe that you wish for us to feed every angel upon the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Quite aside from the work we must perform in repairs and penance, we do not know what the result of such a thing would be."

And… Yeah. I sort of assumed that they would, or… There might be some other way to do it.

"5:9 We will restore Zauriel to life, and send him to live and work amongst you. While he does this, we will study both the changes to his behaviour and his soul, that we may better assess the risks and rewards. If he remains a good man, we will offer this to others. Is this satisfactory?"

"Yes. Now, what do I do about getting my body back?"

A short time later

I wake up to the scent of blood and ash. Body… Robotic, and Donna still has my rings. Okay, I-.

I look up at the Masak Mavdil as it towers over the…



Judgement Day 26


8th July 2010
08:06 GMT -5

My future team mates appear to be Kid Flash -the Wallace West version-, Superboy, a tough looking black youth with bleached hair and a short, black haired boy. Probably a Robin, given that Batman's here. Yep, all teenagers.


They're all teenagers, for goodness sake.

I hold back for a moment. "Sir, you.. do know I'm twenty nine, right?" Wonder Woman looks at me in surprise. "If this is the training class then fine, but if there's been some sort of misunderstanding…"

She nods. "I believe that there has."

10th July
09:06 GMT -7

Diana and I float over the North Pacific Ocean, waiting for my new tutor.

"And -I'm just checking- Lantern Stewart wasn't an option?"

"Lantern Stewart is not on Earth at the moment. The Guardians can call Green Lanterns away to any part of the galaxy at short notice."

And Gardner… I'm not sure which version of Guy Gardner I'm dealing with here. I checked his records, and he originally worked as a prison behavioural therapist before moving to a school for mentally disabled children. So he's reasonably intelligent and capable of dealing with difficult people. On the other hand, Lantern Gardner usually isn't the easiest person to get along with himself

"And having him 'teach' me in the sense of sitting there while Alan borrows his personal lantern isn't an option either?"

"As far as I am aware, he is not allowed to let anyone who is not a member of the Green Lantern Corps use his lantern."

I wonder why they.. didn't recruit Alan? Assuming that the comic version holds true, Abin Sur came down right next to Harold Jordan so recruiting him made sense. But where was the rush in recruiting Stewart or Gardner? Alan having used a green ring for so long should have made him look like a far more viable recruit than a wilful architect or a bullish school teacher.

I see a glow over the coastline as Lantern Jordan heads this way. So now I get to be taught by the man who was himself taught by Sinestro but has no teaching experience himself. No, he.. taught Arisia, didn't he?

Just as long as we're clear this isn't going to go the same way.

"Has Lantern Jordan taught other Lanterns before?"

"Not to my knowledge. You will be his first student."

"May future generations of Green Lanterns remember my valiant sacrifice."

She smiles warmly as Lantern Jordan approaches. "It is perfectly normal to feel apprehensive about the start of your training, but I have every confidence in Green Lantern's abilities."

"Honestly, I'm more worried about the orange light driving me insane than I am Lantern Jordan's-."

"Eyes front, recruit!"

Oh, this is how he intends to do it, is it? I suppose that it won't hurt to humour him. I come to attention, hands balled into fists with thumbs pointing down where the seams of my trousers would be.

"Good morning, sir."

"It's eight o'clock, recruit. In Officer Training that was practically mid day."

"If it makes you feel any better sir, I'm still on UK time so it's actually four in the afternoon." I smile-

-and he gives me a look of disdain. "You're here to learn, not to sass me. Remember that."

I bow my head. "I apologise, sir. Won't happen again."

"Right." He floats a little to the side and looks at Wonder Woman. "Okay, we're going to be working at this all day. You may as well take off. I'll send him through the zeta tube when we're done."

She nods. "Very well. I will leave him in your capable hands." She pats me on the left shoulder with her right hand, then accelerates towards the coast.

Leaving me with Lantern Jordan. He watches her leave for a moment, then turns back to me. "Okay, what can you do?"

"Flying, environmental shield, remote accessing computers and basic constructs."

"Show me."

Construct armour, please.


Glowing orange armour forms around me, thin plates of orange light floating in the air about an inch away from my body

"How tough is it?"

"It let me slam face first into a forest without injury."

"And against actual weapons?"

I shake my head. "I haven't tested it."

"Then that's-" He pulls back his right fist. "-where we're gunna start." His ring glows for a moment, then he swings his arm forward strengthen strengthen strengthen!

An additional orange plate appears between Lantern Jordan and myself
, and a moment later it fractures as a bolt of emerald energy strikes it directly in the centre.

"Your armor, I said."

"Looks like armour to me, s-."

"No-" The green glow intensifies. "-backchat!"

The plate fractures to orange dust and my armour booof! I go hurtling backwards, spinning as I go! Stabilise, stabilise, don't throw up! Armour construct still… Well, there's a dent it in, but it's still in one piece. Not terrible. Fix it.

"That wasn't very strong. You need to focus your wi-." He hesitates for a moment and I add a tower shield to my construct armour. "Your avarice better."

"Sir, I-. That isn't something I don't already know. But you hitting me doesn't really motivate me."

"Getting hurt doesn't motivate you?"

"I'm not hurt. My physical integrity isn't really threatened and since you've been a Lantern for a decade my pride isn't either."

"What, you want to take a shot at me?" His environmental shield flares and expands. "Go right ahead. You can see how far you've got to go."

"Sir, I don't want to hurt you."

"I wouldn't worry about that."

"No sir, I mean… I have no desire to hurt you. If I don't desire something, some outcome, then I can't do it."

His glow dies down a little as he approaches. "So what you're saying is: if I want to make you defend yourself I have to make you believe that you're genuinely in danger, and if I want to make you attack me I have to make you genuinely want to hurt me."

"Basically, sir. Yes."

"Okay." He nods and what have I done!? "I can work with that."

10th July
18:43 GMT -5

"…zero six."

I wave my right hand at Superboy as I walk into the sparring ring. "Good evening. Have you had dinner yet?"

He glares at me sullenly. "No. M'gann wanted to wait 'til you got back. How'd your special training session with Green Lantern go?"

I sigh. "Not 'special', Superboy. Remedial."

He blinks, his face relaxing slightly. "What do you mean?"

"I've had this ring five days. Robin's been Robin for four years. Kid Flash has been Kid Flash for two years. M'gann has been a shapeshifting telepathic telekine since she was born and you've been being programmed to be Superboy since before you were born. I -on the other hand- am seven years older than Lantern Jordan was when he got his ring. I'm not getting privileged treatment, I'm trying to catch you up."

"Oh." He blinks again, his eyes avoiding my face. "Ah… How'd it go?"

"Alright? I don't know, I've never sparred with a power ring before?"

"Well…" He shrugs. "Who won?"

"Neither of us? Both? It was a learning exercise, not a contest."

Though someone found out that while an Orange Lantern can heal his many injuries easily, he can't heal the ones he creates when you finally succeed in making him want to hurt you, didn't they, Lantern Jordan?

Maybe he can get Ms Ferris to sign his cast.
